Addnode: Strengthening the M&A Track Record

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Fredrik Nilsson answered 2 questions.

Redeye raises its Base Case and forecasts somewhat following a solid Q1 report, beating our expectations, with Design Management and TeamD3 being the positive highlights. Overall, Addnode sees stable markets while customers being cautious about larger projects hold back growth somewhat.



Fredrik Nilsson

Anton Hoof


Review of Q1 2024

Group Summary: Further Rebound in DM

Design Management: Further Rebound and Strong Performance from TeamD3

Product Lifecycle Management: Stable Yet Cautious

Process Management: Slower Yet Stable Markets

Group - Earnings and Cash Flow: Back to Strong Numbers

Acquisitions: One Minor Acquisition

Estimate Revisions: Minor Increases

Valuation: Base Case Raised to SEK117 (110)

Investment thesis

Quality Rating


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Further Rebound in DM – Organically and by TeamD3

Group-level sales and EBITA were SEK2 409m and SEK253m relative to our SEK2 216m and SEK220m forecasts. Organic growth was 0%, better than our forecast of -3%. The beat was due to strong sales in DM, beating our forecast of SEK1 421m by 14%, amounting to SEK1 624m (1 212), corresponding to 34% growth y/y. The stronger-than-expected sales naturally resulted in a higher margin, leading to a 34% beat on DM EBITA. The organic growth in DM was -1% y/y, better than Q4’s -6% and our estimate of -8%. Demand remains stable within manufacturing, while the development within AEC differs between markets. The AEC market has improved from low levels in the US, while the European AEC market is weakening from higher levels. We interpret it as the overall market conditions for DM will remain roughly unchanged for the next few quarters. After suffering from integration focus in Q3, the US-based manufacturing-focused TeamD3 had a strong Q1 – partly due to seasonality.

Somewhat Cautious Customers Dampening Growth

PLM and PM roughly matched our expectations, although the 2% organic growth in both Divisions was somewhat below the 4% we expected. Both markets are stable, and Addnode has a healthy demand, especially from current customers. At the same time, customers are cautious in investing in new larger projects (typically R&D projects in PLM and digitalisation projects for municipalities and authorities in PM), dampening the growth potential. Nevertheless, both Divisions delivered solid EBITA, roughly matching our expectations. We believe the overall market environment will remain unchanged for the next few quarters and then gradually rebound, driven partly by lowered interest rates.

New Base Case SEK117 (110)

Based on the raised forecasts, we increased our Base Case to SEK 117 (110). We leave our overall sales growth and EBITA assumptions roughly flat, increasing sales by 0-1% and EBITA by 1-2% in 2024 and 2025. While the share is trading in line with our Base Case and peers, the quarter highlights Addnode’s impressive track record of integrating large acquisitions. Although we include some future M&A in our forecasts, future larger acquisitions are a potential trigger for further increases of our Base Case.

Key financials

Revenue Growth19.1%17.6%11.6%10.1%9.9%
EBIT Margin5.5%7.5%7.6%8.1%8.2%
EBITDA - CAPEX5528248669891103
EBITDA - CAPEX Margin7.4%9.5%8.9%9.2%9.4%
Net Debt8371167117212321290

Review of Q1 2024

SalesQ1E 2024Q1A 2024DiffQ1A 2023Q4A 2023
Net Sales221624099%19722078
Y/Y Growth (%)12%22%10%16%
Design Management1421162414%12121246
Growth y/y (DM)17%34%21%24%
EBITA (DM)12516834%13198
EBITA margin (DM)8.8%10.3%10.8%7.9%
Product Lifecycle Management460454-1%428499
Growth y/y (PLM)8%6%-6%10%
EBITA (PLM)4441-6%2654
EBITA margin (PLM)9.5%9.0%6.1%10.8%
Process Management345342-1%332346
Growth y/y (PM)4%3%-1%3%
EBITA (PM)6665-1%6467
EBITA margin (PM)19.0%19.0%19.3%19.4%
EBITA Margin (%)9.9%10.5%10.2%9.4%
EBITDA-CAPEX Margin (%)9.2%9.8%9.6%7.9%
EBIT Margin (%)7.3%7.8%7.6%6.5%
Diluted EPS0.860.905%0.780.80

Group Summary: Further Rebound in DM

Group-level sales and EBITA were SEK2 409m and SEK253m relative to our SEK2 216m and SEK220m forecasts. Organic growth was 0%, better than our forecast of -3%. The deviation was primarily due to higher organic and acquired growth in DM, while PLM and PM roughly matched our expectations.

Group sales & margins, light

Source: Addnode

Design Management: Further Rebound and Strong Performance from TeamD3

Sales in DM beat our forecast of SEK1 421m by 14% and amounted to SEK1 624m (1 212), corresponding to 34% growth y/y. The organic growth was -1% y/y, better than Q4’s -6% and our estimate of -8%. Demand remains stable within manufacturing, while the development within AEC differs between markets. The AEC market has improved from low levels in the US, while the European AEC market is weakening from higher levels. We interpret it as the overall market conditions for DM will remain roughly unchanged for the next few quarters. In addition, a rather high share of three-year deals positively impacted sales, probably because some customers wanted to secure a deal to reduce uncertainty before Autodesk changing the transaction model. The fully proprietary businesses SWG and Tribia did well during the Q1.

After suffering from integration focus in Q3, the US-based manufacturing-focused TeamD3 had a strong Q1 – partly due to seasonality. Nevertheless, once again, Addnode proves its ability to integrate larger acquisitions quickly and successfully.

Autodesk’s change to an agent model will be implemented in June for the US market and in Europe later in 2024 or 2025. As a reminder, all else being equal, the new transaction model will not affect gross profit, EBITA, or cash flow. Interestingly, Addnode points out that over 50% of today’s gross profit in Symetri is generated by Addnode’s products and services. We believe that numbers highlight Addnode’s strong value-add, with software and expertise, to Autodesk’s offering.

EBITA in DM was SEK168m (131), corresponding to an EBITA margin of 10.3% (10.8) – up from 7.9% in Q3. Our forecast was SEK125m and 8.8%. As expected, the stronger-than-expected sales resulted in a higher margin than estimated.

DM sales, light

Source: Addnode

Design Management (DM) comprises three companies, Symetri, Tribia, and SWG. Symetri is the largest one, generating most sales in DM. Tribia and SWG have combined sales of SEKc500m.

Symetri delivers Autodesk products, related services, and add-on software to customers within architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) and manufacturing, mainly in the US, UK and Nordics. As the bulk of the software is third-party (Autodesk), the margins in this business are lower than the division’s average. Recurring revenues generated in this business are reported as non-recurring revenues (i.e., upfront, for accounting reasons). Symetri is one of the largest Autodesk partners worldwide.

Tribia provides cloud-based collaboration software for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector. Its main product is a proprietary software called Interaxo. Given the business's mix of proprietary software and services, its margin level is likely above the division’s average.

SWG delivers products and services for property management and maintenance, mainly in the Nordics and the UK, where it is the market leader. Like Tribia, SWG provides proprietary software and related services, so its margins are likely above the division’s average.

Product Lifecycle Management: Stable Yet Cautious

Sales in PLM was somewhat below our forecast of SEK460m and amounted to SEK454m (429), corresponding to 6% growth y/y. The organic growth was 2% y/y, slightly below our forecast of 4%. Overall, the market conditions within PLM are stable in most geographies. However, the rather slow organic growth of 2% – likely negative volume growth as we assume some price increases – results from customers being more cautious in investing in larger projects. While most customers do not cut their R&D spend, most might not increase it in current market conditions.

EBITA in PLM was SEK41m, corresponding to an EBITA margin of 9.0% (6.1). Our forecast was SEK44m and 9.5%. While the margin was somewhat below our expectations, the y/y improvement is substantial, and the cost-cutting initiatives initiated in 2023 are having an apparent effect.

PLM sales, light

Source: Addnode

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) consists solely of the subsidiary Technia, which helps customers with complete product lifecycles. The offerings target various sectors, including telecom, manufacturing, automotive, construction, energy, and life science. Technia provides solutions based on Dassault Systèmes’ platform, related services, and proprietary add-on software, mainly targeting the Nordics, DACH, and the UK. Due to the division’s lack of proprietary software besides add-ons, PLM has the lowest EBITA margin in Addnode.

Process Management: Slower Yet Stable Markets

Sales in PM roughly matched our forecast of SEK345m and amounted to SEK342m (332), corresponding to 3% growth y/y. The organic growth was 2% y/y, somewhat below our forecast of 4%. Although many generalist IT consulting firms have experienced a tougher public sector market, PM sees stable demand. While Addnode has a somewhat different offering, it partly competes for the same budget as the generalist IT consulting firms. However, Addnode also sees a weaker demand from municipalities and authorities regarding investments in larger projects, while recurring sales and upselling to current customers remain stable. Also, there was one less working day y/y due to the easter, hurting the relatively consulting-heavy Division.

EBITA in PM was SEK65m (64), corresponding to an EBITA margin of 19.0% (19.3). Our forecast was SEK66m and 19.0%. Overall, once again, it was a solid quarter for PM.

PM sales, light

Source: Addnode

Process Management (PM) comprises +15 companies, mainly serving the Swedish public sector. The solutions target a variety of the public sector’s needs, including document and case management and digitalised public services. The +15 units target most public sector-specific needs, and PM’s combined offering is broader than its competitors. Unlike DM and PLM, this division relies solely on proprietary software, meaning it has the highest EBITA margins in the group. However, these are dampened by about 50% of sales from services.

Group - Earnings and Cash Flow: Back to Strong Numbers

EBITA was SEK253m, corresponding to an EBITA margin of 10.5% (10.2). Our forecast was SEK220m and 9.9%, and the beat was mainly due to a stronger-than-anticipated rebound in DM. EBITDA – CAPEX, which we typically prefer in software companies where EBITDA and EBITA are boosted by capitalised R&D, was SEK237m (189), corresponding to an EBITDA – CAPEX margin of 9.8% (9.6).

Addnode’s net debt was SEK816m at the end of Q1, corresponding to 0.8x EBITDA 2024e, leaving financial room for further larger acquisitions.

Group EBITA, EBIT etc, light

Source: Addnode

As for any SaaS business capitalizing R&D, EBITDA and EBITDA margin are unsuitable metrics for Addnode. This, as EBITDA discards a large portion of the company’s R&D costs totally. R&D is typically a high cost for most SaaS businesses. The same holds for EBITA in Addnode's case. Instead, EBIT (where the capitalized R&D is amortized over time) or EBITDA – capitalized R&D/EBITDA – capex are better measures of the underlying profitability as it concerns the company’s full R&D spend. However, as Addnode has amortizations related to M&A, the underlying profit generation is somewhere between EBIT and EBITDA. We believe EBITDA - CAPEX (excluding M&A and including leasing payments) is the most suitable earnings metric for Addnode.

Acquisitions: One Minor Acquisition

Since our last update, Addnode has acquired Canadian Optimec. The company has sales of about SEK40m and will join the PLM division. Although a small acquisition, it can pave the way for further expansion of PLM in North America.

Notably, management seems rather positive regarding the prospects for M&A in 2024. The pipeline with potential targets is solid.

Acquisitions R12m

Acquisitions R12m
DivisionCompanyCountryConsolidatedSales (SEKm)Growth relative to R12m
PMJetas Quality SystemsSE2/1/202460%
DMTeam D3US7/1/2023129219%

Addnode’s R12m acquisition activity is currently high, as the large acquisition of Team D3. As usual, we expect additional acquisitions and assume that Addnode will add SEK800m in sales from M&A during 2024 on a full-year basis (from Q3 2024 and onwards in current forecasts). As the larger acquisitions in Addnode tend to occur sporadically, the R12m contribution to sales from acquisitions tends to differ significantly.

Addnode has a strong track record of value-adding acquisition. In addition to significant valuation-multiple arbitrage, Addnode has a track record of extracting value from acquisitions by using its expertise and selling add-on software to the acquired companies’ customers, and cross-selling acquired software to the customer base. The substantial margin improvements in larger low-margin acquisitions such as Transcat, Excitech and Microdesk are evidence of Addnode’s ability to extract value from M&A

Estimate Revisions: Minor Increases

We leave our overall sales growth and EBITA assumptions roughly flat, increasing sales by 0-1% and EBITA by 1-2% in 2024 and 2025. We believe the overall market environment will remain unchanged for the next few quarters and then gradually rebound, driven partly by lowered interest rates.

On the Divisional level, we increase our forecasts for DM following the relatively strong momentum in the Autodesk-related businesses. For now, we stick to forecasting sales in DM, despite Autodesk’s new transaction model somewhat impacting the number in Q2, to align our discussions about historical data and forecasts. We will change our focus to gross profit in the Q2 Preview. On the other hand, we lower PLM and PM somewhat due to slightly lower organic growth forecasts.

Note that the underlying increase of our forecasts is slightly higher as we remove future M&A from Q2 2024.

Estimate Revisions
SalesFYE 2024OldChangeFYE 2025OldChange
Net Sales871786810%973096751%
Y/Y Growth (%)18%17%12%11%
Design Management534951204%567054274%
Growth y/y (DM)25%19%6%6%
EBITA (DM)50846310%5395164%
EBITA margin (DM)9.5%9.0%5%9%10%0%
Product Lifecycle Management19511972-1%20292050-1%
Growth y/y (PLM)4%5%4%4%
EBITA (PLM)189193-2%201203-1%
EBITA margin (PLM)9.7%9.8%-1%10%10%0%
Process Management13131329-1%13661382-1%
Growth y/y (PM)3%4%4%4%
EBITA (PM)250253-1%260263-1%
EBITA margin (PM)2%3%4%4%
EBITA Margin (%)10.3%10.2%10.4%10.3%
EBITDA-CAPEX Margin (%)9.5%9.4%8.9%8.8%
EBIT Margin (%)7.5%7.4%7.6%7.4%
Diluted EPS3.463.411%4.133.857%
SalesFYA 2023Q1A 2024Q2E 2024Q3E 2024Q4E 2024FYE 2024FYE 2025FYE 2026FYE 2027
Net Sales74122409198620252303871797301070911769
Y/Y Growth (%)19%22%28%12%11%18%12%10%21%
Design Management429116241176120813425349567058976133
Growth y/y (DM)23%34%51%14%8%25%6%4%8%
EBITA (DM)334168106111123508539578619
EBITA margin (DM)8%10%9%9%9%10%9%10%10%
Product Lifecycle Management18794544874925181951202921102194
Growth y/y (PLM)19%6%4%2%4%4%4%4%8%
EBITA (PLM)14841444757189201211219
EBITA margin (PLM)8%9%9%10%11%10%10%10%10%
Process Management12783423332863531313136614201477
Growth y/y (PM)8%3%4%2%2%3%4%4%8%
EBITA (PM)24465635467250260270281
EBITA margin (PM)19%19%19%19%19%19%19%19%19%
Future M&A5010015070513212005
Growth y/y (FM&A) vs. group3%5%2%6%6%13%
EBITA (FM&A)6121867159241
EBITA margin (FM&A)12%12%12%9%12%12%
EBITA Margin (%)8.6%10.5%10.0%10.1%10.7%10.3%10.4%10.8%11.1%
EBITDA-CAPEX Margin (%)7.4%9.8%8.9%9.5%9.5%9.5%8.9%9.2%9.4%
EBIT Margin (%)5.5%7.8%6.9%7.1%8.0%7.5%7.6%8.1%8.2%
Diluted EPS2.090.900.750.781.023.464.134.675.27

Valuation: Base Case Raised to SEK117 (110)

Based on the raised forecasts, we increased our Base Case to SEK 117 (110).

Fair Value Range - Assumptions
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK80117149
Sales CAGR
2024 - 20319%10%11%
2031 - 20416%7%8%
Avg EBIT margin
2024 - 20317%8%9%
2031 - 20417%8%9%
Terminal EBIT Margin
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Peer Valuation

Addnode’s valuation of 22x EBIT for 2025e is below the average but above the median SaaS business in our peer list. Addnode has a relatively low share of SaaS revenues compared to its peers. On the other hand, the group does have a very successful acquisition record. EV/EBITDA - CAPEX, which we believe is a more relevant multiple for Addnode, considering its high M&A-related D&A, is trading at 19x for 2025e. Also, we believe the uncertainty in the estimates is lower in Addnode compared to many other companies in the list, where analysts expect significant margin improvement. Addnode is trading at a discount to Vitec, another successful software-focused M&A compounder. However, Vitec has solely proprietary software, indicating the potential in Addnode as its proprietary solutions grow. Note the forecasts for Addnode are Redeye’s and include future M&A.

Investment thesis


Consolidating VAR/SaaS niches in more markets

With a strong position in the Nordics, the UK, and Germany and a foothold in other European markets and the US, Addnode is among the largest VARs to its key partners Autodesk and Dassault Systemes. We expect Addnode to continue consolidating local Autodesk/Dassault partners in additional markets, where the recent entry to the US market opens vast opportunities. In addition, Addnode’s proprietary software, focusing on the Nordics, has similar opportunities. We believe additional high-quality acquisitions are the main catalyst going forward.


Strong track record of acquiring, integrating, and improving

During the last ten years, Addnode has made about 40 acquisitions with the vast majority being successful. The acquisitions have allowed Addnode to expand into major markets like the UK, Germany and most recently the US. In many cases, Addnode has increased the acquisitions’ margins by, for example, adding its proprietary add-ons. The story is similar for Addnode’s proprietary software, built by a stream of bolt-on acquisitions. With historical acquisition multiples of about 4-8x EBITA, Addnode has created a lot of shareholder value through M&A.


Dependent on Autodesk and Dassault Systemes

Addnode generates about 70% of its sales and roughly half of its EBITA from products and services related to its partnerships with Autodesk and Dassault Systemes. While the rather high dependency on two partners is a risk, Addnode has long and stable relationships with both. Also, Addnode is among their leading partners, adding a lot of customer value to the software platforms through its expertise and add-ons.


Modest organic growth

While having an excellent M&A track record, Addnode’s markets are largely mature, resulting in modest organic growth. Although all three Divisions have seen an improvement in organic growth in recent years, we believe 3-5% is reasonable going forward, which is modest compared to most software businesses.


Fair Value SEK 117

Our DCF model shows a fair value of SEK 117, which is also supported by a peer valuation. While that implies a multiple that is rather high compared to the organic growth and margins, the strong track record and future M&A opportunities motivate a high multiple on current earnings.

Quality Rating

People: 4

Addnode Group has a highly experienced and motivated management team. CEO Johan Andersson has been with the company since 2006 and was previously its CFO. The chairmen of the board, Staffan Hanstorp, is the founder of one of the ’group’s subsidiaries, a major shareholder, and was the group’s CEO for ten years. Mr Hanstorp is active in the company and has strategic responsibility. The group communicates with the market in an exceptional manner and has delivered on its financial and strategic targets

Business: 4

Addnode's organic growth has been relatively low, as it acts in a mature market. An increased organic growth rate would justify a higher rating. Over the past few years, the group has increased its presence outside of the Nordic region, which we see as positive. Addnode has a relatively large share of proprietary products and solutions, which increases its profitability. Another advantage is its focus on creating recurring revenue, which bolsters stability and enables improvements in profitability.

Financials: 4

Addnode is dependent on the economy and on the willingness to invest. However, the group is well diversified across many segments, which decreases the risk. Addnode has completed more than 50 acquisitions since 2003 and has, as a result, increased its debt. However, we claim its leverage is healthy and the acquisitions have been value-creating.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue3,709.04,459.74,940.05,354.35,884.7
Operating Expenses2,943.03,204.43,625.84,039.64,423.6
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses-94.0-112.2-85.6-85.6-85.6
Net Financial Items140.0159.2125.685.685.6
Income Tax Expenses-83.0-124.5-142.8-161.5-182.2
Net Income279.0461.3550.6622.6702.1
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)51.439.336.541.245.8
Intangible Assets972.01,071.11,215.11,392.61,575.6
Right-of-Use Assets294.6295.5295.5295.5295.5
Other Non-Current Assets74.
Total Non-Current Assets4,369.04,794.95,272.15,868.26,515.3
Current assets
Accounts Receivable2,161.02,529.52,778.23,105.53,413.1
Other Current Assets0.
Cash Equivalents667.0616.7611.6551.9494.5
Total Current Assets2,828.03,146.23,389.83,657.43,907.6
Total Assets7,197.07,941.08,661.99,525.610,422.9
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity2,116.02,492.02,904.13,361.53,876.9
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt1,504.01,784.01,784.01,784.01,784.0
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities873.0525.0525.0525.0525.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities2,377.02,309.02,309.02,309.02,309.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable2,704.03,140.13,448.83,855.14,237.0
Other Current Liabilities0.
Total Current Liabilities2,704.03,140.13,448.83,855.14,237.0
Total Liabilities and Equity7,197.07,941.08,661.99,525.610,422.9
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow485.0677.11,035.71,146.51,267.6
Investing Cash Flow-672.0-563.1-778.2-916.9-1,014.3
Financing Cash Flow276.0-207.4-262.5-289.3-310.9

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Review of Q1 2024

Group Summary: Further Rebound in DM

Design Management: Further Rebound and Strong Performance from TeamD3

Product Lifecycle Management: Stable Yet Cautious

Process Management: Slower Yet Stable Markets

Group - Earnings and Cash Flow: Back to Strong Numbers

Acquisitions: One Minor Acquisition

Estimate Revisions: Minor Increases

Valuation: Base Case Raised to SEK117 (110)

Investment thesis

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