Arise: A solid and undramatic quarter

Research Update



Redeye makes minor estimate revisions following Arise’s Q2 report, which was very much in line with Redeye’s estimates. We think the quarter was stable, and although the spot prices were low, Arise realised a high revenue per MWh due to favourable price hedges. Ongoing constructions are proceeding according to plan, and the project portfolio is growing and maturing – which we think supports Arise’s journey to reaching its financial targets.


Mattias Ehrenborg





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A quarter in line with our estimates

Arise reported Q2 2024 sales of SEK101m (SEK110m in Q2 2023), relative to our estimate of SEK104m. Q2 2024 EBITDA amounted to SEK53m (SEK69m in Q2 2023) relative to our estimate of SEK52m. The deviation from last year’s numbers is primarily explained by lower revenue recognition from projects in this quarter. None of the segments presented any surprises, where the ongoing constructions proceeded according to plan, and the production segment realised a revenue per MWh (SEK549/MWh) in line with our estimates.

Minor estimate revisions but increased confidence

We make very minor estimate revisions on the back of Arise’s Q2 report. Our key takeaways from the report are the following: Arise keeps growing its project portfolio and advances projects into the late-stage portfolio, Arise still targets to make a transaction in 2024, Lebo has been fully operational since May, and investor appetite seems to be increasing following lower interest rates and more stable CAPEX levels. In our view, the report was undramatic but increases our confidence in the investment case of Arise and its progression towards reaching its financial targets.

The fair value range remains intact

Our fair value range of SEK22-111 with a base case of SEK79 remains intact. Going forward, we consider the main catalyst to be a project divestment in H2 2024. With a Q2 cash balance of SEK804m, solid cash flow generation from production, and limited capital requirements going forward (apart from Pohjan Voima earnout), Arise has many opportunities to deploy this cash to create shareholder value.

Key financials

Revenue Growth243%-56.6%-8.6%61.9%32.4%
EBIT Margin67.6%43.8%36.7%54.1%61.8%
Net Income772.0205.0128.9294.5470.5


The reported production amounted to 69GWh in the quarter (54GWh in Q2 2023), relative to our estimate of 84GWh. Production EBITDA amounted to SEK23m (SEK36m in Q2 2023) relative to our estimate of SEK30m. We consider the main reason for the deviation to be Lebo not being fully consolidated and lower production than expected.

Lebo is now fully operational

We understand that Lebo contributed around 8-9GWh to the production segment in May and June, and we believe that 4-5GWh contributed to the development segment in April ahead of its commencing date in May. As such, Lebo’s total production seems to have amounted to around 12-14GWh, while we expected a total of 15GWh from the wind farm. According to our calculations, the winds in Q2 2024 were stronger than in Q2 2023 but still lower than the budget.

For modelling purposes, we decided to include 100% of Lebo’s production in the production segment, but in order to make numbers comparable, it seems that Q2’s total production amounted to 74-75GWh, which compares to our estimate of 84GWh. Going forward, Lebo will be fully consolidated into the production segment, and it is also worth highlighting that no CAPEX remains related to the project.

Average realised revenue per MWh was solid in the quarter

The average realised revenue per MWh amounted to SEK549/MWh (SEK947/MWh in Q2 2023). This compares to our estimate of SEK528/MWh and the average weighted market price of SEK507/MWh. The positive deviation from the market price is due to favourable price hedges. We consider the realised price level positive and in line with our estimates.

However, according to our calculations, the capture price discount (realised price vs average market price adjusted for hedges) was around 30%, significantly higher than our future estimates of 15-20%. We understand the reason is due to very volatile spot prices during Q2, but if this discount level persists, we might need to revise our estimates. Arise’s management expects a level of around 15% going forward.

Hedge portfolio remains intact

Arise did not increase its price hedge portfolio during the quarter, but we understand that it keeps monitoring both volumes and price levels. We get the impression that the price levels are currently below what Arise thinks they should be, and it expects price levels to increase during the coming quarters – where we expect Arise to be opportunistic if attractive price levels present themselves. The hedge portfolio can be found in our detailed estimates tables.

We do not make any significant estimate changes for the production segment following the Q2 report, and we also keep our electricity price assumptions for the coming 3-year period intact. We also wish to highlight that Arise still sees values in its own wind farms exceeding the book value by EUR60m in its latest impairment test.


The development segment generated Q2 2024 EBITDA of SEK33m (SEK42m in Q2 2023), relative to our estimate of SEK26m. The reason for the y-o-y decline relative to Q2 2023 is due to lower revenue recognition in projects. The deviation from our estimate, however, seems to be due Lebo contributing positively as its production of 4-5GWh was included in the segment until May, and also due to slightly higher costs than expected. Arise also received a EUR2.4m result boost from the earnout related to Rana- and Salsjöhöjden.

Arise has increased its headcount for 11 consecutive quarters to support growth, which has been slightly ahead of our expectations (although we do not consider it a negative). However, as we slightly increase our FTE expectations, the personnel costs increase somewhat, which is the only material estimate change we will make for the segment in this quarter.

The project portfolio keeps growing

The total project portfolio amounted to 7865MW by the end of the quarter, growing 745MW since the previous quarter. This growth is primarily due to the 500MW agreement with Finsilva, as well as the organic growth of the portfolio. Also, 175MW has entered the late-stage portfolio, which we consider positive. In total, the proportionate project portfolio sits at 6096MW.

We notice that the work with Finnåberget continues, and the target remains to divest it during 2025. However, there are still uncertainties regarding the final capacity, and we understand that it will become clearer in H1 2025 when the grid company has made its final decision. We will continue to monitor the progress of the project closely.

The UK market is sending positive renewable signals

We also note that the UK is sending positive renewable energy signals following the recent election. To our understanding, the new government wants to increase renewables share of the production mix, which implies 2x for onshore and 3x for Solar PV by 2030. We consider this very positive as it could increase the likelihood and possibly improve the pace at which Arise can realise its regional project portfolio. We also think it increases the likelihood of new projects entering the portfolio, which supports the long-term case in the UK business.

Increasing investor appetite

We understand that investor appetite seems to be increasing following lower interest rates and more stable CAPEX levels. Despite no investment decisions being taken in the Swedish onshore wind market during Q2, we still think that the case for onshore wind is strong and that profit levels should be normal/attractive going forward (given that the projects are sound).

We believe this is further supported by the fact that companies such as OX2 (one of the biggest renewable energy developers in Europe) received a bid with a 43% premium from private equity giant EQT. We have also seen Swedish solar PV project developer Helios Energy being acquired by an infrastructure company for an attractive price tag. We argue that this clearly illustrates their beliefs in the sector and that valuations could be considered low.

Arise’s strong financial position allows for value creation

We think that Arise, who historically has been dependent on the current market conditions when divesting projects, now finds itself in a position (thanks to its financial position) where it can be flexible in either divesting an RTB project or starting construction and creating further value, and divesting further along the road. We think this significantly reduces the market timing risk while allowing Arise to extract further value.

Strategic partnership with Finsilva

We consider the 500MW strategic partnership with Finsilva through Pohjan Voima to be very positive. Arise will account for all project development, whereas we understand that Finsilva will take part in future profits the projects generate. We understand that projects could reach RTB (ready to build) status as soon as 2027/2028-2030.

The partnership does not impact our growth assumptions but increases our confidence in Arise reaching its financial targets of divesting >500MW pa during 2026-2028. Finsilva is one of the biggest landowners in Finland, and we think that the partnership is a testament to Pohjan Voima’s reputation in the Finnish market. We understand that profit levels are in line with Arise’s target (or slightly below), and we understand that Finsilva has the opportunity to acquire minority shares in the projects (both solar PV and wind) in conjunction with the FID (final investment decision).


The solutions segment developed positively during the quarter, reporting income of SEK14m vs SEK10m last year. EBITDA amounted to SEK3m (SEK0m Q2 2023) relative to our estimate of SEK2m, and we argue that the segment has reached a new and stable level of profitability, which should have good grounds for growing in coming years (as new construction agreements are signed and new asset management contracts enter the portfolio). The reason behind the Q2 EBITDA growth is driven by the construction agreement of Fasikan and the asset management agreement for Skaftåsen.

Cash flow

The net cash flow in the quarter was SEK-131m, where operating cash flow after changes in working capital amounted to SEK24m. The difference between these lines is explained by CAPEX, amounting to SEK-59m (driven by Lebo, but which is compensated in the cash flow by new loans), and due to dividend and share repurchases taking place in the quarter – totalling SEK-100m.

Arise has no CAPEX requirements (apart from the EUR18m Pohjan Voima earnout, which we expect to be paid out, step by step, during the coming 2-3 years) other than if it decides to construct projects rather than selling them as RTB (which we would consider value accretive). This means that cash generation from the stable production segment should be strong going forward, as Lebo has now also been finalised.

With SEK804m in cash on hand and a relatively low net debt level of SEK328m (given its operational assets and cash generation), we think Arise has a wide range of opportunities to deploy this cash. Either through M&A, which it has highlighted often or by further shareholder distribution (dividend or share buybacks). We believe all these factors could support the share price.

Estimate changes

We make minor estimate changes following the Q2 report, which refer to a slightly increased personnel cost run-rate. At the same time, we slightly reduced our other external expenses, which slightly increased our total OPEX assumptions. We also increase our D&A assumptions following Lebo becoming operational, which increases the D&A but has a neglectable impact on our valuation. Our EBITDA estimate remains intact, while the net profit is somewhat reduced following the increased D&A.

Detailed estimates


The following table illustrates the key assumptions in our base, bull, and bear case scenarios. Our fair value range remains intact at SEK22-111 with a base case of SEK79 per share, despite minor negative estimate changes, which are offset by Arise’s share repurchase of shares, which positively affects our valuation.

Investment thesis


A Swedish renewable energy producer and developer

Arise is one of Sweden's leading wind power companies regarding project development, construction, and asset management. The company’s own wind power assets have a total capacity of 172MW and annual production of around 433GWh. This provides recurring revenues and strong cash flows. Also, with high electricity prices, the production enjoys good leverage in terms of profitability, given it has a >95% gross margin. We argue there are hidden values in the own wind farms as the book value is based on the depressed electricity price outlook made in 2019, and since the outlook has improved significantly. Project Development is Arise’s primary growth area, and the project portfolio of wind- and solar PV projects is strong. The entire proportionate portfolio is >5GW of which >500MW is in late-stage development. Using historical profit multiples of SEK1m-2m per MW, the gross profit potential lies between SEK5bn-SEK10bn over the coming decade. Furthermore, Arise has nearly SEK1bn in cash which could spur M&A activity (i.e. acquiring project rights or power assets) which could spur further growth.


A proven market leader

Arise has a long and solid track record of developing, constructing, and divesting onshore wind power projects and has constructed 8% of Sweden’s total installed wind power capacity by the end of 2022. In 2022, Arise made its largest project divestment to date in the form of Kölvallen (260MW), which generated a record profit of EUR90m, and a cash payment of EUR75m has been received upfront. Arise’s own production produces 343 GWh pa and generates significant cash flow – especially in recent times when electricity prices have increased rapidly. In recent years, financials have improved on the back of successful project divestments and Arise now has a big cash position and should therefore be able to be more opportunistic in terms of M&A and investments in its own additional production.


Complex permitting processes, long lead times, and construction risks

We consider Arise’s project development business as the clear growth driver in the coming years. Developing and constructing a project typically takes 5-10 years and is characterised by long lead times and runs the risk of not receiving permits. We consider Arise to have a good track record of bringing projects to the market, but investors should be aware of the risks when assessing the potential project portfolio-value. There is also a risk that cost overruns or delays can erode the profit potential. Arise is typically de-risking construction and earnings risk by structuring deals so it receives an up-front payment + an earn-out if specific conditions are met. The construction risk is then on the investor of the wind farm. We have seen examples where cost overruns, especially since 2020, have eroded the profit potential of projects. There is also a political risk that should not be underestimated, as Political decisions impacts the business conditions for the energy sector at large.


Realised electricity prices

High electricity prices are good for Arise. Both for its electricity production, but also for its development business as it increases the profit potential of each wind farm. However, when electricity prices are volatile, and Arise has hedged parts of its production, there is a risk that realised electricity price would be hurt in hours where production is low and not sufficient to cover. Also, in hours where production is high, electricity prices are low, as wind power becomes the dominant production source for the hour –hurting the weighted realised price for a specific time period.


Signficant upside potential and solid cash flows

We have a fair value range of SEK22 - SEK111 with a base case of SEK79 per share. Our valuation is based on the value of Arises wind farms and the estimated value of its project portfolio. The main differences between our base, bear and bull cases are the fair value of Arise's own wind farms (Driven by electricity price assumptions) and the gross profit from the project portfolio (driven by MW delivered pa and profit multiple).

Quality Rating

People: 4

The new strategy, with project development and management as the main growth area, has been executed with great success so far. The communication regarding business and financials has improved and our view is that Arise is transparent and balanced in its communication. Management has relevant experience and credibility and some also have significant amounts of Arise-shares. The company culture appears to be dynamic and strong. A few large institutional owners give stability and through Johan Claesson and CA Fastigheter, Arise has a long-term committed and active owner.  

Business: 3

Arise has two business segments: Operation of own wind farms and project development & management. The business conditions for these two are different in many respects. In the own wind farms, there is overall limited possibilities to impact revenues or costs. On a positive note, revenues are repetitive and operations are not dependent on key individuals. However, product differentiation is virtually impossible as electricity is a commodity. Project development is different in these respects. So far Arise has a very good track record with most of its project deals coming out in line with budget. The outlook for both segments is still favorable, with structurally high electricity prices and good profit margins on projects, although electricity prices is a variable that is very difficult to predict.    

Financials: 2

Arise has generated good cash flows but depreciations and amortizations have weighed on earnings. Hence our rating is burdened by historically reported losses. Since 2018 underlying profitability has clearly picked up and key metrics are gradually improving. The balance sheet is now robust as net debt has decreased significantly thanks to strong cash flow generation. Our Financials rating will certainly improve further if Arise delivers approximately in line with our forecasts.   


Income statement
Cost of Revenue0.
Operating Expenses318.0221.0217.4266.9299.4
Shares in Associates-----
Interest Expenses-26.0-62.0-60.1-50.1-11.0
Net Financial Items32.0100.095.071.711.0
Income Tax Expenses0.000.00-14.9-83.1-132.7
Net Income772.0205.0128.9294.5470.5
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)1,164.02,175.82,313.32,395.72,353.3
Intangible Assets25.
Right-of-Use Assets-----
Other Non-Current Assets243.0304.3327.0327.0327.0
Total Non-Current Assets1,432.02,510.02,671.32,753.72,711.3
Current assets
Accounts Receivable237.0379.8353.0130.0130.0
Other Current Assets26.
Cash Equivalents1,220.0917.0800.61,177.41,123.5
Total Current Assets1,483.01,297.01,153.61,307.41,253.5
Total Assets2,915.03,807.03,824.94,061.13,964.9
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest-318.5315.0354.0423.8
Shareholder's Equity1,616.01,887.51,876.02,073.12,407.1
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt925.01,074.61,136.01,136.0636.0
Long Term Lease Liabilities-----
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities117.0350.4354.0354.0354.0
Total Non-Current Liabilities1,042.01,425.01,490.01,490.0990.0
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt27.
Short Term Lease Liabilities-----
Accounts Payable-----
Other Current Liabilities231.0122.
Total Current Liabilities258.0176.0144.0144.0144.0
Total Liabilities and Equity2,916.03,806.93,824.94,061.13,964.9
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow923.0223.0215.0611.4549.8
Investing Cash Flow-305.0-538.0-181.8-143.8-22.0
Financing Cash Flow464.011.0-173.6-90.9-581.7

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