Avensia: Stabilized Market Paying Off

Research Update



Redeye strengthens its positive view of Avensia following a Q2 report beating our forecasts. Both sales and margins were significantly stronger than expected, and the numbers highlight that Avensia can also do well in a soft but stable market, supporting its ambitious financial targets. We raise our Base Case and forecasts.


Fredrik Nilsson


Review of Q2 2024

Sales: 10% Growth y/y and 8% Above Our Expectations

Number of Employees: +3 q/q

Per Employee and Working Day Data: Substantial Improvements y/y

OPEX: Slightly Higher than Expected

Profit and Cash Flow: Almost at the 10% Short-Term Target

Estimate Revisions: Upward Revisions


Investment thesis

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Back to Growth – Encouraging Outlook

Sales increased by 10% y/y and was 8% above our expectations. Adjusted for the number of working days, the increase was 7% y/y. Avensia continues to see solid demand from new customers while the demand from current customers has stabilized, explaining why Avensia is returning to growth after six quarters with declining sales. During H1 2024, Avensia saw a stabilization of demand and more optimistic outlooks from its wide range of e-commerce customers.

Almost Reaching its Short-Term Margin Target

EBIT was SEK11.0m (-6,6), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 9.8% (-6.5), and beat our expectations of SEK7.4m and 7.1%. The significant improvement y/y (although Q2 2023 had SEK4.8m in one-offs) is due to higher utilization rates and lower costs in general. While the EBIT margin was somewhat short of the 10% short-term target, we believe the profitability in the quarter highlights that Avensia’s financial targets (10% short-term and 15% long-term) are realistic. Reaching 9.8% in what still is a rather tough market indicates solid upward potential in normalized or better market conditions.

New Base Case at SEK14 (12)

We raise our Base Case to SEK14 (12) following increased forecasts. Avensia is trading at ~25-35% discount to the peer average and median EV/EBIT on 2024-2025e. We believe the market does not agree with our assumption of the EBIT margin reaching ~10% in 2025e – still below potential levels in a solid market. If Avensia achieves this, we expect it to trade at an EV/EBIT multiple, at least in line with the peer average.

Key financials

Revenue Growth-4.9%1.7%5.5%6.6%4.7%
EBIT Margin-0.8%8.2%9.9%10.9%11.4%
Net Income-4.825.734.840.644.5

Review of Q2 2024

Estmates vs. Actuals
SalesQ2E 2024Q2A 2024DiffQ2A 2023Q1A 2024
Net sales104.0112.48%102.1102.8
Y/Y Growth (%)2%10%-8%-12%
Sales-COGS/employees/working day5,2155,5717%4,4214,690
Y/Y Growth (%)20%26%-13%-8%
Contribtuion/employee/working day1,3631,72126%6071,066
Y/Y Growth (%)156%183%-53%-18%
Cost of revenues-10.0-11.616%-9.4-12.8
Y/Y Growth (%)6%-10%-9%-12%
Other external costs-9.6-11.723%-9.9-9.6
Y/Y Growth (%)-3%18%-32%-33%
Personnel expenses-72.9-73.10%-86.9-69.5
Y/Y Growth (%)-16%-16%11%-11%
EBIT Margin (%)7.1%9.8%-6.5%6.0%
Diluted EPS0.160.2133%-0.150.11

Sales: 10% Growth y/y and 8% Above Our Expectations

Sales increased by 10% y/y and was 8% above our expectations. Adjusted for the number of working days, the increase was 7% y/y. While most IT consultants have not yet released their Q2 reports, we believe 10% organic growth y/y will be among the highest in the Nordics. Avensia continues to see solid demand from new customers while the demand from current customers has stabilized, explaining why Avensia is returning to growth after six quarters with declining sales.

During H1 2024, Avensia saw a stabilization of demand and more optimistic outlooks from its wide range of e-commerce customers. Given that interest rates continue to decline, strengthening the consumer, Avensia believes the market sentiment will continue to improve.

The sales to new customers, which have been relatively strong for several quarters, are mostly driven by more mature, established, and profitable companies – with finances strong enough to finance their investments. A few years ago, new sales had a higher share of companies wanting to scale their e-commerce business fast.

The relatively strong inflow of new customers sets Avensia in an attractive position once the market rebounds, as the base of current customers Avensia can sell to has increased. Management believes that Avensia has gained market share, which we find reasonable considering the relatively strong growth in the company.

In conjunction with the Q2 report, Avensia published the development of some KPIs q/q and y/y:

  • Chargeable hours: Negative y/y due to fewer employees. Negative q/q due to fewer working days.
  • Utilization: Positive y/y due to stronger sales and fewer employees. Positive q/q due to stronger sales.
  • Price: Positive y/y and q/q due to higher prices and changed delivery mix (more senior consultants, other types of projects, etc).
  • Share of chargeable employees: Positive y/y following cuts in overhead. Unchanged q/q.
Sales, light

Source: Avensia

An IT consultant’s sales are a function of the number of employees and their revenue per working day. In reality, the number of revenue-generating employees, i. e., excluding administrative personnel etc., would be a better measure. However, we cannot access those figures, making the total number of employees a reasonable proxy.

Number of Employees: +3 q/q

The number of employees at the end of the quarter increased to 303 (369), corresponding to a y/y decline of 14%. Sequentially, the number of employees increased by 3, and our forecast was 1. Avensia remains focused on very selective replacements, but the slight increase seen in the quarter, along with the more positive market outlook, suggests the company are getting more open towards recruiting. However, Avensia currently favours adding sub-consultants over adding in-house resources – highlighted by the increased cost of revenues – as the market environment is cautious. Nevertheless, we expect some net recruitment for the remainder of 2024 and a slightly higher pace in 2025 – although still way below the recruitment pace seen in 2020-2022.

Employees, light

Source: Avensia

The number of employees at the end of the quarter is a leading indicator for sales growth in the coming quarter. While sales is dependent on other parameters as well, the starting number of employees for the coming quarter is, together with the number of working days, the only relevant figures we know in advance.

Employee churn is typically costly for any company. However, as IT consultants’ sales generation depends on their employees in a nearly 1:1 ratio, we believe low employee churn is even more important in IT consultant firms.

Per Employee and Working Day Data: Substantial Improvements y/y

  • Sales-COGS/employees/working day was SEK5,571 (4,421), corresponding to an increase of 26% y/y. Our forecast was SEK5,215. The improvement was mainly due to a higher utilization rate y/y, compared to a depressed number in Q2 2023, but Avensia has managed to increase its prices somewhat as well.
  • Contribution/employee/working day was SEK1,721 (607), corresponding to an increase y/y of 183%. Our forecast was SEK1,363. The substantial y/y increase resulted from improved Sales-COGS/employees/working day and largely flat personnel expenses/employees/working day.

According to management, the utilization rate is back at an almost normal level, but there is still room for improvements. The per-employee and working day data are now back to the healthy levels of 5,500-6,500 and +1,500, levels we expect from a premium consultant firm – although Q2 tends to be one of the seasonally stronger quarters. See the Graph below for comparison with peers - Q1 2024 R12m numbers as few companies have released their Q2 reports so far. However, for Avensia to reach its ambitious yet realistic EBIT margin target of 15%, further improvement in utilization is most likely necessary and achievable in a stronger market.

Per employee, light

Source: Avensia, Redeye

The Sales-COGS/employees/working day is a proxy for the revenue generation of one employee during one working day, indicating how advanced services the company provides and how high its utilisation rate is. While sub-consultants and reselling software and hardware can alter accuracy in this measure, we try to consider that by subtracting the cost of goods sold, which typically consists mainly of expenses related to sub-consultants and reselling. Also, as we use the total number of employees, the share of administrative personnel can alter the number. A high share of administrative personnel might not be unwanted. For example, when focusing on expansion, the investments in administration are typically front-loaded.

The Contribution/employee/working day is sales-cogs-personnel expenses and indicates the profit contribution for the average employee per working day. We believe it is a proxy of how much revenue consultants generate compared to their seniority and, thus, salary. For example, a high Sales-COGS/employees/working day might not be worth much to shareholders if most are paid as salaries to senior consultants.

OPEX: Slightly Higher than Expected

OPEX was slightly higher than our forecast of SEK83m and was SEK85m (97), as Other external costs came in above our expectations. According to management, the company had some non-recurring costs in the quarter, implying a somewhat lower underlying cost base.

OPEX, light

Source: Avensia

Profit and Cash Flow: Almost at the 10% Short-Term Target

EBIT was SEK11.0m (-6,6), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 9.8% (-6.5), and beat our expectations of SEK7.4m and 7.1%. The significant improvement y/y (although Q2 2023 had SEK4.8m in one-offs) is due to higher utilization rates and lower costs in general. While the EBIT margin was somewhat short of the 10% short-term target, we believe the profitability in the quarter highlights that Avensia’s financial targets (10% short-term and 15% long-term) are realistic. Reaching 9.8% in what still is a rather tough market indicates solid upward potential in normalized or better market conditions.

Free cash flow was SEK13m, and the effect from NWC was close to zero. By the end of the quarter, Avensia had a net cash position of SEKc18m. While Avensia is open to acquisitions, we believe investors should expect significant dividends as this asset-light business returns to healthy profitability.

FCF, light

Source: Avensia

As common among IT consultants, Avensia has low CAPEX, and the cash conversion tends to be strong.

Estimate Revisions: Upward Revisions

We raise our sales forecasts by 4% in 2024 and 2025 and increase EBIT by 10-18% for the same period.

  • We raise our sales forecasts by 4% for 2024 and 2025 due to the slightly higher headcount and us expecting somewhat higher recruitment. We increase our utilization expectations, having a positive impact as well.
  • We raise our margin assumptions because of the increased sales forecasts and only minor increases in our OPEX forecast.

Also, we raise our long-term forecasts somewhat regarding both sales and margins, estimating a long-term EBIT margin of about 11-12% and around 4-5% organic growth.

Estimate Revisions
SalesFYE 2024OldChangeFYE 2025OldChange
Net sales419.1403.54%441.1425.94%
Y/Y Growth (%)1%-2%5%6%
Sales-COGS/employees/working day4,87147303%5,04149662%
Y/Y Growth (%)14%11%3%5%
Contribtuion/employee/working day1,241111711%1,30112454%
Y/Y Growth (%)84%70%5%11%
Cost of revenues-47.4-44.86%-47.0-46.02%
Y/Y Growth (%)2%-4%-1%3%
Other external costs-41.4-38.09%-42.2-40.64%
Y/Y Growth (%)-1%-9%2%7%
Personnel expenses-278.1-275.01%-293.6-285.73%
Y/Y Growth (%)-11%-12%6%4%
EBIT Margin (%)8.2%7.2%9.9%9.4%
Diluted EPS0.690.6015%0.940.8510%
Source: Avensia & Redeye Research
SalesFYA 2023Q1A 2024Q2A 2024Q3E 2024Q4E 2024FYE 2024FYE 2025FYE 2026
Net sales413.8102.8112.490.8113.1419.1441.1470.2
Y/Y Growth (%)-4%-9%10%0%5%1%5%7%
Sales-COGS/employees/working day4,2824,6905,5713,9785,3314,8715,0415,192
Y/Y Growth (%)0%12%26%8%16%14%3%3%
Contribtuion/employee/working day6741,0661,7218361,4261,2411,3011,359
Y/Y Growth (%)-11%277%183%-12%56%84%5%4%
Cost of revenues-46.5-12.8-11.6-11.0-12.0-47.4-47.0-48.9
Y/Y Growth (%)-7%5%23%19%-23%2%-1%4%
Other external costs-41.7-9.6-11.7-9.3-10.7-41.4-42.2-46.1
Y/Y Growth (%)-39%-23%18%-3%10%-1%2%9%
Personnel expenses-311.9-69.5-73.1-60.2-75.3-278.1-293.6-311.0
Y/Y Growth (%)0%-25%-16%2%2%-11%6%6%
EBIT Margin (%)-0.8%6.0%9.8%6.7%9.8%8.2%9.9%10.9%
Diluted EPS-
Source: Avensia & Redeye Research


We raise our Base Case to SEK14 (12) following increased forecasts.

Fair Value Range - Assumptions
Bear CaseBase CaseBull Case
Value per share, SEK81428
Sales CAGR
2024 - 20312%5%10%
2031 - 20411%3%7%
Avg EBIT margin
2024 - 20318%11%14%
2031 - 20419%11%14%
Terminal EBIT Margin5%9%12%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Peer Valuation

Avensia is trading at ~25-35% discount to the peer average and median EV/EBIT on 2024-2025e. We believe the market does not agree with our assumption of the EBIT margin reaching ~10% in 2025e – still below potential levels in a solid market. If Avensia achieves this, we expect it to trade at an EV/EBIT multiple, at least in line with the peer average.

Investment thesis


Pioneering e-commerce integrator set to rebound

With its focus on fast and feature-heavy e-commerce solutions, Avensia has attracted well-known B2C and B2B customers in the structurally growing e-commerce sector. The relationships with its customers, such as NA-KD, Lyko, Kjell & Company, and Ahlsell, typically span at least 5–7 years, as the solutions require ongoing improvements. While using leading software tools like Optimizely and Commercetools, Avensia strengthens and differentiates its offering with extensive know-how and proprietary integration solutions. We believe solid quarterly reports, where the profit per employee along with margins rebounds to the robust levels seen some years ago, are the primary catalyst from now on.


Proven track record and solid customer list

Despite a mixed track record due to the tough market conditions for e-commerce in 2022, Avensia combined high growth (sales CAGR of 24% for 2016–2022) with solid margins (~8–10%) in 2016–2019. Its impressive customer list and top-tier partner ranking (Optimizely and Commercetools) highlight Avensia’s ability to build solid e-commerce solutions. Considering Avensia’s ~80% recurring revenues and its track record of strong growth from current customers, data suggests most customers are satisfied.


When will e-commerce rebound?

While we and market forecasters expect the e-commerce market to rebound in 2024, this might not happen. Avensia suffered heavily from the weak e-commerce market in late 2022 and early 2023, as the company was set for growth having undertaken heavy net recruitment. While we believe the slimmer and more profitability-focused Avensia can navigate a weak market decently enough, a market rebound would most likely help it to return to growth and strong profitability (~10% EBIT margin or better).


What is left for shareholders?

While customers are willing to pay high rates for specialists, the specialists typically want their fair share. In a competitive market for talent, as has been the case in the IT consulting sector for years, shareholders might find there is not much left to them. However, considering Avensia’s EBIT margins of 6–10% (excluding the most recent quarters), we believe it has handled the challenge well so far, and we believe the focus on teams and solutions rather than single consultants increases the company’s resilience.


Fair value: SEK14

Our DCF model shows a fair value of SEK14, which is also supported by a peer valuation. While its margins are temporarily depressed, Avensia’s strong position in its niche and track record of robust data per employee and working day support ~10% EBIT margins or better, in our view.

Quality Rating

People: 4

Avensia receives a high rating for people for several reasons. First, we believe the company has clear and honest communications. Second, it is owner-operated, with CEO Robin Gustafsson as one of the co-founders and largest shareholders. Other major owners are active on the board. Third, we believe Mr Gustafsson and his team have deep knowledge and experience in the e-commerce sector.

Business: 3

Avensia receives an average Business Rating for the following reasons. First, it is an asset-light business model with strong cash flows. Second, Avensia serves a genuine need as it helps its customers to build top-notch e-commerce solutions, increasing their sales. Third, Avensia focuses solely on e-commerce and customers willing to spend on a high-class solution. However, the business model’s heavy dependence on its employees hinders Avensia from reaching a higher rating.

Financials: 2

Avensia receives a below-average Financials rating mostly due to its weak financial performance in recent quarters. Should Avensia perform in line with our forecast, reaching ~10% EBIT margin in 2025, its Financials rating would improve to 3–4 over time. Also, Avensia has no debt, and the business can grow with very limited capital.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue46.547.447.048.950.8
Operating Expenses355.0319.3334.5355.9373.8
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses-0.47-
Net Financial Items0.702.
Income Tax Expenses0.47-6.3-9.0-10.5-11.5
Net Income-4.825.734.840.644.5
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)15.315.315.614.413.7
Intangible Assets1.80.630.230.030.00
Right-of-Use Assets61.255.845.536.429.1
Other Non-Current Assets7.
Total Non-Current Assets87.279.368.858.350.4
Current assets
Accounts Receivable93.392.297.0103.4108.4
Other Current Assets0.
Cash Equivalents15.754.1100.4132.1153.2
Total Current Assets109.0146.3197.5235.5261.5
Total Assets196.3225.6266.3293.9311.9
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity24.349.784.5104.2116.2
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities61.562.762.762.762.7
Total Non-Current Liabilities61.562.762.762.762.7
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable112.4113.2119.1126.9133.0
Other Current Liabilities0.
Total Current Liabilities112.4113.2119.1126.9133.0
Total Liabilities and Equity198.3225.6266.3293.9311.9
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow3.756.551.756.357.5
Investing Cash Flow-0.78-2.4-5.3-3.8-3.9
Financing Cash Flow-3.0-16.00.00-20.9-32.5

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Review of Q2 2024

Sales: 10% Growth y/y and 8% Above Our Expectations

Number of Employees: +3 q/q

Per Employee and Working Day Data: Substantial Improvements y/y

OPEX: Slightly Higher than Expected

Profit and Cash Flow: Almost at the 10% Short-Term Target

Estimate Revisions: Upward Revisions


Investment thesis

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