TH1NG: Full focus on the IoT business

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Jessica Grunewald answered 2 questions.

Redeye revises our forecast and valuation following TH1NG’s Q1 2024 report. The divestment of its broadband customers now enables TH1NG to focus solely on its core IoT business while enhancing short-term liquidity. The Q1 report marks a solid start to 2024, with 56% year-on-year growth and a significant gross margin improvement quarter-on-quarter. We adjust our fair value range to SEK0.8-SEK5.0 (0.4-9.8).



Jessica Grunewald

Fredrik Nilsson


TH1NG Q1 2024: Review

Financial Q1 2024: Sales

Financial Q4 2023: Margins and Cost base

Financial Q1 2024: Cash flows and Cash position

Operational update and Outlook

Financial forecast and Estimate revisions


Investment thesis

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Q1 2023: Stronger than expected

Net sales came in at SEK7m, representing a solid y/y growth of 56%, yet a 6% sequential decrease, surpassing our estimate by 27%. This solid growth is attributed to an increased demand for IoT services, resulting in a 125% increase in revenue for IoT services compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Revenues from the broadband services amounted to cSEK3.0m, representing a 40% share of net sales. The gross margin improved significantly by 15pp from last quarter and amounted to 53%, 15pp above our estimate. During the quarter, the sales mix was favourable, with an increase in IoT services positively impacting the gross margin. We acknowledge that the gross margin will likely be volatile from quarter to quarter, depending on the sales mix. Operating expenses (OPEX) increased 8% y/y, reaching SEK7.4m, aligning with our estimate. EBITDA stood at -SEK3.3m, exceeding our estimate by 30%, primarily due to increased net sales and higher gross margin.

100% IOT focus going forward

In Q1, TH1NG announced the sale of its corporate broadband customer base to Bahnhof for SEK10m. The migration of the customer base began on 1 May, allowing TH1NG to concentrate fully on its core IoT business. The divestment prompted adjustments to our forecasts, suggesting an anticipated SEK12m annual sales decrease effective May 2024 onward. According to the management, the company has noted increased demand for IoT solutions, particularly from the real estate and energy sectors, which present significant potential for innovative energy management solutions. TH1NG has collaborated with energy firms for several years, forming partnerships that appear advantageous. If these partnerships result in agreements, TH1NG will provide AI-driven IoT services to energy companies like Skellefteå Kraft to resell to their customers.

New fair value range, SEK0.8-SEK5.0 (0.4-9.8)

Following TH1NG’s Q1 2024 report, we have positively adjusted our near-term forecast, with a 4% increase in sales for 2024e. Additionally, we have increased our gross profit assumptions for 2024e by 16%. Our valuation now includes the dilution from a SEK 10 million growth capital injection that we believe will be needed during H2. Yet, we believe that a direct share issue to the main owners, a combination of a regular and a directed issue, or a convertible loan with less dilution based on historical trends are also possible. Our new Base and Bear cases are SEK2.7(4.0) and SEK0.8(0.4). Our Bull case comes down from SEK9.8 to SEK5.0.

Key financials

Revenue Growth-32.3%52.6%44.4%38.0%
EBIT Margin-86.9%-27.3%-13.5%2.0%

TH1NG Q1 2024: Review

Redeye concludes that TH1NG’s Q1 2024 report exceeded expectations. Q1 is usually slightly weaker, so the estimate beats were surprising. Management also confirmed an exceptional quarter given the seasonality. Net sales saw a solid 56% year-on-year growth and a 15-percentage-point improvement in gross margin quarter-on-quarter, resulting in EBITDA exceeding our estimate by approximately 30%. During the quarter, the sales mix was favourable, with an increase in IoT services positively impacting the gross margin. The solid growth is attributed to increased demand for IoT services, leading to a 125% increase in revenue for IoT services compared to the same quarter of the previous year. However, no breakdown of the specific sales mix of the SEK 4 million that does not relate to the broadband business was provided in the report. Yet, we anticipate that hardware sales contributed less than in Q4 since the gross margin improved quarter-on-quarter, and sales saw only a minor decrease of 6% q/q. All in all, it is a good start to 2024.

TH1NG: Deviation table
SEKmQ1 2024aQ1 2024eQ1 2023Diffy/yq/q
Net sales7.05.54.527%57%-6%
Gross profit3.72.11.776%114%52%
Gross Margin53%38%39%15pp
EBITDA margin-47%-85%-83%38pp
Source: Redeye Research, Company reports

Financial Q1 2024: Sales

Net sales came in at SEK7m, representing a solid y/y growth of 56%, yet a 6% sequential decrease, surpassing our estimate by 27%. This solid growth is attributed to an increased demand for IoT services, resulting in a 125% increase in revenue for IoT services compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Revenues from the broadband services amounted to cSEK3.0m, representing a 40% share of net sales. The gross margin improved significantly by 15pp from last quarter and amounted to 53%, 15pp above our estimate. During the quarter, the sales mix was favourable, with an increase in IoT services positively impacting the gross margin. We acknowledge that the gross margin will likely be volatile from quarter to quarter, depending on the sales mix.

TH1NG: Sales development (SEKm)


Source: Redeye research, Company reports

Financial Q4 2023: Margins and Cost base

TH1NG reported COGS of SEK3.3m, resulting in a gross margin of 53%, 15pp above our estimate and a 20pp improvement on a q/q basis. OPEX increased by 8% y/y and amounted to SEK7.4m (6.9), 4% below our estimate. Personnel costs were affected by one-time restructuring expenses of SEK0.5m during the quarter. We expect to see about the same amount next quarter due to the divestment of broadband customers

TH1NG: Cost base (SEKm)


Source: Redeye research, Company reports

EBIT for the quarter was -SEK5.1m, which is 6% above our estimate. The higher depreciation and amortization (D&A) expenses than expected explain the discrepancy between the estimate beat on EBITDA and the roughly in-line EBIT.

TH1NG: Net sales and EBIT (SEKm)

rev & ebit

Source: Redeye research, Company reports

The total EBIT and EBIT margin for the quarter was -SEK5.5m and -73% (-107%) respectively. While this figure was softer than our initial EBIT estimate of -SEK4.6m, the reported EBIT margin was on par with our estimate. For the full year of 2023, EBIT was negative at SEK19.5m.

Financial Q1 2024: Cash flows and Cash position

Cash flow from operations totalled -SEK0.3m, while net cash flow stood at SEK1.1m, leaving a cash position of SEK5.0m at the close of the reporting period. Yet, it is important to note that TH1NG took up another convertible loan during the quarter, positively impacting the net cash flow for the period by SEK1.1m.
In Q1, TH1NG announced the sale of its broadband customer base in the corporate segment to Bahnhof for SEK10m. The payment for the sale is split into two payments of SEK5m each, with the first payment disbursed in Q1 (the profit arising from the transfer is reported on the day of the broadband customer acquisition, 1 May 2024) and the second scheduled for Q2. The first payment positively impacted the cash flow under changes in working capital by SEK5m during the quarter.

The board is authorized to issue further convertible loans of up to SEK4.9m. We believe it will be necessary to have a growth capital injection of approximately SEK10m in H2 2024, and our valuation now includes the dilution of such a share issue. However, we also think a directed share issue to the main owners, a combination of a regular and a directed issue, or a convertible loan with less dilution based on historical trends are possible scenarios.

Operational update and Outlook

At the end of Q1, TH1NG sold its corporate broadband customers to Bahnhof for SEK10m. This will result in an approximate SEK12m annual sales decrease starting in May 2024. While this may slightly negatively impact EBITDA in 2024, we expect gross margin and OPEX improvements to offset the sales loss by 2025-2026. The payment is split into two SEK5m tranches, with the first paid in Q1 and the second due in Q2.

New Agreements

  • Wexnet: Delivering the IoT platform IoT-Open as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) service to Växjö, Alvesta, Tingsryd, and Lessebo.
  • Mellifiq: Agreement to deliver IoT communication services.
  • Valokuitunen: Partnership with Finnish fibre operator, providing an 18-month exclusive right to resell TH1NG’s proptech IoT solutions to 200,000 fibre customers in Finland, starting in late May 2024.
  • Emulate: Collaboration on a smart energy management solution, targeting energy companies, with Skellefteå Kraft as the first customer.

CEO Klas Westholm is optimistic about the future, highlighting the potential of innovative energy management solutions and the value-added packages TH1NG plans to offer. The company has strong, beneficial partnerships with energy firms and sees substantial demand in the energy and real estate sectors. Initial sales efforts in Finland and Germany will focus on real estate, while Sweden will target the energy and real estate sectors.

Financial forecast and Estimate revisions

Our valuation now includes the dilution from a SEK10m growth capital injection that we believe will be needed during H2. Yet, we also think that a directed share issue to the main owners, a combination of a regular and a directed issue, or a convertible loan with less dilution based on historical trends are also possible. Our new Base and bear cases are SEK2.7(4.0) and SEK0.8(0.4). Our Bull case comes down from SEK9.8 to SEK5.0.

TH1NG: Changes to estimates
SEKmQ1 2024aQ2 2024eQ3 2024eQ4 2024e2024e2025e2026e
Net sales7
Gross profit4
Gross margin53%45%45%45%47%48%48%
EBITDA margin-46%106%-36%-31%-9%-6%7%
Source: Redeye Research, Company reports


We are not factoring in any potential dilution resulting from the two convertible note issues at this point. This decision is based on the uncertainty of whether the loan will be converted into shares or not. The board is authorised to issue further convertible loans of up to SEK4.9m. We believe this will be necessary during H1 2024, and additional growth capital needs depend on tie-ups in the working capital. Therefore, we anticipate the board will likely be granted extended rights to issue further convertibles during 2024. Our Base and bear case are intact at SEK4.0 and SEK0.5, respectively. Our Bull case comes down from SEK13.2 to SEK9.8.

Assumptions, fair value range
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK0.82.75.0
Sales CAGR 2024e-2028e19%45%48%
EBIT margin (avg) 2024e-2028e-12%-2%4%
Terminal EBIT margin10%18%22%
Terminal Growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Investment thesis


Platform provider for smart cities and growth

TH1NG is a platform supplier at the forefront of Sweden’s fast-growing market for IoT-based smart Cities. This rapid growth leads us to believe TH1NG will grow its gross margin revenues for many years to come. In the best case, TH1NG can first scale its platform in Sweden and then in other countries. The primary catalysts for this are expansion of ongoing projects, as well as new partnerships and solid quarterly reports showcasing improved margins.


Projects up and running

TH1NG boasts a robust market presence in Sweden and has established significant projects such as the smart city reference in Skellefteå municipality. The company has also seen growth in its B2B operations and has shifted its focus exclusively to B2B since the end of 2021. The company's business model, which is centred on recurring revenues, high margins, and streamlined post-implementation services, is well-established and has the potential for rapid scaling to additional cities and regions. Please refer to our supportive analysis for further details

Supportive Analysis

TH1NG continues to gain ground and is now at the forefront of IoT development in Jönköping, where 55 organisations have approved its IoT platform. We believe the recent win can be attributed to the reference city project in Skellefteå and we will follow its development closely. CEO Klas Westholm has mentioned that the rollout of deliveries in the region has started. This is a positive development, and we are encouraged that the company is starting to capitalise on its investments and that the effort and money put in to constructing the reference city is beginning to pay off.


Fighting the giants

As an IoT platform provider, TH1NG faces competition from both large and small companies. However, TH1NG has certain competitive advantages that set it apart. Firstly, its customer-centric "pay as you grow" strategy is a highly effective way of acquiring clients. Secondly, TH1NG has established several projects and has a wide network within the Swedish IoT industry. Thirdly, the EU's stringent data regulations pose a significant obstacle for competitors based in the US.


Current valuation does not reflect future potential

Using a fundamental DCF framework, we have derived a fair value range for TH1NG under three scenarios: base case (most likely), bear case (pessimistic), and bull case (optimistic). We have used a WACC of 14% across all scenarios. Our updated View of the company proposes a fair value range spanning from SEK0.5 to 9.8, with our base at SEK4.0. The fair value range is deliberately broad, reflecting the inherent unpredictability of TH1NG’s long-term growth and profitability. These factors centre on elements such as product composition and expansion strategies, among other variables. Our projections anticipate elevated gross margins over the long term, with a terminal EBIT margin of c18%. Notable metrics that we will closely monitor for potential adjustments include sales growth acceleration and indications of near-term scalability. These factors are pivotal in shaping our future assessments.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Business: 3

Financials: 2


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TH1NG Q1 2024: Review

Financial Q1 2024: Sales

Financial Q4 2023: Margins and Cost base

Financial Q1 2024: Cash flows and Cash position

Operational update and Outlook

Financial forecast and Estimate revisions


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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