IRLAB Q1 2024: Progress across the board

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Fredrik Thor answered 4 questions.

Redeye returns following IRLAB's Q1 report and the news of a development collaboration related to IRL757 in apathy. We are overall encouraged by IRLABs progress lately and raise our valuation.


Fredrik Thor


Q1 review

IRL757 in Apathy


Investment thesis

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Report with no surprises

The report in itself was no surprise as IRLAB continues to have a relatively stable cost base, with OPEX at SEK-37.6m, despite, in our view, a relatively significant program of activities. Most notably, the company has the ongoing Pirepemat phase IIb study, expected to be completed in Q3 2024, and preparations for the phase I trial with IRL757 (expected to be initiated this quarter). The company’s cash position amounted to SEK73m at the end of the quarter.

Research collaboration with IRL757

Recently, IRLAB announced a development agreement with MSRD/Otsuka regarding IRL757. MSRD/Otsuka has previously evaluated IRL757 and IRL942, and this agreement confirms the company’s continued interest in the compound. The development collaboration with MSRD/Otsuka will cover the development cost for the duration of the agreement.  IRLAB will receive USD3m in an upfront payment and may receive up to USD5.5m in milestone payment. We are encouraged by the development as IRLAB has secured non-dilute funding to take IRL757 through clinical proof of concept/signal effect studies in apathy related to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's.

Raise our valuation

We are overall encouraged by IRLAB's progress and think that the management execution has been strong lately, successfully navigating Mesdopetam through the end-of-phase II meeting and securing non-dilutive funding through the Formue Nord loan and IRL757 collaborations, and thus extending the cash runway through important value inflection points. Following the IRL757 deal, we have modified our assumptions and reduced the assumed capital need (to SEK80m). We raise our base case to SEK40 (35) per share.

Key financials

Revenue Growth-70.5%-90.7%1636%180%
Net Income-113.1-177.9-62.6131.2

Q1 review

  • Operating loss amounted to SEK-37.6m (-59.5m)
  • Number of employees amounted to 32 (31)
  • Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the quarter amounted to SEK73m (210m)

(The numbers in parenthesis refer to the corresponding quarter of last year)

Making progress

The report in itself was no surprise as IRLAB continues to have a relatively stable cost base, with OPEX at SEK-37.6m, despite, in our view, a relatively significant program of activities. Most notably, the company has the ongoing Pirepemat phase IIb study, expected to be completed in Q3 2024, and preparations for the phase I trial with IRL757 (expected to be initiated this quarter). The company’s cash position amounted to SEK73m at the end of the quarter.

Looking forward, the company has a few different sources of income/funding: It has already received some SEK3m (out of USD2m) for the phase I IRL757 trial from the Michael J. Fox Foundation and can draw an additional SEK25m from its Formue Nord loan facility, contingent upon the company’s market cap exceeding SEK550m between the 22nd of May and 22nd of August (which we expect). Furthermore, most notably, IRLAB announced a development agreement with MSRD/Otsuka regarding IRL757. MSRD/Otsuka has previously evaluated IRL757 and IRL942, and this agreement confirms the company’s continued interest in the compound. The development collaboration with MSRD/Otsuka will cover the development cost for the duration of the agreement.  IRLAB will receive USD3m in an upfront payment and may receive up to USD5.5m in milestone payments, which we guess could come relatively fast (potentially partly/fully this year). In return, MSRD/Otsuka “has the opportunity to elect to expand the collaboration upon the occurrence of certain triggering events, subject to negotiations of a new agreement. MSRD might also, if the parties do not expand the collaboration, under certain circumstances receive low single-digit percentage royalty payments”. In other words, the company can still negotiate with other companies for a full licensing agreement.

In the report, IRLAB mentions that “"All in all, our assessment is that the deal with MSRD provides the conditions to run the business without additional capital injection, well past a potential licensing deal with mesdopetam and past the topline data in the Phase IIb study with repeat” and the company further confirms this potential during the conference call, saying that the combination of the additional Formue Nord loan and milestone payments (“if they click in”) should give the company a runway substantially into 2025. We estimate that the company should have a cash runway into/mostly through Q4 without additional milestone payments related to IRL757 or a licensing agreement related to Mesdopetam. However, we expect the company to secure additional cash before that either way. In other words, we think that the company’s actions and communication show confidence that it can avoid a significant and dilutive rights issue and, overall, secure a licensing agreement soon.

Financing and OPEX (White)

IRL757 in Apathy

We are encouraged by the development as IRLAB has secured non-dilute funding to take IRL757 through clinical proof of concept/signal effect studies in apathy related to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's (we assume it to be phase Ib/IIa). As we understand it, IRLAB thus has the program financed through proof-of-concept and received additional cash for its other programs while retaining the program in-house —in our view, clearly positive news and further validation of IRLAB’s pipeline—that now extends beyond Parkinson’s disease, which clearly shows the optionality in IRLAB with its ISP platform. Apathy is a significant issue in both diseases, with an occurrence of 20-70% in Parkinson's patients, and tends to increase as the disease progresses, and 34-59% of Alzheimer’s patients, according to the company. This aligns with some studies we have read (for example, on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's). Apathy is described as " a lack of interest, enthusiasm or motivation”. It has a significant negative effect on the patient's quality of life, and it could also interfere with the management of Parkinson's disease.

Still, despite its magnitude from a patient perspective, IRLAB's approach is new in its targeting and overall going specifically for apathy (according to our understanding). We have previously included an indicative valuation of IRL757 and IRL742. Following the announcement of the Otsuka/MSRD deal, we have made some adjustments, especially removing development costs until phase IIb and including the upfront payment and milestones. We currently treat apathy as one indication in our model. Still, once we know more about the timeline and the MSRD/Otsuka-funded trials, we will potentially separate it into Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s-related apathy, as we would assume that the company would need separate labels. As apathy is relatively common, we take a relatively conservative approach to market share (15%) until we know more about the key addressable population. We also raise the likelihood of approval to 10% (7%) as the company is approved to start the phase I trial. We will revisit and dig deeper into the indication of apathy soon - we also hope to learn more about the company's strategy related to the indication. From the conference call, we learned that an effect study (phase IIa/IIb) would be relatively similar in length to the company's studies in PD-LIDs and PD-falls.

We will also separately include IRL942 (and IRL1117) in our valuation once the drug candidate is approved for clinical trials, likely later this year or early 2025. We expect the company to await additional funding or a deal before initiating this trial.


We are overall encouraged by IRLAB's progress and think that the management execution has been strong lately, successfully navigating Mesdopetam through the end-of-phase II meeting and securing non-dilutive funding through the Formue Nord loan and IRL757 collaborations, and thus extending the cash runway through important value inflection points. The most significant next step is a licensing agreement with Mesdopetam, which would be a significant relief and be the final step to take IRLAB into phase III. We risk adjust a licensing agreement related to Mesdopetam and a phase III start(60% likely) and will thus raise our valuation significantly if the company lands a licensing agreement on par with our assumptions (USD9/300m). Following the IRL757 deal, we have modified our assumptions (discussed earlier in the update) and reduced the assumed capital need (to SEK80m), as we still remain a bit conservative until we know more about the timing of the IRL757 milestones. We raise our base case to SEK40 (35) per share.

AssetIndicationLoARoyaltiesPeak sales (USDm)Est launchDeal size (SEKm)rNPV (m)NPV/Shares
IRL757Apathy (PD & AD)10%10%106620311852604
Technology value (SEKm)2,776
Net cash estimated153
Shared costs (SEKm)-499
Fair value (SEKm)2,430
Shares outstanding estimated61
Value per share (SEK)40
* including tax, Investments and working capital

Investment thesis


Platform case at a discount

Despite the missed primary endpoint observed with Mesdopetam in the treatment of PD-LIDs, which caused a significant decline in the share price, we maintain a positive outlook regarding the fundamental value of Irlab. ISP is a cost-effective research platform, from which all of Irlab's drug candidates originate. We believe that the systems biology approach behind ISP provides the opportunity to build a broad pipeline of first-in-class substances within the CNS area, beyond today’s clinical candidates Pirepemat and Mesdopetam. The investment case for Irlab is far from a 'one-trick-pony’. We currently see a significant upside to our base case of SEK40 per share and see more news about the Mesdopetam program (mainly business development news) and the Pirepemat phase IIb readout in Q4 2024/Q1 2025 as key catalysts as we advance.


Unique in-house expertise

The management of IRLAB has decades of experience in drug research within the central nervous system and Parkinson’s disease. Several members of the team have also worked together for many years in both the research sector and private and publicly traded biotech companies, including as part of the research group of Nobel prize winner Arvid Carlsson. The founders of IRLAB are all still with the company, and we view it positively that several members of management and the board hold significant shareholdings. We highly value the unique expertise within the company and believe that it has formed the company’s approach to Parkinsons’ disease, which focuses on addressing specific complications of the disease that have unmet medical needs. This approach is less risky compared to disease-modifying treatments and demonstrates that IRLAB's investment case is not limited to a single solution.

Supportive Analysis

At the heart of the company's research is the self-developed Integrative Screening Process (ISP), a unique platform in the CNS area based on a systems biology approach, commonly known as phenotypic screening. Interest in phenotypic screening as a method for developing new innovative drugs is growing within the pharmaceutical industry. In drug development, it relies on the principle of an interdisciplinary approach where several interacting factors in a complex biological system play a role in causing diseases.


Risky inflection points remain

We believe the main obstacle for Irlab is the high risk inherent in developing CNS drug assets, most notably in the focus indication Parkinson's disease, during the early-to-midstage of clinical development. We acknowledge Irlab as a high-quality company with several intriguing drug candidates. Nonetheless, we want to highlight that challenging inflection points remain, and as a result, Irlab should be considered a high-risk investment.


Deal in near term needed to avoid a rights issue

Irlab's cash reserves are sufficient into Q4 2024, we judge. As a result, the company may need to raise additional funds through a rights issue unless it can deliver a licensing deal or research collaboration in the relative near term. Additionally, since Pirepemat's development timeline has been pushed back to late 2024/early 2025.


Still plenty of value

Our base case for Irlab is SEK40 per share, suggesting a considerable upside from current levels, despite the recent rally. We believe that the market has discounted most of the potential in IRLAB assets altogether due to the missed Mesdopetam trial, including the phase IIb asset Pirepemat, which is a standalone asset. However, we think this is overly cautious, and we see significant value in Irlab still. We see a potential licensing agreement with Mesdopetam and the Pirepemat readout Q4 2023/Q1 2024 as key triggers going forward.

Quality Rating

People: 4

IRLAB's management possesses extensive experience and expertise in the CNS (Central Nervous System) field, with a combined knowledge spanning decades.Many team members have also worked together for many years, both within the realm of research (such as for Nobel laureate Arvid Carlsson) and in private and publicly traded biotech companies.  Furthermore, the company has a strong track record of execution. 

Business: 3

IRLAB has not yet generated recurring revenues for its products and has no established position in the market. However, the company has a solid history of collaborations and grants, such as a significant licensing agreement with Ipsen, grant from Michael J Fox Foundation and most recently a development cooperation with MSRD/Otsuka. The company further has strong optionality in its ISP platform that has generated all of the company's drug candidates so far.  

Financials: 0

IRLAB is a pre-commercial biotech company that has not historically achieved profitability, although the company has received payments in the form of upfronts, milestone payments, and research grants. 


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Q1 review

IRL757 in Apathy


Investment thesis

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