Nanexa Q1 2024: Insightful capital markets day

Research Update



Redeye updates its view of Nanexa following the Q1 report and recent events in the company, including the CMD earlier this week, which offered a deeper look into the company's several activities.


Fredrik Thor


Q1 2024 review

Capital Markets Day


Investment thesis

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Q1 2024 – In line

Total revenue amounted to SEK14.2m (14.3m), including 7.8m in turnover and SEK6.3m in capitalized development costs. OPEX amounted to SEK-17.6m (-23m), an indication of the company’s savings program, which we expect to see more of going forward. The company's cash position amounted to SEK47.9m. The report aligned with our expectations, and we have made no material estimate changes.

Capital markets day

At Nanexa’s capital markets day earlier this week, the company gave a broad overview of the Pharmashell technology, its three internal programs (NEX-18, NEX-20, and NEX-22), partnering projects, and the outlook for the foreseeable future. Overall, we were encouraged by the company's presentations, and it is clear that the company has seen increased interest in its platform, Pharmashell.

Reiterated base case

We make no significant changes to our valuation and reiterate our base case of SEK3.3 per share for now.

Key financials

Revenue Growth56.4%111%19.8%-78.9%
Net Income-58.6-76.516.0-39.6

Q1 2024 review

  • Total revenue amounted to SEK14.2m (14.3m), including 7.8m in turnover and SEK6.3m in capitalized development costs. Of the 6.8m in turnover, SEK3.2m related to revenues from Pharmashell evaluation agreements (including Novo Nordisk) and SEK3.8m related to accrual of deferred revenues from the USD4m exclusivity agreement with Novo Nordisk. Furthermore, SEK0.8m is related to sensor coating. Capitalization refers mainly to investments in NEX-22 and Pharmashell.
  • OPEX amounted to SEK-17.6m (-23m), a first indication of the company’s savings program, which we expect to see more of going forward.
  • Cash flow from current activities SEK-7.8m (-8.3m), and net cash flow for the period amounted to SEK-17.3 (-20.7m)
  • Cash position (and short-term investments) at the end of Q1 amounted to SEK47.9m (60.5m).

Overall, this indicates that the company’s cost base is going down, although one should note that Q4 was marked by a significant depreciation non-related to cash flow. We learn that cost control remains a priority, with the company’s focused approach on NEX22, the Novo Nordisk evaluation agreement, and partner projects, and will be seen more in the coming quarters. Regarding the NEX-22 phase I trial, the company had some delays in the study approval process due to administrative reasons at EMA’s review system but expect to have the study started this quarter and still hopes to present relevant data this year.

Financing and OPEX (White)

Source: Nanexa (historical); Redeye Research (estimates)

Capital Markets Day

At Nanexa’s capital markets day earlier this week, the company gave a broad overview of the Pharmashell technology, its three internal programs (NEX-18, NEX-20, and NEX-22), partnering projects, and the outlook for the foreseeable future. Overall, we get the impression that Nanexa is becoming a more known actor within the drug delivery industry, for example, being recognized as one of three promising drug delivery platforms at an industry conference (PODD). According to Mr Westberg, there is a big difference from three years ago. Regarding its partner projects, the company nowadays almost exclusively works with the largest pharmaceutical companies. During 2023, the company coated 11 APIs, conducted 14 preclinical studies, and saw an increased interest in coating peptides, proteins, and monoclonal antibodies in its partner projects. We think the review below gives a good overview of Nanexa's recent projects, which indicates that Nanexa seems to have consistently delivered good data in ongoing and finished projects. Still, there are several potential reasons for projects being de-prioritized by the partner.

Source: Nanexa

We think there is a lot of optionality in the company’s several evaluation agreements, as we expect that one or several will lead to sharp agreements in the end.

Regarding Nanexa's in-house projects, the company presented interesting information on all its projects - for example, that it potentially has found a way to reduce local reactions with NEX-18, namely to coadminister it with a pharmashell-coated anti-inflammatory component. Furthermore, the company presented more detailed data on NEX-20 and discussed working with analytical methods to screen formulations (correlation between in-vitro and in-vivo).

Regarding NEX-22, the company gave a good overview of the expected timeline (seen below), which aligns well with our assumptions. The company plans to out-license the project, potentially already after the first clinical study, after which it expects to increase its business development activities related to the program.

Source: Nanexa

Chairman Göran Ando also gave an overview of the market for GLP-1s (diabetes type 2 and obesity), highlighting that it is a remarkably fast-growing and significant market expected to reach USD100bn. The company also highlighted that Novo Nordisk, at a recent conference call, is openly interested in monthly dosing and said that it is "pursuing several different avenues in terms of infrequent dosing", likely including Pharmashell. We think that this is very exciting and clearly shows that Pharmashell could be an "enabler" in this highly topical and valuable market.


We make no significant changes to our valuation and reiterate our base case of SEK3.3 per share for now.

AssetOriginator DrugLoARoyaltiesPeak sales (USDm)Est. launchDeal size (USDm)rNPV (SEKm)rNPV (Per share)
Novo DealGLP-1 Class9%5%774-751090.5
Technology value (SEKm)1,014.90
Net cash* (SEKm)104.60
Shared costs** (SEKm)-438.82
Equity value (SEKm)680.68
Shares outstanding (million)135.70
Diluted shares outstanding (million)207.12
Equity value per share (SEK)3.3

*Including assumed capital injection   **Including investments and working capital

Investment thesis


Drug delivery case with early validation

Last year Novo Nordisk provided significant validation of Nanexa and its PharmaShell drug delivery technology platform. The share rallied some 70%. In our view, Nanexa’s extensive collaboration with Applied Materials Inc. (semiconductor giant and leading manufacturer within Atomic Layer Deposition) has the potential to secure a long-term deal and prompt considerable momentum for the continued commercialisation of Nanexa’s projects and commercial strategy. Having Novo Nordisk as its largest shareholder, we believe the parties might be ready to enter a licensing deal with Novo Nordisk in the next 10–16 months. We see considerable upside to our base case of SEK3.3 per share following the recent capital injection and low expectations baked into the company’s valuation despite solid fundamental progress.


PharmaShell in place reduce burden for partners in more than one way

PharmaShell focuses on long-acting injectables to improve upon existing drugs. Not only will this enhance the benefit for patients. It will also allow partners to maximise their product’s value and maintain market share upon patent expiry. It is challenging to value pharmaceutical compounds in terms of technology transfer, e.g., the feasibility of bringing R&D to large-scale and/or commercial manufacturing. Through a transformative collaboration agreement with Applied Materials, the ifs and buts with the drug manufacturing scaling-up of PharmaShell are de-risked. Most of Nanexa’s projects are in the preclinical and early clinical stages, so the evaluation agreement with Novo Nordisk is a considerable achievement. We believe the collaboration with Applied Materials and the valuation and investment agreement with Novo Nordisk imply significant validation of the PharmaShell platform and the company’s commercial strategy.


Still at an early stage

Nanexa’s assets are still at the early stage, and so risky inflexion points related to clinical development remain. Unlike with a typical biotech company, the clinical and regulatory risks in Nanexa are significantly lower, in our view, since the PharmaShell platform focuses on long-acting injectables to improve already approved and marketed pharmaceuticals. Still, we believe positive proof-of-concept data is crucial and that is likely to take additional time to produce.


Additional capital required to advance all projects

With Nanexa’s project prioritization, its cash runway should extend well into 2025. However, the company’s current plan is to focus its resources on NEX-22 and its partnering projects and thus not to conduct clinical trials in the near term with NEX-18 and NEX-20. We endorse Nanexa’s focused strategy but conclude that additional capital, either through a deal or rights issue, would be needed to continue development with these drug candidates.


SOTP Suggests Upside

Our DCF model indicates a base case of SEK3.3 per share (bull: SEK6 and bear: SEK0.5) using a sum-of-the-parts valuation based on a DCF model with risk adjustment and a 15% WACC. In the coming 6–18 months, we believe catalysts such phase I data with NEX-22 and the potential of entering into a licensing agreement with Novo Nordisk could lift the share considerably from current levels, given the enforced cash position and low expectations baked into today’s share valuation where the enterprise value is close to zero.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Business: 3

Financials: 0


Income statement
Cost of Revenue0.000.000.00
Operating Expenses136.155.354.6
Shares in Associates0.030.030.03
Interest Expenses0.940.000.00
Net Financial Items0.120.000.00
Income Tax Expenses0.000.000.00
Net Income-76.516.0-39.6

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Q1 2024 review

Capital Markets Day


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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