Sdiptech: Comforting stability

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Niklas Sävås answered 4 questions.

Redeye retains its positive view of Sdiptech following a Q2 report that met our expectations. The company continues to perform strongly with organic growth figures well above peers and sustained margins. We believe continued stable results will drive the stock upwards from here and nudge up our base case fair value per share.


Niklas Sävås


Investment thesis

Quality Rating

Comforting stability

Financial development over time

FCF before acquisitions

Breakdown per business area

Resource Efficiency

Special Infrastructure Solutions


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Solid organic EBITA growth

Sales increased by 19% year over year, and organic sales growth was 9% excluding currency effects in Q2. This was in-line with our estimates. The adjusted EBITA margin was solid and came in at c18.7% with organic EBITA growth of c1%. Net profit was negatively impacted by higher financing costs and a higher tax rate and earnings per share decreased with c8%. Cash conversion of c83% was strong and we believe in continued strong cash flows ahead. The company meets tough comparables in Q3 and we expect a slowdown in organic growth.

Strong M&A pipeline

Sdiptech has had to adjust to the higher interest rate environment by slowing down its acquisition pace. It is now back to a reasonable gearing level and considering expected lower interest rates ahead we believe the company will gradually increase its acquisition pace. The company faces significant earn-out payments in the current year and in future years but we expect it to tackle that with strong cash flows and discipline around valuations leading to a net debt ratio around current levels.

Raised valuation

We increase our Fair Value Range from SEK200 to SEK580 to SEK220 to SEK600 with a Base Case per share of SEK400. The market’s reaction to the Q2 report was somewhat muted, but expectations was also high after a 40% appreciation since the release of the Q1 report. We believe continued stable results will drive the stock upwards.

Key financials

Revenue Growth30.7%36.3%16.2%8.9%12.5%
EBIT Margin18.3%17.3%16.7%16.9%16.7%
Net Income428.1445.6482.0569.0636.7

Investment thesis


Opportunistic acquirer with a short history

Sdiptech’s model is to acquire profitable companies and use the cash flows to acquire additional companies. In recent years Sdiptech has been a rather aggressive acquirer having made several equity issues in recent years in order to accelerate growth. While it started in 2016 buying service businesses with lower margins, the strategy has shifted to only buying high-margin companies within a broadly defined infrastructure sector. We believe the short history and mixed organic growth have led to the discount against peers.


Infrastructure niches supporting organic growth

Among the listed serial acquirers, steady organic growth is rare. Sdiptech has an organic EBITA growth target of 5-10%, which was reached between 2019 and 2021. The business units’ strong niche market positions, give a potential for high-profit margins and structural market trends favor the businesses that Sdiptech acquires. While we find the upper limit of Sdiptech’s target range for organic growth ambitious, we forecast an organic sales growth of ~4% from 2024 to 2030. Combining organic and acquired growth, we believe Sdiptech is heading towards becoming a much larger company. Sdiptech is cautious about synergy realization from acquired companies, due to its decentralized strategy. Instead, they create value in the acquired companies through their industrial focus on infrastructure, where Sdiptech has both market insight and technical know-how to contribute to strategy and business development.

Supportive Analysis

Acquisitions are an important part of Sdiptech’s business model. Since the IPO of the preferred share in 2015, the company has made over 30 acquisitions. Usually, Sdiptech pays 7-9x EBITA for the acquired businesses leading to an implied yield of some 11-14%. To reach a return on capital of some 15%+ percent it must drive EBITA growth of at least 1-4%. During the last four years, Sdiptech has fallen short of this level as it has averaged around 11% return on capital employed. This is clearly above its cost of capital meaning Sdiptech is creating value for its shareholders but we believe there is upside potential ahead as Sdiptech has established itself in many profitable niches that should be beneficial for organic growth ahead.


Profitability and organic growth challenges

If a situation like the problems in the EV business was to occur again, we believe the share would take another hit due to deteriorating investor confidence and also less room for further acquisitions. Sdiptech has a relatively high leverage level where it needs continued strong cash flows to continue to acquire at the planned pace of SEK120m to SEK150m in EBITA per year. We believe Sdiptech will tackle this by continuing to deliver improvements across its group companies.


Competition making acquisitions more expensive

Sdiptech’s value creation is dependent on the ability to acquire companies at low valuations leading to high returns on capital. Thus, if acquisition multiples were to increase, it would be harder for Sdiptech to create value for its shareholders through its M&A strategy.


Still on discount - solid performance to drive the share price

The Sdiptech share has outperformed the stock market in recent years. The management team has been opportunistic, issuing shares at high valuations and buying companies at lower valuations. What is missing for Sdiptech to be valued in-line with peers such as Lifco, Indutrade, Addtech and Lagercrantz is for it to continue to execute in line with its strategy. Sdiptech buys higher margin businesses at slightly higher valuations than its peers and to reach 15%+ return on capital it must drive at least mid-single-digit organic growth across the group. We think solid performance ahead is a catalyst for it to close the gap against it peers.

Quality Rating

People: 4

The management and the board have solid experience from similar businesses. Compensations are reasonable and to some extent liked to the operation performance. Also, over the last years, Sdiptech’s management has proven itself, turning Sdiptech to a successful M&A-compounder. We view Sdiptech’s ownership structure as favorable, mixing active and committed entrepreneurs with quality institutions and incentivized management.

Business: 5

The company consists of over 35 subsidiaries within different infrastructure niches. Most of them are driven by stricter regulations regarding the environment, energy, and safety as well as neglected investments in water and power supplies. The combination of niches, providing high margins, and underlying growth drivers are attractive and present in most subsidiaries. Sdiptech also has a successful track-record of intensive M&A-activity.

Financials: 3

The group’s current profitability is solid and has improved in recent years. Its net debt is typically between 3-4x EBITDA, which we deem as reasonable especially due to the company’s diversified business with strong cash flows. A large share of the net debt is related to expected earn-outs for which Sdiptech do not pay any cash interest. Also, they require rising EBITDA level to be paid out. On the negative side weighs the relatively low return on equity, which needs to increase to near 20% to drive a higher financial ratio, and also the rather high leverage even though it's manageable.

Comforting stability

Estimates vs. ActualsQ2e 2024Q2a 2024DiffQ2 2023Q1 2024
Y/Y Growth (%)17%19%38%24%
Resource Efficiency4554632%403455
Growth y/y (RE)13%12%19%16%
EBITA (RE)107102-4%82111
EBITA margin (RE)23.5%22.0%20.4%24.4%
Special Infrastructure Solutions9129282%766880
Growth y/y (SIS)19%20%50%29%
EBITA (SIS)1661766%163157
EBITA margin (SIS)18.2%19.0%21.3%17.8%
Group adjusted EBITA2572601%231251
Adjusted EBITA Margin (%)18.7%18.7%19.7%18.8%
Source: Sdiptech & Redeye Research

Net sales in Q2 came in at SEK1391m (SEK1169m) growing c19% year over year, which was c1% above our forecast. Organic sales growth was c9% excluding FX effects.

The adjusted EBITA of SEK260m beat our forecast with c1% and was an increase from SEK231m last year. Organic EBITA growth was c1% year over year. The EBITA margin was solid at c18.7% driven by strong performance within Resource Efficiency.

The operating cash flow was strong and came in at SEK197m, leading to a cash conversion of c83% for the quarter. We expect strong cash flows for the rest of 2024 driven by working capital releases after strong organic sales growth in 2023 and so far in 2024, which we expect to continue to normalize further ahead.

The net debt position stood at SEK3992m in Q1 and decreased to SEK3904m in Q2 driven by the strong operating cash flow in the quarter. The net debt to EBITDA on a rolling twelve-month basis is c3.13x (3.32x in the last quarter). The net financial debt excluding contingent considerations was SEK2552m.

Financing costs increased, driven by increased interest rates which weighed negatively on the net income for the group. The UK tax increase from 19% to 25% that came into force on 1st of April 2023 did not impact the comparables in the quarter. While adjusted EBITA grew by 17% y/y, EPS decreased by c8% y/y - we expect improvements in the quarters to come and note that despite the decrease this was above our estimates.

Financial development over time

Sales have increased steadily since 2018 while the gross margins are more or less flat. Sdiptech has exited its service businesses with large operating expenses and has replaced them with product businesses with low operating expenses which can be seen in the EBITA graph. Proprietary products are now making up c59% of total sales. From this quarter onwards we include a graph on free cash flow before acquisitions in per share figures as we believe this is the best proxy of value creation over time (although volatile quarter over quarter).

Sales and gross profit margin

Sales and GM, LIGHT

Source: Sdiptech

EBITA and EBITA margin


Source: Sdiptech

FCF before acquisitions

FCF per Quarter, LIGHT

Breakdown per business area

As seen below, both business areas have been growing steadily since 2019.

Sales per business area per quarter (SEKm)

Bus Area Light

Source: Sdiptech

Resource Efficiency

Resource Efficiency continued to meet strong comparable figures in the quarter but still grew sales and EBITA due to a mix of organic and acquired growth. Most of the business units again showed strong figures, and the segment was in-line with our estimates both on sales and EBITA. Sales increased by 15% and the organic sales growth was not disclosed but we believe it was c7%. The EBITA margin increased from 20.4% to 22%, which is a solid figure for the segment (despite a drop from 24.5% in Q1 boosted by a few high margin businesses such as Heatwork and Agrosistemi that has its high season then). The company highlights IDE which had a strong quarter with its offer of rental of temporary electric power. Also the businesses focused on electricity and energy solutions were strong performers.

RE Light

Source: Sdiptech

Special Infrastructure Solutions

Special Infrastructure Solutions beat our expectations on sales and EBITA, where several of the larger business units delivered solid organic growth. Sales increased by 29% and adjusted EBITA increased by Special Infrastructure Solutions beat our expectations on sales and EBITA, again driven by that several of the larger business units delivered solid organic growth. Sales increased by 21% and adjusted EBITA increased by 8% in the segment. While not disclosed we believe the organic sales growth was c10%. The adjusted EBITA margin was, as in Q1, again hurt by the elevator business, Metus, delivering a negative profit. Sdiptech has laid off c20% of the workforce in the company during the quarter and expects the company to return to profitability ahead. Last quarter, Castella Entreprenad was weak but seems to have improved after the restructuring. Strong development was seen within the group's business units offering attachments for forklift trucks (ELM), solutions for transport refrigeration (GAH), and road maintenance equipment (Hilltip).

SIS Light

Source: Sdiptech


Sdiptech clearly slowed-down its acquisition pace in 2023 after a few years of strong acquisition-driven growth. We think this was a prudent move by the company as interest rates have increased heavily while the share price of Sdiptech suffered, meaning it makes less sense to issue shares. The company acquired an EBITA of cSEK50m during 2023. In 2024 it has completed two acquisition of JR Industries with a combined EBITA of cSEK65m. Sdiptech has a target to acquire SEK120m to SEK150m in EBITA per year and has earlier mentioned that they expect to meet the target in 2024, but likely at the lower end - this was updated to a target of around SEK100m to SEK120m meaning the company expects to acquire additional cSEK40m in EBITA this year.

As stated before, we expect strong cash flows in 2024 that will be positive for the financial position of Sdiptech which is a key for the acquisition machine to start working in full gear ahead. On the negative front the company face expected earn-outs of cSEK200m in 2024, cSEK808m in 2025-2026, cSEK349m in 2027-2029 and SEK116m after 2029. We believe the company will generate enough cash in 2024 to be able to acquire cSEK100m in EBITA (including the already concluded transaction of JR Industries and Watertech), and keep the net debt to EBITDA ratio around current levels at c3.1x.

Acquisitions, R12M

CompanySegmentCountryConsolidatedSales (SEKm)EBITA (SEKm)Growth vs R12m
JR IndustriesSISUK1/1/2024338617.0%
Source: Sdiptech & Redeye

Acquisitions and EV/EBITA multiples

In this report we got the data for the acquisition multiple of the latest acquisition Watertech. We had previously assumed a multiple of 7x and the actual multiple seems to have been in that range as the EV/EBT multiple was c8x including earn-outs (c5x excluding earn-outs). We are encouraged by Sdiptech's discipline with multiples paid in the latest acquisitions.

Acquisition multiples, LIGHT

Source: Sdiptech

Financial forecasts

On the back of the Q2 report we have only made minor revisions to our estimates.

Q3 & Q4 2024

  • We believe organic growth will continue to slow down somewhat throughout the year with a bottom in Q3 driven by strong comparables and estimate organic growth of c1% in Q3 and c4% in Q4.
  • We include potential future M&A in our Q3 sales estimates of cSEK13m from M&A as we believe Sdiptech will make two more acquisitions in the second half of the year. We estimate Sdiptech to acquire additional cSEK200m in sales and cSEK40m in EBITA measured on a yearly basis during 2024.

2025 and onwards

  • We believe organic sales growth will revert to c3-5% per year while we expect EBITA margins to stay at solid levels around 20%. We also expect strong cash flows. Sdiptech mentioned in the conference call that its cautiously optimistic about the newly elected Government in the UK as it has stated increase focus on infrastructure - we believe this has the potential to aid organic sales in the long term.
  • We expect M&A contribution of an additional c6-8% per year.
RevisionsFYe 2024OldChangeFYe 2025OldChange
Revenues 5,582 5,588 (0.1%) 6,189 6,210 (0.3%)
Y/Y Growth (%)15.8%16.0%10.9%11.1%
Resource Efficiency 1,814 1,805 0.5% 1,891 1,883 0.5%
Growth y/y (RE)9.9%9.4%4.0%4.0%
EBITA (RE) 421 427 (1.3%) 434 432 0.5%
EBITA margin (RE)23.2%23.6%23.0%23.0%
Special Infrastructure Solutions 3,731 3,721 0.3% 3,885 3,870 0.4%
Growth y/y (SIS)17.7%17.4%4.0%4.0%
EBITA (SIS) 698 688 1.4% 749 738 1.5%
EBITA margin (SIS)18.7%18.5%19.3%19.1%
EBITA (Central) (66) (68) (77) (71)
Future M&A (Cumulative) 38 62 413 458
EBITA (Cumulative) 8 14 91 101
EBITA Margin (Future M&A)22.0%22.0%
Adjusted EBITA 1,061 1,061 0.0% 1,197 1,200 (0.2%)
Adjusted EBITA Margin (%)19.0%19.0%19.3%19.3%
Source: Sdiptech & Redeye Research

Short-term estimates

Sdiptech: Estimates (SEKm)
Net sales4818133513911323153355826189
Gross Profit296283985080792734233704
Adjusted EBITA92125126025829310611197
Growth (%)36%26%19%9%12%16%9%
Gross margin61%63%61%61%60%61%60%
EBITDA margin (%)24%23%23%24%23%23%23%
Adjusted EBITA margin (%)19%19%19%19%19%19%19%
EBIT margin (%)17%16%17%17%16%17%17%
Net income margin (%)9%8%8%9%9%9%9%
Source: Redeye Research

Quarterly estimates per segment

Divisional Estimates
Resource Efficiency2023Q1 24Q2 24Q3 24eQ4 24e20242025
Y/Y Growth30%16%12%5%4%10%4%
Organic growth10%7%4%6%6%4%
Added M&A352055
Added M&A (%)0%9%5%1%1%0%0%
EBITA margin22%24%22%24%23%23%23%
Special Infrastructure Solutions
Y/Y Growth42%29%20%10%13%18%4%
Organic growth10%9%0%4%6%4%
Added M&A848484840
Added M&A (%)12%11%10%9%0%
EBITA margin20%18%19%19%19%19%19%
Future M&A
EBITA (Future M&A (Acc))0036891
Assumed EBITA margin (Future M&A (Acc))20%20%20%20%20%
EBITA Central costs-68-17-19-13-17-66-77
Adjusted EBITA92125126025829310611197
Source: Sdiptech & Redeye Research

Long-term estimates

Sdiptech: Estimates (SEKm)
Net sales4,8185,5826,1896,9627,7658,5999,46410,359
Gross Profit2,9623,4233,7044,1914,6945,2115,7546,319
Adjusted EBITA9211,0611,1971,3361,4941,6681,8552,051
Net Income446482569637716804899998
Growth (%)36%16%9%12%12%11%10%9%
Gross margin61%61%60%60%60%61%61%61%
EBITDA margin (%)24%23%23%22%22%23%23%23%
Adjusted EBITA margin (%)19%19%19%19%19%19%20%20%
EBIT margin (%)17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%
Net Income margin (%)9%9%9%9%9%9%10%10%
Source: Redeye Research


We increase our Fair Value Range from SEK200 to SEK580 to SEK220 to SEK600 with a Base Case per share of SEK400, on the back of the report largely driven by a slight decrease in the interest rate environment leading to a lower WACC (from 8.28% to 8.09%).

Fair value rangeBear caseBase caseBull case
Acquired EBITA per year until 2030100m over the period120m growing to 150m130m growing to 160m
Average EBITA margin until 203015%19%21%
Organic sales CAGR2%4%6%
Terminal EBITA margin17%19%21%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Peer valuation

Niche acquirersEVSalesEV/SALESEV/EBITA (x)Sales growthEBITA marginP/E
Beijer Alma14,7147,1552.11.91.714.012.210.94%6%7%15%16%15%21.318.415.0
Bergman & Beving10,5665,0062.12.01.921.219.718.06%4%2%10%10%10%38.033.730.3
Momentum Group9,1212,9133.12.92.727.624.823.027%7%4%11%12%12%43.938.135.4
Idun Industrier3,7032,1801.71.61.516.214.713.86%5%4%14%14%14%24.523.222.2
Average41,410 10,846
Median17,000 7,951
Source: Redeye, Company reports, FactSet

For this comparison, we use FactSet consensus for Sdiptech. Sdiptech is trading below the median and average of its peers on 2024-2025e EV/EBITA and P/E consensus. While EV/EBITA is the common valuation metric for serial acquirers we have noted that the P/E is a better metric to grasp the underlying profit generation of these companies as net profit is a close proxy to free cash flow adding back acquisitions (the reason why we don't have that in the table is that there are no FactSet consensus for this number). As seen above Sdiptech trades at a discount of roughly 30% of the larger peers but roughly in-line with peers of similar size such as Volati.

We believe the valuation gap will shrink a bit more as we think Sdiptech will continue to show solid figures in the years to come but believe the overall valuation in the sector is at the high side.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue1,856.22,158.62,484.7
Operating Expenses1,816.02,130.12,307.7
Shares in Associates0.000.000.00
Interest Expenses240.1252.0264.0
Net Financial Items-224.0-252.0-264.0
Income Tax Expenses165.9197.8210.5
Net Income445.6482.0569.0
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)431.4544.2741.5
Intangible Assets1,223.31,520.91,773.6
Right-of-Use Assets440.0464.0464.0
Other Non-Current Assets16.019.019.0
Total Non-Current Assets6,736.67,868.18,842.1
Current assets
Accounts Receivable917.2920.0930.0
Other Current Assets248.6250.0250.0
Cash Equivalents557.0409.7587.5
Total Current Assets2,368.32,259.72,487.5
Total Assets9,104.910,127.911,329.6
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest5.07.07.0
Shareholder's Equity3,951.84,514.85,488.6
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt3,528.13,507.93,507.9
Long Term Lease Liabilities162.1101.129.1
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities280.0336.0336.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities3,970.23,945.03,873.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt305.1669.7969.7
Short Term Lease Liabilities71.471.471.4
Accounts Payable0.000.000.00
Other Current Liabilities801.4920.0920.0
Total Current Liabilities1,177.91,661.11,961.1
Total Liabilities and Equity9,104.910,127.911,329.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow618.4988.31,292.7
Investing Cash Flow-774.6-1,146.4-1,326.7
Financing Cash Flow327.329.4178.3

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Investment thesis

Quality Rating

Comforting stability

Financial development over time

FCF before acquisitions

Breakdown per business area

Resource Efficiency

Special Infrastructure Solutions


Financial forecasts



Rating definitions

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