Lagercrantz: Solid report with large variations

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Niklas Sävås answered 6 questions.

Redeye thinks that Lagercrantz reported a solid quarter despite a drop in organic sales. There was quite large variations within the group where division Niche Products surprised us with exceptional performance while Electrify and TecSec met challenges. Following the continued strong share price development in recent months we think the room for multiple expansion is limited and that EPS growth will be the main driver for the stock ahead.


Niklas Sävås


Investment thesis

Quality Rating

Scaling up its acquisition pace

The five divisions



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Strong margins and cash flow

Lagercrantz reported solid numbers with EBITA slightly above our estimates. The EBITA margin was above our estimates, sequentially up and stronger on a year to year comparison. The cash flow was strong in the seasonally weaker fourth quarter and we believe it is likely to continue to be strong in the quarters ahead as is normal for the company when organic growth is dampened.

Niche products a stand-out performer

Lagercrantz added two acquisitions in the quarter with Nordic Road Safety and Prido. Prido was added into Niche Products, which showed an exceptional quarter with strong margins. Lagercrantz are able to be opportunistic with acquisitions in the division a strategy that has been a homerun since the start twelve years ago. We believe a larger share of acquisitions ahead will continue to be in this division.

Raised fair value range

We raise our Base Case from SEK150 per share to SEK180 per share following the report. Lagercrantz continue to show solid EPS growth, and while we expect the organic growth rate to continue to be muted in the near term, we believe growth from acquisitions will continue to support solid growth ahead. With the positive share price development in the last months we think there is limited room for multiple appreciation ahead and that EPS growth will drive the stock price onwards in the long term.

Key financials

Revenue Growth32.2%12.6%17.2%11.2%15.2%
EBIT Margin14.7%15.5%15.7%15.7%15.7%
Net Income759.0876.81,046.11,182.61,369.3

Investment thesis


Durable growth at high returns

Lagercrantz has a strong track record of allocating internally generated free cash flow at high returns buying private companies. In addition, Lagercrantz has been able to improve its companies and has achieved mid-single-digit organic growth. With Lagercrantz as the new owner, the companies have better opportunities to expand into new markets and grow their business. This twin engine of acquisitive plus organic growth is likely to continue to generate stellar shareholder returns for the long-term investor.


Proven acquisition model

The acquisition model is to buy companies with durable competitive advantages at low multiples, around EV/EBITA 6-8, leading to a yield of around 13-17% and then adding organic growth. The companies Lagercrantz buys typically have sales of around SEK 50-200 million and are well-managed and profitable with limited risk. Its aim is to continue to build up a large portfolio of successful companies, and Lagercrantz has undoubtedly succeeded in this in recent years. All the companies, as far as we can tell, have had stable profitability. Operating margins are around 15-20 percent.

Supportive Analysis

It has been possible to buy these private companies cheaply due to their relatively small size and dependence on personnel. The operations are then valued at a higher multiple once they are part of Lagercrantz. However, these higher valuations once they are part of the Lagercrantz group are not just sleight of hand since the companies have a greater opportunity to develop with its new owner. This applies particularly to the smaller product companies, which have often lacked the knowledge, capital or, in some cases, the courage to expand into new markets. Lagercrantz supports the business with tools on how to manage its inventory, pricing, export etc., and benchmark the companies against each other to create healthy competition in the group.


Big bad acquisitions

If Lagercrantz was to acquire a big company that runs into severe problems, it would cost money as well as management resources. The organization is rather streamlined and if there is a need for restructuring it may have consequences for the rest of the group, and obviously also the stock market's confidence. We think the risk of this is low as Lagercrantz has been disciplined over time.


Valuation for private companies

In 2021, a few aggressive acquirers entered the market in a big way and caused prices to rise. If the acquisition multiples would rise from today's 6-8x EBITA to 9-11x it would lead to less attractive return on capital for Lagercrantz, thereby hurting its long-term prospects.


Almost always attractive

The Lagercrantz share has clearly outperformed the stock market index over the years. Lagercrantz has a well-proven ability to buy and develop companies and provides a good potential to generate high returns over time. We think the business can generate a 15%+ return on capital over decades by being able to reinvest the majority of its cash flows at high returns, leading us to conclude that the stock is almost always attractive to own. Most large industrial companies are not able to re-invest their cash flows at high returns, leading to a high dividend ratio instead of the snowball effect Lagercrantz can achieve by its supreme reinvestment ability. Even though the Lagercrantz share is often trading at a premium, we think investors underestimate the long-term effect, meaning the premium is often too low.

Quality Rating

People: 5

Lagercrantz receives the highest rating for People for several reasons. First, its management has a solid track-record regarding M&A and capital allocation. Second, the management has also demonstrated the ability to restructure underperforming business units fast and successfully. Third, insiders, such as CEO Jörgen Wigh, owns a notable share of Lagercrantz. Fourth, we believe that management’s communication is balanced and realistic.

Business: 5

Lagercrantz receives the highest rating for Business for several reasons. First, the group has shown resilience to economic downturns, especially during the Corona Crisis. Second, most of its larger subsidiaries, such as R-Con and Elpress, are active in structural growth markets. Third, most of its subsidiaries are the leader in their respective market niches. Fourth, for many years, Lagercrantz has been able to grow efficiently through acquisitions.

Financials: 4

Lagercrantz receives a high rating for Financials for several reasons. First, the company has a long track record of being profitable. Second, Lagercrantz has a strong financial position. To achieve an even higher rating, Lagercrantz would need to increase its growth and margins further.

Scaling up its acquisition pace

Lagercrantz: Estimates vs. Actuals
Q4e 23/24Q4a 23/24DiffQ4a 22/23Q3a 23/24
Y/Y Growth (%)9%6%30%6%
Growth y/y10%-3%15%4%
EBITA margin17.8%14.7%16.8%17.8%
Niche Products5585967%524486
Growth y/y7%14%16%-2%
EBITA margin19.6%22.5%20.4%19.1%
Growth y/y4%0%106%14%
EBITA margin18.5%16.4%18.4%18.3%
Growth y/y16.8%19.2%20.1%11.6%
EBITA margin16.5%17.6%14.7%17.4%
Growth y/y2%-2%7%0%
EBITA margin18.8%20.1%19.2%17.2%
Central Costs
Total EBITA3873901%343353
EBITA Margin17.4%18.1%16.8%17.2%

Sales was SEK2159m, c3% below our expectations with a growth rate of c6%. Organic growth was c-6%, acquisition driven growth c11% and currency effects contributed with c1%. Two divisions, Niche Products and International showed stronger growth than we expected. TecSec and Control, was just below our estimates. The Electrify division was the largest detractor in terms of both sales and profitability. Management comments that a few business units within the division encountered a challenging market where the early easter also had a dampening effect.

EBITA was above our estimates, driven by solid performance within Niche Products and International and also lower central costs. We note that the EBITA margins were solid in all divisions except Electrify and that the Control division improved again in the seasonally stronger fourth quarter.

The operating cash flow in the seasonally weaker fourth quarter was solid at SEK378m, showing Lagercrantz's focus on being efficient with its working capital - a key ingredient to its successful M&A strategy. The inventory levels increased a bit in relation to sales, which is normal from a seasonality perspective, and we expect Lagercrantz to drive continuous improvements in this area ahead.

The return on equity continues to be well above its target of 25% and stood at 27% on a rolling-twelve-month basis. The EBITA/Working capital is at 77% where the company target is to be above 45%. We believe that Lagercrantz will continue to be well above its EBITA/Working capital target in the future due to its large and increasing ratio of product businesses in the group, which typically have higher capital expenditures but lower working capital needs.

Lagercrantz's financial position is strong with an operating net debt of SEK2.438bn and a rolling-twelve-month EBITDA of SEK1680 leading to an operating net debt/EBITDA ratio of c1.5x. Including pension liabilities and lease liabilities the net debt/EBITDA ratio is c1.8x. This is low for Lagercrantz's business and we therefore believe the company will continue to be aggressive on the acquisition front in the coming quarters.

We note that the CEO letter breathes optimism ahead despite the fact that a few business units still meets a challenging market. The expected lower interest rate in the second half of 2024 is a factor management believes will support a stronger market.

Lagercrantz: Sales and Gross Profit margin

The gross margins continues to be at strong levels which we believe is driven by the higher share of product businesses in Lagercrantz's portfolio of companies. According to its guidance it aims to increase product sales to 85% of total sales, this will come from both acquisitions and stronger organic growth in the product businesses. Lagercrantz increased this share from 75% to 76% year over year.

Sales and Gross (White)

Source: Lagercrantz

Lagercrantz: EBITA and EBITA margin

EBITA and margin (White)

Source: Lagercrantz

The five divisions

Lagercrantz has shown stable growth across all divisions during the last years fueled by both organic growth and growth from acquisitions. Growth from acquisitions was the main engine for growth in the quarter, a pattern we expect to continue in the coming quarters.

Sales per division, R12m

Sales By segment RTM /Black)

Source: Lagercrantz


The Electrify division had a soft quarter with SEK449m in sales and SEK66m in EBITA. The organic growth was negative 8%. Lagercrantz mentions a challenging market for several business units in the division where the number of project deliveries were limited. Nordic Road Safety had a solid start within the group despite the cold weather in Sweden. The CEO mentioned in the conference call that the business area has always had some seasonality impacting Q4 and we note that this may have increased somewhat with the addition of Nordic Road Safety where most of the installation is done in the warmer months with a peak in Lagercrantz Q2. The cold weather also has a dampening effect on the companies supplying components to the electricity grids such as Elpress, Elkapsling (the company had a large project delivery to the UK in Q4 last year), and Cue Dee.

Electrify Q (White)

Source: Lagercrantz


The Control division are back to solid levels with an EBITA margin above 20% in the quarter. The division reached sales of SEK198m and EBITA of SEK40m and the organic growth was c-2%. The third and fourth quarters are the most important quarters for Radonova, which is the largest unit in terms of EBITA for the Control division, which explains most of the seasonality in the division, and we note that it had a solid quarter (we do a deep-dive into Radonova further down in this report). Precimeter notes a continued downturn driven by the lower aluminium production in Europe. Lagercrantz mentioned that Radonova, Direktronik, Load Indicator and Leteng performed well in the quarter (same as in Q3).

Control Q (White)

Source: Lagercrantz


TecSec had a somewhat challenging quarter with net sales of SEK518m and an EBITA of SEK85m, the EBITA margin was c16.4%, a decrease from Q4 last year of c18.4%. Notably the division met strong comparables where it showed c25% organic growth in Q4 last year. Organic growth was c-11%. PcP, ISG Nordic, ARAS, Idesco and Door & Joinery again performed particularly well while CWL and R-Con was negatively impacted by a weaker market.

TecSec Q (White)

Source: Lagercrantz

Niche products

The Niche products division was the brightest star in the report with a stellar EBITA margin of c22.5% vs c20.5% in Q4 last year, and the EBITA was SEK134m in the quarter up from SEK107m. Organic growth was c-1% and sales came in at SEK596m. Asept, Wapro, Tormek, SIB, Sajas, Thermod and Vendig showed strong profitability improvements and Tormek, the second largest company within Lagercrantz (after Elpress), closed its books with a new record year. The business environment is stable across the divisions according to the management team. Lagercrantz notes that the acquired companies MH Modules and Prido got good starts within the company.

Niche Products Q (White)

Source: Lagercrantz


The International division showed an organic growth of c-4% and reported SEK398m in sales and SEK70m in EBITA. The EBITA margin strengthened from c14.6% to c17.6%. Lagercrantz again singles out the marine businesses Libra and Tebul as particularly strong performers along with Schmitztechnik and E-tech. NST, G9 and a few of the ACTE-companies didn't reach the levels from last year. All-in-all a solid report for the International division which has established itself at a higher profitability level.

Internatnioal Q (White)

Source: Lagercrantz


We had the pleasure of visiting the Lagercrantz’ subsidiary Radonova’s HQ in February. Radonova is the strongest business within the Control division sporting sales of close to SEK70m and EBITA of cSEK16m leading to margins of just short of c25% according to our estimates (supported by public data from – to be compared with sales of cSEK745m and EBITA of cSEK118m (EBITA margins of c16%) for the division on a rolling-twelve-month basis. The history of the company spans from 1986 when the Chernobyl catastrophe triggered the need to measure radioactivity. The company Gammadata was formed from academia and was an independent company until 2009 when Landauer Inc (part of Fortive since 2017) bought the company in 2009. The current CEO Karl Nilsson joined in 2010. As often the case when being part of a large organization the company suffered from bureaucracy and lack of focus from senior management within Landauer. Lagercrantz bought the company in September 2015 – CEO Karl Nilsson recommended the sellers to sell to Lagercrantz as he had a positive experience being part of Indutrade, having a similar decentralized business model. The company was renamed to Radonova after the sale.

The main business of Radonova is the measurement of radon gas in indoor spaces, homes, and workplaces. Radioactive radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Of all measured facilities, 15% are identified by Radonova with too high radon levels. Actions to reduce the radon levels will lower the risk of lung cancer for persons occupying these areas. A good cause and suppose you want to ensure you do not have unhealthy radon levels in your home, workplace or, for example, at your children's daycare centres or schools, you can easily order a measurement via one of Radonova's local websites, for instance, in Sweden or the US.

As the biggest independent accredited radon measurement company, Radonova can provide high-quality, accurate results of radon levels, which fulfil multiple measurement standards worldwide. The core of the business is passive radon detectors, which are placed out by installers or end users. After the measurement period, the detectors are sent back to Radonova. All the measurement data is handled digitally, with a user-friendly interface on the web: Radonova´s My Pages. Users can also review their measurement reports and get enough information to proceed with actions if the radon concentration in the facility is too high.

The start of Radonova within Lagercrantz was not ideal and the company didn’t fully deliver on its financial goals the first year. After that, the company has delivered constant improvements and EBITA has grown from cSEK5m to cSEK16m. Speaking to Karl, he mentioned that he felt the pressure from Lagercrantz management to turn the business around but he also got the tools to do it. He feels great motivation being part of a larger group and getting the support he needs but also the autonomy to make the right decisions on a daily basis to reach the goals that are set jointly. Lagercrantz often talks about the friendly competition within the business units and Karl is clearly proud to have been the best performer within the Control division multiple times – a feat that he hopes to continue.

Chart 30

The company is a cash machine working with negative working capital - its main radon measurement products are out for 2-6 months while the company gets paid in 30 days. The market is surrounded by regulatory barriers – the products need to be certified - and Radonova is the market leader in Europe with a market share of north of 50% in several countries. There are only a few competitors and we believe the reason is that the market is too small for large competitors to make the investment to compete – just the niche characteristics that fits the serial acquirer model. Radonova mainly sells business to business and its largest customers are housing cooperations, companies, and authorities. The main driver for growth is that more and more countries adopt regulations on radon measurement and also that the countries focus on more supervision to make sure that the regulations are followed. In Sweden, buildings need to be measured once every 10 years. 

One of the key issues for the company has been digitalization. Radonova has passive detectors – meaning that the detectors are sent to the customer – placed by installers – sent back to Radonova for analysis and the result is then published digitally. The alternative is to measure radon digitally where the result is published directly from the site but the cost for that is also much higher, and while Radonova has solutions for this already, it believes the passive instruments are here to stay for the long term and that the risk for obsolescence has decreased during the last years.


Lagercrantz made one acquisition in the fourth quarter of Prido in February, and also completed the acquisition of Nordic Road Safety in March. We have commented on both in previous updates and reiterate that both acquisitions are large for Lagercrantz. Lagercrantz has completed nine acquisitions the last twelve months.

Management continues to be positive about the prospects for acquisitions in the coming quarters. Considering Lagercrantz has a good financial position and strong cash flow generation we believe it will take advantage of this situation.

Acquisitions, R12m

Lagercrantz: Acquisitions R12m
DivisionCompanyCountryConsolidatedSales (SEKm)Growth vs R12m
Niche ProductsPridoSE3/1/20242703.3%
TecSecSuomen Diesel VoimaFI12/1/2023901.1%
ElectrifyNordic Road SafetySE3/1/20243504.3%
Niche ProductsMateral Handling Modules EuropeSE12/1/2023901.1%
InternationalDP SealsUK12/1/2023640.8%
InternationalSupply PlusUK4/1/2023901.3%
InternationalGlova RailDK4/1/2023871.3%
Source: Lagercrantz


Prido is based in the southwestern part of Sweden and has a history spanning from 1973. The company is a manufacturer of industrial folding doors and sells its product through intermediaries. The company is known for its Ecolid folding door of which the first version was produced in 1994 and it is still the best seller in Sweden. The main export market for the company is Norway and while Lagercrantz aims to aid the company within exports, the type of folding doors that Prido produces are not common in most countries. While Lagercrantz is confident that Prido's doors are superior and cheaper it may be difficult to change customers behavior. The company is part of Lagercrantz's Niche Products division.

Prido has a high return on working capital of well above 100% according to the press release (well above Lagercrantz return of c77% on a rolling-twelve-month basis), and is expected to generate cSEK270m in sales and an operating profit of cSEK64-68m for the year ending on the 30th of April. This leads to a strong operating margin of c25%, well above the average for Lagercrantz. Lagercrantz paid an EV/EBITA multiple of c7x, which in the mid range EBITA equals SEK462m. The company has shown strong growth in the last years as seen below.

Chart 29


Lagercrantz: Number of acquisitions and acquired pro forma sales and EBITA per year (SEKm)

As can be seen below, Lagercrantz has clearly ramped up its acquisition pace in recent years while paying roughly the same multiples. The company updated its guidance from 5-8 acquisitions per year to 8-12 acquisitions per year in the Q2 2023/2024 report. We believe the number of acquisitions can vary depending on the size of acquisitions.

Acquisitions per year, LIGHT

Source: Lagercrantz

As per below, we note that multiples are roughly at the same levels as five years ago and they have decreased in the current fiscal year. We believe the multiples can differ from year to year based on various factors and that investors should track the long term trend as an indication for a stronger or weaker ROIC ahead.

Lagercrantz: Purchase considerations (SEKm) and paid EV/EBITA multiples (x) over time

Multiples paid, LIGHT

Source: Lagercrantz

Financial forecasts

Estimate revisions

Revenues 9,559 9,591 (0.3%) 10,628 10,589 0.4%
Y/Y Growth (%)17.6%17.0%11.2%10.4%
Electrify 2,171 2,267 (4.2%) 2,258 2,358 (4.2%)
Growth y/y5.7%5.7%5.7%5.7%
EBITA 381 415 (8.0%) 402 431 (6.8%)
EBITA margin17.6%18.3%17.8%18.3%
Niche Products 2,375 2,336 1.7% 2,446 2,406 1.7%
Growth y/y22.7%22.7%22.7%22.7%
EBITA 506 495 2.4% 522 509 2.5%
EBITA margin21.3%21.2%21.3%21.2%
TecSec 2,161 2,181 (0.9%) 2,210 2,230 (0.9%)
Growth y/y75.5%75.5%75.5%75.5%
EBITA 386 395 (2.3%) 402 404 (0.5%)
EBITA margin17.9%18.1%18.2%18.1%
International 1,578 1,573 0.3% 1,609 1,604 0.3%
Growth y/y11.3%11.3%11.3%11.3%
EBITA 274 262 4.5% 278 267 4.1%
EBITA margin17.4%16.7%17.3%16.7%
Control 774 784 (1.3%) 805 816 (1.3%)
Growth y/y17.6%17.6%17.6%17.6%
EBITA 127 125 1.2% 129 130 (0.6%)
EBITA margin16.4%16.0%16.1%16.0%
Central Costs
EBITA 59 55 6.9% 60 61 (1.6%)
Group EBITA 1,690 1,704 (0.8%) 1,882 1,869 0.7%
EBITA Margin (%)17.7%17.8%17.7%17.7%
Source: Redeye Research

We make minor near-term revisions to out EBITA margin forecasts and our sales forecast. In the longer term, we forecast about 4% organic sales growth and a contribution from future M&A of around 8% from 2024/25 onwards. We continue to expect margins to increase slightly due to higher growth in product businesses and higher margins in (future) acquired companies. We note that the current economic climate is a risk on the downside and even if Lagercrantz is a much stronger group than it was during the last major financial crisis when sales fell 20% and the operating profit with 40% (from 2008/09-2009/10), it won’t be unaffected in a recession. We believe we have taken this risk into account in our financial estimates through a lower growth rate in 2024/2025. We have estimated a slight rebound in the latter half of 2024/2025 due to expected lower interest rates.

A negative effect that has an impact on the net profit right now is financial expenses. As Lagercrantz only has floating rate debt the increased interest rate puts pressure on the net income margin. The yearly financial expenses were SEK94m in 2022/2023 and increased to SEK142m in the current year (financial expenses were SEK45m in this quarter) and another increase to around SEK170m in 2024/2025. We have provided our short-term estimates per division and our long-term estimates for the group below.

Divisional estimates

Divisional Estimates
Y/Y Growth (%)7%15%27%24%17%6%6%
EBITA (Electrify)3139510210184381402
EBITA margin (Electrify)17%17%19%18%16%18%18%
Niche Products201357355158666523752446
Y/Y Growth (%)8%18%24%21%12%23%23%
EBITA (Niche Products)426123120121143506522
EBITA margin (Niche Products)21%21%22%21%22%21%21%
Y/Y Growth (%)18%4%7%5%3%75%75%
EBITA (TecSec)368979410293386402
EBITA margin (TecSec)18%18%18%18%17%18%18%
Y/Y Growth (%)1%3%4%3%3%18%18%
EBITA (Control)11724233841127129
EBITA margin (Control)16%13%14%18%20%16%16%
Y/Y Growth (%)25%1%8%7%4%11%11%
EBITA (International)25263697072274278
EBITA margin (Control)17%17%18%18%18%17%17%
Future M&A (Acc)0631251251885001300
EBITA (Future M&A (Acc))0919192875208
Assumed EBITA margin (Future M&A (Acc))15%15%15%15%15%15%15%

Long-term estimates

Lagercrantz: Long-term estimates
Net sales7,2468,1299,55910,62812,24113,80615,40817,22519,12021,35622,307
Net sales growth32%13%17%11%15%13%12%12%11%12%4%
Gross profit2,7403,2263,7564,1734,8085,4266,0596,7737,5248,4038,766
Net income7598771,0461,1831,3691,5601,7721,9982,2642,5493,591
Gross margin38%40%39%39%39%39%39%39%39%39%39%
EBITDA margin (%)20%21%21%21%21%21%21%21%21%21%21%
EBITA margin (%)17%18%18%18%18%18%18%18%18%18%18%
EBIT margin (%)15%15%16%16%16%16%16%16%16%16%16%
Net income margin (%)10%11%11%11%11%11%12%12%12%12%16%


We are raising our fair value range for Lagercrantz upon the solid Q4 report. Our fair value range is SEK140 to SEK220 per share, with a base case fair value per share of SEK180 (previously SEK120 to SEK210 with a base case of SEK150).

Fair value rangeBear caseBase caseBull case
Acquired EBITA per year until 2030140m growing to 200m200m growing to 270m200m growing to 300m
Average EBITA margin until 203015%17%19%
Organic sales CAGR2%4%6%
Terminal EBITA margin15%17%19%
Terminal growth2.5%2.5%2.5%

Peer valuation

Niche acquirersEVSalesEV/SALESEV/EBITASales GrowthEBITA margin
Momentum Group7,9202,2993.42.82.629.924.321.932%23%6%12%11%12%
Bergman & Beving9,3054,7232.01.81.821.119.317.8-1%5%4%9%10%10%
Average50,342 13,012
Median27,127 7,964
Source: FactSet

For this comparison, we use FactSet consensus estimates for Lagercrantz. As our own forecasts for Lagercrantz include future M&A, the comparison to peers with our forecasts is slightly misleading. Currently, Lagercrantz is trading in line with the average of its peers in 2024E according to Factset. On our forecasts, including future M&A, and at the current share price of SEK170.8, Lagercrantz is trading at c23x EV/EBITA 2024/2025E (roughly equal to 2023E in the table) and a P/E of c34. We argue that Lagercrantz is reasonably priced both in absolute terms and relative to peers.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue4,903.05,802.96,455.3
Operating Expenses1,518.01,757.41,948.4
Shares in Associates0.000.000.00
Interest Expenses142.0170.0170.0
Net Financial Items-142.0-166.0-166.0
Income Tax Expenses240.2286.5323.9
Net Income876.81,046.11,182.6
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)1,143.01,175.41,237.9
Intangible Assets2,042.02,171.12,354.4
Right-of-Use Assets0.000.000.00
Other Non-Current Assets25.025.029.0
Total Non-Current Assets6,320.06,936.67,758.3
Current assets
Accounts Receivable1,372.01,408.41,498.3
Other Current Assets426.0419.2432.1
Cash Equivalents355.0414.5679.8
Total Current Assets3,522.03,625.33,992.9
Total Assets9,842.010,561.811,751.2
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.000.000.00
Shareholder's Equity3,468.04,122.84,860.3
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt2,662.02,671.12,975.0
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.000.000.00
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities581.0581.0581.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities3,243.03,252.13,556.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt650.0650.0650.0
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.000.000.00
Accounts Payable0.000.000.00
Other Current Liabilities2,481.02,537.02,685.0
Total Current Liabilities3,131.03,187.03,335.0
Total Liabilities and Equity9,842.010,561.811,751.2
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow1,250.01,558.41,784.3
Investing Cash Flow-1,294.0-1,116.7-1,373.8
Financing Cash Flow29.0-382.2-145.2

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Scaling up its acquisition pace

The five divisions



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