Truecaller: Strong earnings growth ahead driven by Premium adoption

Research Update



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Redeye states that with improved growth rates for recurring revenues, Truecaller is quickly becoming more predictable and stable financially. Redeye believes the opening of iOS, which will enable Caller ID, combined with the recent fraud-insurance offering will further spur growth in Subscriptions. However, Ads remain under pressure albeit with good potential to bounce back significantly as the advertising market strengthens together with the launch of video ads. Also, with much easier comps ahead, Redeye anticipates a period of strong earnings growth. Redeye slightly raises its fair value range.



Jesper Von Koch

Anton Hoof


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Strong growth in recurring revenues and good profitability

Redeye thinks the Q2 report was slightly better than expected - being in line with consensus estimates on sales but beating estimates on adj. EBITDA by 5%. The key highlight, in Redeye's view, is the impressive growth in Subscriptions (+29% y/y and 3% above consensus estimates). The advertising market in India was unchanged in Q2.

iOS opening and fraud insurance could become game changers for premium adoption

During Q2, Truecaller launched several features that could significantly increase the adoption of premium plans - in particular the fraud insurance. Also, Apple opening iOS for Caller ID is also likely to be a significant booster for iOS adoption, which have 5x the adoption rate to a paid plan compared to Android. Should this be the case, Truecaller is poised to deliver outstanding growth in its recurring revenues. This would imply that Truecaller would become a more predictable and resilient player even in a weak economy with low ad prices.

Easy comps and strong earnings growth provide an interesting entry point

Following the Q2 report, we only make minor adjustments. Mainly, we raise our estimates for Subscriptions by c7% for 2024-2026e, while we reduce estimates for Ads by 3-6% for the same period. Combined with small downward adjustments on OPEX (-3% p.a.), our EBITDA estimates are lowered by 1-3%. However, we believe now could prove an attractive entry point. The reasons why are 1) all tough comps are now past, 2) the ads market has likely bottomed, and 3) Truecaller increasing its share of recurring revenues, making it more predictable. Redeye increases its Bear Case from SEK25 to SEK28, but keeps Base and Bull case.

Key financials

Revenue Growth57.6%-2.5%6.7%26.0%24.1%
EBIT Margin38.8%38.0%34.2%38.8%40.0%
Net Income535.2536.4531.5743.6936.1

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