Hanza: Softer Market and Integrations Hurting Short-Term

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Fredrik Nilsson answered 3 questions.

Redeye retains its positive stance towards Hanza despite a softer Q1 report than expected, resulting in lowered forecasts and Base Case. The softer market and the integration of Orbit One are hurting margins somewhat more than we anticipated, reducing our short-term forecasts. On the other hand, management seems very confident in the 2025 targets despite the somewhat softer market.



Fredrik Nilsson

Fredrik Reuterhäll


Review of Q1 2024

Softer Than Expected

Main Markets

Other Markets

Large Inventory in Orbit One

Estimate Revisions: Reduced Forecasts for 2024 and 2025


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


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Integrations Hurting Short-Term EBITA

Sales was 6% short of our expectations and amounted to SEK1253m (1065). The organic growth was -6% y/y. The softer macroeconomic environment resulted in lower demand from customers in some areas. EBITA (adjusted for restructuring and a write-down of the Orbit One earn-out) was SEK67m (88), corresponding to an EBITA margin of 5.3% (8.3). Our forecast was SEK96m and 7.2%. Main Markets was only slightly softer than expected, while Other Markets was hurt by a combination of integration work and by having less mature clusters than Main Markets, making it harder to adapt to changes in demand.

Confident in 2025 Targets Despite Somewhat Softer Market

Despite the softer market, management is confident in reaching its 2025 targets of SEK6.5 billion in sales (including future M&A) and an 8% EBITA margin. The company is getting promising signals from its customers, who are expecting to increase their volumes by autumn. Also, management seems confident in gaining new deals during the rest of 2024, thanks to companies continuing to evaluate their production chains, which might be more appealing in a somewhat softer market environment.

New Base Case SEK73 (90)

We lower our Base Case somewhat to SEK 73 (90) on the back of reduced forecasts and a softer outlook. Nevertheless, we keep our positive view and see substantial upside potential. Despite the strong operational performance in recent years, with high growth and improving margins during 2023, Hanza is still trading at a discount to the average, although often bigger, manufacturing service companies. We believe the discount will decrease further, given that Hanza will continue its strong operational performance.

Key financials

Revenue Growth16.4%24.2%8.8%6.0%6.0%
EBIT Margin7.9%6.1%7.6%7.9%8.2%
Net Income215.0139.6215.3251.9290.2

Review of Q1 2024

Estmates vs. Actuals
SalesQ1E 2024Q1A 2024DiffQ1A 2023Q4A 2023
Net sales13341253-6%10651056
Y/Y Growth (%)33%18%29%5%
Main Markets7357705%594605
Y/Y Growth (%)21%30%23%6%
EBITA (MM)6154-11%5863
EBITA margin8.3%7.0%10%10%
Other Markets599480-20%468447
Y/Y Growth (%)34%3%37%2%
EBITA (OM)3716-56%3029
EBITA margin6.1%3.3%6%6%
EBITA Margin (%)7.2%5.3%8.3%7.2%
EBIT Margin (%)6.9%4.9%7.9%6.7%
Diluted EPS1.320.77-42%1.481.09

Softer Than Expected

Sales was 6% short of our expectations and amounted to SEK1253m (1065). The organic growth was -6% y/y. The softer macroeconomic environment resulted in lower demand from customers in some areas. EBITA (adjusted for restructuring and a write-down of the Orbit One earn-out) was SEK67m (88), corresponding to an EBITA margin of 5.3% (8.3). Our forecast was SEK96m and 7.2%.

Main Markets beat our sales forecasts by 5%, while EBITA came in 11% short. We believe the EBITA contribution from Orbit One was lower than we anticipated, as management states that the EBITA contribution in Q1 was limited. Thus, the like-for-like EBITA development was rather solid at 8.2% vs 8.8% Q1 2023 (excluding subsidiaries). Organic growth was 1%. Once again, Main Markets shows it has the ability to obtain healthy results despite large integrations and changes in demand.

Other Markets came in below in terms of both sales and EBITA. Organic growth was -14%, and the EBITA margin fell to 3.3% overall and 4.9% (6.4) like-for-like. Our forecast was 6.1%. The growth and margin were negatively affected by the ongoing integration of Orbit One's Polish operations, which usually take one year and could possibly be completed in Q3 if done well. In addition, the smaller clusters within Other Markets are not as mature and, therefore, not as resistant to changes in demand as Main Markets.

Management sees a mixed market where some sectors, like defence and energy, continue to do well, while others like mining and industrials, are softer. Hanza saw lower volumes from some customers while others increased their volume. However, considering the negative organic growth, customers reducing volumes seem to dominate. Also, Hanza has not lost any customers, meaning that the decline in sales is fully due to lower volumes from current customers. Although Hanza plans for the market environment to remain unchanged, it is getting promising signals from its customers, who expect to increase their volumes by autumn.

Also, management highlights that softer macroeconomic conditions can trigger product companies to evaluate their production chains – leaving opportunities for Hanza to gain market share. In addition, the interest in regionalised production remains high, which seems reasonable considering the increasing geopolitical turmoil in many areas, for example. The backsourcing or regionalisation is mostly about new production for the European/American markets being manufactured in those regions rather than production moving back from Asia, although that happens sometimes as well. Management seems confident in gaining new deals thanks to these trends during the rest of 2024.

All in all, management clearly believes that its 2025 targets of SEK6.5bn in sales (inc. future M&A) and the 8% EBITA margin target hold even in this somewhat softer market, suggesting high confidence in reaching the targets.

Group, light

Source: Hanza

Main Markets

Main, light

Source: Hanza

Main Markets consist of the Swedish, Finnish, and German clusters. The Swedish cluster is the largest and the most profitable cluster, with manufacturing facilities mainly located in Årjäng and Töcksfors, Värmland, along with the recently acquired facility in Ronneby, Blekinge. The German cluster is less mature but has seen substantial improvements in profitability during the last year. The Finnish cluster is somewhere in between, in terms of maturity and profitability.

Other Markets

Other, light

Source: Hanza

Other Markets consist of the Baltic, Central European, and Chinese clusters. The Baltic cluster is the largest and likely the most profitable, with manufacturing facilities in Tartu and Narva, Estonia. The Central Europan cluster is less mature but will increase significantly in size with the recently acquired Orbit One factory in Poland. The Chinese cluster is Hanza’s smallest and the only cluster outside of Europe.

Large Inventory in Orbit One

Orbit One has a much larger net working capital compared to “old Hanza”, mostly due to its large inventory. Management believes it will be able to adjust Orbit One’s inventory to align with levels seen previously in Hanza over time, which will boost Hanza’s cash flow.

NWC, light

Source: Hanza

Estimate Revisions: Reduced Forecasts for 2024 and 2025

We lower our sales forecasts by 3-7% for 2024-25 and our EBITA estimates by 14-20%. The following changes mainly drive the revisions in addition to the softer Q1, affecting 2024 numbers:

  • While management sees potential for a rebound in volumes in the autumn and has a positive outlook regarding additional deals, the lower activity seen in Hanza and its peers makes us somewhat more cautious regarding our sales expectations. Also, prior to its full integration, we believe the EMS-focused Orbit One is more sensitive to softer economic conditions.
  • The lower sales volumes and us likely underestimating the negative margin impact from the integration work result in reduced margin forecasts, mainly for 2024.

Based on our revised forecasts, we expect SEK5.6bn in sales (with no future M&A) and 8.0% in EBITA margin in 2025. This margin is in line with Hanza’s >8% target but somewhat lower sales than the SEK6.5bn target. However, our forecasts do not include any future M&A, and we interpret management as the target is likely to be reached by a combination of organic and acquired growth. Thus, despite our forecast cuts, we still expect Hanza to perform in line with its financial targets.

Estimate Revisions
SalesFYE 2024OldChangeFYE 2025OldChange
Net sales51385312-3.3%56006016-6.9%
Y/Y Growth (%)24%28%9%13%
Main Markets312129715.0%340133511.5%
Y/Y Growth (%)33%26%9%13%
EBITA (MM)227258-11.9%299318-6.0%
EBITA margin7%9%9%10%
Other Markets20182341-13.8%21992665-17.5%
Y/Y Growth (%)13%32%9%14%
EBITA (OM)99153-35.1%154195-20.9%
EBITA margin5%7%7%7%
EBITA Margin (%)6.6%7.6%8.0%8.4%
EBIT Margin (%)6.1%7.4%7.6%8.2%
Diluted EPS3.235.72-43.5%4.987.70-35.3%
Source: Hanza & Redeye Research
SalesFYA 2023Q1A 2024Q2E 2024Q3E 2024Q4E 2024FYE 2024FYE 2025FYE 2026
Net sales41441253128612491354513856005936
Y/Y Growth (%)17%18%20%31%28%24%9%6%
Main Markets2351770788751812312134013605
Y/Y Growth (%)19%30%30%37%34%33%9%6%
EBITA (MM)25639596069227299324
EBITA margin11%5%8%8%9%7%9%9%
Other Markets1778480498498542201821992331
Y/Y Growth (%)13%3%9%23%21%13%9%6%
EBITA (OM)1101222303599154170
EBITA margin6%3%5%6%7%5%7%7%
EBITA Margin (%)8.3%5.3%6.2%7.1%7.6%6.6%8.0%8.2%
EBIT Margin (%)7.9%4.9%5.7%6.5%7.1%6.1%7.6%7.9%
Diluted EPS4.980.780.610.781.063.234.985.83
Source: Hanza & Redeye Research


We lower our Base Case somewhat to SEK 73 (90) on the back of reduced forecasts and a softer outlook. Nevertheless, we keep our positive view and see substantial upside potential if the 2025 targets are reached.

Fair Value Range - Assumptions
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK237399
Sales CAGR
2024 - 20314%6%7%
2031 - 20411%3%3%
Avg EBIT margin
2024 - 20317%8%9%
2031 - 20415%8%9%
Terminal EBIT Margin6%8%9%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Peer Valuation

Despite the strong operational performance in recent years, with high growth and improving margins during 2023, Hanza is still trading at a discount (~20% on EV/EBIT) to the average, although often bigger, manufacturing service companies. We believe the discount will decrease further, given that Hanza continues its strong operational performance.

Investment thesis


Riding the Back-Shoring Trend with its Unique Cluster Strategy

With its ‘All you need is one’ cluster-based strategy, Hanza, and its experienced management take a unique approach that differentiates it from manufacturing service companies. By gathering several manufacturing technologies in a single location, Hanza can reduce costs, lead times, and environmental footprint. Having almost every cluster in the end market or in close-by low-cost countries, Hanza is set to benefit from the ongoing back-shoring trend. Quarterly reports with strong operational performance, particularly improvements in immature clusters, are the main catalysts.


Proven Track-Record in Mature Clusters

The Main Markets segment, including the mature Swedish and Finnish clusters as well as the newly established German cluster, has an EBITA margin of about 8% - implying sector-leading margins in the mature Swedish and Finnish clusters. As the other clusters mature, we expect their margins to approach Swedish levels gradually. Since late 2021, Hanza has seen a surge in organic sales growth following the pandemic. While a rebound from the pandemic has a positive effect, we believe the strong numbers also result from increasing interest in back-shoring.


Cyclical Exposure Through Customers’ Volume Fluctuations

While Hanza seldom loses customers, its revenues depend on the customers’ volumes. During the pandemic in 2020, organic sales fell by about 10%, putting pressure on margins. Thus, Hanza is, to some extent, exposed to market cycles. However, following recent acquisitions and organic customer intake, we believe the diversification between sectors has improved. In addition, the back-shoring trend should help Hanza attract new customers in economic downturns.


Lack of transferability

Hanza's success in the Nordics may not result from its ‘All you need Is one’ cluster strategy but rather follow from smart acquisitions and a management team with close connections to several Nordic product companies. If so, it may struggle to achieve solid profitability outside of the Nordics. However, it has already established a successful presence outside the Nordics, such as in Tartu, Estonia.


Fair Value SEK 73

Our DCF model shows a fair value of SEK 73, which is also supported by a peer valuation. While Hanza has been trading at a discount to peers historically, considering its improvements regarding organic sales growth and margins, we believe Hanza should trade on par with peers.

Quality Rating

People: 4

Hanza receives a high rating for people, as both management and owners have favorable characteristics. CEO Erik Stenfors has vast experience of the manufacturing service industry, including being the founder and CEO of both Note and Hanza. Hanza's largest sharholder is Gerald Engström, the founder and majority owner of Systemair. As a result, Hanza also has the support of a product company veteran.

Business: 3

Lacking clear differentiators, competition in the manufacturing service industry is typically tough. While Hanza has a unique take on the industry, we believe it is still difficult for it to increase prices for example. All the same, Hanza is a close and important partner for several of its customers. Moreover, it has decent diversification across both sectors and customers. Overall, Hanza receives an average rating for Business.

Financials: 3

While Hanza's near-term financial performance is strong, the long-term track-record has been weak, which lowers the Financials rating. Its solid financial position is positive, while the low-margin nature of its business is negative for the rating. In summary, Hanza receives an average rating for Financials. Several consecutive years of solid performance would lift the rating, though. 


Income statement
Cost of Revenue2,334.03,120.73,472.03,680.33,901.1
Operating Expenses1,345.31,532.51,522.61,600.11,678.0
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses-80.0-149.5-164.7-164.7-164.7
Net Financial Items80.0149.5164.7164.7164.7
Income Tax Expenses-33.0-22.6-44.1-51.6-59.4
Net Income215.0139.6215.3251.9290.2
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)714.0893.11,045.01,210.01,375.5
Intangible Assets77.0131.6108.588.171.5
Right-of-Use Assets186.0230.0230.0230.0230.0
Other Non-Current Assets23.
Total Non-Current Assets1,387.01,816.71,945.52,090.12,239.1
Current assets
Accounts Receivable175.0257.1252.0267.1283.1
Other Current Assets91.0154.2168.0178.1188.8
Cash Equivalents340.0496.0640.3667.6718.0
Total Current Assets1,542.02,141.12,292.32,418.72,574.2
Total Assets2,929.03,957.84,237.84,508.84,813.3
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity1,345.01,527.21,707.61,905.72,132.9
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt326.0509.0509.0509.0509.0
Long Term Lease Liabilities114.0147.0147.0147.0147.0
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities159.0198.0198.0198.0198.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities599.0854.0854.0854.0854.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt196.0406.0406.0406.0406.0
Short Term Lease Liabilities53.
Accounts Payable450.0668.4728.0771.7818.0
Other Current Liabilities286.0447.3487.2516.4547.4
Total Current Liabilities985.01,576.61,676.21,749.11,826.4
Total Liabilities and Equity2,929.03,957.84,237.84,508.84,813.3
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow277.0594.4489.3413.1461.1
Investing Cash Flow-296.0-573.9-239.2-261.2-276.9
Financing Cash Flow217.0126.5-105.7-124.7-133.8

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Review of Q1 2024

Softer Than Expected

Main Markets

Other Markets

Large Inventory in Orbit One

Estimate Revisions: Reduced Forecasts for 2024 and 2025


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


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