Fortnox: Solid Q2 – Minor Revisions

Research Update



Redeye takes a positive stance towards Fortnox following an overall solid Q2 report, with strong growth in Core Transactions being the highlight. As has been the case for several years, Fortnox remains one of the fastest-growing and profitable SaaS companies in the Nordics despite its large size. Although partly driven by price increases, additional customers and increased usage drive sales growth as well. We leave our Base Case and forecasts roughly unchanged.


Fredrik Nilsson


Review of Q2 2024

Number of Customers: Record High Net Customer Intake – Slightly Better than Expected

Average Revenue per Customer (ARPC): Slightly Above Expectations

Sales: 3% Above Our Forecast

ARR: 9% Annualized q/q Growth

OPEX: Roughly as Expected – Higher Net Recruitment

Profit and Cash Flow: 2-4% Better than Estimated

Offerta Merging and Solid Product Pipeline

Estimate Revisions: Negligible revisions


Investment thesis

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Sales and EBIT ~3% Above Expectations

Net customer intake was 16,000 (15,000), somewhat higher than our expectation of 15,000 and the highest level seen in a Q2 so far. The ARPC increased to SEK304 per month, above our forecast of SEK297. While most ARPC lines roughly matched our forecasts, ARPC from Core Transactions was 8% better than expected. Total sales beat our forecast of SEK502m and amounted to SEK515m (404), corresponding to 27% growth y/y – 26% organic growth. EBIT was SEK203m, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 39.4% (38.9). Our forecast was SEK195m and 38.8%, and the 4% beat follows higher sales.

Proposed Merger of Offerta – Fortnox Taking 48% Ownership in New Company

A few days ago, Fortnox announced that it intends to merge Offerta with its competitors IPIS and Dorunner into one marketplace for service providers and consumers. Fortnox would receive 48% ownership, meaning that Offerta will no longer be consolidated into the group figures if the deal is completed. The deal is expected to close in Q4 2024. Considering Offerta's soft performance and non-core characteristics, we believe the initiative makes sense. Reaching a critical mass of suppliers and consumers is crucial for marketplaces – a clear example of network effects.

Base Case Unchanged at SEK73 (73)

Following roughly unchanged forecasts, we leave our Base Case at SEK73 (73). At ~15x sales 2025e, Fortnox is the highest-valued business among Nordic Listed SaaS. We believe Fortnox deserves a standout valuation for several reasons, such as a market-leading position, wide moats, solid growth, and high margins.

Key financials

Revenue Growth28.6%25.6%23.7%22.7%21.5%
EBIT Margin41.0%41.0%44.1%46.9%48.3%
Net Debt-514.0-801.2-1,375.5-2,087.7-2,974.7
ARR Growth23%29%23%18%17%
EBITDA - CAPEX6678121,0681,3401,668
EBITDA - CAPEX Margin40.6%39.2%41.7%42.6%43.5%
EV/EBITDA - CAPEX53.947.035.127.521.5

Review of Q2 2024

SalesQ2E 2024Q2A 2024DiffQ2A 2023Q1A 2024
Number of customers, eop571,000572,0001,000510,000556,000
Net sales501.8515.03%404.0467.0
Y/Y Growth (%)24%27%31%26%
Core Subscription316.9312.0-2%255.0289.0
Y/Y Growth (%)24%22%34%25%
Core Transactions81.188.09%64.078.0
Y/Y Growth (%)27%38%13%24%
Pengar Transactions/Lending67.068.01%49.060.0
Y/Y Growth (%)37%39%61%40%
Pengar Other6.85.0-26%8.05.0
Y/Y Growth (%)-15%-38%
Y/Y Growth (%)60%85%
Gross Profit466.2481.03%380.0434.0
Gross Profit Margin (%)93%93%94%93%
Other external costs-69.6-71.02%-59.0-65.0
Y/Y Growth (%)18%20%4%16%
Personnel expenses-197.0-195.0-1%-160.0-180.0
Y/Y Growth (%)23%22%31%26%
EBITDA - CAPEX187.8191.02%154.0174.0
EBITDA - CAPEX Margin (%)37.4%37.1%38.1%37.3%
EBIT Margin (%)38.8%39.4%38.9%39.6%
Diluted EPS0.250.276%0.210.24

Number of Customers: Record High Net Customer Intake – Slightly Better than Expected

Net customer intake was 16,000 (15,000), somewhat higher than our expectation of 15,000 and the highest level seen in a Q2 so far. Thus, as seen in earlier quarters, softer macroeconomics do not have any meaningful impact on the net customer intake. As mentioned in earlier Updates, according to management, the solid number is mostly a result of long-term initiatives focusing on making it easier for accounting bureaus to transfer all their customers from other systems to Fortnox. Also, the increased focus on micro-businesses has boosted the net customer intake to some extent. The y/y increase in the number of customers was 12.2%, and the total number was 572,000 at the end of the quarter.

Customers, light

Source: Fortnox

The net intake of customers is, together with the ARPC, the most important metrics in Fortnox. A strong net customer intake implies a continuing low churn and that Fortnox continued to gain market share. However, in a few years, probably around 2025, the market will mature, likely resulting in a lower net customer intake. The net intake of customers has a seasonal pattern, where Q1 is strong, and Q3 is weak.

Fortnox has a target of reaching at least 700 000 customers in 2025, which we find rather ambitious, and that would require an uptick in the absolute customer intake relative to current levels.

Average Revenue per Customer (ARPC): Slightly Above Expectations

The ARPC increased to SEK304 per month, above our forecast of SEK297. Interestingly, in terms of quarterly numbers, Fortnox has already reached its 2025 target of SEK300 in ARPC. However, Fortnox uses the R12m figure, which will most likely reach SEK300 in a few quarters. The ARPC increased by 14% y/y and grew by 7% sequentially, partly driven by price increases. While most ARPC lines roughly matched our forecasts, ARPC from Core Transactions was 8% better than expected. It seems like higher usage and new products and services have been able to offset an assumed negative impact from soft macroeconomics. However, price increases and Fortnox moving some revenue related to payrolls from subscriptions to transactions (in November 2023) also have a positive impact. ARPC from Core Transactions grew by a solid 23% y/y in Q2.

ARPC, light

Source: Fortnox, Redeye

The average revenue per customer (ARPC) is, together with the net intake of customers, the most important metrics in Fortnox. Strong ARPC growth implies that the average customer uses additional modules, integrations and transaction- and lending services. In addition to increasing sales, higher usage typically raises customers switching costs, which, all else equal, should reduce churn. Also, our ARPC concerns a single quarter, while the company typically talks about the 12 months rolling average.

Fortnox has a target of at least SEK300 per month in ARPC in 2025. Fortnox is well on track to reach that target, and we believe the company will reach it.

Sales: 3% Above Our Forecast

Total sales beat our forecast of SEK502m and amounted to SEK515m (404), corresponding to 27% growth y/y – 26% organic growth. As has been the case for several years, Fortnox remains one of the fastest-growing and profitable SaaS companies in the Nordics despite its large size. Although partly driven by price increases, sales growth is also driven by positive net customer intake and strong momentum in Transactions and Lending thanks to continuous product development – despite soft macroeconomics.

Sales mix, light

Source: Fortnox, Redeye

The underlying drivers of Fortnox sales growth are the net customer intake and the ARPC, discussed earlier. We sort Fortnox’s sales into five categories, Core Subscriptions, Core Transactions,  Pengar Transactions/Lending, Pengar Other, and Marknadsplatsen. Core Subscriptions includes the subscription revenue from Företagande, Byrån, and Entreprenären – mostly subscriptions of Fortnox software modules. Core Transactions includes transaction revenue from the same business areas – mostly incoming invoices and pay slips. Pengar Transactions/Lending includes transaction- and lending revenue from Pengar – mostly factoring and corporate loans. Pengar Other includes the remaining revenue from Pengar. Marknadsplatsen includes all reveue from Marknadsplatsen – Offerta, Fortnox App Market, and the integration module.

ARR: 9% Annualized q/q Growth

ARR was SEK1478m (1237), up from SEK1448m in the last quarter, corresponding to an annualized q/q growth of 9%. As seen in the last years, the q/q ARR growth is typically concentrated in a quarter where price increases are implemented. Also, most new products and services are monetized by transaction revenues rather than subscriptions, hurting ARR growth. However, substantial parts of Fortnox transaction revenue are more or less recurring. It is important to note that Fortnox, unlike many SaaS companies, does not include recurring-like transaction revenue in its ARR. That is why we believe investors should focus on sales rather than ARR in Fortnox (However, ARR is the most relevant metric in most SaaS businesses).

ARR, light

Source: Fortnox, Redeye

The ARR and its growth rate is an important metric to follow in Fortnox. The ARR is a leading indicator of Core subcription revenue growth. However, unlike most SaaS companies, where ARR often is more important than sales (as ARR typically is a leading indicator for overall sales growth), Fortnox has a notable share of transaction and lending-based revenue, making the ARR somewhat less important.

OPEX: Roughly as Expected – Higher Net Recruitment

OPEX roughly matched our forecast of SEK265m and amounted to SEK266m (219). The net recruitment of 38 people exceeded our expectations and marked the second consecutive quarter with higher recruitment than we anticipated. Most will work within R&D. As mentioned in our last update; we believe it makes sense to increase the headcount substantially after a rather long period of small increases, particularly considering the softer employee market. We expect lower net recruitment for the next few quarters, roughly in line with the 2023 average.

OPEX, light

Source: Fortnox

As for any SaaS business, the short-term connection between OPEX expansion and sales growth is limited. If Fortnox has low net recruitment for several quarters, margins will increase significantly as the short-term sales growth will be unaffected. At the same time, significant net recruitment will impact OPEX while leaving short-term sales unchanged, resulting in a drop in margins. However, balanced net recruitment is crucial in the long run, allowing for long-term sales growth and healthy margins.

Profit and Cash Flow: 2-4% Better than Estimated

EBIT was SEK203m, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 39.4% (38.9). Our forecast was SEK195m and 38.8%, and the 4% beat follows higher sales. EBITDA – CAPEX, which we consider the best profit measure in SaaS businesses (although EBIT, as Fortnox focuses on, is fine as well, at least in Fortnox’s case), was SEK191m (154), above our forecast of SEK189m.

Cash flow was softer than we anticipated as net working capital (NWC) did not decrease as much as we expected. Relative to R12m Sales, NWC increased to 9.7% in the quarter compared to 11.7% in Q4 2023. Overall, NWC can fluctuate over quarters due to calendar effects. Investors should look at the underlying trend, where Fortnox has increased its NWC following the strong growth in the financial service offering.

At the end of Q2, net debt was SEK-451m, and, as expected, Fortnox’s financial position is very solid.

EBIT & FCF, light

Source: Fortnox

As for any SaaS business capitalizing R&D, EBITDA and EBITDA margin are unsuitable metrics for Fortnox. This, as EBITDA discards a large portion of the company’s R&D costs totally. R&D is typically a high cost for most SaaS businesses. Instead, EBIT (where the capitalized R&D is amortized over time) or EBITDA – capitalized R&D/EBITDA – capex are better measures of the underlying profitability as it concerns the company’s full R&D spend.

Offerta Merging and Solid Product Pipeline

While Offerta is facing a substantial macroeconomic headwind, the company’s roughly 0% sales CAGR 2021-2023 and flat EBIT margin are far below the rest of Fortnox. A few days ago, Fortnox announced that it intends to merge Offerta with its competitors IPIS and Dorunner into one marketplace for service providers and consumers. Fortnox would receive 48% ownership, meaning that Offerta will no longer be consolidated into the group figures if the deal is completed. The deal is expected to close in Q4 2024.

Considering Offerta's soft performance and non-core characteristics, we believe the initiative makes sense. Reaching a critical mass of suppliers and consumers is crucial for marketplaces – a clear example of network effects. Thus, creating one larger service provider-to-consumer marketplace makes much sense on the demand side. In addition, there are most likely cost synergies as well.

Also, Fortnox wants to focus on its core offering, SME ERP software, with related (including financial) services. Several new products have recently been launched or are planned to launch before year-end. Examples include Fortnox Card for accounting firms, Insights, Payments, and new AI features.

Estimate Revisions: Negligible revisions

We raise our sales forecast by 1% for 2024 and 2025 while decreasing EBIT for the same years by -0-1%. On a more detailed level, we make the following adjustments:

  • We somewhat raised our Other external cost forecasts due to the higher-than-expected outcome this quarter. The higher-than-expected net recruitment is offset by slightly lower costs per employee than previously assumed.
  • We lower our Core Subscription forecasts but raise our assumptions for Core Transactions and Marknadsplatsen.

We forecast 26% and 24% organic growth with 41% and 44% EBIT margins in 2024 and 2025.

Estimate Revisions
SalesFYE 2024OldChangeFYE 2025OldChange
Net sales2067.72048.91%2559.42544.71%
Y/Y Growth (%)26%25%24%24%
Core Subscription1264.51285.9-2%1509.91551.4-3%
Y/Y Growth (%)22%24%19%21%
Core Transactions349.5337.64%466.9450.84%
Y/Y Growth (%)31%27%34%34%
Pengar Transactions/Lending271.1268.71%356.2350.02%
Y/Y Growth (%)38%37%31%30%
Pengar Other24.025.827.629.7
Y/Y Growth (%)10%18%15%15%
Y/Y Growth (%)19%12%23%23%
Other external costs-283.5-274.33%-337.3-326.43%
Y/Y Growth (%)19%15%19%19%
Personnel expenses-754.4-756.40%-878.0-876.70%
Y/Y Growth (%)26%26%16%16%
EBITDA - CAPEX811.6811.00%1068.51068.50%
EBITDA - CAPEX Margin (%)39.2%39.6%41.7%42.0%
EBIT Margin (%)41.0%41.5%44.1%44.9%
Diluted EPS1.111.110%1.471.49-1%
SalesFYA 2023Q1A 2024Q2A 2024Q3E 2024Q4E 2024FYE 2024FYE 2025FYE 2026FYE 2027
Number of customers, eop536,000556,000572,000582,000598,000598,000648,000678,000703,000
Net sales1641.0467.0515.0523.8561.92067.72559.43148.73832.4
Y/Y Growth (%)29%26%27%26%25%26%24%23%22%
Core Subscription1035.0289.0312.0325.6337.91264.51509.91799.72099.3
Y/Y Growth (%)29%25%22%21%21%22%19%19%17%
Core Transactions266.
Y/Y Growth (%)18%24%38%32%32%31%34%30%27%
Pengar Transactions/Lending196.
Y/Y Growth (%)55%40%39%38%37%38%31%30%32%
Pengar Other29.
Y/Y Growth (%)37%-29%-38%0%0%-17%15%15%15%
Y/Y Growth (%)20%11%28%20%16%19%23%23%25%
Gross Profit1537.0434.0481.0486.6522.11923.72377.72925.13560.3
Gross Profit Margin (%)94%93%93%93%93%93%93%93%93%
Other external costs-238.0-65.0-71.0-70.8-76.7-283.5-337.3-395.6-460.0
Y/Y Growth (%)10%16%20%22%18%19%19%17%16%
Personnel expenses-598.0-180.0-195.0-170.4-209.0-754.4-878.0-1031.4-1228.2
Y/Y Growth (%)24%26%22%27%30%26%16%17%19%
EBITDA - CAPEX667.0174.0192.0225.7219.9811.61068.51340.21668.4
EBITDA - CAPEX Margin (%)40.6%37.3%37.3%43.1%39.1%39.2%41.7%42.6%43.5%
EBIT Margin (%)41.0%39.6%39.4%44.0%40.5%41.0%44.1%46.9%48.3%
Diluted EPS0.940.240.270.300.301.111.471.922.41


We leave our Base Case at SEK73 (73) following largely unchanged forecasts.

Fair Value Range - Assumptions
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK3573112
Sales CAGR
2024 - 203115%19%22%
2031 - 20415%8%11%
Avg EBIT margin
2024 - 203145%48%51%
2031 - 204143%49%52%
Terminal EBIT Margin30%43%47%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Peer Valuation

Trading at ~15x sales 2025e, Fortnox is the highest-valued business in our comparison. However, we believe that is for good reasons:

  • We expect Fortnox to have the highest combination of sales growth and EBIT margin (c70% in 2025).
  • Fortnox dominates a market that we believe will grow rapidly over many years.
  • Fortnox has unmatched access to Swedish SME data.

With >400 integrations, Fortnox is the leading ecosystem for Swedish SMEs.

We believe the three last factors give Fortnox a competitive advantage that most other Nordic SaaS businesses lack, allowing Fortnox to grow with rising margins for many years. That should result in a premium on 2025 sales and earnings relative to peers.

Investment thesis


Swedish SME’s leading software provider

With about 1/3 of all Swedish SMEs as customers, Fortnox has an unmatched position regarding data, integrations, and active accountants. While we believe Fortnox can continue to grow its customer base rapidly until ~2025, we believe the significant upside lies in increasing the revenue per customer. Providing a “must-have” SaaS product for a wide range of industries makes Fortnox both scalable and resistant to economic cycles.


Impressive track record of cost-efficient growth

Fortnox turned profitable as a small company and has since then combined high sales growth with high margins for several years, with an R40 often above 60%. Despite its solid track record, the average revenue per customer remains far below the potential, both regarding the SaaS core offering and new areas such as financial services. Some offerings within financial service have ARPC of several thousand SEK but are currently used by less than 1% of Fortnox customers. Thus, the potential is huge.


High profitability attracts competition

While new entrants threaten every profitable market, we believe Fortnox has several sustainable competitive advantages. First, we believe most SMEs focus on its core business rather than switching ERP software, resulting in switching costs. Second, thanks to its large number of integrations and active accountants using the software, we believe Fortnox’s ecosystem has network effects.


How many modules and services do the average SME need?

Although Fortnox has over ten different modules, the average customer uses about 2.5. Also, a few percent of customers use any financial service, the figure is even lower for the most lucrative financial services. The relatively low usage could indicate most SMEs are not interested in more than the basic “must-have” modules such as Accounting. However, we believe the usage of modules and service will increase as more SMEs mature digitally and Fortnox increases automation.


Fair Value SEK 73

Based on our DCF model, we see a fair value of SEK73. While our Base Case implies high EV/S and EV/EBIT multiples for the next few years, we believe that is fair considering Fortnox’s scalability, competitive advantages, and growth prospects.

Quality Rating

People: 4

The management has solid and relevant experience, although many are rather new to Fortnox. Some institutions are found among the owners, which we find positive. Fortnox's largest shareholder, Olof Hallrup (19%), is present in the board, while other board members and management do not have any significant shareholdings.

Business: 5

The company has a stable and diversified customer base, generating +80% recurring revenue with very high gross margin. Also, the currents estimated SaaS penetration and low usage of some of Fortnox's services allows for further growth, and thanks to its close relationship with the accounting firms, customer acquisition costs are low. However, some of its software, such as the Accounting module, are probably large enough to make a notable share of Fortnox's revenue exposed to single a product.

Financials: 5

The company's debt-to-equity- and the interest coverage ratios are excellent, and it holds a solid net cash position. Also, its growth and profitability figures has been outstanding in recent years. 


Income statement
Cost of Revenue104.0144.1181.7223.6272.1
Operating Expenses703.0876.41,034.01,219.71,447.4
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses4.
Net Financial Items-4.0-
Income Tax Expenses-106.0-176.4-232.3-304.5-381.3
Net Income570.0677.9895.41,173.61,469.7
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)28.036.925.921.923.2
Intangible Assets545.0696.8823.11,021.01,258.3
Right-of-Use Assets139.0175.0175.0175.0175.0
Other Non-Current Assets66.
Total Non-Current Assets1,388.01,670.71,786.01,979.92,218.5
Current assets
Accounts Receivable680.0889.11,100.51,353.91,647.9
Other Current Assets72.091.0112.6138.5168.6
Cash Equivalents514.0801.21,375.52,087.72,974.7
Total Current Assets1,266.01,781.32,588.63,580.24,791.3
Total Assets2,654.03,452.04,374.65,560.17,009.8
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity1,772.02,337.93,063.84,013.65,189.8
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities113.0140.0140.0140.0140.0
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities44.0107.0107.0107.0107.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities157.0247.0247.0247.0247.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities33.
Accounts Payable45.041.451.263.076.6
Other Current Liabilities645.0785.7972.61,196.51,456.3
Total Current Liabilities723.0868.11,064.81,300.51,574.0
Total Liabilities and Equity2,652.03,453.04,375.65,561.17,010.8
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow646.0793.91,075.01,357.31,681.1
Investing Cash Flow-254.0-340.2-275.2-365.2-444.6
Financing Cash Flow-314.0-160.0-225.5-279.9-349.4

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Review of Q2 2024

Number of Customers: Record High Net Customer Intake – Slightly Better than Expected

Average Revenue per Customer (ARPC): Slightly Above Expectations

Sales: 3% Above Our Forecast

ARR: 9% Annualized q/q Growth

OPEX: Roughly as Expected – Higher Net Recruitment

Profit and Cash Flow: 2-4% Better than Estimated

Offerta Merging and Solid Product Pipeline

Estimate Revisions: Negligible revisions


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