Avensia: Positive Trend in Utilization Rates

Research Update



Redeye retains its positive view of Avensia despite a soft Q2, with sales and EBIT below our expectations. Although Q2 was hurt by low utilization, Avensia experienced a gradual improvement during the quarter thanks to personnel reductions and a stabilized market. While we somewhat cut our forecast and Base Case, we still expect significant margin improvements mid-term, and we believe the case is intact.

Fredrik Nilsson

Jacob Svensson


Review of Q2 2023

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Low Utilization Rates Hurting Sales and EBIT

Sales fell by 8% y/y and was 11% below our expectations. EBIT, adjusted for SEK4.8m in restructuring costs, was SEK-1,8m (0.7), corresponding to an EBIT margin of -1.8% (0.6). Our forecast was SEK5.7m and 4.9%. A soft Sales-COGS/employees/working day due to low utilization rates hurt both sales and EBIT. As seen in recent quarters, weak e-commerce sales have reduced customers’ willingness to invest.

Gradual Improvements During the Quarter

On the other hand, the utilization rate improved gradually during the quarter due to Avensia reducing its capacity and a stabilizing market, although still below normal levels in terms of activity. Considering those factors, we believe Avensia is heading back to profitable territory H2 2023, followed by gradual margin improvements.

New Base Case SEK13 (14)

We reduced our Base Case somewhat to SEK13 (14) following the decreased forecasts. We expect negative EBIT for the full-year 2023 and cut our 2024 EBIT forecast by 20% while still assuming a substantial improvement next year. However, we believe the case, where we expect Avensia to regain its status as a profitable consulting firm, is intact.

Key financials

Total Revenue431.5417.4427.7464.6483.5
Revenue Growth10.6%-3.3%2.5%8.6%4.1%
EBIT Margin-3.0%-1.1%5.6%10.0%10.3%
Net Income-12.1-4.418.937.039.6

Review of Q2 2023

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Review of Q2 2023

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