CombinedX: Impressive Q1 but Soft Guidance for Q2

Research Update



Redeye retains its positive view of CombinedX following a strong Q1 both in terms of growth and margins. While the soft Q2 guidance might dampen the share short-term, considering CombinedX's recent performance, we believe the discount to peers will decline going forward. We leave our Base Case unchanged and raise our forecasts slightly.



Fredrik Nilsson

Jacob Svensson


Review of Q1 2023

Sales: Strong Thanks to High Utilization Rates  

Number of Employees: Net Increase of 32 q/q due to the Acquisition of Absfront

Per Employee and Working Day Data: Solid y/y Numbers

OPEX: Largely as Expected Despite Higher Sales

Profit and Cash Flow: 12% EBIT margin and Strong Cash Flow

Other Highlights from the Report

Estimate Revisions: Upward Revisions Despite Soft Q2 Guidance


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Solid Q1 in Terms of Sales and Margins

Both sales and EBIT beat our forecasts, following a strong Q1 with high utilization rates and one more working day compared to Q1 last year. However, even on a per-employee and working day basis, sales-cogs and contribution per employee increased y/y. CombinedX increased its prices by 1 January 2023, while the increased personnel costs will occur first in Q2. Despite some short-term positive effects, we believe this is a solid quarter regarding growth and margins.

Soft Guidance for Q2

While Q1 2023 is a strong quarter on every line, management’s outlook for Q2 is softer following fewer working days, a gap between large projects in Elvenite, and the restructuring of Nethouse and Attentec. Despite the soft guidance for Q2, we increase our 2023 forecasts somewhat, as the positive effect of the strong Q1 outcome offsets the soft Q2. Also, management’s view of the market and CombinedX’s ability to execute in it remains solid.

Base Case Unchanged at SEK60 – Positive View Retained

We leave our Base Case at SEK60 (60), constituting a significant upside relative to the current share price. Despite the strong Q4 2022 and Q1 2023, the discount to peers remains solid – 30-40% on EBITDA 2023-2025. While CombinedX had a rough start as a listed company, we believe it is time for a revaluation.

Key financials

Revenue Growth16.1%20.0%4.6%4.6%4.1%
EBIT Margin8.1%9.8%10.4%10.9%11.2%
Net Income35.257.766.573.578.7

Review of Q1 2023

Estmates vs. Actuals
SalesQ1E 2023Q1A 2023DiffQ1A 2022Q4A 2022
Net sales192.4209.19%160.9200.7
Y/Y Growth (%)20%30%11%32%
Sales-COGS/employees/working day5,3825,6325%5,2255,568
Y/Y Growth (%)3%8%4%10%
Contribtuion/employee/working day1,4521,63012%1,4821,637
Y/Y Growth (%)-2%10%17%
Cost of revenues-30.0-36.120%-26.6-40.7
Y/Y Growth (%)13%36%27%54%
Other external costs-19.2-17.5-9%-15.3-20.7
Y/Y Growth (%)26%14%-53%48%
Personnel expenses-116.7-121.04%-96.2-111.2
Y/Y Growth (%)21%26%17%25%
EBIT Margin (%)10%12%10%10%
Diluted EPS0.860.9914%0.790.74

Sales: Strong Thanks to High Utilization Rates  

Total sales beat our forecast of SEK192m and amounted to SEK209m (161), corresponding to 30% growth y/y. The y/y growth was driven by positive net recruitment, higher sales per employee and working day, and several acquisitions. The organic growth y/y was solid at 13.5%.

Regarding the market environment, management has nothing new to say relative to Q4 2022. Q1 was strong, and while management recognizes several macroeconomic risks, it feels confident about the group’s ability throughout 2023.

Sales mix, light

Source: CombinedX

An IT consultant’s sales are a function of the number of employees and their revenue per working day. In reality, the number of revenue-generating employees, i. e., excluding administrative personnel etc., would be a better measure. However, we cannot access those figures, making the total number of employees a reasonable proxy.

Number of Employees: Net Increase of 32 q/q due to the Acquisition of Absfront

  • The number of employees at the end of the quarter increased to 487 (455 last quarter), corresponding to a y/y growth of 11%. Sequentially, the number of employees increased by 32, and our forecast was 33.
  • The average number of employees during the quarter increased/decreased to 480 (449 last quarter), corresponding to a y/y growth of 18%. Sequentially, the average number of employees increased by 31, and our forecast was 22.

While the numbers indicate modest organic net recruitment, as Absfront has 32 employees, it also suggests employee churn was healthy during the quarter.

Emp, light

Source: CombinedX

The number of employees at the end of the quarter is a leading indicator for sales growth in the coming quarter. While sales is dependent on other parameters as well, the starting number of employees for the coming quarter is, together with the number of working days, the only relevant figures we know in advance.

The difference between the average number of employees and the number of employees at the end of the quarter can give us a clue about the employee churn. For example, during Q2-Q3 2022, CombinedX started and ended the quarter with more employees than the quarter’s average, i.e., a U-shaped employee curve. That indicates a high employee churn over those quarters. In Q4 2022, the average number of employees started to coverage towards the number of employees at the end of the quarter, implying a reduced employee churn.

Employee churn is typically costly for any company. However, as IT consultants’ sales generation depends on their employees in a nearly 1:1 ratio, we believe low employee churn is even more important in IT consultant firms.

Per Employee and Working Day Data: Solid y/y Numbers

  • Sales-COGS/employees/working day was SEK5,632 (5,225), corresponding to an increase y/y of 7.8%. Our forecast was SEK 5,382. According to management, the strong number was due to high utilization rates during the quarter.
  • Contribution/employee/working day was SEK1,630 (1,482), corresponding to an increase y/y of 10.0%. Our forecast was SEK1,347. The solid number is a result of the high utilization rate, healthy employee churn and that CombinedX increased its prices by 1 January 2023, while the increasing personnel costs will occur first in Q2.
Per d&e, light

Source: CombinedX, Redeye

The Sales-COGS/employees/working day is a proxy for the revenue generation of one employee during one working day, indicating how advanced services the company provides and how high its utilisation rate is. While sub-consultants and reselling software and hardware can alter accuracy in this measure, we try to consider that by subtracting the cost of goods sold, which typically consists mainly of expenses related to sub-consultants and reselling. Also, as we use the total number of employees, the share of administrative personnel can alter the number. A high share of administrative personnel might not be unwanted. For example, when focusing on expansion, the investments in administration are typically front-loaded.

The Contribution/employee/working day is sales-cogs-personnel expenses and indicates the profit contribution for the average employee per working day. We believe it is a proxy of how much revenue consultants generate compared to their seniority and, thus, salary. For example, a high Sales-COGS/employees/working day might not be worth much to shareholders if most are paid as salaries to senior consultants.

OPEX: Largely as Expected Despite Higher Sales

Overall, OPEX largely matched our forecast of SEK136m and was SEK139m (112). Other external costs was lower compared to our expectations. Personnel expenses came in above our forecasts as the cost per employee was slightly higher than we expected. However, that was offset by the higher sales per employee, resulting in a higher EBIT margin than expected. Also, the COGS exceeded our expectations following a higher usage of subconsultants.

OPEX, light

Source: CombinedX

Profit and Cash Flow: 12% EBIT margin and Strong Cash Flow

EBIT was SEK25.3m, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 12.1% (10.1). Our forecast was SEK18.8m and 9.8%, and the beat was mainly due to stronger sales per employee. Free cash flow (excluding M&A) was SEK38m (19). Excluding changes in net working capital, free cash flow was SEK10m (10). As expected, from an IT consulting business, the cash generation is solid, and by the end of Q1 2023, CombinedX had a net cash position of SEK12m. While seeing a softer Q2, discussed in detail in the Estimate Revisions segment, management retains its 10% EBIT margin target for the full year 2023.

EBIT & FCF, light

Source: CombinedX

As common among IT consultants, CombinedX has low CAPEX, and the cash conversion tends to be strong.

Other Highlights from the Report

New Business Unit with System Development in Focus

As CombinedX aims to provide distinct specialist offers and brands, Nethouse's system development division is now being merged with Attentec to form a new specialist company focused on system development. Hans Dahlberg, the CEO of Nethouse, will become CEO of the new business, tasked with building a challenger in the Swedish system development market. During the quarter, Nethouse's system business expanded its important operations at the Swedish Transport Agency, providing a secure foundation for the new company, whose name will be announced later this summer.

As a result, the remaining Nethouse can concentrate entirely on IT operations and other infrastructure-related services. Johan Ripe has taken over as CEO, intending to gain large customers with high availability and regulatory compliance requirements.

Estimate Revisions: Upward Revisions Despite Soft Q2 Guidance

While Q1 was a strong quarter, management’s guidance for Q2 is rather soft for several reasons:

  • Calendar effects result in five fewer working days than in Q1 and one less than in Q2 2022. Each lost working day reduces sales by around 2.5 MSEK without affecting costs.
  • Elvenite will have some slack in its delivery projects between the significant ERP implementation at Kopparbergs Bryggerier, which was completed in March, and new deliveries. It is the downside with major project assignments. At the same time, they are critical for developing new clients and achieving excellence.
  • Investments in the Nethouse and Attentec restructure.

We raise our sales forecast for 2023 and 2024 by 2% and increase our EBIT forecast for the same years by c7-8%. While lowering Q2 2023 following the soft guidance and leaving Q3-Q4 rather unchanged, the positive effect of the strong Q1 outcome dominates, resulting in an overall upward revision. Regarding 2024, our rise is mostly due to us strengthening our view of CombinedX’s ability to perform following the strong Q4 2022 and Q1 2023 reports.

Estimate RevisionsFYE 2023OldChangeFYE 2024OldChange
SalesFYE 2023OldChangeFYE 2024OldChange
Net sales780.5763.12%816.7801.72%
Y/Y Growth (%)20%17%5%5%
Sales-COGS/employees/working day5,3105,2331%5,4695,3901%
Y/Y Growth (%)5%3%3%3%
Contribtuion/employee/working day1,4361,3675%1,5101,4276%
Y/Y Growth (%)7%2%5%4%
Cost of revenues-124.1-118.05%-130.3-123.95%
Y/Y Growth (%)7%2%5%5%
Other external costs-69.7-69.41%-71.1-68.14%
Y/Y Growth (%)-77%-77%2%-2%
Personnel expenses-477.0-474.70%-498.8-500.30%
Y/Y Growth (%)59%58%5%5%
EBIT Margin (%)9.8%9.3%10.4%9.9%
Diluted EPS3.383.254%3.893.657%
SalesQ1A 2023Q2E 2023Q3E 2023Q4E 2023FYE 2023FYE 2024FYE 2025FYE 2026
Net sales209.1196.4163.3211.7780.5816.7854.5889.5
Y/Y Growth (%)30%22%28%5%20%5%5%4%
Sales-COGS/employees/working day5,6325,7754,2315,6795,3105,4695,6065,746
Y/Y Growth (%)8%5%7%2%5%3%2%2%
Contribtuion/employee/working day1,6301,6369611,5911,4361,5101,5481,587
Y/Y Growth (%)10%8%23%-3%7%5%2%3%
Cost of revenues-36.1-30.0-26.0-32.0-124.1-130.3-136.8-142.3
Y/Y Growth (%)36%15%18%-21%7%5%5%4%
Other external costs-17.5-16.7-14.4-21.2-69.7-71.1-73.5-75.6
Y/Y Growth (%)14%21%-1%2%8%2%3%3%
Personnel expenses-121.0-127.4-101.2-127.4-477.0-498.8-519.5-540.9
Y/Y Growth (%)26%24%25%15%22%5%4%4%
EBIT Margin (%)12.1%7.3%8.3%11.0%9.8%10.4%10.9%11.2%
Diluted EPS0.990.650.621.073.383.894.304.60


We leave our Base Case at SEK60 (60), constituting a significant upside relative to the current share price. Despite the strong Q4 2022 and Q1 2023, the discount to peers remains solid – 30-40% on EBITDA 2023-2025. While CombinedX had a rough start as a listed company, we believe it is time for a revaluation.

Peer Valuation

CombinedX is trading at a significant discount to the peer average and median. While the company has a short track record which should motivate some discount, given our positive outlook on CombiendX operations and the strong two recent solid quarterly reports, we believe the gap will narrow.

Investment thesis


Emerging M&A compounder in the IT consulting space.

As a group of niched IT consulting companies providing specialized know-how in various segments, CombinedX attracts and deploys teams of experts operating at above-average rates. The decentralized group is set for M&A adding new niches, which increases the diversification and drives sales growth. M&A and solid quarterly reports will act as catalysts in the company, run by experienced management with skin in the game.


Decentralized, specialized, and highly profitable.

Considering its solid customer list and EBIT margins above 10% CombinedX proves that its decentralized and specialized team-based strategy is competitive and profitable. With the most specialized businesses having even higher margins, we believe there is potential for more going forward. Regrading M&A, CombinedX follows the successful template of niched decentralized entities, which several listed businesses have showcased, providing diversification and solid margins.


The employees are almost the only asset.

While customer relationships are important, the employees are almost the only asset for any IT consulting company. Thus, attracting and retaining employees is key for the sector. We believe CombinedX, as a group of smaller specialized companies, has a sound approach to the challenge, as the impact of each employee is clear in that setting. Also, we believe the opportunity to work with a group of experts with deep know-how in a particular software platform strengthens the attractiveness further.


What is left for shareholders?

While customers are willing to pay high rates for specialists, the specialists typically want their fair share. In an environment with tough competition for talent, which has been the case in the IT consulting sector for years, shareholders might find there is not much left. However, considering CombinedX profitability, it has handled the challenge well so far, and we think the focus on teams and solutions rather than CV:s increases the company’s resilience.


Base Case SEK 60

Our Base Case values CombinedX at SEK 60 a share. We expect organic growth of ~5% and some margin increases for the coming years. While we believe M&A likely will be a major value driver in CombinedX going forward, we do not include future M&A in our Base Case at this point.

Quality Rating

People: 4

CombinedX receives 4 of 5 in People rating for the following reasons. First, the experienced and balanced management has substantial shareholdings in the company. Second, the significant shareholdings among the board, which consists of several co-founders. Third, CombinedX has an original approach to IT consulting with its decentralized group of specialist-companies strategy.

Business: 3

CombinedX receives 3 of 5 in Business rating for the following reasons. First, it is an asset-light business model with strong cash flows. Second, CombinedX serves a genuine need as it helps its customer digitalize to remain competitive. Third, CombinedX subsidiaries operate in niches where competition often is less than for a generalist IT consulting provider. However, the business model’s heavy dependence on its employees results in CombinedX not reaching a higher rating.

Financials: 2

CombinedX receives 2 of 5 in Financials rating for the following reasons. First, it is a profitable company with strong cash flow generation. Second, CombinedX has a solid financial position. To reach an even higher rating, CombinedX needs to extend its track record of profitable growth.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue115.5124.1130.3136.8142.3
Operating Expenses454.1546.1568.7591.8615.3
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses-5.8-3.2-1.3-1.3-1.3
Net Financial Items6.
Income Tax Expenses-12.2-15.7-17.3-19.1-20.4
Net Income35.257.766.573.578.7
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)4.38.412.916.619.8
Intangible Assets83.884.072.362.153.4
Right-of-Use Assets48.
Other Non-Current Assets8.
Total Non-Current Assets314.1343.9336.7330.3324.7
Current assets
Accounts Receivable142.6156.1163.3170.9177.9
Other Current Assets19.823.424.525.626.7
Cash Equivalents121.0142.7185.3229.3274.2
Total Current Assets283.4322.2373.2425.9478.7
Total Assets597.5666.1709.8756.2803.5
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity318.3361.9398.0436.4476.4
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt32.729.329.329.329.3
Long Term Lease Liabilities27.929.529.529.529.5
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities23.826.
Total Non-Current Liabilities84.484.884.884.884.8
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt29.236.536.536.536.5
Short Term Lease Liabilities19.518.918.918.918.9
Accounts Payable41.631.232.734.235.6
Other Current Liabilities104.2132.7138.8145.3151.2
Total Current Liabilities194.5219.3226.9234.8242.2
Total Liabilities and Equity597.2666.0709.7756.1803.4
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow40.993.598.8105.2109.9
Investing Cash Flow-53.8-30.0-6.5-6.8-7.1
Financing Cash Flow25.5-41.5-49.7-54.3-57.9

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Review of Q1 2023

Sales: Strong Thanks to High Utilization Rates  

Number of Employees: Net Increase of 32 q/q due to the Acquisition of Absfront

Per Employee and Working Day Data: Solid y/y Numbers

OPEX: Largely as Expected Despite Higher Sales

Profit and Cash Flow: 12% EBIT margin and Strong Cash Flow

Other Highlights from the Report

Estimate Revisions: Upward Revisions Despite Soft Q2 Guidance


Investment thesis

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