Business Update: Clinical Laserthermia Systems

June 12 2024


Live broadcast at

English language

June 12 2024


Live broadcast at

English language

Live broadcast at

English language

Live broadcast at

English language

Clinical Laserthermia Systems welcomes investors, media, and the public to virtually attend a Live Business Update Event on June 12, 2024 at 9.30.


During the event, the company will give an update on the recently announced strategic focus on neurosurgery. Special focus will be given to the commercial launch of the ClearPoint Prism product offering in the US, together with ClearPoint Neuro.


Following the completion of the presentation, viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions through the webcast video chat.


The presentation will be held by Dan Mogren, CEO and Hans von Celsing, Chairman of Clinical Laserthermia Systems.


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