Medivir Q1 2024: Another TTP Improvement

Research Update



Redeye reviews Medivir's first quarter report, which presented another improvement of median time to progression for fostrox, now at 7 months. The way forward with the planned phase IIb study has also been updated after a type C meeting with the FDA.


Richard Ramanius


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Positive Outcome from FDA Type C Meeting

The meeting to discuss the next step after the phase IIa study led to some changes of the planned phase IIb. Instead of progression-free survival as primary endpoint, the FDA wishes to see objective response rate as the surrogate endpoint for overall survival, with key secondary endpoints including duration of response, progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival. A second important change to the trial is to include an initial dose run-in arm as a first part of the study with 25 patients receiving a lower fostrox dose. As of the date of the quarterly report (April 30), the median time to progression (TTP) in fostrox' phase IIa study in combination with Lenvima has increased to 7 months. 30% of patients are still on treatment. As a comparison, the PFS (which is a quiet similar but not identical measure) in the first-line treatment phase III study was 6.9 months (Avastin + Tecentriq). Updated results will be released at ESMO GI, June 26-29.

MIV-711 & MIV-701

In April, MIV-711, a cathepsin K inhibitor, was granted ODD and RPDD in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease from the FDA. This is a child orphan indication with no approved drug treatment. This could be a more attractive development path for MIV-711 than osteoarthritis. The way forwards with MIV-711 is through partnering, which we have not included and which represents an upside to our valuation. Positive results from the veterinary candidate MIV-701 were also presented in April. It is outlicensed to Vetbiolix, which has has communicated a market potential of USD150m. Medivir can earn royalties from this. This is also a project we have not included in our valuation that represents an upside.

Base case SEK10

Costs were in line with our forecast, so we make minor changes to our model, except changing the launch year of fostrox to 2028 (2027).

Key financials

Revenue Growth-82.6%-24.2%114%1786%-87.2%
EBIT Margin-1410%-2054%-1043%52.7%-241%
Net Income-88.8-94.1-99.799.9-58.6

Investment thesis


Fostroxacitabine - the only modern chemotherapy in development for liver cancer

We believe the principal reason for investing in Medivir is its main candidate, fostroxacitabine, a chemotherapy pro-drug targeting the liver. Fostroxacitabine can achieve 100x the concentration in the liver compared to systemic chemotherapy. Medivir sponsors a phase IIa trial (n=21) of fostrox in combination with a TKI inhibitor (Lenvima) with strong results presented, potentially setting fostrox up for a licensing deal this year, likely with an Asian partner, where the largest patient populations are located. Medivir also possesses partnered projects, which provide potential revenue and share upside without the need for investments by Medivir. After the rights issue in late 2023, Medivir has a strong cash position, improving its negotiating position.


Strong readout of fostrox together with Lenvima

In the last readout, the objective response rate was 24% and the median time to progression was 7 months. These are around twice what you would expect. Furthermore, the disease control rate was 61% at 18 weeks. There was no added toxicity with Lenvima, which is critical in patients with reduced liver function.

Supportive Analysis

The second reason for investing in Medivir are the legacy programmes, including "options" the buyer also gets “for free”, or projects that are not included in our Base Case. The most important is the agreement with IGM Biosciences for birinapant in late phase I. The deal is potentially worth more than USD 350m plus royalties, included in our valuation. Medivir has two phase-III-ready projects, remetinostat and MIV-711, not included in our valuation, ready to be out-licensed. There are other minor projects not included in our valuation, such as MET-X partnered with Infex entering phase I this year and USP-7 partnered with Ubiquigent.


Trial risk

The main risk when investing in Medivir is an unfavourable outcome in clinical trials. However, we are convinced the strong results from the ongoing trial with fostrox will pave the way for a subsequent phase IIb trial.


Partnering risk

Late in 2024, Medivir plans to start an international phase IIb trial with around 200 patients (140+70), including in the US. The cost for such a trial will be in the range of SEK200m-400m. A partner is needed to finance such a trial. One question is whether the partner would finance the whole trial or just the Asian part, which might mean some dilution from a share issue. However, Medivir would be in a strong position with a partnership behind it and could potentially finance this through a directed share issue. An upfront payment might also finance Medivir's costs. If no partner is found, we believe it is unlikely the phase IIb study can commence as planned.


Fostrox most valuable asset in the base case

Using a WACC of 15%, our DCF renders a diluted Base Case of SEK 10 includes four clinical projects, the most valuable of which is fostroxacitabine, which we assume will be outlicensed in 2025 with an upfront payment of USD40m, milestones of USD500m and royalties of 15%. The upside with fostrox is reflected in our bull case of SEK 20, while our bear case of SEK5 reflects another large rights issue at the end of the year and loss of birinapant and Tango. The main catalyst to move the share in the short term is a licensing deal with fostrox. Positive development of the legacy portfolio could also move the share.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Medivir has an experienced management and board. Jens Lindberg was appointed as the new CEO in early 2022. Management has extensive industry experience. Ownership is not concentrated. The largest owner is Linc with 12% of all shares; Anders Hallberg holds another 7%. Other individual owners, including institutions, hold less than 5%.

Business: 3

Medivir operates in a high-margin business but has only modest recurring revenues, insufficient to cover its operating costs. We do not expect operations to turn profitable until one of the projects reaches the market or until Medivir signs an important licensing agreement.

Financials: 0

We believe the cash position of cSEK170m will support operations into 2025 including the completion of fostrox' ongoing trial and the preparation of the following phase IIb trial. Depending on the burn rate, it could last well into 2025 or into Q1 as guided by the company. The planned phase IIb trial will need additional funding and a partner.


The new study design was disclosed in the conference call (below). A total of 225 patients will be recruited. Two doses will be given at first in two arms, and the best will be chosen to continue the study after an interim futility analysis. In practice, this only means the addition of one arm with 25 patients given another dose at the start of the trial with no impact to timelines as the 100 next patients will be seamlessly recruited to the trial with no break. ORR will be the main endpoint, which has the advantage of being slightly quicker to reach. The reason for changing from PFS, as was the original plan, is that ORR is the standard surrogate endpoint for accelerated approvals from the FDA. PFS will still be measured and form part of the evidence package handed in to the FDA. There are two major reasons for believing such a trial will be considered by the FDA for an accelerated approval: i, there is no approved second-line treatment after Tecentriq + Avastin; ii, the trial is placebo controlled, with the potential to show a statistically significant difference in outcomes.

Source: Medivir

We believe Medivir has chosen it positioning as a second-line treatment with Lenvima very wisely, as there is no established treatment after progressing on Tecentriq plus Avastin. In fact, clinical trials are the recommended treatment option. Lenvima is also a recommendation, but it is not reimbursed in many countries. Furthermore, fostrox has the potential for indication expansions into the first line and loco-regional (non-advanced) liver cancer.

New results from EMERALD-1 were published in January. It is a study in a slightly earlier stage of cancer than metastatic/advanced, where fostrox is positioned, for which TACE, transarterial chemoembolization, is the prefered treatment. A combination of TACE and durvalumab (anti-PD-L1) + bevacizumab was evaluated. The combination showed a significant improvement versus TACE; median progression-free survival increased to 15 months from 8.2 months, and the ORR to 44% versus 30%. This suggests immunotherapy will expand into this setting. Patients progressing from this treatment should move directly to the second line instead of the first line, which would increase the market for fostrox. Longer-term, it would be logical to replace TACE with fostrox, if the current development programme is successful.

Financial results

Revenue in the quarter was below SEK1m and had a minor impact on the net result. Operating costs, SEK-28m, were in line with our forecasts. The cash position was SEK150m at the end of Q1 2024. Cash will fund the completion of the ongoing phase IIa study and current and planned operations until Q1 2025.

Chart 1


We changed the launch year of fostrox to 2028 (2027). Medivir has communicated 2027/2028 as the time for a potential accelerated approval. Considering the phase IIb trial is set to begin in 2025 and an approval process should take 10 months, we believe a market launch would be closer to 2028 than 2027.

The development of birinapant, which is combined with aplitabart, is currently on hold. IGM, the licensee, awaits results from aplitabart in colon cancer, expected this year, before green-lighting the further study of birinapant. We therefore retain birinapant in our valuation, but if the aplitabart study is unsuccessful, we will have to remove it.

We restate our base case of SEK10, with a bull case of SEK20 and a bear case of SEK5.

Sum-of-the-parts Valuation (SEKm)
ProjectIndicationLikelihoodRoyalty Peak salesLaunchNPVNPV per
of approvalrate(USDm)(Base Case)share
BirinapantSolid tumors14%13%100020292962.6
Fostroxacitabine HCC18%15%130020288637.6
XerclearLabial herpesMarketed210.2
Technology value1209
Net cash 1541.4
General and admin costs, incl. taxes-238-2.1
Number of shares113
NPV per share10
We assume an average SEK/USD of 10.5 and a WACC of 15%.

In our bull case, we assume 7 months average treatment time, 70% progression rate from 1st to 2nd line, 70% market share in the 2nd line, 15% market share in the 1st line (this is different from Medivir’s assumptions) and a likelihood of approval of 23% (vs 18% in the base case); this results in a peak sales figure of USD2.7bn. Furthermore, we assume no dilution. This renders a bull case of SEK20.

In our bear case, we consider a failure of fostrox in the short-term highly unlikely, maintaining the LOA of the base case of 18%. Instead, we assume a failure of birinapant and the Tango project, and another rights issue later in 2024 of SEK150m to finance the phase IIb study with a discount of 40% on the current share price (SEK3). This renders a diluted bear case of SEK5.

*For the valuation of fostrox, we have used the patient-based forecasts from Datamonitor (2021) except for China, where we have assumed an incidence of 360,000 cases (Zheng et al. 2030) increasing by 1% per year. Most hepatocellular cancers occur in Asia, so in our forecasts, the Chinese market is the most important one, followed by the US. We assume 70% of all first-line patients progress to the second line in the US and 50% in the rest of the world. We assume 20% of intermediate-stage patients progress into the advanced stage. Our price estimation is USD10,000 per month, based on the price of Lenvima, with a 50% discount in Europe and Japan and a 70% discount in China, assuming an average treatment period of 9 months in the first line and 6 months in the second, and an inflation rate of 2%. We assume the main use will be as a second-line treatment with a market penetration rate of 50% and 5% in the first line.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue0.
Operating Expenses99.0112.587.380.5
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses0.
Net Financial Items2.
Income Tax Expenses0.
Net Income-94.1-99.799.9-58.6
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)0.21-2.3-4.8-7.3
Intangible Assets96.396.396.396.3
Right-of-Use Assets12.
Other Non-Current Assets0.
Total Non-Current Assets108.7106.2103.7101.2
Current assets
Accounts Receivable2.80.8115.21.9
Other Current Assets6.90.8115.21.9
Cash Equivalents169.972.5167.8118.2
Total Current Assets179.675.1217.1124.6
Total Assets288.3181.3320.8225.7
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity218.3118.6218.6159.9
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities11.311.311.311.3
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities0.
Total Non-Current Liabilities11.311.311.311.3
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities2.
Accounts Payable16.
Other Current Liabilities40.139.857.841.2
Total Current Liabilities58.743.382.846.4
Total Liabilities and Equity288.3173.2312.6217.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-59.7-97.495.3-49.5
Investing Cash Flow-
Financing Cash Flow112.

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