Transtema: Weak Q1 – We Expect Improvements from Here

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Fredrik Nilsson answered 3 questions.

Redeye maintains a positive view of Transtema despite a weak Q1 and cuts in Base Case and forecasts. However, we see several reasons to believe Transtema is on a path to improved profitability from now on and back to organic growth in 2025.


Fredrik Nilsson


Review of Q1 2024

Sales: Unable to Compensate Copper Decline in Cautious Market

Profitability and Cash Flow: Hurt by Adverse Weather and the Soft Market

Case-Strengthening Pan-Nordic Support & Maintenance Deal

Estimate Revisions: Substantial Cuts for 2024, Minor for 2025


Investment thesis

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Profitability Likely Bottomed Out in Weak Q1

Sales was SEK500m (646) and came in 9% below our forecast of SEK549m. Organic growth was negative 27%, while our forecast was -15%, due to a soft market and adverse weather. With copper likely phased out during 2025, along with Transtema’s order inflow – where the recent pan-Nordic support and maintenance deal with GlobalConnect is the highlight, see below for details – we believe Transtema’s structural headwind in sales growth will turn in 2025. EBITA (adjusted for SEK7.1m one-offs related to the data breach at Tietoevry) was SEK3m (37). Our forecast was SEK 14m. The adjusted EBITA margin was 0.6%, compared to 5.7% in Q1 2023, and below our forecast of 2.5%. We believe there are many reasons to expect improvements over the coming quarters. First, Q1 is seasonally soft. Second, cost-saving initiatives will likely have a larger positive impact going forward. Third, many of Transtema’s new larger deals will start having a positive impact from H2 2024 and onwards. Thus, although we do not expect Transtema to reach its ambitious 7% EBITA margin target, we expect Q1 2024 to be the bottom in terms of profitability.

Case-Strengthening Pan-Nordic Support & Maintenance Deal

In early May, Transtema announced a 3-year deal (with an option of +3 years) regarding support and maintenance on all four Nordic markets – Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark – with GlobalConnect. While the initial SEK200m over three years might not seem that significant in relation to Transtema’s 2023 sales of SEK2.7bn, we believe this deal is important and strengthens the investment case in Transtema. It is Transtema’s first major deal with GlobalConnect, which is a large and expansive player within fibre in the Nordics. The pan-Nordic deal fits well within Transtema’s strategy of becoming a Nordic player – with in-house capabilities in Sweden and Norway and partners in Finland and Denmark. Transtema currently has limited resources for support and maintenance in Norway. However, with this deal, the company has a foundation for establishing a combination of an in-house team and partner network in Norway, opening for further support and maintenance deals in the market.

New Base Case SEK25 (29)

We decreased our Base Case from SEK29 to SEK25 based on the estimate revisions. However, our positive view is retained, and we believe this quarter sets the bottom for Transtema’s profitability. The company is trading at 4.2x EBITA 2025e. Although we expect significant margin improvements compared to R12m numbers, our 4.9% EBITA margin assumption remains below the company’s 7% target.

Key financials

Revenue Growth9.0%-15.6%8.0%6.0%4.0%
EBIT Margin2.2%2.7%3.9%4.3%4.6%
Net Income171.935.068.681.590.0

Review of Q1 2024

SalesQ1E 2024Q1A 2024DiffQ1A 2023Q4A 2023
Net Sales549500-9%646726
Y/Y Growth (%)-15%-23%-16%-6%
EBITA Margin (%)2.5%0.6%4.7%5.3%
Diluted EPS0.10-0.37nmf0.230.44

Sales: Unable to Compensate Copper Decline in Cautious Market

Sales was SEK500m (646) and came in 9% below our forecast of SEK549m. Organic growth was negative 27%, while our forecast was -15%. Sales in Sweden was -24% organically due to the liquidation of copper networks and a lower overall demand. Although Transtema has signed some larger deals – where most will positively impact H2 2024 and beyond – it has not been enough to compensate for the rather rapid decline in copper in H2 2023 – H1 2024. However, as the revenue from copper likely will be phased out completely by the beginning of 2026, the downside from here is not that significant. Along with Transtema’s order inflow – where the recent pan-Nordic support and maintenance deal with GlobalConnect is the highlight, see below for details – we believe Transtema’s structural headwind in sales growth will turn in 2025.

In addition, Transtema continues to see solid growth within the EV-charging segment and added several interesting contracts during the quarter. While strong momentum within the EV-charging segment is encouraging for the long-term outlook, the segment is still too small to have a notable impact on the group total.

Sales in Norway was -34% organically due to lower overall demand and adverse weather conditions. While Norway has no headwind from exposure to copper, Transtema’s installation-heavy operations are sensitive to weather and market demand.

Regarding both Sweden and Norway, Transtema is not churning its current deals nor failing to win a fair share of available deals (for example, Eltel won FMV, and Transtema won GlobalConnect – likely a more attractive deal for Transtema). Instead, deals are being postponed, and the number of new deals up for grabs is somewhat lower than usual.

All in all, we believe that organic growth is about to bottom out. We expect negative organic growth in 2024 and gradual improvements during the year. In 2025, when we expect the exposure to copper to be limited, we assume Transtema will get back to organic growth thanks to new larger orders kicking in gradually. Also, we believe the soft performance is due to the market situation rather than Transtema executing badly – For example, neither Netel’s Telecom division nor Eltel’s Sweden+Norway made any money in Q1. Considering that Transtema’s and its peers’ offerings are vital to modern society, it is clearly debatable whether their limited or non-existent profitability is desirable and sustainable in the long run from society’s perspective.

sales & growth, light

Source: Transtema

Profitability and Cash Flow: Hurt by Adverse Weather and the Soft Market

EBITA (adjusted for SEK7.1m one-offs related to the data breach at Tietoevry) was SEK3m (37). Our forecast was SEK 14m. The adjusted EBITA margin was 0.6%, compared to 5.7% in Q1 2023, and below our forecast of 2.5%. Although Q1 is a seasonally soft quarter, due to the cycles of the installation business, the weak market and tougher-than-usual weather conditions hurt margins more than expected. Management points out that margins are sensitive to sales volume in the short term, suggesting solid improvements in margins given an uptick in volumes.

While Q1 was a weak quarter, we believe there are many reasons to expect improvements over the coming quarters. First, Q1 is seasonally soft. Second, cost-saving initiatives will likely have a larger positive impact going forward. Third, many of Transtema’s new larger deals will start having a positive impact from H2 2024 and onwards. Thus, although we do not expect Transtema to reach its ambitious 7% EBITA margin target, we expect Q1 2024 to be the bottom in terms of profitability.

On a positive note, operating cash flow was strong at SEK62m, thanks to a reduction of working capital driven by the sharp decline in sales q/q and structural improvements. Transtema ended the quarter with SEK98m in cash and interest-bearing debt of SEK165m, resulting in a limited net debt. However, we expect earn-outs of about SEK120m to be paid out over the next few quarters, which Transtema can handle with its current credit facility and cash.

EBITA, light

Source: Transtema

Case-Strengthening Pan-Nordic Support & Maintenance Deal

This text is from our Note published 3 May.

In early May, Transtema announced (PM in Swedish) a 3-year deal (with an option of +3 years) regarding support and maintenance on all four Nordic markets – Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark – with GlobalConnect. The deal is worth about SEK200m during the first three years.

While the initial SEK200m over three years might not seem that significant in relation to Transtema’s 2023 sales of SEK2.7bn, we believe this deal is important and strengthens the investment case in Transtema for the following main reasons:

  • It is Transtema’s first major deal with GlobalConnect, which is a large and expansive player within fibre in the Nordics. With this deal, Transtema has added a new major customer to Telia and Telenor, lowering customer concentration risk and creating new growth opportunities.
  • While SEK200m over three years is small relative to Transtema’s total sales, it is a support & maintenance deal, meaning predictable and recurring revenues. Considering Transtema’s acquisitions of Tessta and UBConnect along with the decline in copper, Transtema’s share of support and maintenance has declined recently. Thus, new deals growing the share of recurring revenue are encouraging.
  • The pan-Nordic deal fits well within Transtema’s strategy of becoming a Nordic player – with in-house capabilities in Sweden and Norway and partners in Finland and Denmark. Transtema currently has limited resources for support and maintenance in Norway. However, with this deal, the company has a foundation for establishing a combination of an in-house team and partner network in Norway, opening for further support and maintenance deals in the market. In addition, it strengthens Transtema’s ability to sustain its nationwide presence in Sweden.

Although the market currently experiences some pricing pressure, as far as we understand, the pricing on this deal is fair and does not jeopardize Transtema’s financial targets.

Estimate Revisions: Substantial Cuts for 2024, Minor for 2025

We cut our sales and EBITA forecast by 9% and 6%, and 27% and 7% for 2024 and 2025, respectively. The large cut in 2024 is due to the weak outcome in Q1 and its implications on our expectations for the next few quarters. Regarding 2025, we only lower our forecasts slightly due to the recently announced pan-Nordic support & maintenance deal with GlobalConnect. With a limited headwind from copper and new deals to drive growth, we expect Transtema to reach a decent margin of 4.9% on the EBITA level in 2025 – although still well below the 7% target, implying greater potential in a positive scenario.

Estimate Revisions
SalesFYE 2024OldChangeFYE 2025OldChange
Net Sales22692501-9%24512601-6%
Y/Y Growth (%)-16%-7%8%4%
EBITA Margin (%)3.8%4.7%4.9%5.0%
Diluted EPS0.841.57-47%1.651.82-9%
SalesFYA 2023Q1A 2024Q2E 2024Q3E 2024Q4E 2024FYE 2024FYE 2025FYE 2026FYE 2027
Net Sales26895005715316682269245125982702
Y/Y Growth (%)9%-23%-20%-12%-8%-16%8%6%4%
EBITA Margin (%)3.3%-0.8%3.5%5.0%6.5%3.8%4.9%5.3%5.5%
Diluted EPS3.19-0.330.220.340.660.841.651.962.16


We decreased our Base Case from SEK29 to SEK25 based on the estimate revisions. However, our positive view is retained, and we believe this quarter sets the bottom for Transtema’s profitability. The company is trading at 4.2x EBITA 2025e. Although we expect significant margin improvements compared to R12m numbers, our 4.9% EBITA margin assumption remains below the company’s 7% target.

Fair Value Range - Assumptions
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK102545
Sales CAGR
2024 - 20312%4%7%
2031 - 20410%2%4%
Avg EBIT margin
2024 - 20312%4%5%
2031 - 20414%5%6%
Terminal EBIT Margin2%5%6%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Peer Valuation

Transtema is trading at a discount (20-25% on EB/EBIT) to peers for 2025-26e, despite our margin assumptions being far below the company target of 7% (on EBITA). If Transtema can return to growth with margins approaching its 7% target, we believe it deserves a valuation multiple at least in line with peers.

Investment thesis


From construction to installations, operations, and maintenance

Following a few years with a focus on Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) construction which ended badly, Transtema has reshaped its business, concentrating on stable installations, operations, and maintenance markets. With its nationwide reach in Sweden and substantial presence in Norway, Transtema has a solid position to capture growth stemming from structural trends driving the need for the availability and reliability of communication networks. In addition, recent EV charging and coax acquisitions allow for higher utilization of the nationwide service network and reduced customer concentration.


Stability, margins, and growth in place following the recent transformation

Since the transformation towards installations, operations, and maintenance in 2020, Transtema has delivered stable EBITA margins of ~7%, among the highest levels in the industry. Despite the eroding copper business, Transtema has achieved solid organic growth fueled by 5G and fiber installations. The acquisition of Tessta has been a success so far. Combined with the offering-expanding acquisitions of North Projects and Bäcks, Transtema has reduced customer concentration and improved its growth prospects.


Exposure to legacy technology

With about 20% of sales stemming from copper, Transtema will experience a growth headwind as copper is expected to erode over the next few years. However, the decline of legacy technology and the rise of new solutions is a normality in the communications industry. Although Transtema needs to compensate with revenue from newer technologies, following recent acquisitions in, for example, the surging EV charging sector, and the site-management deal, we believe the prospects are solid.


Significant customer concentration

Although the customer concentration has decreased following recent acquisitions, Transtema generates about 40% of its sales from Telia. While a few huge players characterize the telecommunications market, we believe customer concentration is a risk in Transtema. On the other hand, Telia also depends on Transtema, as it would be challenging for a competitor to provide similar services, at least in the short term. Following the recent acquisitions, we believe the customer concentration will decrease further.


Fair Value SEK 25

Our DCF model shows a fair value of SEK 25, which is also supported by a peer valuation. While the strong performance seen in 2021-22 motivates a premium to the sector, Transtema has experienced a negative impact from the weaker market, hurting margins and growth.

Quality Rating

People: 4

Transtema receives a high rating for People for several reasons. First, we believe management has relevant experience and a solid understanding of the market. Second, following operational and financial issues, its management has reshaped the business to profitability. Third, insiders, such as former CEO and current chairman Magnus Johansson, own a substantial share of Transtema. Fourth, we believe management’s communication is balanced and realistic.

Business: 4

Transtema receives a high rating for Business for several reasons. First, the group receives most of its revenues from operations, services, and maintenance, and ~35% is recurring. Second, the limited acceptance for communication networks’ downtime makes Transtema’s services vital to its customers. Third, Transtema has established nationwide operations with ~900 technicians and a presence in ~85 locations, implying significant investments and entry barriers for new players.

Financials: 3

Transtema receives an average rating for Financials. Recent improvements in organic growth, margins, and cash flows increase the rating, but its weak performance of a few years ago works in the opposite direction. Should Transtema be able to preserve its recent improvements in margins, which we find likely, we see the company heading for a higher Financials rating in the coming years.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue1,284.61,082.21,225.41,298.91,350.8
Operating Expenses1,213.0994.8999.81,058.51,099.0
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses-80.3-16.0-7.9-7.9-7.9
Net Financial Items281.
Income Tax Expenses-6.7-10.5-19.3-23.0-25.4
Net Income171.935.068.681.590.0
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)34.628.023.023.924.8
Intangible Assets334.7308.8283.6258.4233.2
Right-of-Use Assets189.2193.2193.2193.2193.2
Other Non-Current Assets2.
Total Non-Current Assets942.4917.0886.7862.4838.2
Current assets
Accounts Receivable334.7295.0318.6337.7351.2
Other Current Assets346.4295.0318.6337.7351.2
Cash Equivalents67.148.6143.9246.8359.0
Total Current Assets771.7661.3805.5948.21,088.4
Total Assets1,714.11,578.31,692.31,810.61,926.6
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.510.340.340.340.34
Shareholder's Equity558.2593.7662.3743.8833.9
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt163.3165.5165.5165.5165.5
Long Term Lease Liabilities116.7121.6121.6121.6121.6
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities104.054.454.454.454.4
Total Non-Current Liabilities384.0341.6341.6341.6341.6
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities75.875.475.475.475.4
Accounts Payable248.6249.6269.6285.8297.2
Other Current Liabilities447.0317.7343.1363.7378.2
Total Current Liabilities771.4642.7688.1724.8750.8
Total Liabilities and Equity1,714.11,578.31,692.31,810.61,926.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow64.987.4194.7206.5216.4
Investing Cash Flow-62.7-22.4-11.4-15.6-16.2
Financing Cash Flow9.1-85.0-88.0-88.0-88.0

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Review of Q1 2024

Sales: Unable to Compensate Copper Decline in Cautious Market

Profitability and Cash Flow: Hurt by Adverse Weather and the Soft Market

Case-Strengthening Pan-Nordic Support & Maintenance Deal

Estimate Revisions: Substantial Cuts for 2024, Minor for 2025


Investment thesis

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