SSH Communications Security: Waiting for that tailwind

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Fredrik Reuterhäll answered 0 questions.

Redeye provides an update following the Q2 2024 report. Sales increased by 4.1% y/y to EUR5.1m, with a EBITDA margin of 9.1%. PrivX grew by 21.5% pushing Subscription growth by 10.9%. We reiterate our valuation range and expect H2 to be strong. We argue that SSH should be seen as a stable company within the cybersecurity sector with a robust subscription revenue model that is growing profitable.


Fredrik Reuterhäll


Q2 2024

Net sales TTM



Tailwind ahead

Financial forecast 2024E - 2026E

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Strong profitability, soft topline growth

Sales came in at EUR5.1m, a y/y increase of 4% -5% below our estimate. Subscription sales came in at EUR2m, License Sales were EUR0.1m, and Maintenance sales EUR1.9m. Subscriptions were slightly weaker than our expectations of EUR3.1m and grew 10.9% in the quarter. Subscription ARR was EUR19m (EUR10.8m), growing 3.8% y/y. Recurring revenue, ARR mounted to EUR11.7m (18.3m), up 8.3% y/y. PrivX subscription sales was up by 21.2%.

Still expecting sales to ramp up in H2

We stated in our update after the Q1 report that we expect a ramp-up in H2, and we are now even more convinced this will be the case. All organizational changes have been completed, the cost base is under control, and a sales push towards the US paves the way for a strong end to 2024 and into 2025. We anticipate full-year sales of EUR 23m, reflecting 13% growth.

Wider valuation range, keeping the Base Case

Our Base Case is EUR1.8 (1.8) per share, with a Bear Case of EUR0.9 (1) and a Bull Case of EUR3.1 (3.4), implying a 36% upside to Base Case. The stock is trading at EV/Sales of 1.8x next year, and EV/Ebitda 14x, roughly 50% discount to peers. We still argue that SSH should be seen as the most stable and predictable company within the Nordic cybersecurity sector due to its robust subscription revenue model.

Key financials

Revenue Growth13.1%5.8%12.5%24.7%22.4%
EBITDA Margin6.3%8.8%7.4%12.6%14.0%
Net Income-2.6-1.9-1.7-0.240.68

Q2 2024

SSH Communications Security’s Q2’24 sales were slightly below our estimates. Sales came in at EUR5.1m, a y/y increase of 4.1% vs our estimate of EUR5.4m. Subscription sales came in at EUR3m, License Sales were EUR0.1m, and Maintenance sales EUR1.9m. Subscriptions were 4% below our expectations and grew 11% compared to one year ago.

Subscription ARR was EUR11.7m (EUR10.8m), growing 8.3% y/y. Recurring revenue, ARR mounted to EUR19m (18.3m), growing 3.8% y/y.

SSH Communications Security: Actual vs Estimate (MSEK)
2024Q2A2024Q2EDiff vs Est.Y/Y Growth
Net sales5.15.4-5%4%
Total opex-4.6-5.110%-16%
EBITDA Margin (%)9.8%5%5pp381%
Basic EPS-0.06-0.05-0.3-2540%
Source: Redeye Research & Company data

EBITDA was EUR0.5m, corresponding to a 9.1% margin. This quarter was the 13th consecutive quarter with a positive EBITDA result. According to the CEO, PrivX grew 21% compared to Q2 2023. Unfortunately, SSH does not consistently publish quarterly growth numbers for PrivX, so it is difficult to follow the growth path.

Net sales TTM

Trailing 12-month sales (TTM) came in at EUR20.8m, compared to EUR20.7m in Q1'24, a TTM growth of 3% y/y. The final two quarters of the year should be stronger in terms of sales growth. We anticipate TTM growth of 5% in Q3 and 12% in Q4. We might be a bit optimistic in our forest.

Net sales TTM

Recurring revenues

Subscription ARR was EUR11.7m, growing 8.3% y/y, and recurring revenue (ARR) mounted to EUR19m, growing 3.8% y/y. The CFO explained the decline was due to two main reasons: 1) slight seasonality in Q2 (one working day less), and 2) A couple of Zero trust customers renewals were delayed and took longer than expected; one customer will close in Q3, and the other customer will be recognized in Q4. Then it lost a major customer in secure collaboration


Subscription sales came in at EUR3m, growing 10.9% y/y, slightly lower than our estimates of EUR5.4m. SSH clearly shows it manages to increase its subscription revenue model to be the primary type of its sale. Back in Q1'21, Subscriptions were 7.6% of revenue compared to 59% in this quarter.

Licences and maintenance

In the current quarter, License sales amounted to EUR0.1mn as customers continue to migrate towards a subscription model. Over time, it is obvious the subscription model will be the golden standard.

Maintenance sales came in at EUR1.9m vs our estimate of EUR1.9m.

Key financials

Quaterly sales per segment

TTM sales per segment


During the quarter, EMEA, which accounts for around 54% of SSH's revenues, was flat y/y. Same with the Americas, while APAC grew 33% to EUR2.7m. During the quarter, SSH signed a number of new parter deals and we should expect more in coming quarters as it is the most efficient way to gain new customers.



PrivX grew 21.5% year over year as its the core product within SSH's product family. Priv-X will continue to benefit from the integration within a wide variety of its products and should grow steadily throughout the year.

Secure Collaboration, the 2024 rollout continues with a new name: SalaX

Announced in November 2023, the Secure Collaboration 2024 is now offered to customers. The product is highly scalable, with a 95% gross margin and is now re-branded to SalaX.

Tailwind ahead

We wrote in our update after the Q1 report that we expect a ramp up in H2 and we are even more We stated in our update after the Q1 report that we expect a ramp-up in H2, and we are now even more convinced this will be the case. All organizational changes have been completed, the cost base is under control, and a sales push towards the US paves the way for a strong end to 2024 and into 2025. We anticipate full-year sales of EUR 23m, reflecting 13% growth.

Financial forecast 2024E - 2026E

Financial forecast

We made no changes to our Base Case estimate after the quarter. However, we widened our valuation range somewhat. We still believe in solid delivery in H2 2024 due to the expected positive momentum from ramping up new product launches and customers finally starting to place orders. Additionally, the revenue recognition for the cryptographic solution order announced in February 2024 will occur in two parts. Half of the EUR 1.8m revenue will be recognized by the end of 2024, and the rest will be recognized by the following year.

Redeye expects net sales of EUR23 with EBITDA of EUR1.7m for 2024. This translates into an EBITDA margin of 7% for 2024E.

SSH Communications Security: Changes vs previous estimates (MEUR)
Net sales205.05.1
Margin (%)9%5%10%9%6%7%13%14%
Margin (%)9%6%6%13%14%
Source: Redeye Research
SSH Communications Security: Financial Forecast (MEUR)
Net sales205.
Gross Profit205.
Basic EPS-0.05-0.01-0.01-0.01-0.01-0.04-0.010.02
Revenue Growth6%6%4%16%23%13%25%22%
Gross Profit Margin (%)100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
EBITDA Margin (%)9%5%10%9%6%7%13%14%
EBIT Margin (%)-8%-11%-6%-7%-9%-8%0%3%
Net Income Margin (%)-9%-10%-6%-6%-8%-7%-1%2%
Source: Redeye Research


We keep our Base Case of EUR1.8 (1.8) per share, with a Bear case of EUR 0.9 (1) and Bull Case of EUR3.1 (3.4). We are a bit more pessimistic about the growth rate in both Bear and Bull Cases, hence both are lower

SSH Communications Security: Fair value range
EURBear CaseBase CaseBull CaseDCF split per period, Base CaseWACC11.0%
Value per share0.91.83.12025-20283%2
Revenue CAGR 2025-20399%13%15%Terminal43%30
Revenue CAGR 2025-202914%21%24%Sum100%71
Growth Terminal3%3%3%Net debt 2024E-1
Equity value72
EBITDA-margin 2025-203912%16%19%Shares outstanding41
EBIT-margin 2025-20397%12%13%Value per share, EUR1.8
Source: Redeye ResearchCurrent share price1.3

Peer table

SSH trades at 1.8x EV/S 2025E and 14x Ev/Ebitda. We argue that SSH Communications Security has the most stable and predictable revenue stream compared to its peers and, therefore, is the better choice.

Company nameEURm2024202520262024202520262022-242023-24
Nordic Cybersec
Napatech A/S24811.86.33.1neg>10010.023%5%
Advenica AB594.33.93.4neg1326910%3%
Yubico AB1,9429.67.86.348352719%22%
F-Secure Oyj5073.
SSH Communications Security Oyj532.21.81.430141013%8%
Source: Factset & Redeye Reserach

Investment thesis


Profitable growth with subscription based business model

SSH Communications Security offers a broad range of its own-developed cybersecurity products in three areas: Secure business communication, Secure access and secret management, and Secure file transfer and encryption. We forecast a 2025e–2029e sales CAGR of 21% and an average EBITDA margin of 15%. This will primarily be driven by (1) scaling current deployments with existing customers, (2) engaging in cross-selling to the installed base, and (3) winning additional high-value contracts with partners.


Certifications and acquisitions

PrivX is a key product in the Secure Access and Secret Management category of SSH's Zero Trust solution portfolio. In November 2023, SSH expanded its offerings with the introduction of Secure Messaging, a new addition to the Secure Business platform. This modern, real-time messaging solution enhances SSH's Zero Trust Suite by providing robust, secure communication capabilities. Additionally, the Secure File Transfer & Encryption family, featuring the reputable Tectia and NQX technologies, forms a part of SSH's trusted solutions. SSH continues to innovate and expand its range of products in the cybersecurity domain. the Zero Trust Suite offered by SSH.

Supportive Analysis

According to Quince Market Insights, cybersecurity will grow at a 13% CAGR in the years ahead (2020-2028e). The secular trends underpinning this growth include (a) the shift to the cloud, (b) increased focus on digital transformation initiatives in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, (c) material security vulnerabilities due to increasingly complex hybrid IT environments, and (d) heavier governance and regulatory requirements.



The rapid cybersecurity market growth (particularly in the pockets where SSH has a meaningful presence) attracts competitors. Moreover, the shift to cloud infrastructures brings adjacent markets closer – for instance, (1) Privileged Access Management and (2) Identity and Access Management. This means heightened competition from small innovative players and leading vendors in adjacent markets.


Foreign government contracts

We assess that SSH is in pole-position to win significant government contracts in Finland. However, this is more challenging abroad – most countries have domestic vendors and local certifications/regulations. We understand that a Finnish NATO membership would facilitate government contracts abroad (at least to member countries).


Growth outlook justifies high near-term multiples

Our DCF analysis indicates a base case of EUR1.8 per share (bull: EUR3.4; bear: EUR1) based on a 34% sales CAGR during our forecast period (2024e–2029e) with EBITDA margin reaching 12% 2025E . Our base case translates into EV/Sales and EV/EBITDA multiples of about 1.9x and 16x in 2025e, respectively.

Quality Rating

People: 4

The current CEO was appointed in 2020, which means the senior management has not been together too long. However, it has demonstrated serious execution capabilities, manifested in the Deltagon acquisition and meeting all financial targets in FY2021. Moreover, we believe the management thinks independently, best reflected in recent technology investments that have proven successful, like zero trust and post-quantum safe. There is, in our opinion, a well-defined strategy to grow organically for many years. Also, we appreciate Accendo's controlling ownership (defined as >20% of the capital), which we regard as a long-term commitment. We would consider improving this rating should the management's insider ownership increase.

Business: 3

Positives include (1) a high share of recurring sales (77% in 2021) derived from subscriptions and maintenance, (2) an asset-light software-based business, (3) a long runway for growth considering fast underlying growth in the cybersecurity market, (4) a strong value proposition and solving a genuine customer need, (5) clear competitive moats in terms of high switching costs and meaningful intangible assets, and (6) a large installed base of 5,000+ customers which creates up and cross-selling opportunities. 


Negatives include (1) a fast-changing market which requires significant continuous investments to stay ahead of competitors, (2) many competitors entering the market, both new entrants and established firms in adjacent segments, and (3) regulatory risks which could hurt the company's odds of winning major contracts outside its domestic market.


Financials: 2

The rating's retrospective nature results in a score of 2. The company has seen declining sales and negative earnings in recent years. However, the trend broke in 2021, and sales rose 42%. We expect to see high annual growth in sales and EPS in the near term, far above the underlying market of c.12%. The company does not need to raise capital to become cash flow positive sustainably. Finally, we appreciate the company's high gross margins (95%+), which confirms its business's scalability.


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Q2 2024

Net sales TTM



Tailwind ahead

Financial forecast 2024E - 2026E

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