Raketech: Headwind in affiliation

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Hjalmar Ahlberg answered 3 questions.

Redeye updates on Raketech after its Q1-results where performance was softer than expected, mainly driven by a Google update which impacted Casumba negatively. Follwing the new guidance that was updated in connection with the publication of preliminary results on May 1, we adjust our estimates and we have lowered our 2024-26E EBITDA by 15-20%. On the back of the lowered estimates, we also reduce our base case valuation to SEK35 (SEK40).



Hjalmar Ahlberg

Anton Hoof

Soft Q1-results, but solid cash flow

Raketech reported revenue of EUR19m and adjusted EBITDA of EUR5.1m for Q1 2024, which was in line with the preliminary numbers announced on May 1. Our estimates ahead of the announcement of preliminary results stood at EUR21m and EUR5.1m, respectively. While results were lower than forecasted, cash flow was strong at EUR6.5m. Earnouts of EUR13m were settled in the quarter, while the balance sheet remains solid with a net debt of EUR2.8m at the end of Q1 2024.

Lowered guidance for 2024E, but outlook remains positive for 2025-26E

On the back of negative impact from the Google update which resulted in lower traffic and revenue generation from Casumba assets, Raketech revised its guidance from EUR24m-26m to EUR20m for 2024E. While this is a setback for the company after strong performance in 2020-23, we believe the outlook remains positive with continued growth in Sub-affiliation and upside potential from geographic expansion.

EBITDA estimates down 15-20%

As we align our 2024E estimates to the new guidance, we have lowered our 2024E EBITDA by around 20%. Looking into 2025-26E, we see continue growth potential, albeit from a lower base and EBITDA estimates are lowered by 15-18%. Long-term assumptions remains unchanged, but on the back of the lower estimates our base case is reduced to SEK35 (SEK40). Our base case implies c6-7x EV/EBITDA 2024-25E while the share currently trades at c2-3x EV/EBITDA 2024-25E (including earnouts).

Key financials

Revenue Growth26.6%47.6%-0.3%14.4%11.4%
EBIT Margin23.5%14.5%11.2%18.5%26.1%
Net Income8.36.65.313.623.2
EV/EBITDA (inc. earnout)

Soft Q1-results, but solid cash flow

Raketech reported revenue of EUR19.0m and adjusted EBITDA of EUR5.1m for Q1 2024. This was in line with the preliminary numbers announced on May 1, following a Google update that impacted the business negatively. Our estimates ahead of the announcement of preliminary results, stood at EUR21.3m and EUR5.1m, respectively. Coming to the performance per segment and region, all saw somewhat lower topline than expected. Direct costs were lower than expected however, driven by a strong gross margin in Sub-affiliation which was disclosed for the first time this quarter. Opex was largely in line with our forecast, albeit with lower employee costs (adjusted for restructuring costs of EUR0.8m) while other costs were slightly higher than expected. The company saw good cash flow of EUR6.5m, supported partly by working capital changes. Raketech settled earnouts of EUR13.0m during the quarter, and following this, the closing balance of remaining earnouts stood at EUR33.9m at the end of Q1 2024, The balance sheet remains strong where the net debt, excluding remaining earnouts, stood at EUR2.8m at the end of Q1 2024.

Raketech: results outcome
EURmQ1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23Q1 24EQ1 24ADiff, %
ow Affiliation10.810.
ow Sub-affiliation3.66.311.111.410.19.0-11%
ow Betting Tips1.
Direct costs-4.3-6.6-10.5-11.3-10.2-8.3-19%
Employee costs-2.3-2.6-2.5-2.6-2.7-2.4-12%
Other costs-3.1-2.9-2.9-2.9-3.0-3.28%
EBITDA adj6.
EBITDA (%)39%31%26%26%25%27%
EBIT (%)24%14%10%12%9%7%
Net income2.
Source: Redeye Research

Lowered guidance for 2024E, but outlook remains positive for 2025-26E

Raketech comments that it experienced an unexpected magnitude from the Google core update that was carried out in March and ended in April. Adjusting to Google updates is generally business as usual for affiliate marketing companies and good assets can typically recover from changes that impacts negatively in the short term. A broad portfolio of assets can help mitigate overall impact as well, and with exception of Casumba, Raketech’s assets looks to have performed well following the update. Regarding Casumba, the company states that it has implemented SEO recovery strategies and improved content quality whereafter the company has seen stabilizing traffic. Revenue of EUR 5.9m in April also suggests that revenue generation is stabilizing, considering that January revenue of EUR7.3m implies average revenue of EUR5.8m in February and March. Still, the lower run rate resulted in a downgrade of Raketech’s EBITDA guidance, which now stands at EUR20m for 2024E compared to the earlier level of EUR24m-26m.

While Q1 2024 was a setback for Raketech after a period with strong performance during 2020-23, driven by solid performance from Sub-affilation and Casumba, we believe the outlook for the company remains positive. The Sub-affiliation continues to see strong performance with solid YoY growth albeit a sequential decline from the seasonally stronger Q4. Outlook for the segment also remains positive, with continued strong demand from existing and new publishers as well as expansion into new markets. The strong gross margin of 23% in Sub-affiliation illustrates potential for margin expansion, although with variability on a quarterly basis. Furthermore, growth should also be supported by the strategic growth initiatives that were launched in the quarter which includes: lower SEO dependency, grow sports vertical, increased media partnerships and expand to new geographies. As illustrated in the chart below, we continue to see potential for profitable growth in the coming years.

Raketech: Revenue per segment, EBITDA and EBITDA-margin

Balance sheet and cash generation remains strong

While the dividend was withdrawn to improve financial flexibility, we believe this make sense to ensure cash availability ahead of the next Casumba earnout payment (EUR14m to be paid withing next 12 months). However, we also highlight that we expect the earnout to be covered by the cash flow generated in 2024E. As such, we expect that net debt should be at around the current level (EUR2.8m) in end of Q1 2025E, after the next earnout is paid. The final two earnout installments totalling EUR20m have a flexible payment schedule and can be settled at any point until September 2026E. In our view, this creates potential to do buybacks and/or reintroduce a dividend for FY 2025E.

EBITDA estimates down 15-20%

Coming to our estimate changes following Raketech’s updated guidance and the run-rate revenue in April, we have lowered our topline forecast by 16% and EBITDA estimate by 20% for 2024E. Looking into 2025-26E, we have increased our growth expectations for the US following the positive comments regarding progress of affiliation revenue and the launch of Sub-affiliation. We also assume that Casumba can see some recovery and following negative growth for the Rest of World region in 2024E, we assume growth of 20% in 2025E and 15% in 2026E. Still, with the lower base in 2024, our 2025-26E topline and EBITDA estimates are down 12-13% and 15-18%, respectively. On a positive note, we have revised our assumptions for amortizations as the current run-rate implies that most intangible assets will be fully amortized by the end of 2025E, which have resulted in increased EBIT and EPS estimates. The tables below summarizes group key financials as well as revenue per and segment and region.

Raketech: Group key financials
EURm20222023Q1 24EQ2 24EQ3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E
Growth Y/Y (%)27%48%20%5%-10%-9%0%14%11%
Direct costs-15-33-8.3-8.7-8.9-9.1-35-40-45
Employee costs-9-10-2.4-2.5-2.5-2.6-10-11-12
Other costs-9-12-3.2-3.0-3.1-3.2-13-13-14
EBITDA adj20235.
EBITDA (%)38%30%27%23%25%28%26%27%28%
EBIT (%)23%14%7%7%11%16%10%18%26%
Net income870.
Source: Redeye Research
Raketech: Revenue per segment and region
EURm20222023Q1 24EQ2 24EQ3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E
Revenue and per segment537819.018.519.320.7778999
Betting Tips651.
Affiliation YoY, %22%14%-18%-23%-10%-5%-14%10%7%
Sub-affiliation YoY, %27%191%150%53%-11%-14%18%19%16%
Betting Tips YoY %705%-20%-15%-15%0%0%-7%5%5%
Revenue and per region537819.018.519.320.7778999
Rest of Europe330.
Rest of World19358.
Nordics YoY, %2%43%42%15%-15%-20%0%7%5%
Rest of Europe YoY, %-18%23%50%75%30%20%42%20%15%
US YoY, %136%-18%-8%5%15%15%6%20%20%
Rest of World YoY, %55%83%8%-10%-13%-5%-5%20%15%
Source: Redeye Research


We have adjusted our valuation on the back of the lowered estimates where our new base case stands at SEK35 (SEK40) while the new bull case is SEK68 (SEK80) and the bear case SEK12 (SEK14). Our base case implies c6-7x EV/EBITDA 2024-25E while the share currently trades at c2-3x EV/EBITDA 2024-25E (including earnouts). We see potential for the valuation multiple to move higher if the company can see recovery from the Casumba assets. The table below summarizes key assumptions for the valuation scenarios.

Raketech: Fair Value Range
SEKBear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share123568
Revenue CAGR 2025-20292%8%12%
Revenue CAGR 2030-20392%3%5%
Growth Terminal2%2%2%
EBITDA-margin 2025-203920%28%34%
EBITDA Terminal20%25%33%
Source: Redeye Research

Investment thesis


Fast-growing tech-focused affiliate performance marketing group with a growing global footprint

We expect Raketech to continue its global expansion in the coming years, driven by growth in Asia, US and South America. We forecast a topline CAGR of 24% over 2022-25E. The growth in Asia is driven by the company’s strong position in Japan which is a market with low online gambling penetration. The company has an untapped growth opportunity in the US where revenue mainly derives from betting subscriptions while it just recently started to monetize on lead generation. In South America, where the company has an emerging position, several markets are regulating online sports betting and casino and with low penetration the upside is significant. Finally, Raketech’s AffiliationCloud business, which is in its early days, provides upside optionality to our long-term growth forecasts.


Solid track-record and strong flagship assets

Since its listing in 2018, Raketech has successfully broadened its portfolio from mainly Nordic exposure to a global footprint while also expanding its product mix. The company has grown substantially with revenue increasing from EUR26m in 2018 to EUR76m in 2023E. While growth has varied on an annual basis, the company has overachieved its target of 10% organic growth and 20% acquired growth. This provides credibility for future growth ambitions. Raketech has further been able to sustain strong performance from flagship assets, which further provides additional support to our forecasts.


Competitive market and AffiliationCloud in the early phase

While the online gambling affiliation market has seen significant consolidation in recent years, there is still strong competition, especially in growth markets such as US and South America. Tough competition could result in slower growth than expected while it could also mean weaker profitability if more investments are needed to support traffic generation. While we have a conservative forecast for the AffiliationCloud, a negative scenario could result in misallocated capital which would impact the group’s overall growth and profitability.


DCF-valuation supported by stable growth and solid cash generation

Our DCF-valuation indicates a base case of SEK35, while the bull case is SEK68 and the bear case SEK12. Our valuation includes full payment of the remaining Casumba Media earnouts of which EUR25m is in cash and EUR9m in equity (fully diluted shares of 50.3m). Our base case implies an EV/EBITDA multiple of 7-8x 2024-25E while the share currently trades at 2-3x EV/EBITDA including earnouts. The base case assumes growth of around 8% during 2025-29E with an EBITDA-margin of 28% while the terminal EBITDA-margin is set at 25%.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Raketech has a solid track record of meeting its financial targets. The management team and board are well-composed and have relevant experience in online gambling, business and finance. While the CEO was changed in early 2024, the acting CEO, Johan Svensson, is one of the co-founders and well-suited for the job in our view. The company has a sound capital allocation strategy which prioritizes growth while excess cash is distributed to shareholders.

Business: 3

Raketech has an attractive business model yielding a large share of recurring revenue from a wide customer group, although with a high concentration from Japan. The company has embedded growth optionality from new markets such as US and South America and the emerging AffiliationCloud business. While competition is strong in the online gambling performance marketing industry, the company has strong market positions in its core markets.

Financials: 3

Raketech has strong profitability and strong cash generation with limited capex requirements. However, net cash flow is negatively impacted by earnout payments from an earlier acquisition. Amortization of intangible assets relating to acquisitions also impacts return on assets and equity negatively. These metrics have potential to improve in the coming years, which should yield a higher rating for Financials.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue15.332.835.040.144.9
Operating Expenses17.421.722.524.226.0
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses1.
Net Financial Items-2.3-3.8-1.8-1.20.00
Income Tax Expenses1.70.870.811.52.6
Net Income8.36.65.313.623.2
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)
Intangible Assets119.4139.3129.5123.2123.2
Right-of-Use Assets0.300.
Other Non-Current Assets0.
Total Non-Current Assets121.3140.7131.0124.9125.1
Current assets
Accounts Receivable6.211.811.613.314.8
Other Current Assets0.
Cash Equivalents3.313.520.930.337.3
Total Current Assets9.525.332.543.652.1
Total Assets130.8166.0163.5168.6177.3
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity89.999.3106.6124.3151.2
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt14.
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities8.831.522.68.63.3
Total Non-Current Liabilities23.831.522.68.63.3
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable4.
Other Current Liabilities12.918.716.616.93.0
Total Current Liabilities17.135.334.335.822.8
Total Liabilities and Equity130.8166.0163.5168.6177.3
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow18.821.019.821.425.0
Investing Cash Flow-13.2-5.7-14.4-15.9-21.8
Financing Cash Flow0.00-

Rating definitions

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