Alligator Bioscience Q2 2024: Impressive Longer-term Survival

Research Update



Redeye comments on Alligators Q2 report and updates its base case.


Richard Ramanius


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Long tail survival

The highlight of the 18-month readout in June was the large share of patients still alive after 18 months, estimated at 36% in the evaluable population vs 19% in historical controls (in the ITT population). The 12-month progression-free survival rate was another highlight at 35% versus 12% in historical controls (ITT population). This shows a few patients survive much longer than expected, a characteristic of immunotherapy. According to the conference call, these results have resulted in more partnering interest.

Funding secured until March

Alligator secured loans and convertibles of up to SEK80m before costs to fund the company until Q1 2025. This allows the company to finalise partnering discussions after the 18-month readout. It also puts pressure on management so secure a deal before this, as a rights issue would likely have to made to repay the loan if no deal materialises.

Base Case SEK2.4

We have reduced the expected upfront payment from USD75m to USD40m, added one year to the timeline of mitazalimab and removed dilution from our base case. This results in a base case of SEK2.4 (SEK2.3). The investment case now hinges entirely on a mitazalimab deal. The positive clinical results together with mitazalimab being phase III ready speak in favour of a deal, while the historical high risk in pancreatic cancer speaks against it. Business development skills may decide the outcome.

Key financials

Revenue Growth68.0%508%-63.9%-46.5%
EBIT Margin-402%33.2%2.6%-83.9%
Net Income-248.6116.23.5-60.9

Investment thesis


An outlicensing deal can unlock value and move the share

Alligator's main asset is mitazalimab, a CD40 agonist activating the immune system. It is being investigated in a phase II trial in pancreatic cancer with positive topline results in January 2024. Alligator now seeks a pharma partner for a pivotal phase III trial and a parallel phase II trial in bladder cancer. Alligator’s next-generation CD40 platform technology, Neo-X-Prime, which is similar to a patient-specific vaccine, is also based on CD40. The first project, ATOR-4066, is almost ready for preclinical studies. This provides follow-up potential. The business case hinges on Alligator finding a partner for mitazalimab in the short term, which would likely move the share past the base case and towards the bull case.


Phase I and phase II data support mitazalimab

In OPTIMIZE-1 (mitazalimab + FOLFIRINOX), the ORR was 42%, compared to FOLFIRINOX alone with 32% in its pivotal trial, meaning the primary endpoint was reached. The most impressive results were the median duration of response of 12.6 months (5.9 for FOLFIRINOX), 18-month survival rate of 36% and 12-month PFS rate of 35% (vs 19% and 12% for FOLFIRINOX). This suggests mitazalimab potentiates FOLFIRINOX.

Supportive Analysis

Alligator also has another active trial, ALG.APV-527 in phase I since Q1 2023 in a joint venture with Aptevo Therapeutics with the topline readout in Q4 2024. Alligator also has its own antibody libraries (GOLD and FAB), an optimization technology (FIND) and a unique bispecific platform (RUBY) that can generate research deals. It has an agreement with Orion (up to EUR 313m in milestones), and Biotheus (up to USD 142m in milestones). It owns 35% of a HER2 licensing deal with Henlius.


Mitazalimab and other projects need a partner

Alligator intends to continue the development in pancreatic cancer with a pivotal trial, with around 500-700 patients needed. Such a trial would cost around SEK1bn and has to be funded by a partner. An alternative might be to conduct a somewhat smaller phase IIb trial (perhaps one that could be expanded into a phase III trial), with potential for an accelerated approval upon strong results, but this would not be ideal. ATOR-1017 also needs partnering or funding.


Signing a deal before cash runs out

Alligator's cash position is cSEK80m. It can raise another SEK30m (as long as the market cap is high enough). This can probably fund the company until March 2025. A deal has to be signed before this when loans of up to SEK90m (including accrued interest) have to be repaid.


Valuation assumes deal in 2024

Our Base Case of SEK 2.4 assumes an outlicensing of mitazalimab in late 2024 with an upfront of USD40m and total deal value of USD800m, using a WACC of 15%. The valuation range is SEK0.8-SEK4.4.

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People: 3

Søren Bregenholt is CEO of the company. He has worked in the industry for more than 20 years, half of that time at Novo Nordisk. The partly new, skilled management and proficient board are complemented by a skilled workforce, a large part of which hold a PhD degree. The main shareholder, Allegro, has a chair on the board, where it has a major influence and has brought more financial stability to the company (as through the recent bridge loan). 

Business: 3

Pharmaceuticals is a high-margin industry in which there is clear product protection for companies' projects through patents. It is generally a non-cyclical industry. For research companies like Alligator, the situation is different, with risks associated not just with clinical development but also with the (cyclical) stock market, where capital requirements are large and often handled via new issues. 

Financials: 0

After raising cSEK100m in April 2024 and taking out a loan of SEK50m in June, Alligator currently has a cash position of circa SEK80m. It can draw another SEK30m (under certain conditions). This can fund the company until Q1 2025.


In June, Alligator reported that OPTIMIZE-1 (the phase II study of mitazalimab in pancreatic cancer) was published in The Lancet, one of the world’s highest-impact academic journals. The publication validates the study and is positive for business development. In July, the 450 µg/kg cohort was fully recruited. This was a requirement from the FDA to continue with a phase III study without having to perform a phase IIb dose-ranging study. The purpose of the study is to look at pharmakokinetics and safety profile to establish that the toxicity profile is not significantly different so as to motivate the use of 450 µg/kg instead of 900mg/kg. We believe this should satisfy the authorities. Double the dose has already been tested in phase I with good tolerability, so 900 µg/kg is not the maximum tolerated dose, which is in line with Project Optimus (i.e. to find an optimal dose and not just choose the maximum). The possibility to continue with phase III makes mitazalimab a late-stage asset, which is what large pharmaceutical companies usually look for.

In the 18-month readout from OPTIMIZE-1, the median overall survival had improved to 14.9 months (previously 14.3 months) while the ORR had improved to 42% (40%). These figures are clearly favourable compared to historical controls (Conroy et al.), but the median progression-free survival of 7.7 months was only slightly better than the historical 6.4 months. As mentioned above, the 18-month survival and 12-month PFS were much better than expected, meaning many more patients were alive and had not progressed at these times. This is a reason why OPTIMIZE-1 cost more than planned.

When making comparisons between trials, one has to take into account that Alligator’s numbers are calculated on the evaluable patients (n=57) and not on the intention-to-treat population (n=65). This is common in phased II trials with just one arm. In placebo-controlled trials, the ITT population is used. But this means the numbers from FOLFIRINOX’s NALIFIROX’s phase III trials are not strictly comparable. They will be slightly overstated in comparison. The median overall survival in FOLFIRINOX’s phase III trial was 11.1. OPTIMIZE-1’s 14.9 months would be adjusted downward slightly if measured on an ITT basis, though it would certainly still be longer. The 18-month survival rate of OPTIMIZE-1 was 36% and would probably still be over 30% on an ITT-basis versus 19% for FOLFIRINOX.

Mitazalimab will be qualified for a pivotal phase III study in 2025. The primary endpoint will be median overall survival. Although the median OS of mitazalimab + FOLFIRINOX appears superior to FOLFIRINOX alone, it is difficult to judge whether it will prove superior in a controlled setting. We believe the duration of response, 18-month survival rate and 12-month PFS rate stand out more and are likely to prove superior to FOLFIRNOX alone in a controlled setting. Regulators will take these secondary endpoints into account when deciding whether to approve a drug or not. For example, a great 18-month survival rate would most likely lower the bar for how much better overall survival needs to be compared with the control group. Therefore, the 18-month results from OPTIMIZE-1 in these secondary endpoints are important.

In June, Alligator announced an investigator-sponsored trial of mitazalimab in up to 18 patients treated with surgical irreversible electroporation. This is a narrow indication, being a subset of resectable pancreatic cancer, but one where mitazalimab would fit well and have a good possibility of showing effect, as there will be much less tumour burden for the immune system to clear away compared to metastatic cancer.

Financial results

Operating expenses in Q2 2024 have decreased dramatically since the peak and are down to SEK-53m. This was expected as OPTIMIZE-1 winds down and phase III preparations finish. The cash position is SEK78m. A further SEK30m may be drawn from Fenja (discussed below). This can fund the company into Q1, which implies a burn rate of around SEK40-45m per quarter.

OPEX, Light

Operating expenses

The company also had some income, mainly from Orion, like in previous quarters. The operating cash flow was SEK-38m in Q2.

Sales, Light


Alligator signed a loan agreement worth gross SEK80m from Fenja (previously Formue Nord), of which SEK12m in convertibles and SEK68m in loans, both of which mature on March 25. The conversion price is SEK1.47. Loans drawn accrue at an annual rate of STIBOR 3M plus 10%. The loan consists of two tranches, the first of which, worth SEK38m plus SEK12m in convertibles, was drawn when the deal was signed. The second, worth SEK30m, is conditional on the total facility (including convertibles) not exceeding 10% of the company’s market value; interest of STIBOR accrues until it is disbursed. An arrangement fee of SEK4m was paid upon signing the deal.

Assuming the loan is repaid on March 25, 2025, the annualised interest will be around 19%, based on the company receiving net SEK76m and having to repay SEK87m in March. This assumes the second tranche will be drawn in December-January.   

Debt financing has the positive characteristic of being non-dilutive. However, the debt (SEK50m, likely to rise to SEK80m) and short-term liabilities (like the accrued expenses and deferred income of cSEK50m) increase the risk when investing in the share. It is important for the company to negotiate a deal for mitazalimab so these can be paid off with the proceeds from the upfront payment by March 2025.


We have increased the LOA of the Orion collaboration to 3.7% (2.3%) since targets have been successfully found and antibodies developed. Since only two of the three programmes will be advanced, we have reduced the total milestone payments to EUR313m (EUR469m).

Even though the OPTIMIZE-1 results are solid and, in our opinion, show a clear immunotherapy efficacy pattern, a phase III trial in pancreatic cancer will always be risky. We judge a partner might not be willing to pay a large sum upfront in addition to funding a phase III trial that would probably cost around USD100m. We have therefore decreased the expected upfront to USD40m (our previous USD75m was benchmarked on similar global immunotherapy deals). We have also updated the timeline for mitazalimab in pancreatic cancer with an expected phase III start in 2025 and a market launch in 2029 (2028). As a comparison, NALIRIFOX was approved in 2024 by the FDA, exactly four years after the first patient was treated in NAPOLI 3 in 2020. We have changed the market launch of mitazalimab in its second indication (bladder cancer) to 2031 (2030). These changes have a negative effect on the base case. We have removed our previous dilution assumptions as funding until a potential deal is in place, which has a positive effect on the base case. The overall result is a new base case of SEK2.4.

ProgrammeTargetIndicationPhaseLOARoyaltyPeak SalesMarketNPV
Mitazalimab IICD40BladderI8%15%60020312006
ALG.APV-5274-1BB/5T4Head & NeckI6%13%10002031173
ATOR-10174-1BBBreastII ready9%0%80020310
Henlius, Biotheus, Orion2-13%8%700-15002027-318
Technology (SEKm)2711
Net Cash28
Overhead, incl. taxes (MSEK)-914
Fair Value (MSEK)1824
No. Shares (mil.)759
Fair Value per Share (SEKm)2.4
Equity issue (SEKm)0
Fully Diluted Fair Value per Share (SEKm)2.4
*The valuation is based on a conversion rate of USD/SEK 10.5 and WACC of 15%.

Alligator cannot fund a phase III study by itself, so it risks being left with a stranded asset without a partner, or will have to do a phase III study in several parts (or a similar set-up) that will take much longer. This leaves the company in a negotiation position that cannot be described as strong, which is another reason why we have lowered our estimated upfront payment. We retain the phase II probability of success of 70% since phase III is not funded nor approved, resulting in an overall likelihood of approval of 25%. We will raise it when a partner is in place and the study approved. One should note that although the major reason for lack of success in drug development is lack of efficacy, lack of funding or change of strategy are other important factors. We set the phase II probability of success to 100% in our bull case together with our original upfront payment of USD75m and a WACC of 13%, resulting in a valuation of SEK4.4. Our bear case of SEK0.8 represents the failure to attract a partner leading to significant dilution with a WACC of 17%.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue0.
Operating Expenses300.4251.4132.2133.4
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses1.410.40.000.00
Net Financial Items0.40-
Income Tax Expenses0.
Net Income-248.6115.22.4-62.1
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)2.7-2.1-2.1-2.1
Intangible Assets18.
Right-of-Use Assets17.617.617.617.6
Other Non-Current Assets2.
Total Non-Current Assets40.239.439.438.7
Current assets
Accounts Receivable0.0030.010.85.7
Other Current Assets12.
Cash Equivalents66.1397.6381.2307.2
Total Current Assets78.2438.9396.0315.0
Total Assets118.4478.3435.4353.8
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity11.9127.1129.567.4
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities7.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities0.
Total Non-Current Liabilities7.
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities8.
Accounts Payable21.345.016.28.6
Other Current Liabilities69.264.864.461.8
Total Current Liabilities99.1118.489.279.0
Total Liabilities and Equity118.5252.9226.2153.9
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-189.3120.3-7.2-64.6
Investing Cash Flow-
Financing Cash Flow161.6211.2-9.2-9.4

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