Physitrack: Steady beginning to 2024

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Jessica Grunewald answered 3 questions.

Redeye reiterates its positive stance following Physitrack’s Q1 results. The reported figures met our expectations, with q/q growth returning. The overall outlook is optimistic, and Q2 seems to be off to a solid start. Our view is that the case remains intact, and so is our valuation with a Base case of SEK35, with considerable upside potential in the share price emphasised.



Jessica Grunewald

Mark Siöstedt


Q1 2024 Review

Financial Q1 2024: Revenues

Financial Q1 2024: Profitability and Cost base

Financial Q4 2023: Cash flows and Cash position


Estimate revisions



Investment thesis

Quality Rating


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Q1 2024: In line with expectations

Physitrack reported a y/y organic growth of 10%, resulting in sales of EUR4.1m, which is in line with our estimate. Further, sales rose by 7% on a q/q basis, an encouraging improvement from last quarter when sales were flat q/q. OPEX, excluding adjustments and D&A, amounted to EUR3.1m (EUR2.8), which is in line with our estimate. Adjusted EBITDA (adjusted for EUR0.1m in acquisition and integration costs) reached cEUR1.1m in the quarter, corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 26% (25%), 1pp below our estimate. Regarding sales across the respective divisions, organic revenue increased by 10% y/y in the Lifecare division and 11% y/y within the Wellness division, which is on par with our estimates. Adjusted EBITDA-CAPEX amounted to cEUR0.3m, a slight profitability improvement from last quarter and somewhat better than our EUR0.2m estimate.

Vital signs point in the right direction

ARR increased by 15% year-on-year, reaching EUR13.0m, surpassing our estimate by 6% and showing an 8% quarter-on-quarter growth. SaaS revenues now constitute 80% of total revenues, up from 72% last year, indicating a 23% year-on-year rise. We appreciate this shift towards SaaS revenue for its better margins and recurring nature. Lifecare expanded its subscription base by approximately 4,300 licenses, totalling an average of 65,300 by the end of Q1 2024, reflecting a 19% year-on-year growth. Management notes continued strong license growth from the Lifecare division into Q2. The positive outlook is supported by increased confidence in securing more significant Champion Health agreements during Q2 and expectations of organic growth rebounding to the 30% level in H2. From now on, we would also like subscription revenues in the Wellness division to grow on a q/q basis.

Intact fair value range and Base case

Following Physitrack’s Q1 2024 report, our estimate adjustments have been minimal. We have trimmed the EBIT margin forecast 2024e by 1pp and raised OPEX by 5% for the same period. Anticipating a steady Q2 and a robust H2 in terms of both growth and profitability, our fair value range remains steady at SEK9-75, with a base case of SEK35 per share. Physitrack trades at an EV/EBIT of 7.4x and an EV/Sales of 1.2x based on our 2025 estimates. Compared to peer median EBIT multiples for 2025e, Physitrack trades at roughly a 60% discount.

Key financials

Revenue Growth56.6%21.3%16.3%22.9%23.0%
EBIT Margin0.9%22.7%5.1%16.0%17.0%
Net Income0.093.20.553.34.3

Q1 2024 Review

We note a Q1 2024 report from Physitrack that was in line with our expectations without any significant surprises. The company seems to be on the right track, posting q/q growth, strong ARR growth, slightly improved profitability on a EBITDAC basis, and positive FCF for the second quarter in a row. We are also encouraged by the development of SaaS revenues, which now constitute 80% of total revenues, up from 72% last year, indicating a 23% year-on-year rise. Overall, it is a solid start to 2024, in our view.

Physitrack: Forecast diviations
(EURm)2023Q12024Q1a2024Q1eDiff absoluteDiff (%)
Operating expenses2.
adjusted EBITDA0.
adjusted EBIT0.10.10.2-0.1
Net Income-0.1-0.10.1-0.2
Organic growth 10%10%0pp
Revenue growth y/y (%)10%10%1pp
Lifecare y/y (%)10%9%1pp
Wellness y/y (%)11%11%1pp
EBITDA margin (%)20%24%26%-3pp
adj.EBITDA margin (%)25%26%27%-1pp
EBIT margin (%)-2%-1%3%-4pp
adj.EBIT margin (%)3%2%4%-2pp
Source: Redeye Research

Financial Q1 2024: Revenues

Physitrack reported a y/y organic growth of 10%, resulting in sales of EUR4.1m, which is in line with our estimate. Further, sales rose by 7% on a q/q basis, an encouraging improvement from last quarter when sales were flat q/q. Organic growth was derived from both the Lifecare and Wellness divisions, which grew 10% and 11%, respectively, y/y.

SaaS revenues now amount to 80% of the total revenues vs 72% last year, a 23% increase y/y. We appreciate this ongoing revenue shift as the SaaS revenues hold better margins and are recurring. ARR grew by 15% y/y and amounted to EUR13.0m, representing an 8% q/q growth and 6% above our estimate.

Recurring, LIGHT

Revenue mix (EURm)

Annual recurring revenue (ARR, EURm)

Segment, DARK

Source: Redeye Research


Source: Redeye Research

The Lifecare division

In Q1 2024, organic revenue within the Lifecare division saw an 11% year-on-year organic increase—the Lifecare division stood for 63% of the group revenues during the quarter. Lifecare subscription revenues remain the primary contributor, comprising approximately 60% of the group revenues. During the quarter, Lifecare’s subscription share of revenues rose to around 96%, up from 90% in Q4 2023.  

Lifecare expanded its subscription base by c4,300 licenses, bringing the total to an average of 65,300 by the end of Q1 2024, implying a 19% year-on-year growth rate. We maintain our expectation of approximately 10-15% year-on-year growth rate from the Lifecare division. According to management, 1/3 of the y/y growth is attributed to price increases and 2/3 to volume increases. Despite annual price hikes, churn levels trended inversely, implying pricing power. The positive churn trend in Lifecare continues to be stable, decreasing y/y from 12.4% in Q1 2023 to 11.4% in Q1 2024.

The Wellness division

Organic revenue within the Wellness division increased by 10% year-on-year in Q1 2024—the Lifecare division stood for 37% of the group revenues during the quarter.

One-off revenue surpassed subscription revenue within the Wellness division during the quarter, accounting for 19% and 18% of the group revenues, respectively. Previously, we highlighted the significance of monitoring the growth of subscription revenues within the Wellness division as a crucial key performance indicator (KPI). This growth is essential for determining the division’s success and facilitating overall margin expansion for both the division and the Group. In Q1 2024, Wellness subscriptions totalled cEUR0.7m, flat on a q/q basis and comprising approximately 49% of the total revenues in the Wellness division.

Revenue by division (EURm)

Share of subscription revenues per divsion (EURm)

Rev per div, DARK

Source: Redeye Research

% subs, dark

Source: Redeye Research

Financial Q1 2024: Profitability and Cost base

Adjusted EBITDA-CAPEX amounted to approximately EUR0.3 million. We observed a slight quarter-on-quarter EBITDA-CAPEX margin increase of 3pp. Our preferred profitability measure for SaaS businesses is EBITDA-CAPEX. For reference, we consider a positive EBITDA-CAPEX margin to indicate underlying profitability and an EBITDA-CAPEX margin above 15%, implying solid profitability. Looking at the Lifecare division individually, we estimate an EBITDA-CAPEX margin of c20% for 2024e, implying solid performance and profitability for the division.


For SaaS businesses such as Physitrack, EBITDA and EBITDA margin are not ideal profitability metrics as they do not account for R&D costs. Since R&D is often a significant expense in this sector, metrics like EBIT (which amortises capitalised R&D over time) or EBITDA minus capitalised R&D / EBITDA- CAPEX offer a more precise perspective on underlying profitability. Our preferred metric is EBITDA minus CAPEX, treating all R&D expenses as upfront costs.

Opex, light

OPEX, excluding adjustments and D&A, amounted to EUR3.1m and was on par with our estimate. We expect the cost base to hover around EUR3.2-3.4 m (after adjustments) per quarter during the year.

Adjusted EBITDA (adjusted for EUR0.1m in acquisition and integration costs) reached cEUR1.1m in the quarter, corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 26% (25%), 1pp below our estimate. The margin gap between the two divisions remains large, whereas adjusted EBITDA for the Lifecare division stood at 49% during the quarter and was 6% for the Wellness division.

Financial Q4 2023: Cash flows and Cash position

Cash flow from operating activities before payments of adjusting items was EUR1.1m (EUR0.7m), whereas the Free cash flow was – EUR0.1m. By the end of Q1 2024, Physitrack held a EUR0.6m cash position, but the available liquidity, including the Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) corresponds to EUR2.7m. Physitrack’s net debt was cEUR3.0m by the end of the quarter, on par with last quarter.

Cash flow, Light


Management notes continued strong license growth into Q2 within the Lifecare division. The positive outlook is supported by increased confidence in securing more significant Champion Health agreements during Q2 and expectations of organic growth rebounding to the 30% level in H2. Short-term growth drivers for Wellness also include a new version of Champion Health, with localisation into eight languages, which will go live in Q3 of 2024. We expect the Swedish and German markets to be the prioritised markets initially in terms of marketing efforts.
Management expects a positive cash flow result for FY 2024. However, it is worth noting that they do not include earnout payments when referring to FCF. EUR1.1m in earnouts sits under current liabilities on the balance sheets, and we expect a payment in Q4 2024. Due to seasonality effects in Q2 with a higher cash burn, we believe it will be challenging for Physitrack to post positive FCF next quarter.
The report reaffirmed the financial midterm targets, encompassing a 30% year-on-year organic growth and EBITDA margins ranging from 40% to 45%.

Estimate revisions

We anticipate the slowdown observed in H2 2023 within the Wellness division will persist during H1, with an expected group growth rate of 12-14% during this period. H2 is expected to be more robust in terms of growth and profitability. Additionally, comparables become less challenging in H2.

Following Physitrack’s Q1 2024 report, our estimate adjustments have been minimal:

  • We have trimmed the EBIT margin forecast 2024e by 1pp.
  • We increased OPEX by 5% 2024e, as we believe marketing efforts will intensify during H2 when the new version of Champion Health will launch in Sweden and Germany.

We expect Physitrack’s cash position combined with the RCF to be enough to reach positive cash flows and the RCF and FCF to cover further earnouts. Nevertheless, our estimates allow for a little margin of error. Relative to Physitrack’s mid-term targets of 40-45% EBITDA margin and 30% organic growth, we have adopted a more conservative stance regarding growth and margins in the midterm perspective. For further estimates, see the tables below.

Estimate revisions
(EURm)New estimatesOld estimatesDifference %
Revenue growth y/y (%)16%23%23%16%23%23%0pp0pp0pp
Operating Expenses1314171314171%0%0%
Total Opering Expenses1718221718221%0%0%
adj.EBITDA 5795790%0%0%
adj.EBITDA margin (%)29%34%35%29%34%35%0pp0pp0pp
EBIT margin (%)5%16%17%6%16%17%-1pp0pp0pp
Net income134134-21%0%0%
Source: Redeye Research


Physitrack: Estimates
EUR m20232024Q1a2024Q2e2024Q3e2024Q4e2024e2025e2026e2027e
Operating Expenses11.
EPS basic 0.20-
Organic Growth22%10%14%20%20%16%
Revenue growth y/y (%)21%10%14%20%20%16%23%23%24%
Lifecare growth y/y (%)10%9%12%13%13%12%15%15%15%
Wellness growth y/y (%)47%11%18%32%32%24%35%34%34%
EBITDA margin (%)47%24%24%31%31%27%34%35%40%
adj.EBITDA margin (%)26%26%26%32%32%29%34%35%40%
EBIT margin (%)23%-1%1%9%11%5%16%17%22%
adj.EBIT margin (%)2%2%3%10%12%7%16%17%22%
Net income margin (%)21%-3%-1%7%9%3%15%16%17%
Source: Redeye Research


Our fair value range remains intact at SEK9-75, with a base case of SEK35 per share. Currently, Physitrack is trading at an EV/EBIT multiple of 7.4x and EV/Sales 1.2x based on our 2025e.

Our valuation is based on the financial forecasts in the table above (Base case) and long-term assumptions outlined in the table below.

Assumptions, fair value range
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK93575
Sales CAGR 2024e-2028e14.6%22.0%30.8%
EBIT margin (avg) 2024e-2028e14.0%16.4%21.8%
Terminal EBIT margin14.0%16.4%18.4%
Terminal Growth2.0%2.0%2.0%
Source: Redeye Research

Alternative multiple valuation for the Lifecare division on a standalone basis

In reference to our DCF valuation, one could consider the potential value of the Lifecare division on a standalone basis. We employ an EBITDA-CAPEX valuation method for the Lifecare division with the following assumptions:

  • c12% growth in 2024e
  • EBITDA margin of 46% in 2024e (same as 2023)
  • EBITDA of SEK49m in 2024e (SEK54m minus SEK5m in overhead costs)
  • CAPEX of SEK25m in 2024e
  • EBITDA-CAPEX multiple of 15x (considered a fair peer multiple when comparing SaaS companies with similar growth rates and margins)

Our multiple valuation suggests a fair market capitalisation of approximately SEK365m for the Lifecare division and a fair enterprise value of around SEK350m when half of the Group’s debt is considered. Our fair value market capitalisation of SEK365m can be compared to today’s market capitalisation of approximately SEK200m for the Group, including the Wellness division. We believe the market worries about the growth and margin expansion potential in the Wellness division, pricing it to a negative value according to our alternative valuation.

Peer valuation

Compared to its peers, median EV/Sales multiples for 2024e–2025e, Physitrack trades at a 49%-63% discount. Moreover, the discount is also prominent when comparing median EV/EBIT multiples for 2025e, with Physitrack trading at a c60% discount to its peers. We believe the market worries about the growth and margin expansion potential in the Wellness division.

SaaSEVEV/SALESEV/EBITSales growthEBIT margin
4C Group7691.91.61.32514922%19%15%8%11%15%
Source: Redeye Research & Factset *Redeye estimate

Investment thesis


Strong growth, rising recurring revenues with approaching margin expansion

Physitrack is a rapidly growing e-health software company specialising in patient rehabilitation solutions (Lifecare) and assisting corporations in enhancing employee health (Wellness). The group comprises seven companies within two divisions: Lifecare and Wellness. The company is active in two fast-growing markets – telerehabilitation and corporate wellness – with a combined value of cUSD65bn as of 2022, further supporting its growth potential. Its scalable SaaS business model (90% gross margin, with revenue contributions from more than 180 countries), advanced technology, data utilisation to improve patient care and employee health, and strategic expansion plans render it a promising investment in the e-health sector. We expect the Lifecare division to grow organically by c10–15% y/y and to maintain its +45% EBITDA margins in 2024e-2027e. We forecast the Wellness division (contributing 37% of revenues in Q1’23) will surpass Lifecare’s revenue contribution in 2025 and significantly expand its margins (2% adjusted EBITDA for 2022). On a group level, we forecast a sales CAGR of 22% 2024e-2027e. Co-founder and CEO Henrik Molin and his fellow co-founder Nathan Skwortsow collectively own more than 42% of the shares, demonstrating their strong commitment to the company's success. We are optimistic about Physitrack's ability to deliver strong returns to investors, given the 70% in recurring revenues, organic growth of over 20%, and anticipated margin expansion in 2024e-2025e. Despite a YTD decline of around 30% and modest market interest, we believe several catalysts, including quarterly reports, margin expansion, and more significant corporate agreements for the Wellness division, will increase investor interest as the company's story unfolds.


Adopting a low-cost, tried-and-trusted growth strategy for Wellness

Through its Lifecare division, Physitrack has a proven model and platform for scaling the business at meagre costs. The legacy SaaS solution has financed the growth journey via own cash flows, and Physitrack was bootstrapped until its IPO in 2021, demonstrating its ability to deliver profitable growth. In our opinion, applying this proven strategy to a new business line (Virtual Wellness) in a neighbouring market segment and funding it with cash flows from Lifecare reduces the risk in the growth journey.


Profitable growth

While the growing top line is crucial for Physitrack, focusing on improving profitability and delivering strong free cash flows is essential. Margin expansion and positive cash flow generation are vital challenges for Physitrack to ensure its long-term financial health and growth. Adjusting for earn-outs, the company has guided for positive free cash flow FY2024, consistent with our expectations.


Consolidation of Wellness

Physitrack offers a turnkey solution for employees' health called Champion Health. This solution aims to meet all of an employee’s health needs, such as mental health, sleep, exercise, nutrition, smoking cessation, energy levels, and financial well-being. However, consolidating the Wellness division into the Champion brand and platform may pose several challenges for Physitrack, including integration, harmonising the business models, standardisation, customer retention, and brand awareness. It is also crucial that Physitrack turns around Fysiotest, which is currently underperforming and dragging down margins in the Wellness division. However, if executed effectively, success could provide significant benefits, including economies of scale, enhanced capabilities, and increased market share.


Significant upside potential

In our Base Case, we estimate a 2024e–2027e sales CAGR of 22%, with the EBIT margin expanding from 9% by 2024e to 24% by 2028e. Using a DCF model, we value Physitrack at a Base Case of SEK35. Our Bear Case is SEK9, and our Bull Case is SEK75. Our perception of Physitrack differs significantly from that of the stock market. Physitrack is a rapidly growing and scalable software company positioned for significant margin expansion in our view. However, the stock market is pricing Physitrack as a one-division company with limited margin expansion potential. Moreover, the discount is also prominent when comparing median EV/EBIT multiples for 2024e, with Physitrack trading at a c40% discount relative to its Nordic SaaS peers.

Quality Rating

People: 4

Physitrack scores four out of five in this section. Its decentralised business management, combined with solid execution capabilities in the management team, adds to the score. Moreover, we consider CEO Henrik Molin’s visionary attitude towards the business and the deep market insights to be very encouraging. Henrik Molin has significant skin in the game, as he is also the company’s largest shareholder, with a c25% share of the capital. The score is mainly constrained by the company's limited track record as a publicly traded company.

Business: 3

Physitrack scores three out of five in this section. We are encouraged that the majority of Physitrack’s revenues is recurring in nature, combined with the asset-light business model, the expected long runway of organic growth, and the successful track record of its geographical market expansion. Moreover, we favour the long-term tailwinds that support its business and its limited exposure to significant operational risks. The score is mainly held back by the early commercialisation stage in the Wellness division and the market segment dynamics.

Financials: 1

Physitrack scores one out of five in this section. Based on our current estimates, Physitrack is unlikely to require additional funding to support its operations and organic growth investments, which adds to the score. However, Redeye’s financial rating model is determined using historical figures and requires consistent positive earnings. Naturally, this limits the score for Physitrack due to its short history in its current form, with seven subsidiaries and two business divisions. On the bright side, we are more than likely to revisit the rating and expect this score to increase as more historical data builds up.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue0.000.000.00
Operating Expenses8.112.814.3
Shares in Associates0.000.000.00
Interest Expenses0.350.310.00
Net Financial Items-0.35-0.310.00
Income Tax Expenses-
Net Income3.20.553.3
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)
Intangible Assets10.29.610.0
Right-of-Use Assets0.000.000.00
Other Non-Current Assets0.100.100.10
Total Non-Current Assets34.333.734.1
Current assets
Accounts Receivable3.93.54.3
Other Current Assets0.000.001.1
Cash Equivalents0.542.00.89
Total Current Assets4.55.56.3
Total Assets38.739.240.4
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.000.000.00
Shareholder's Equity25.627.130.4
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt3.64.14.1
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.000.000.00
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities3.73.70.74
Total Non-Current Liabilities7.37.84.8
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.000.000.00
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.000.000.00
Accounts Payable2.63.03.7
Other Current Liabilities3.21.21.5
Total Current Liabilities5.84.25.2
Total Liabilities and Equity38.739.240.4
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow2.65.36.3
Investing Cash Flow-5.0-4.4-7.3
Financing Cash Flow2.30.500.00

Rating definitions

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Q1 2024 Review

Financial Q1 2024: Revenues

Financial Q1 2024: Profitability and Cost base

Financial Q4 2023: Cash flows and Cash position


Estimate revisions



Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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