Smart Eye: Cost control & continued automotive ramp-up

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Jesper von Koch answered 8 questions.

Redeye provides a research update following Smart Eye’s Q1 2024 report. Sales fell short of its expectations, but this was offset by substantially lower costs. As a result, EBITDA came in ahead of our estimates. Further, the pipeline of potential near-term design wins appears promising. Redeye raises its EBITDA estimates for 2024e-2025e and increase its valuation range.



Jesper Von Koch

Martin Wahlström


Investment thesis

Q1 review

Slight topline disappointment - but cost base well below estimates

Japan and North America accelerating - Europe next up

10 new car models added in Q1. 50 to 80 by year-end. 200 in 2025

Behavioral Research weak in Q2 - but very promising outlook

AIS ready for take-off

Strong cost control makes cash position even more solid

Breakeven on EBITDA in Q3 and on cashflow in Q4'24-Q2'25

Strong pipeline for upcoming design wins

Pricing pressure remains a risk

Financial estimates

Faster breakeven due to lower costs

Smart Eye: Estimate changes

Financial estimates

Raising our fair value range

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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Slightly disappointing sales but strong cost control

Q1 came in slightly below our topline estimates, both for Automotive and Behavioural Research. For Automotive, AIS revenues fell sequentially while NRE revenues were unchanged, meaning that the important license revenues showed solid development. For Behavioral Research, Q1 is seasonally very weak, which explains the sequential decline. The outlook for Q2 was, however, very optimistic. On a much positive note, strict cost control surprised us. Excluding one-off costs of SEK12m related to streamlining, the EBITDA loss was a mere SEK11m and EBITDA-CAPEX SEK-35m. The strict cost control bodes well for what will happen to cash flow when revenue growth accelerates.

Acceleration ahead - and good DW outlook

Japan and North America started contributing to Automotive growth in Q1, an important step in the acceleration plan. Further, Smart Eye stated that it expects first and foremost Europe, but also China, to very soon start contributing to the acceleration in Automotive. Also, the pipeline for new tenders is strong, primarily in the US and China, due to the market’s expectations of future regulation. As such, new design wins could come in imminently. During Q1, DMS was included in China NCAP - an important step towards global DMS adoption.

Raising Base Case to SEK155

We have lowered our automotive estimates for 2024 by 7%, expecting a 95% growth, accelerating into 115% during 2025. We lower our OPEX estimates for 2024-2025, moving our EBITDA breakeven from Q4 2024 to Q3 2024, while cash-flow breakeven (EBITDA-CAPEX) is moved from Q2 to Q1 2025. On the back of this, we raise our fair value range from SEK45-200 to SEK50-210, with Base Case raised from SEK148 to SEK155.

Key financials

Revenue Growth101%37.6%38.0%57.2%93.1%
EBIT Margin-156%-93.6%-39.7%0.5%33.1%
Net Income-339.9-283.3-165.42.4419.1

Investment thesis


In pole position within eye tracking for mandated driver monitoring

Due to EU and Euro NCAP's decisions to mandate driver monitoring, the market for driver monitoring systems (DMS) is about to explode. Smart Eye has devoted ~20 years of 100% focus to and investments in this very niche. The company is in pole position after being awarded more design wins from more OEMs than any other player. As for barriers to entry, the technology needs to cope with e.g. changing light conditions, tunnels, sunshine, darkness, vibrations, etc. and at the same time never fail. Competition is, therefore, basically limited to one other tier-2 player aside from the tier-1 customers’ own solutions. However, we believe it is unlikely that the customers, in the long run, are willing to put up with all investments and maintain the focus necessary for in-house sourcing. Smart Eye states that being platform-independent and hardware agnostic, it has a competitive edge as its technology can be locked late in the development process. With very predictable hyper-growth between 2024 and 2027 and a highly scalable business model, we are estimating Smart Eye to be trading at exceptionally low FCF multiples for 2026 and 2027, respectively. We think this lays the ground for a potential multi-bagger in the next few years.


The revenue acceleration is highly predictable

Design wins are worth more than presented because OEMs use *platforms* of software + hardware that they typically use for all car models launched in a 7-year period. As each car model is sold for ~7 years, cars from a single platform are sold for 14 years. As OEMs often copy platform components to other cars, getting into one car model implies a high probability of getting into several additional models. Thus, Smart Eye has likely secured a solid market share well into the 2030s.

Supportive Analysis

The market for DMS will explode in the coming years driven by regulation. We estimate that penetration will go from < 1m cars a year to ~30m by 2026. In the EU, Euro NCAP demands DMS in all new models launched from 2023 to get a five-star safety rating - which typically 75-80% of all cars have. The EU General Safety Regulation requires all new car models from 2024, and all new cars sold from 2026 to include DMS. Adoption in the US will follow suit from requirements by IIHS and NHTSA, with a probable scenario of mandated DMS in 2027.


Head-to-head competition with main competitor

The market for DMS is close to an oligopoly. While Smart Eye is the market leader, its main competitor Seeing Machines offers strong competition. While Smart Eye’s software is hardware agnostic, Seeing Machines has chosen to specialize its software to some specific hardware and processor suppliers over the years, currently with a close partnership with Magna and its mirror. While we were previously more scared of this risk, we think Smart Eye has the last year proved to remain on the DMS throne.


Possible pricing pressure

Over time, we expect the average selling price (ASP) of DMS to decrease from today's est. EUR6-7 to EUR4 in 2030. The factors that work to decrease the price are a) In 2026, when DMS reaches the mass market, the price will drop because many will choose the most basic functionality. This is partly also true for the legislation in 2024. And b) The ASP for each contract is a function of the cumulative volume of cars sold with DMS to date, meaning that the price for a like-for-like functionality decreases over time. The main factor that works to lift the ASP is that Smart Eye continuously offers more and better functionality connected to DMS. The main cost for DMS is buying and installing the hardware (the camera). This means that extra features for DMS (i.e., DMS+ and interior sensing) become a very marginal cost to add.


Rapid, predictable growth to a low price

Even though the exact ramp-up of sales is hard to predict, we believe rapid sales growth between 2023 and 2027 is rather safe to assume. The ramp-up of sales stems from already awarded design wins and expected design wins on existing platforms. Considering an estimated low/mid-single-digit FCF multiple for 2026, combined with the highly predictable ramp-up of sales, we think Smart Eye has a good journey ahead.

Q1 review

Slight topline disappointment - but cost base well below estimates

We already knew from the soft profit warning that Q1 would be soft, but as mentioned in our report comment, we still missed the automotive revenue outcome by SEK3m. However, AIS was sequentially lower while NRE was unchanged compared to Q4, meaning the important license revenues were solid.

The EBITDAC (EBITDA-CAPEX) came in at SEK-47m, in line with our estimates, but underlying costs were substantially lower, since reported figures included SEK12m in one-time restructuring costs. Thus, underlying cash burn (EBITDA-CAPEX) was down at SEK35m in Q1 - a promising sign considering that topline was on the weaker side.

As for areas being restructured, Smart Eye mentioned that it is related to lower costs in R&D, which we believe is due to streamlining in general.

Japan and North America accelerating - Europe next up

New geographies (Japan and US) are now starting to contribute to automotive revenues. This was a highlight from the report, which means that the previous automotive acceleration from South Korea (KIA/Hyundai) will now come from a broader front. Acceleration across many OEMs and geographies means a more diversified ramp-up, which makes Smart Eye less vulnerable for eventual mishappenings for individual OEMs.

Additionally, Smart Eye stated that it expects first and foremost Europe, but also China, to very soon start contributing to the acceleration in automotive. The ramp-up in Europe is logical since EU General Safety Regulation 2024 (EU GSR 2024) will start demand DMS in all car models launched on the EU market from July 7th and onwards. Smart Eye states that the pick-up will definitely come in H2, but perhaps as early as in Q2.

10 new car models added in Q1. 50 to 80 by year-end. 200 in 2025

50 car models have been launched, of which 10 were added in Q1. OEM end customers have scheduled to add at least another 30 models by year-end, i.e. a 60% increase from Q1 to Q4. Furthermore, Smart Eye has stated that it expects 200 car models to have reached production by the end of 2025. However, note that individual model volumes differ quite a bit. Moreover, one must remember that it takes anywhere from 6-12 months for the volumes of a car model to ramp up, meaning most new models for the remainder of the year will only have a limited impact. Nonetheless, the direction of the number of models and sales is crystal clear, looking beyond year-end.

Behavioral Research weak in Q2 - but very promising outlook

Behavioral Research sales were also below our estimates, but the outlook for Q2 is strong. The statements around the prospects for this business were the most positive we have heard so far from the company.

AIS ready for take-off

AIS looks ready to start to ramp for real from Q3. Smart Eye is in several dialogues with bus manufacturers that have to adapt to the EU GSR 2024. We have not seen any numbers on market shares in this area, or how many commercial vehicle-companies that have procured DMS, but we suspect this figure to be substantially lower than in passenger vehicles.

Working capital to remain intact despite upcoming AIS acceleration

In the conference call, Smart Eye stated that AIS, which is hardware combined with software, is not expected to increase the company's working capital. The reason why is that Smart Eye has already purchased sufficient inventory to cover a substantial ramp-up in this area.

Strong cost control makes cash position even more solid

The automotive ramp-up is in line with Smart Eye’s internal expectations. The new expectations, that is. During Q1 Smart Eye raised SEK150m, as a safety measure, as it feared further delays from OEM customers could occur. Thus, Smart Eye’s directed share issue was not about making investments in new areas, but rather a matter of being able to follow the business plan even if some unexpected things were to happen.

The cash burn in Q1 was SEK-60m, but one-time OPEX amounted to SEK12m and Q1 is a seasonally bad quarter for working capital. This included one payment in Behavioral Research of almost SEK20m was pushed into Q2, meaning Smart Eye expects a positive working capital effect in Q2. Cash is solid at SEK161m, and including the credit facilities the company has SEK244m in available funds. Following the directed share issue, we expect the rocky road to be over, which also seems to be the interpretation of the stock market.

Breakeven on EBITDA in Q3 and on cashflow in Q4'24-Q2'25

A key highlight from the conference call was the company's statement regarding timing for reaching positive cashflow. Considering that EBITDA adjusted for SEK12m in one-off costs was a mere SEK -11m, we were not surprised by the company stating that it is likely to reach positive EBITDA in Q3 this year.

Further, the company stated that it expects to reach positive cash flow sometime between Q4 this year and Q2 next year, with Q1 naturally sounding the most probable outcome. Additionally, Smart Eye stated that 'if OEM customers deliver on their plans, breakeven on cashflow is expected in Q4'. To provide some flavor to this, OEMs typically provide production schedules of their respective car models and how they expect them to ramp up by volume. While these ramp-up plans became obsolete during the pandemic and the following semiconductor shortage, we think they should be somewhat accurate by now. However, the uncertain economy naturally creates uncertainty.

Strong pipeline for upcoming design wins

We view the pipeline for new tenders as strong, primarily in the US and China due to the market’s expectations of future regulation. We assume the high requirements from IIHS’s (USA) tests have led to positive discussions. Furthermore, the inclusion of DMS in China NCAP in Q1 is an important step, similar to Euro NCAP’s influence in Europe.

Pricing pressure remains a risk

General market price pressure from Tobii and other newer players, directly or indirectly as OEMs get more choices and better bargaining power, remains a long-term risk for the ASP. The market has developed quickly into requiring interior sensing as well, which is a general risk in the technology sector. It is also a characteristic of the tough automotive business, where OEMs require more for less, wanting to use the software for other areas, without paying more for it. However, we note that Smart Eye believes interior sensing will be an ally for keeping the ASP.

Financial estimates

Faster breakeven due to lower costs

We have lowered our automotive estimates for 2024 by 7%, expecting a 95% growth, accelerating into 115% during 2025. We lower our OPEX estimates for 2024-2025, expecting Q1 2024 to be a base level until cash flow break-even in Q1 2025, whereafter it will grow by SEK5-7m per quarter. Our new estimates move EBITDA break-even from Q4 2024 to Q3 2024. Cash flow breakeven (EBITDA + CAPEX) is also moved one quarter to Q1 2025.

Smart Eye: Estimate changes

SEKm20222023Q1 24Q2 24EQ3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E
Total net sales22030286
Gross margin88%88%90%
EBIT (%)-156%-94%-71%

Financial estimates

Smart Eye: Estimates
SEKm202120222023Q1 24Q2 24EQ3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E
Net sales10922030286981091254176551,266
- Automotive47508833394756175375957
- Research6217021453596268242281309
Gross Profit971932677786931083645581,095
EPS (SEK)-5.9-9.7-8.0-1.7-1.2-1.0-0.6-
Growth (%)78%101%38%34%42%40%37%34%53%97%
Gross margin89%88%88%90%88%86%87%87%85%87%
EBITDA margin (%)-81%-88%-42%-27%-4%1%13%-2%23%44%
EBIT margin (%)-120%-156%-94%-71%-44%-35%-19%-40%0%33%
Net income margin (%)-120%-155%-94%-71%-44%-35%-19%-40%0%33%

Smart Eye: Long-term estimates

- Revenue growth0%78%101%38%38%57%93%27%15%14%
Gross marginn/a89%88%88%87%85%87%88%90%91%
Gross Profit102971932673645581,0951,4181,6491,905
EBIT margin-123%-120%-156%-94%-40%0%33%42%45%47%
Net profit-60-104-343-283-1653419609660781
Cash flow
Share issue00029514200000
Operational cashflow, incl. Tax00-194-128-9153554744795916
Investments in intangible assets00-90-88-96-96-96-96-96-96
Changes in Working Capital000-102-11-48-82-30-20-20
Free cash flow00-284-22269376619679801
Net debt-219-275-3-80-106-115-491-1,110-1,789-2,589

Smart Eye: Estimates per business unit

DMS incl. NRE
- Revenue414750841382777199861,1671,367
- Revenue growth0%14%6%69%64%101%160%37%18%17%
- Gross margin100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
- Gross Profit414750841382777199861,1671,367
Interior Sensing
- Revenue000000335474113
- Gross margin100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
- Gross Profit000000335474113
- Revenue00043798205228228228
- Gross margin35%35%35%35%35%35%35%35%35%35%
- Gross Profit0001133472808080
- Revenue4147170214242281309339373392
- Revenue growth0%14%261%26%13%16%10%10%10%5%
- Gross margin0%0%88%85%88%88%88%88%88%88%
- Gross Profit00149182213247272299329345

Smart Eye: DMS estimates

- Nbr of cars, m95958285899192939393
- Take rate (global)0%0%1%3%4%10%33%48%61%77%
- Nbr of cars with DMS, m001241030455771
- SEYE market share52%46%45%44%43%42%41%40%39%
- SEYE nbr of DMS sold, m00012413182328
- Average Selling Price85867067636054525048
- License revenue, SEKm0029691112476899561,1371,337
- NRE revenue, SEKm002124273030303030
Total DMS revenue414750921382777199861,1671,367

Raising our fair value range

We raise our base case from SEK148 to SEK155 per share, based on our new earnings estimates for 2024-2025. Our bear and bull case also lifted from SEK45 and SEK200 to SEK50 and SEK210 per share, respectively.

The stock market did not care about the lower sales. We think the reason is the easing of the fear around cost control. At first glance, it might look bad with lower sales, yet again (which was also our first instinct), but the solid cost control trumps the slower sales. We note several investors have been worried about the risk that Smart Eye is burning cash to win market shares at any cost and that DMS profits will flood into new ventures that have lower returns on invested capital. With the Q1 2024 report, this risk is perceived as significantly lower.

Assumptions, fair value range
Bear CaseBase caseBull case
2023-2027 estimates
Total sales CAGR36%49%48%
Automotive sales CAGR78%91%91%
Research sales CAGR1%14%14%
Total sales 20271,4011,8222,168
Avg EBIT margin 2025-202729%41%48%
EBIT margin 202735%47%54%
Terminal EBIT margin15%26%30%

Quality Rating

People: 4

Smart Eye is governed by an owner operator as the co-founder is the CEO, which is positive in many ways. Compensation is moderate and just. We especially like the tendency to include all employees in the stock option programs, which indicates a healthy HR policy that could explain the relatively low employee turnover. The solid growth trend during the years prior to the listing implies that so far investments have been savvy and execution essentially flawless. Overall the Management score is hampered by Smart Eye's short period on the stock market where e.g. there is not much history of Smart Eye's communication to the shareholders as a listed company. As mentioned Smart Eye is governed by owner operators where the founding family (Martin & Mats Krantz) together owns ~9% of the company. Overall, insiders in the Board as well as Management own a lot of shares and keep on adding to their positions. The founding family really has put their money where their mouths are. Thus, the ownership structure is in short very appealing. Our only concern is if there are enough financial muscles to back up the Company should there be need for future supplementary investments.

Business: 4

Smart Eye is the market leader in a viable niche within driver monitoring whose Automotive business unit is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 100 percent until 2025, especially driven by autonomous vehicles and traffic safety. Following an 18 year focus in automotive Smart Eye has established important relations with all potential tier 1 customers. Smart Eye's automotive focus and the recurring software licenses together imply sticky and predictable revenue for the foreseeable future. In addition, high barriers to entry mean limited competition. All in all, it is a great business.

Financials: 2

Our profitability rating is fully retrospective and requires consistent, positive earnings. As Smart Eye is not profitable at the moment it therefore cannot have a higher score for now. However, Smart Eye has a scalable business model with low costs, meaning the stage is set for a gradually increased rating ahead should the Company keep up its growth trend. The cash position and liquidity measurements of Smart Eye are currently tight and we expect the company to reach positive cash flow in Q4 2024. Smart Eye also loses some points as the company at the moment has negative earnings and cash flow. In addition, there is a risk in the cyclicality of the automotive industry as the customers must be able to afford to fully embrace the new driver monitoring technology. However, the amount of customers and their respective share of total sales is reasonably diversified.


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Investment thesis

Q1 review

Slight topline disappointment - but cost base well below estimates

Japan and North America accelerating - Europe next up

10 new car models added in Q1. 50 to 80 by year-end. 200 in 2025

Behavioral Research weak in Q2 - but very promising outlook

AIS ready for take-off

Strong cost control makes cash position even more solid

Breakeven on EBITDA in Q3 and on cashflow in Q4'24-Q2'25

Strong pipeline for upcoming design wins

Pricing pressure remains a risk

Financial estimates

Faster breakeven due to lower costs

Smart Eye: Estimate changes

Financial estimates

Raising our fair value range

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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