Fortnox: Raised Long-Term Assumptions Following CMD

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Fredrik Nilsson answered 2 questions.

While the Capital Market Day, as expected, did not feature any new financial targets, Fortnox was generous in disclosing data regarding the two current targets, ARPC and the number of customers. The data showed substantial differences in ARPC between customer groups, highlighting the opportunity for further ARPC growth. We raise our long-term forecasts and Base Case somewhat.


Fredrik Nilsson


Number of Customers


Roffes Bygg AB – Fictional Example Company

Estimate Revisions


Appendix Calculations:

Investment thesis

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Key financials

Revenue Growth28.6%24.6%23.9%22.8%21.5%
EBIT Margin41.0%41.5%44.9%47.6%48.8%
Net Debt-514.0-815.9-1,409.5-2,140.7-3,048.9
ARR Growth23%32%22%18%17%
EBITDA - CAPEX6678111,0681,3401,668
EBITDA - CAPEX Margin40.6%39.6%42.0%42.8%43.7%
EV/EBITDA - CAPEX53.949.336.928.922.6

Number of Customers

Fortnox disclosed several interesting data points regarding its customer structure and the difference in customer mix relative to the 2021 CMD. Fortnox has a target of reaching 700,000 customers by the end of 2025, compared to 556,000 by the end of Q1 2024. Assuming a linear growth in absolute numbers, Fortnox is somewhat behind the target, and we expect 647,000 customers by the end of 2025. While management feels confident in reaching the target, it believes it is an aggressive target. Also, according to the 2020-2025 business plan, Fortnox expects a higher absolute net customer intake during the latter parts of the period, probably partly related to a stronger offering to tiny businesses.

Fortnox’s position is strongest among companies with 1-9 employees, with companies with 1-4 and 5-9 employees being overrepresented by ~100% and ~50%, respectively – aligning well with our expectations.  Also, we note that less digitalized sectors like Agriculture and Culture & Entertainment are underrepresented.

As shown on the graph above, Fortnox has increased its market share in all relevant size segments.

While analysts (us included) tend to talk about the number of started companies and bankruptcies as drivers in Fortnox’s new customer intake, the graph below shows their small numbers compared to Fortnox customers. Although the number of started companies (about 15,000-20,000 per quarter) has some impact, the bankruptcies of around 1,000 – 2,000 per quarter have a limited impact on Fortnox.

Regarding accounting firms, which bring in about 75% of new customers, Fortnox has strengthened its partnership market share among medium and small firms while it has decreased somewhat among large firms. However, all Big 5 firms remain Fortnox users.

We understand that Fortnox has not lost customers in the Large category. However, due to consolidation in the accounting firm industry, the number of firms in the Large category has increased, explaining the decrease in the share of firms Fortnox works with.

Overall, we believe the data, showing many tiny companies left to win, supports management’s expectations of reaching 700,000 customers by the end of 2025 – although our assumptions are somewhat softer. At the same time, a more robust inflow of smaller customers should have a slight negative impact on ARPC. On the other hand, Fortnox has high ambitions and several new features that are attracting additional larger companies, which might compensate.


The Average Revenue per Customer (ARPC) data highlighted the substantial difference depending on what party is working in the system. While we were aware that the “pure” accountant-managed customers have lower ARPC than customers managing by themselves to at least some extent, we did not assume such a substantial difference.

By ignoring the circa 2% accounting firms, we can estimate the ARPC for each customer group (see appendix for calculations):

SEK per MonthBusiness rep.CollaborationAccountant
Share of Customers15%33%50%
ARPC Contribution6419715
Source: Fortnox (data in picture) & Redeye Research (calculations)

The ARPC and contribution from customers, which only the accountant manages, are very limited compared to when a business representative is involved in some way. Thus, there is significant ARPC potential in converting customers into collaborating with their accountants. While the size and needs of each customer is important for the potential APRC, we believe the difference in this case largely depends on digital maturity. Thus, we believe Fortnox can move most of these accountant-managed customers over time. However, it is hard to say at what rate.

But what is in it for the accounting firms? Does it not imply less revenue for them? In some way, yes. However, by letting the business representative do some basic tasks, the accounting firm can handle additional customers and focus on areas with higher value-add – where their expertise is needed. From the business’s perspective, the move is rational as well. By doing some easy tasks by themselves, the companies can reduce their accounting costs significantly, which typically will compensate for the SEK~500 increase in software costs. Paying SEK10,000 – 15,000 per month for accounting services is not unusual, assuming a 30% decrease as the businesses do some easy tasks themselves, SEK~500 in additional software costs is negligible.

As for the software itself (we assume entrepreneurs focus on their businesses rather than optimizing their accounting costs), we believe the transition to collaborating with the accountant has switching costs for the business, which probably explains how ~50% of customers are managed by accountants only. However, we expect a gradual migration, partly as the average entrepreneur matures digitally.

Roffes Bygg AB – Fictional Example Company

During the CMD, Fortnox gave examples of the ARPC contribution from different workflows, Accounts payable, Employees, and Accounts receivables for the fictional example company Roffes Bygg AB.

While the Offerta och Factoring services boost the number by SEK16,000, the other parts bring in about SEK1,600 in ARPC. Thus, even when excluding the two largest contributors, the potential ARPC with current products is well above the current ARPC of SEK276 (R12m). Also, Offerta and Factoring are likely attractive offerings to at least a few per cent of all customers, which, considering their high ARPCs, has an important impact on sales.

Considering the ARPC data shown in the Roffes Bygg AB example and in the Customer segment mix, the ARPC potential is substantially higher than the current target of SEK300. However, the tricky thing is determining how many customers each product and service is relevant to and how fast Fortnox can convince customers to use them.

Our unrevised forecasts assume SEK328 in ARPC in 2025 – slightly above the SEK300 target – SEK639 in 2030, and SEK998 in 2035. Considering that customers that have their own representatives working in Fortnox software in some form have an ARPC of about SEK400-600 today, our forecasts seem somewhat on the defensive side – especially considering Fortnox's ability to raise prices.

On the other hand, the customers managed by accountants might just be smaller and with less need for Fortnox products and services. However, we believe very small companies generally manage their accounts by themselves, implying that the SEK400-600 range is reasonable for most of the customers managed by accountants.

Overall, we believe the ARPCs from customers that have their own representatives working with Fortnox, the company’s pricing power, and potential ARPC from new initiatives – such as payments, expected to launch later this year – suggest a higher ARPC long-term compared to our unrevised forecasts.

Estimate Revisions

While leaving our short- and mid-term forecasts unchanged, we increase our long-term ARPC forecasts following the data disclosed at the CMD. Considering the current SEK400-600 ARPC among customers with business representatives working with Fortnox, we believe our previous long-term forecasts were too defensive. In addition to migrating customers to having business representatives working with Fortnox, there is vast potential for new products and services and price increases.

We leave our 2025 ARPC forecast unchanged while increasing 2030 and 2035 by 9-10%. Although our assumptions are far below potential numbers, we believe it makes sense to keep some defensiveness in forecasts for the very long term.

ARPC (SEK/month)New OldChange


We increase our Base Case to SEK73 (66) following increased long-term ARPC forecasts.

Fair Value Range - Assumptions
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK3573112
Sales CAGR
2024 - 203115%19%22%
2031 - 20415%8%11%
Avg EBIT margin
2024 - 203145%48%51%
2031 - 204143%49%52%
Terminal EBIT Margin30%43%47%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Appendix Calculations:

Investment thesis


Swedish SME’s leading software provider

With about 1/3 of all Swedish SMEs as customers, Fortnox has an unmatched position regarding data, integrations, and active accountants. While we believe Fortnox can continue to grow its customer base rapidly until ~2025, we believe the significant upside lies in increasing the revenue per customer. Providing a “must-have” SaaS product for a wide range of industries makes Fortnox both scalable and resistant to economic cycles.


Impressive track record of cost-efficient growth

Fortnox turned profitable as a small company and has since then combined high sales growth with high margins for several years, with an R40 often above 60%. Despite its solid track record, the average revenue per customer remains far below the potential, both regarding the SaaS core offering and new areas such as financial services. Some offerings within financial service have ARPC of several thousand SEK but are currently used by less than 1% of Fortnox customers. Thus, the potential is huge.


High profitability attracts competition

While new entrants threaten every profitable market, we believe Fortnox has several sustainable competitive advantages. First, we believe most SMEs focus on its core business rather than switching ERP software, resulting in switching costs. Second, thanks to its large number of integrations and active accountants using the software, we believe Fortnox’s ecosystem has network effects.


How many modules and services do the average SME need?

Although Fortnox has over ten different modules, the average customer uses about 2.5. Also, a few percent of customers use any financial service, the figure is even lower for the most lucrative financial services. The relatively low usage could indicate most SMEs are not interested in more than the basic “must-have” modules such as Accounting. However, we believe the usage of modules and service will increase as more SMEs mature digitally and Fortnox increases automation.


Fair Value SEK 73

Based on our DCF model, we see a fair value of SEK73. While our Base Case implies high EV/S and EV/EBIT multiples for the next few years, we believe that is fair considering Fortnox’s scalability, competitive advantages, and growth prospects.

Quality Rating

People: 4

The management has solid and relevant experience, although many are rather new to Fortnox. Some institutions are found among the owners, which we find positive. Fortnox's largest shareholder, Olof Hallrup (19%), is present in the board, while other board members and management do not have any significant shareholdings.

Business: 5

The company has a stable and diversified customer base, generating +80% recurring revenue with very high gross margin. Also, the currents estimated SaaS penetration and low usage of some of Fortnox's services allows for further growth, and thanks to its close relationship with the accounting firms, customer acquisition costs are low. However, some of its software, such as the Accounting module, are probably large enough to make a notable share of Fortnox's revenue exposed to single a product.

Financials: 5

The company's debt-to-equity- and the interest coverage ratios are excellent, and it holds a solid net cash position. Also, its growth and profitability figures has been outstanding in recent years. 


Income statement
Cost of Revenue104.0145.3180.7222.4270.8
Operating Expenses703.0867.71,022.11,206.91,432.8
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses4.
Net Financial Items-4.0-
Income Tax Expenses-106.0-177.1-235.4-307.3-383.5
Net Income570.0677.6907.41,184.31,478.0
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)
Intangible Assets545.0708.0830.71,025.51,259.8
Right-of-Use Assets139.0135.0135.0135.0135.0
Other Non-Current Assets66.
Total Non-Current Assets1,388.01,651.11,768.71,963.22,200.2
Current assets
Accounts Receivable680.0840.11,043.31,284.51,563.6
Other Current Assets72.090.2112.0137.9167.8
Cash Equivalents514.0815.91,409.52,140.73,048.9
Total Current Assets1,266.01,746.12,564.83,563.14,780.4
Total Assets2,654.03,397.24,333.55,526.36,980.5
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity1,772.02,326.63,064.74,022.15,204.0
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities113.0108.0108.0108.0108.0
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities44.0109.0109.0109.0109.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities157.0217.0217.0217.0217.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities33.
Accounts Payable45.041.050.962.776.3
Other Current Liabilities645.0778.6967.01,190.61,449.2
Total Current Liabilities723.0852.61,050.91,286.21,558.5
Total Liabilities and Equity2,652.03,396.24,332.55,525.36,979.5
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow646.0803.11,079.71,364.71,689.9
Investing Cash Flow-254.0-329.4-273.4-363.4-442.4
Financing Cash Flow-314.0-166.4-212.6-270.1-339.3

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Number of Customers


Roffes Bygg AB – Fictional Example Company

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Appendix Calculations:

Investment thesis

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