Enea: A highly profitable and growing cybersecurity play

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Jesper von Koch answered 4 questions.

Redeye states that the Q2 report once again confirmed that Enea is back. Organic growth was strong (+14% y/y), profitability too (adj. EBITDA margin 35%), and the future looks promising with a strong pipeline. While the report was greeted positively by the stock market, Redeye still argues that the stock should have more to give. Partly because of the low multiple of 9x 2024e EBITDA-CAPEX, but also from a perceptional point of view of being a cybersecurity company. Redeye makes small estimate changes and raises its fair value range.



Jesper Von Koch

Rasmus Jacobsson


Investment thesis

Review of Q2

Top line: +14% y/y organic growth

Gross margin: Solid

Cost base: Temporarily heightened by one-off reservation

Outlook: Unchanged outlook

Financial position: Very good condition

Perception of a cybersecurity company is a massive kicker

Changes to financial estimates

Fair value range

Quality Rating


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+14% organic growth and strong profitability

Enea delivered a strong Q2 report. Particularly encouraging is the growth in the two core business areas: +25% y/y in Networks and +15% y/y in Security. While Networks was boosted by a one-off deal, the cybersecurity business grew robustly across the board. Adjusting for a SEK8m one-off reservation, Enea had a 35% EBITDA margin, once again proving strong profitability.

Strong pipeline and possibly market improvements should support growth path

The recent deal in 5G Network Data Layer with Enea's Stratum product reflects that this product is in fact competitive and holds good promise - despite the doubts that awoke last spring when a large contract was terminated for this product. Further, Enea's sales pipeline remains strong - and we would not be surprised if additional substantial deals were to be announced during the remainder of H2. Last, the telecom industry has been under pressure for quite some time now, but we sense small promising signs of the market improving. Combined, we believe these factors make up solid ground for continued profitable growth.

Raising fair value range - Base Case at SEK110

Following the Q2 report, we increase the growth rate for the Security for the coming years, while also raising our OPEX estimates, resulting in unchanged EBITDA estimates. However, with further proof of sound growth and robust profitability, we increase estimates for our Bear Case and make a small upward adjustment of our terminal EBIT margin from 20% to 21% for our Bear Case. As a result, we increase our fair value range from SEK55-160 to SEK60-170, with Base Case raised from SEK105 to SEK110.

Key financials

Revenue Growth0.3%-6.3%-1.3%6.9%9.4%
EBIT Margin12.3%-54.8%13.5%14.4%18.0%
Net Income203.1-589.683.890.4131.0

Investment thesis


Scalable software company with market-leading positions in 5G and cybersecurity

Enea, with a rich history in the telecom industry, underwent a significant shift since 2016, transitioning from an Operating Systems software company serving mainly Nokia and Ericsson to a forward-focused business in Network and Security solutions towards telcos. Specializing in niche software for telecom, including telecoms (50-60%) and cybersecurity (40-50%), Enea historically maintained strong EBIT margins exceeding 20% and healthy growth. After a few years with poor growth and profitability, Enea is now back-on-track with strong organic growth and EBITDA margins above 30%.


New-old CEO, Anders Lidbeck, back in the driver's seat - proftiability actions already taken, and growth initiatives are underway

Anders Lidbeck, who led Enea from 2011 to 2019, contributed to the company's high-quality reputation. However, poor operational execution from 2020 to mid-2023 prompted the board (led by Lidbeck) to take decisive action, resulting in the dismissal of the old CEO and Lidbeck stepping in again. In July 2023, an initial cost-savings program of SEK60m per year was announced, with additional savings on top. Lidbeck has also enhanced sales efficiency by focusing on high-probability leads. Enea has a strong product portfolio (c45% cybersecurity and 45% Networks) and a robust sales pipeline. Also, the telecom industry has been under pressure for quite some time now, but we sense small promising signs of the market improving. Combined, we believe these factors make up solid ground for continued profitable growth.

Supportive Analysis

Historically, customers favored comprehensive solutions from providers like Ericsson. However, there's a shift towards best-of-breed solutions from different providers to create a complete offering. The delay in the 5G Core rollout has slowed this transition, but once it takes off, companies like Enea stand to benefit significantly.


Uncertainty around the rollout of 5G

Enea states that it will benefit from the change from 4G to 5G - while 5G will drive new income streams, it does not expect 4G revenues to be held up by less developed markets going from 2G or 3G to 4G. Regarding 5G, Enea will participate in the ‘core network’ buildout, which implies the latter part of the rollout. 5G has been substantially delayed compared to industry expectations, so Enea’s 5G investments have not yet paid off. If or when it does, Enea will likely regain its former margins and growth rates.


Cheap on cash-flow multiples - even cheaper when perceived as a cybersecurity play

We still believe the Enea share price is trading below its intrinsic value. We estimate Enea to be trading at 9x EBITDA-CAPEX for 2024e, which is cheap for any business. Adding that the future looks bright - with c45% in cybersecurity and a substantial upside when 5G takes off. While we value Enea with a rather conservative DCF model with a WACC as high as 12% (giving a Base Case of SEK110), we believe there is substantial upside if Enea were to be perceived as a highly profitable and growing cybersecurity business.

Review of Q2

The quarterly figures came in roughly in line with Redeye’s estimates on top line, but slightly below on adj. EBITDA-CAPEX (preferred profitability metric) which landed on SEK60m and a margin of 25%. While we knew that Networks were going to show strong figures after the NDL order from early July, Security surprised positively.

Outcome vs estimates

Enea: Outcome vs Estimates
SEKmQ2'24AQ2'24ELast yearBeat/ Missy/y change
Net sales236241207-2%14%
- of which Network11812894-8%25%
- of which Security10093878%15%
- of which Operating Systems182026-9%-31%
Gross margin78%80%76%-2pp2pp
Adj. EBITDA839449-12%71%
Adj. EBITDA margin35%39%23%-4pp12pp
Adj. EBIT39531-26%2908%
Adj. EBITDA-CAPEX6072-57-17%-205%
EBITDAC margin25%30%-28%-4pp53pp

Top line: +14% y/y organic growth

Security: +15% y/y driven by underlying robust growth

Security grew by 15% y/y. While revenues from both Licenses and Professional Services grew by c4%, the mostly recurring revenues from Support & Maintenance increased by almost 50% y/y. This indicates that the growth was not from any one-off income, but rather an indication of a robust underlying business.

Enea: Security

Security rev types, LIGHT

Network: +25% y/y driven mainly by recent NDL order

Network grew by 25% y/y, purely driven by increased license revenues. This was naturally driven by the recent USD2.9m order in 5G Network Data Layer. As such, the underlying growth is not of as high quality as in Security.

Enea: Network

Network rev types, LIGHT

Enea's growth in Networks is much dependent on telcos moving from using large one-stop-shops (e.g., Ericsson) to multi-vendor solutions where each component is meant to be optimized (best-of-breed solutions). In uncertain times, such as the one that have been present for the last couple of years, clients tend to go with the "safe" bet, i.e., the big players. Now, Enea appears optimistic about the pendulum of this cycle turning towards clients considering solutions from a blend of smaller players like Enea.

Operating Systems: Continued decline

Sales from Operating Systems continued to decline. Sales came in at SEK18m, corresponding to a y/y drop of 30%. This is a continuous drop that is expected as customers introduce open-source software for new products.

Enea: Operating Systems

Operating Systems, LIGHT

Source: Enea

Gross margin: Solid

Gross margin landed on 80%. We have started to include “other operating income” in this metric. The reason why is that negative currency effects on accounts receivable are included in COGS, while the positive effects are placed as "other operating income". As such, we think it is fair to include both parts. The strong figure was driven by the one-off license deal in Networks.

Enea: Gross margin

Gross margin, LIGHT

Source: Enea

Cost base: Temporarily heightened by one-off reservation

Reported OPEX, incl. D&A, was SEK157.7m, and “clean” OPEX (excl. D&A) was SEK114.5m. However, Q2 included a one-off reservation of doubtful debt of SEK8m - which made reported selling expenses SEK8m higher than the underlying figure. With SEK20.5m in investments in intangibles, the total cost base was SEK127m.

Enea: Cost base

Cost base, LIGHT

Outlook: Unchanged outlook

Outlook remains unchanged with "30%+ EBITDA margin and strong cash flow" for 2024, and "double-digit growth and 35%+ EBITDA margin" thereafter. Our impression after the conference call is that the pipeline remains strong - even after the NDL deal was struck in early July. As such, we would not be surprised if similar sized deals would come during H2.

Financial position: Very good condition

Net debt/EBITDA at 0.5 - room for both buy-backs and M&A

In the quarter, Enea reclassified its interest-bearing debt from long-term liabilities to short-term ones. With net debt of SEK144.5m and rolling-12-months' EBITDA of SEK290m, net debt/EBITDA is down at 0.5.

Assuming a ceiling of Net Debt/EBITDA of 2.0, we think Enea can make acquisitions worth SEK450m. Considering the current market sentiment, with valuations coming down also on the private market, we deem it possible to acquire a company at a multiple of 2.5x sales, which would add around SEK180m to Enea’s revenue base, or around 20% to total sales.

Regarding possible M&A targets, Enea appears to be open for something in cybersecurity, particularly a company with strong presence in South America, parts of Asia, or possibly North America.

Perception of a cybersecurity company is a massive kicker

Last weekend, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google is closing in on a billion-dollar purchase of cybersecurity startup Wiz, in a deal that could be the tech giant's largest acquisition ever. According to sources to the paper, Google's parent company Alphabet is in advanced talks to acquire Wiz for roughly USD23bn. Wiz offers cybersecurity software for cloud data.

This is just one of many cybersecurity companies with incredibly high valuations in relation to their sales and earnings (Yubico being another one listed in Sweden - with P/S 19). Considering this, we believe a perception change of Enea into "an exciting cybersecurity company" creates a very substantial upside when valuing Enea. While we believe peer valuations and perception valuations are wrong in principle, we believe they are worth to take into account when thinking about what a perception change may look like.

Changes to financial estimates

  • Raising annual estimates for total sales by 2-3% for 2025e and 2026
  • Slightly raising gross margin by c1 percentage point for 2024-2026e
  • Raising OPEX estimates by 6-7%, resulting in unchanged EBITDA estimates

Estimate changes per business segment

SEKm202120222023Q1 24Q2 24Q3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E
Operating Systems1371261622018

Financial estimates overview

SEKm202120222023Q1 24Q2 24Q3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E
Net sales9949599122002362142569079731,066
- Network7278023919111896119424446490
- Security--36089100100115404457511
- Operating Systems13712616220181822797164
EPS (SEK)9.29.3-
EBITDA - CAPEX24816411537523878206216261
Growth (%)7%0%-6%-19%10%-2%7%-1%7%9%
Gross margin74%75%79%79%80%78%81%80%79%80%
EBITDA margin (%)38%30%24%29%32%28%39%32%32%34%

Fair value range

Assumptions, fair value range
Bear CaseBase caseBull case
Value per share, SEK60110170
CAGR 2023-2028 per segment
Operating Systems-22%-17%-14%
Total sales 20281,1481,2321,343
EBIT margin 202810%20%25%
Avg EBIT margin 2024-20289%17%21%
Terminal EBIT margin15%21%26%

Quality Rating

People: 4

The Board has extensive experience in telecom and software. The interim CEO, Anders Lidbeck, led Enea in the years between 2011 to 2019 - making the company being viewed as highly qualitative. Poor operatonal execution between 2020 and the first half of 2023 then caused Enea's board of directors (led by Mr. Lidbeck) to take firm action - leading to dismissing the old CEO and letting Lidbeck stepping in once again. We think highly of Lidbeck's excecution skills.

Per Lindberg, Enea's main owner (34% of total shares), has a deep understanding of the telecom industry. However, Management and the Board do not own enough shares as they together do not even control 1% of the company. On the top 10 owners, we find several reputable institutions, though. Enea has since 2016 made approximately one acquisition per year. While Enea has paid quite hefty valuation multiples, the growth rate since these acquisitions has been in close to non-existing. This puts a question mark on capital allocation skills.

Business: 4

The markets for RTOS as well as DPI, video optimization, and policy and access control, are mirroring the strong growth of data traffic from 5G and the increased number of connected devices. While Network Data Layer holds significant potential, this market is awaiting the rollout of 5G Core networks. Enea is the number one player in its niche telecom markets: RTOS, DPI, and mobile video.

Enea has a solid breadth of its producs portfolio of ten different products, and serving more than 100 customers. Through the acquisitions of Qosmos, Openwave, Atos, Aptilo and AdaptiveMobile Security, Enea has market-leading positions in its various niches in Telecom and Cybersecurity.

While Enea states that more than 50% of its revenue base is recurring, we find its predictability to be low.

Financials: 3

In the period between 2020-2022, Enea lost momentum in sales growth and profitability. However, since the return of Anders Lidbeck as interim CEO in July 2023, an impressive turnaround has been made. Since Q1 2024, organic growth is back and the LTM EBITDA margin is robust at 32%. The current trajectory may deserve a higher score in Financials, but we need more proof to change the rating. 


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Investment thesis

Review of Q2

Top line: +14% y/y organic growth

Gross margin: Solid

Cost base: Temporarily heightened by one-off reservation

Outlook: Unchanged outlook

Financial position: Very good condition

Perception of a cybersecurity company is a massive kicker

Changes to financial estimates

Fair value range

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