Truecaller: Strong earnings growth ahead driven by Premium adoption

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Jesper von Koch answered 5 questions.

Redeye states that with improved growth rates for recurring revenues, Truecaller is quickly becoming more predictable and stable financially. Redeye believes the opening of iOS, which will enable Caller ID, combined with the recent fraud-insurance offering will further spur growth in Subscriptions. However, Ads remain under pressure albeit with good potential to bounce back significantly as the advertising market strengthens together with the launch of video ads. Also, with much easier comps ahead, Redeye anticipates a period of strong earnings growth. Redeye slightly raises its fair value range.



Jesper Von Koch

Anton Hoof


Investment thesis

Review of Q2: Strong growth in recurring revenues

Strongest user growth since IPO - Colombia and Nigeria stand out

Ads – Strong user growth, ARPU unchanged from previous quarters

Premium Subscriptions - Impressive growth

Truecaller for Business – Robust performance 

Costs and margins – Lower gross margin but tight cost control 

Outlook – Unchanged view on the ads market, but optimism around iOS, growth regions, and video ads  

Strong earnings growth ahead driven by Premium adoption

New premium features set to improve premium adoption

Changes to financial estimates

Sales estimates

Fair value range

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Strong growth in recurring revenues and good profitability

Redeye thinks the Q2 report was slightly better than expected - being in line with consensus estimates on sales but beating estimates on adj. EBITDA by 5%. The key highlight, in Redeye's view, is the impressive growth in Subscriptions (+29% y/y and 3% above consensus estimates). The advertising market in India was unchanged in Q2.

iOS opening and fraud insurance could become game changers for premium adoption

During Q2, Truecaller launched several features that could significantly increase the adoption of premium plans - in particular the fraud insurance. Also, Apple opening iOS for Caller ID is also likely to be a significant booster for iOS adoption, which have 5x the adoption rate to a paid plan compared to Android. Should this be the case, Truecaller is poised to deliver outstanding growth in its recurring revenues. This would imply that Truecaller would become a more predictable and resilient player even in a weak economy with low ad prices.

Easy comps and strong earnings growth provide an interesting entry point

Following the Q2 report, we only make minor adjustments. Mainly, we raise our estimates for Subscriptions by c7% for 2024-2026e, while we reduce estimates for Ads by 3-6% for the same period. Combined with small downward adjustments on OPEX (-3% p.a.), our EBITDA estimates are lowered by 1-3%. However, we believe now could prove an attractive entry point. The reasons why are 1) all tough comps are now past, 2) the ads market has likely bottomed, and 3) Truecaller increasing its share of recurring revenues, making it more predictable. Redeye increases its Bear Case from SEK25 to SEK28, but keeps Base and Bull case.

Key financials

Revenue Growth57.6%-2.5%6.7%26.0%24.1%
EBIT Margin38.8%38.0%34.2%38.8%40.0%
Net Income535.2536.4531.5743.6936.1

Investment thesis


Strong moats and high scalability set the scene for continued market dominance in a fast-growing and fragmented market

We argue that Truecaller is set to lever its more than 400m monthly active users. As the undisputed leader with strong moats in the rapidly growing spam-blocking market, Truecaller is poised for rapid growth for many years to come, we believe. The company has a proven playbook, having penetrated more than 50% of the Indian market and is now accelerating its efforts to build the same market dominance elsewhere. In recent years, Truecaller has demonstrated phenomenal growth (three-year sales CAGR of >80%) while simultaneously achieving high profitability (>40% EBITDA from Q4 2021), proving it is a rare asset. Looking ahead, we believe Truecaller will be able to achieve swift growth in revenues (2022-2026 CAGR of 25%) and EBIT (2022-2026 CAGR of 32%) thanks to an attractive mix of user growth, increasing ARPU, and high operating leverage.


Under-estimated moat and under-monetized user base

Extensive dataset constitutes major moat A high caller-identification rate is crucial for a good user experience, making a good enough dataset essential for market dominance. Due to data regulations such as GDPR, consented data is required from users, constituting an important barrier for new entrants. Truecaller enjoys network effects that strengthens its moats the more users it gets.

Supportive Analysis

Truecaller introduced its first form of monetization (ads) in 2016 and has since introduced premium subscriptions (2018) and an enterprise solution (2020). While this has generated impressive growth over time, we argue the user base is still greatly under-monetized. We expect increased monetization from: 1) increased ad load and improved CPM rates for the Ads business, and 2) adoption of Truecaller for Business in the markets where Truecaller has already gained good penetration amongst consumers.


Watch out for the giants: Apple, Meta, and Alphabet

Truecaller is dependent on the giant tech players in several ways, including direct competition, as ad exchanges, and as the platforms on which Truecaller exists.


Regulatory risks: Over-emphasized or real threats?

Truecaller is, to some extent, in the hands of the Indian government as well as other governing entities, such as the EU. New data protection legislations such as GDPR could pose a threat to Truecaller by limiting the company’s ability to display the names of people who have not given their consent. While some of the effect would be managed by users having consented to leave their data, we do not believe this would prevent the damage.


Significant upside potential

In our Base Case, we estimate a 2023–2026 sales CAGR of 14% and an average EBIT margin of 38% between 2023–2026. Using a DCF, we value Truecaller to a Base Case of SEK55, corresponding to a P/E ratio of 25 for 2025e. Our Bear Case is SEK28, and Bull Case is SEK90.

Review of Q2: Strong growth in recurring revenues

Redeye thinks the Q2 report was slightly better than expected - being in line with consensus estimates on sales but beating estimates on adj. EBITDA by 5%. The key highlight, in Redeye's view, is the impressive growth in Subscriptions (+29% y/y and 3% above consensus estimates). The advertising market in India was unchanged in Q2.

Total revenues and profitability

Overview, LIGHT

Source: Truecaller

Strongest user growth since IPO - Colombia and Nigeria stand out

MAU grew at its fastest rate since 2018 with 14m added in Q2. DAUs was 325m (vs our estimate of 324m), corresponding to a DAU/MAU ratio of 82%.

User growth was good despite a moderate spend on user acquisition. Colombia and Nigeria grew their user bases by c40% y/y. Spend on user acquisition is expected to remain at the same level as in Q2 during H2.

DAUs per region, millions


Source: Truecaller

Recently, the implementation of a CNAP solution (basic presentation of who is calling) started in the Indian cities of Mumbai and Haryana. When asked in the conference call about this, Truecaller stated that it had so far not experienced any effect on user growth—especially considering the all-time-high user growth in Q2.

Ads – Strong user growth, ARPU unchanged from previous quarters

Ad revenues was SEK332m, -22% y/y. This decline was expected and a direct result of lower IPL revenues (SEK30m vs SEK115m in last year's Q2). Excluding this effect, ad revenues would have declined by 3% y/y.

CPM was SEK0.69, -46% y/y, and below our estimate of 0.83. This was, however, compensated by a high ad load of 16.2 Daily ad impressions per DAU (vs. est. 12.9). Combined, this means that quarterly ads ARPU have remained rather constant at SEK1.0 for the last four quarters.

Overall, we think the numbers are solid when taking into account the tough comps.

Ads revenues: DAUs and ARPU


Source: Truecaller

Premium Subscriptions - Impressive growth

Revenue was SEK64,4m, +29% y/y, +10% q/q, and above our estimates of SEK61m. Development on iOS remains strong and today accounts for 40% of Subscription revenues despite only 7% of total users. This thanks to 5x conversion rate and 80% higher price vs Android. Subscription revenues from the US was up by more than 65% y/y. Adoption of paid plans, as well as ARPU, both continue to increase, see below:

Subscriptions: ARPU and subscribers as share of DAUs

Premium subs, LIGHT

Later in this report, we will dig deeper into why we believe this part holds a bright future.

Truecaller for Business – Robust performance 

Revenue was SEK57.7m, +38% y/y and just above our estimates of SEK57m. Growth is driven by both verified business calls and the business messaging service.

In Q2, Truecaller raised prices, and expects to see a positive effect on ARPC over the coming year, i.e., when each customer renews its annual contract.

Truecaller for Business, SEKm


Costs and margins – Lower gross margin but tight cost control 

  • Gross margin was 75.3% (76.5%) and just below our estimates of 76.0%.
  • OPEX was SEK181m, +15% y/y and 3% below our estimates.
  • Adjusted EBITDA margin was 36% (46%), above our estimates of 33% thanks to stricter cost control.

Outlook – Unchanged view on the ads market, but optimism around iOS, growth regions, and video ads  

  • The ads market in India remained fundamentally unchanged in Q2 vs Q1.
  • Truecaller expects Apple to open up its ecosystem and enable live Caller ID by the end of 2024 or early 2025.
  • Truecaller states that it continues to take positive steps toward more engaging ad formats. Its tests with video ads are said to show positive results for future scaling.

Strong earnings growth ahead driven by Premium adoption

We have since long argued that Truecaller sits on significant untapped potential in its Premium offering, i.e., its Subscription revenues. This originates from the fact that as much as 18% of total revenues (in Q2) come from Subscriptions – despite a mere 0.7% of all daily active users having a paid plan. During Q2, Truecaller launched several features that could significantly increase the adoption of premium plans. Should this be the case, Truecaller is poised to deliver outstanding growth in its recurring revenues. This would imply that Truecaller would become a more predictable and resilient player even in a weak economy with low ad prices.

New premium features set to improve premium adoption

Fraud insurance could be considered a “need-to-have”

Towards the end of Q2, Truecaller announced that it would include insurance in the subscription at an unchanged price. The feature insures premium users in case of fraud in India for up to INR10,000 (cSEK1,300). While the amount may not seem big in the perspective of a Westerner at first glance, it is substantially worth more for the average Indian person.

Truecaller includes this in the existing Premium package with no change in prices, pays the premium to the insurance company, but bears no other responsibility towards either party.

Considering that it is Truecaller that pays the insurance premium, it is unsurprising that Truecaller raised prices for its premium plans earlier this year. As such, the price hike was likely a proactive measure to cover the cost.

The only risk Truecaller faces from including fraud insurance is if claims are higher than implied by the price paid for the insurance, in which case premiums will rise. However, this could very likely be mitigated by more price hikes of Truecaller Premium. Should the price hike required be so big that it would make up a significant part of the price for the premium plan, the feature could also be separated into its own plan.

Considering the magnitude of fraud in India, combined with the average subscriber paying less than SEK10 per month for this service, we think many Indians will now start considering the premium offering. Remember, moving the needle from a c0.5% adoption rate does not require that much. Seeing this in the light of fraud insurance possibly becoming a “need-to-have” feature, the chances of an upcoming significant uptick in premium adoption look promising.

Apple enabling Caller ID opens the attractive iOS market

Apple recently announced that it will be open to integration by third-party developers on iOS. Historically, Truecaller’s app has been limited on iOS due to UX constraints, particularly its inability to show names on incoming calls in real time. This limitation has made Truecaller’s value proposition on iOS less compelling compared to Android.

With Apple’s new changes, we understand that Truecaller will be able to integrate Live Caller ID (show names on incoming calls in real time) on iOS, potentially increasing its traction on the platform. Notably, iOS users are significantly more valuable compared to Android users, and this change could also help Truecaller expand in developed countries where the iPhone has greater market penetration.

Truecaller stated in the Q2 report that it expects the change to come at the end of 2024 or early 2025.

Changes to financial estimates

Sales estimates

Following the Q2 report, we only make minor adjustments. Mainly, we raise our estimates for Subscriptions by c7% for 2024-2026e, while we reduce estimates for Ads by 3-6% for the same period. Combined with small downward adjustments on OPEX (-3% p.a.), our EBITDA estimates are lowered by 1-3%.

Truecaller: Estimate changes

Truecaller: Estimate changes
Growth YoY7%7%-1pp26%29%-3pp24%22%2pp
Gross profit1,3981,4020%1,7611,815-3%2,2012,231-1%
Gross margin76%76%0pp76%76%0pp76%76%0pp
EBITDA adjusted6846820%946974-3%1,2001,216-1%
EBITDA adj margin37%37%0pp41%41%0pp42%41%0pp
EBIT margin34%34%0pp39%39%0pp40%40%0pp
Net finance7577-4%7577-4%7577-4%
Net income532542-2%744767-3%936950-1%
EPS, diluted1.51.6-1%2.12.2-2%2.72.7-1%
Rev growth + EBITDA margin44%44%0pp67%70%-4%66%64%3%
Ad revenue breAMdown

Truecaller: Financial estimates

Truecaller: Income statement
Growth YoY57%-2%10%-12%17%17%7%26%24%
Other external costs-350-255-81-80-78-86-324-384-463
Personnel costs-301-361-95-101-104-105-405-442-550
Gross profit1,3551,3083233443543771,3981,7612,201
Gross margin76%76%76%75%76%76%76%76%76%
EBITDA adjusted7347031511651721966849461,200
EBITDA adj margin41%41%35%36%37%40%37%41%42%
EBITDA margin40%41%35%36%37%40%37%41%42%
EBIT margin39%38%32%33%34%37%34%39%40%
Net finance05535131313757575
Net income535536133123128147532744936
EPS, diluted1.431.410.380.360.370.421.532.142.70

Fair value range

Base Case: SEK 55Bear Case: SEK 28Bull Case: SEK 90
Sales CAGR19%20%16%4%8%5%19%20%16%
EBIT CAGR24%23%18%-4%10%3%24%23%18%
Avg EBIT margin41%48%46%30%30%30%41%48%46%
Terminal EBIT margin50%30%50%

Quality Rating

People: 5

Truecaller, established in 2009, is still run by its two founders – Alan Mamedi as CEO and Nami Zarringhalam as CSO – who own ~15% of the capital but ~60% of the votes. The founders are, in our opinion, very passionate, have a visionary attitude towards the business’s opportunities, and have strong market insights. We assess that the management team is experienced and has good educational backgrounds and professional experience. The management team has, in our opinion, demonstrated significant execution capabilities, evidenced by the fast revenue growth and operating leverage in recent years (especially since 2020). Truecaller has a well-known owner base, consisting of several Venture Capital funds and Swedish institutional capital.

Business: 4

The business is asset-light and able to scale without expensive reinvestments. This scalability is further strengthened by strategic alliances (e.g., Alphabet/Android and CPaaS companies), which help drive new sales and a history of successful expansions into new markets. We think Truecaller operates in a highly profitable market environment (leading ad-platform businesses report 40%+ operating margins) and faces limited direct competition. Another positive, in our opinion, is that Truecaller has a strong value proposition and solves genuine customer needs. We think the company will remain competitive for a long time thanks to its significant, reinforcing network effects, which create high barriers to competing in core markets. However, we recognize a couple of important risks that could hamper future growth. This concerns the geographic concentration of revenues and users to India and a dependency on the Android platform.

Financials: 4

Truecaller has a strong cash position and very stable cash flows, which enables opportunistic M&A activities. The company has an impressive return on equity and invested capital and enjoys robust profit margins. We forecast meaningful revenue and EPS growth in the years to come. However, the company does not receive full marks as it lacks a long-enough track record of positive cash flows.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue421.2447.5568.1
Operating Expenses613.7722.9824.2
Shares in Associates0.000.000.00
Interest Expenses-
Net Financial Items54.674.674.6
Income Tax Expenses176.0174.8234.8
Net Income536.4531.5743.6
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)18.413.412.1
Intangible Assets25.02.9-10.5
Right-of-Use Assets118.8108.4100.0
Other Non-Current Assets94.294.294.2
Total Non-Current Assets301.7264.3241.2
Current assets
Accounts Receivable286.0295.3349.3
Other Current Assets0.000.000.00
Cash Equivalents1,572.62,132.32,844.9
Total Current Assets1,858.62,427.63,194.2
Total Assets2,160.32,691.83,435.4
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.000.000.00
Shareholder's Equity1,743.72,275.23,018.8
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.000.000.00
Long Term Lease Liabilities98.298.298.2
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities54.554.554.5
Total Non-Current Liabilities152.7152.7152.7
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.000.000.00
Short Term Lease Liabilities22.822.822.8
Accounts Payable0.000.000.00
Other Current Liabilities241.2241.2241.2
Total Current Liabilities264.0264.0264.0
Total Liabilities and Equity2,160.32,691.83,435.4
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow587.9574.5731.2
Investing Cash Flow-93.3-14.8-18.6
Financing Cash Flow-462.20.000.00

Rating definitions

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Investment thesis

Review of Q2: Strong growth in recurring revenues

Strongest user growth since IPO - Colombia and Nigeria stand out

Ads – Strong user growth, ARPU unchanged from previous quarters

Premium Subscriptions - Impressive growth

Truecaller for Business – Robust performance 

Costs and margins – Lower gross margin but tight cost control 

Outlook – Unchanged view on the ads market, but optimism around iOS, growth regions, and video ads  

Strong earnings growth ahead driven by Premium adoption

New premium features set to improve premium adoption

Changes to financial estimates

Sales estimates

Fair value range

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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