Hoylu: Expecting a Strong End to 2024

Research Update



Redeye returns with an update following Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report that posted solid figures in line with our estimates. The company's growth prospects continue to be favorable and we make smaller upward ARR adjustments while increasing our cost projections somewhat.



Oskar Vilhelmsson

Jacob Svensson


Review of Q3 2023: Estimates versus outcome

ARR development: Continued improvements - Solid possibility to grow with existing customers

ARR split: Construction drives ARR-SaaS

Sales: In line with expectations

Gross margin: Slight decrease y/y with a clear uptick q/q

OPEX: Continued stabilisation

Profitability and financial position

Estimate Revisions: Slightly increased ARR forecast


Investment thesis

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Q3 figures in line, continued ARR growth

Overall, we argue that Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report was largely aligned with our expectations. Most importantly, Hoylu delivered ARR growth of 26% y/y or 46% annualized q/q, driven by solid development in the construction segment despite challenging industry conditions. We are encouraged by the solid growth rate stemming from the construction sector (111% y/y) despite the overall challenging industry conditions. Partly, we believe that it is explained by Hoylu’s possibilities to grow on existing (and large) construction clients which focuses on effectiveness.

Small estimate revisions

We make minor forecast adjustments following Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report. We increase our ARR forecasts by 3% for 2023e–2024e while we lower our gross margin assumptions marginally driven by slightly higher costs. However, as we expect Hoylu’s ARR-SaaS segment to remain its primary growth driver, we see gross margin improvements ahead. The higher ARR still leads to increased gross profit expectations of 1-3% for 2023e–2024e. In addition, we raise our 2023e–2024e OPEX forecasts by 1-3% driven by a few more employees. All in all, this leads to a slightly decreased EBIT forecast for the period which mainly is derived from Q3 actuals, rather than Q4 revisions.

Unchanged valuation

Our changes to the financial forecast do not entail any change to our base case valuation. In our model, we have increased Redeye's general risk rate to 3% during the quarter, but this effect is offset by higher growth rates for the coming years as well as a positive time value effect. For now, we argue for a Base Case of SEK1.8, with a Bear respectively Bull Cases of SEK0.5 and SEK7.5, while a continued performance like Q3 2023 will lead to further positive revisions on estimates and valuation range. The share trades in line with our base case, at low valuation multiples like 0.8-0.6x Sales for 2023e-2024e (inc. a dilutive rights issue) and we believe that the company will be increasingly attractive from a risk perspective once the financing situation is settled.

Key financials

Revenue Growth8.4%14.2%43.0%22.1%28.3%
EBIT Margin-102%-150%-97.2%-51.5%-21.8%
Net Income-32.1-52.3-49.6-28.9-18.2

Review of Q3 2023: Estimates versus outcome

Overall, we argue that Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report was largely aligned with our expectations. Most importantly, Hoylu delivered ARR growth of 26% y/y or 46% annualized q/q, driven by solid development in the construction segment despite challenging industry conditions. We are encouraged by the solid growth rate stemming from the construction sector (111% y/y) despite the overall challenging industry conditions. Partly, we believe that it is explained by Hoylu’s possibilities to grow on existing (and large) construction clients which focuses on effectiveness.

Net sales amounted to SEK15m (12m), corresponding to a 23% y/y growth, and were in line with our estimate. ARR-SaaS (which includes Hoylu’s construction segment) amounted to SEK31.3m compared with SEK27.5m in Q2 2023, corresponding to c67% annualized q/q growth. This was in line with our forecast of SEK31m. ARR-Mobile products reached SEK30.5m versus SEK29m in Q2 2023, corresponding to c27.5% annualized q/q growth and 5% above our expectations of SEK29m.

The gross margin came in at 67% (66%), one pp. below our expectations of 68%. Actual OPEX (development, sales, and administrative costs) amounted to a negative SEK13m (-13.0m), in line with our expectation of negative SEK12.8m. All in all, EBITDA and EBIT amounted to negatives of SEK3m and SEK7m, respectively – slightly below our expectations. Furthermore, the cash position at the end of the quarter was SEK9.1m, compared with SEK15.7m in Q2 2023, we expect an additional need for a capital injection of around SEK20m.

Looking ahead, Hoylu remains optimistic about the growth potential in its construction segment in H2 2023, despite the current somewhat more challenging market conditions.

Hoylu: Estimates versus actuals
SEKmQ3 23eQ3 23aDiff (%)Q3 22Q2 23
Net sales14.715.12%12.214.2
Growth y/y (%)20.4%23.3%50.3%8.4%
Annualised q/q growth (%) 27.8%46.2%37.2%35.4%
Gross profit10.010.01%8.19.5
Gross margin (%)67.8%66.6%66.2%66.7%
Development, sales and administrative costs -12.8-13.01%-13.0-13.0
Growth y/y (%)-0.9%0.5%-18.6%0.3%
EBITDA margin (%)-19.6%-19.9%-40.0%-24.9%
EBIT margin (%)-10.9%-11.1%-16.6%-12.9%
Source: Redeye Research (estimates), Hoylu (historical data)

ARR development: Continued improvements - Solid possibility to grow with existing customers

Q3 2023 ARR amounted to SEK61.8m compared with SEK56.2m in Q2 2023, which resulted in 46% q/q on an annualized basis. The ARR was driven by, as mentioned, increased traction within its construction segment (included in its ARR-SaaS segment), along with higher-than-expected growth within its other segment, ARR-Mobile products. However, it is worth mentioning that Hoylu’s ARR growth can exhibit relatively large fluctuations q/q due to when orders occur.

Hoylu: ARR and q/q growth

1. Tot ARR and growth, light

Source: Redeye Research, Hoylu

The ARR and its growth rate are among the most important metrics to follow in Hoylu. ARR is a leading indicator of SaaS revenue growth, the main driver of profit growth, and is thus essential to the investment case and Hoylu’s road to stable profitability.

ARR split: Construction drives ARR-SaaS

Hoylu’s ARR-SaaS segment, which includes its agile and construction segment, amounted to SEK31.3m in Q3 2023 and recognized c67% annualized q/q growth. At the same time, Hoylu’s other segment, ARR-Mobile products, reached SEK30.5m compared with SEK28.7m in Q2 2023, corresponding to c28% annualized q/q growth.

We appreciate seeing the Hoylus core ARR-SaaS segment gaining momentum. We believe that Hoylu’s construction segment is the most important for investors to keep track of, as management has stated it as its core business area. For the construction segment, we want to highlight that it grew substantially, posting a growth of c111% y/y.

According to management, the growth within construction derives from both new and existing customers, while the aim ahead is to increase the average sales per project. As such, Hoylu remains optimistic about continued growth potential within this area in H2 2023, despite the current market conditions. Within the construction segment, we understand that the penetration rate on current customers is low, as an example Hoylu has several large construction companies using its platform in one to ten of its projects, with a potential of expanding its usage tenfold. We believe this offers attractive growth prospects at lower CAC, as the customer already is onboard.

Hoylu: ARR split — SaaS and Mobile products

2. ARR split, light

Source: Redeye Research, Hoylu

Regarding the dARR (i.e. the absolute delta in ARR), the dARR-SaaS amounted to SEK3.6m in Q3 2023 q/q, while the dARR-Mobile products amounted to SEK0.4m. Since Q1 2021. Notably, Hoylu signed a deal for its team collaboration platform with the US Navy in late September. The order value, including software and services revenues, amounts to SEK2.2m for the initial year. The Navy will use Hoylu’s platform for tasks like day-to-day scrums, sprint management, programme evaluation, and monitoring. We argue that an order from such a well-known customer, which we expect to have very high requirements, validates Hoylu’s reputation as a secure platform and thus serves as a quality stamp.

At the same time, we see that this order confirms the value of Hoylu’s platform, further showcasing its suitability for complex project management across several industries. Moreover, we believe that once Hoylu has managed to sell its platform to a new customer, there is potential for the order to be expanded in the future. Going forward, we see its ARR-SaaS segment as the primary growth driver, while we expect relatively moderate growth within its ARR-Mobile products.

Hoylu: dARR q/q — SaaS and Mobile products

dARR - SaaS/Mobile, light

Source: Redeye Research, Hoylu

Sales: In line with expectations

Q3 2023 net sales amounted to SEK15.1m (12.2m), corresponding to an increase of 23.3% y/y. The sales came in line with our expectations driven by sales from both ARR-SaaS och ARR-Mobile.

Hoylu: Net sales and y/y growth

3. net sales and growth, light

Source: Redeye Research, Hoylu

Gross margin: Slight decrease y/y with a clear uptick q/q

The gross margin amounted to 66.6% in Q3 2023, in line with Q2 2023, and slightly below our expectations as we had expected a smaller share of sales to the mobile segment. As Hoylu has moved away from its Hoylu-Wall offering in the most recent time and has focused entirely on its SaaS business, the gross margin outcome nowadays is mainly a result of the ARR mix. The ARR-SaaS/ARR-Mobile product split in Q3 2023 was 50.6%/49.4%. However, as we expect the ARR-SaaS segment to be Hoylu’s primary growth driver, we anticipate a larger share of the ARR-SaaS segment ahead and, thus, gross margin improvements.

Hoylu: Net sales, OPEX and gross margin

4. sales, opex, GM, light

Source: Redeye Research, Hoylu

OPEX: Continued stabilisation

Q3 2023 OPEX amounted to SEK13.0m and thus remained flat y/y. As such, Hoylu saw a continued OPEX stabilization of around SEK13m in the quarter, which has been the case since Q2 2022 when excluding the tax provision for a potential tax surcharge in Q4 2022. According to management, one explanation for the continued cost stabilization is a more effective sale process to bring in new leads. We appreciate the continued cost control, especially given the accelerated ARR growth. We argue this indicates the scalability of the business model, as it seems that ARR growth can occur at low incremental costs. The company hired three new employees during the quarter so we expect some increase going forward.

Profitability and financial position

EBITDA and EBIT amounted to negatives SEK3m and SEK7m in Q3 2023, respectively, slightly more negative than our expectations but negligible in nominal amounts. This stemmed from slightly higher sales, ARR, and gross margin, while OPEX aligned with our expectations. The cash position in Q3 2023 amounted to SEK9.1m compared with SEK15.7m in Q2 2023 and we expect an additional need for a capital injection of around SEK20m.

Hoylu: Net sales, EBITDA, EBIT and margins

5. sales, EBIT(DA)&margins,light

Source: Redeye Research, Hoylu

Estimate Revisions: Slightly increased ARR forecast

We make minor forecast adjustments following Hoylu’s Q3 2023 report. We increase our ARR forecasts by 3% for 2023e–2024e while we lower our gross margin assumptions marginally driven by slightly higher costs. However, as we expect Hoylu’s ARR-SaaS segment to remain its primary growth driver, we see gross margin improvements ahead. The higher ARR still leads to increased gross profit expectations of 1-3% for 2023e–2024e. In addition, we raise our 2023e–2024e OPEX forecasts by 1-3% driven by a few more employees. All in all, this leads to a slightly decreased EBIT forecast for the period which mainly is derived by Q3 actuals rather than Q4 revisions.

However, given our current forecast, we expect Hoylu to reach a breakeven result on the EBITDA level by 2024e while positive in 2025 at first. As such, we believe external financing challenges could be a continued risk before the company reaches stable profitability, considering our current estimates, Hoylu’s cash burn, and current cash position. We thus anticipate a future share issue in our model, which we discuss further in the valuation section below.

Hoylu: Estimate revisions
Net sales58.257.32%74.772.33%
Growth y/y (%)22.1%20.3%28.3%26.1%
Growth y/y (%)26.8%22.5%25.2%25.5%
Gross profit38.538.31%53.852.43%
Gross margin (%)66.2%66.9%72.1%72.5%
Development, sales and administrative costs -53.2-52.51%-55.3-53.53%
Growth y/y (%)-15.7%-16.8%3.8%1.8%
EBITDA margin (%)-25.3%-24.8%-1.9%-1.6%
EBIT margin (%)-45.5%-45.5%-19.7%-19.4%
Source: Redeye Research
Hoylu: Financial forecast
SEKm2022Q1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23e2023e2024e2025e2026e
Net sales47.612.714.
Growth y/y (%)43.0%38.5%8.4%23.3%23.3%22.1%28.3%19.6%17.7%
Annualised q/q (y/y) growth (%) 50.0%1.6%35.4%46.2%28.5%26.8%25.2%17.4%18.0%
Gross profit31.98.09.510.011.038.553.866.880.9
Gross margin (%)66.9%62.9%66.7%66.6%68.0%66.2%72.1%74.8%77.0%
Development, sales and administrative costs -63.1-13.5-13.0-13.0-13.7-53.2-55.3-57.7-60.9
Growth y/y (%)-0.9%-32.8%0.3%0.5%-19.2%-15.7%3.8%4.3%5.6%
EBITDA margin (%)-65.7%-42.8%-24.9%-19.9%-17.0%-25.3%-1.9%10.2%19.1%
EBIT margin (%)-97.2%-71.5%-51.1%-45.7%-41.4%-51.5%-21.8%-5.8%5.1%
Source: Redeye Research (estimates), Hoylu (historical data)
Hoylu: ARR forecast
SEKm2022Q1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23e2023e2024e2025e2026e
Annualised q/q (y/y) growth (%) 50.0%1.6%35.4%46.2%28.5%26.8%25.2%17.4%18.0%
Growth q/q (y/y) (%)50.0%0.4%7.9%10.0%6.5%26.8%25.2%17.4%18.0%
Growth q/q (y/y), absolute (SEKm)
ARR - SaaS25.425.127.531.334.934.950.764.481.2
Annualised q/q (y/y) growth (%) 39.6%-4.6%44.1%67.8%55.0%37.5%45.2%27.0%26.0%
Growth q/q (y/y) (%)39.6%-1.2%9.6%13.8%11.6%37.5%45.2%27.0%26.0%
q/q growth absolute, SEKm (y/y)7.2-
As a % of total ARR48.9%48.2%48.9%50.6%53.1%53.1%61.6%66.6%71.1%
ARR - Mobile products26.527.028.730.530.930.931.632.332.9
Annualised q/q (y/y) growth (%) 61.6%7.8%27.7%27.5%5.0%16.5%2.5%2.0%2.0%
Growth q/q (y/y) (%)61.6%1.9%6.3%6.3%1.2%16.5%2.5%2.0%2.0%
q/q growth absolute, SEKm (y/y)
As a % of total ARR51.1%51.8%51.1%49.4%46.9%46.9%38.4%33.4%28.9%
Source: Redeye Research (estimates), Hoylu (historical data)


Count on a future share issue

Given Hoylu’s current cash burn and cash position, along with our current estimates, we expect the cash injection from the recent rights issue, after Hoylu offsets its convertibles notes, to be sufficient until sometime in Q4 2023–Q2 2024. As such, we argue external financing challenges will remain a risk, as we expect Hoylu to be dependent on bringing in further external capital before it reaches stable profitability, which may come at the expense of a dilution effect. Consequently, we count on an equity raise in our DCF model, as we believe Hoylu will need roughly SEK20m before achieving positive cash flow.

Notably, we have previously accounted for future external financing in our valuation of Hoylu. However, we have chosen to express it here more transparently while we update the conditions for a potential share issue. We want to underline that these are our own assumptions and may thus deviate largely from the reality and the actual outcome. However, since the share issue assumptions are tied to the share price at that date, we will evaluate those assumptions continuously. To express the sensitivity of these assumptions, we have chosen to visualize potential outcomes in the table below, including different subscription prices, the amount raised, and the potential dilution effect.

Potential dilution (%)
Amount raised, SEKm
Source: Redeye Research

Unchanged Base Case of SEK1.8

Our changes in the financial forecast do not entail any change to our base case valuation. In our model, we have increased Redeye's general risk rate to 3% during the quarter, but this effect is offset by higher growth rates for the coming years as well as the time value. Considering our forecast changes mentioned previously, we argue for a Base Case of SEK1.8, with a Bear respectively Bull Cases of SEK0.5 and SEK7.5.

Investment thesis


Niche construction and engineering focus to drive future growth

Hoylu is currently transitioning into a fully SaaS business with an increased focus on the construction and engineering vertical. We consider this niche focus the right move, giving Hoylu a strong value proposition while limiting competitors. In addition, its well-known large enterprise customers often start as free users or initially deploy to only a fraction of its operations, suggesting future upselling potential. Additional quarterly reports with solid growth serve as the primary catalyst.


Well-known enterprise validation through upselling

Hoylu’s customer base includes several well-known enterprises that have validated its product, such as FedEx, Procter & Gamble and AF Gruppen. For example, Procter & Gamble has scaled up to ~2,700 paying users and AF Gruppen has included the platform in several new projects after the initial order. Furthermore, the ARR-SaaS has grown from one-third of the total ARR in 2019 to today’s >50%, and we expect this transition to continue. Given the segment’s gross margins of ~90%, this can drive future margins.


Convert leads to accelerate growth

Although Hoylu is growing its annual recurring revenues (ARR), one challenge is to convert leads and free users into revenues to a greater extent to accelerate growth further. However, we believe the increased focus on the construction and engineering segment boosts Hoylu’s value proposition and can improve its growth prospects. Furthermore, its well-known customer base can give rise to future growth opportunities through upselling.


Approach profitability to avoid external financing

One other challenge is to approach profitability to avoid facing external financing challenges. Given Hoylu's current cash position, there is a likelihood of encountering such challenges, while a subsequent dilution effect is likely, which we argue can put pressure on the stock. However, if Hoylu can accelerate its growth, we believe it is possible to achieve long-term profitability with solid margins, which its scalable business suggest.


Low EV/ARR if growth accelerating

Our DCF model indicates a Base Case of SEK1.8 per share and SEK0.5 and SEK7.5 in our Bear and Bull cases. Hoylu is currently traded at an attractive EV/ARR multiple versus peers. However, this can be justified to some extent by its low market cap and unprofitable phase, as reflected in our Base Case. At the same time, if Hoylu can capitalise on its large enterprise customers and grow its ARR, the upside is significant while approaching a median peer valuation, as reflected in our Bull Case.

Quality Rating

People: 2

Hoylu receives the score for the People rating based on its management, board members, and owners. CEO Truls Baklid has a solid background, international experience, and a sales-driven approach. At the same time, the board has relevant and complementary expertise, including entrepreneurial skills and experience from publicly listed and SaaS companies, which we like. To achieve a higher score in the future, we want to see management with more skin in the game and Hoylu executing the current strategic plan to a greater extent. 

Business: 3

Hoylu achieves an average rating in the Business category for several reasons. First, the SaaS business model is scalable, with non-cyclical, recurring revenue streams, resulting in good predictability. Second, Hoylu’s product offers explicit value creation for its customers. And third, several structural trends drive the underlying market, such as digitisation, increased use of cloud-based applications, and the increased use of collaboration platforms in the wake of the pandemic. However, to improve this rating further, we want to see Hoylu’s products win a more significant market share.

Financials: 0

Hoylu receives a lower rating in Financials than in the other categories mainly because it remains unprofitable, which could imply future external financing needs. Thanks to the scalable business, however, we see that margins can gradually improve as the company grows, providing room for Hoylu to achieve a higher rating in this category in the future.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue8.615.819.720.822.5
Operating Expenses63.763.153.255.357.7
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses2.43.3-
Net Financial Items-2.4-3.31.1-2.0-2.0
Income Tax Expenses0.
Net Income-52.3-49.6-28.9-18.2-7.2
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)0.670.610.100.701.1
Intangible Assets45.546.138.042.450.5
Right-of-Use Assets0.
Other Non-Current Assets0.630.
Total Non-Current Assets51.751.843.248.256.7
Current assets
Accounts Receivable9.710.414.518.722.3
Other Current Assets2.
Cash Equivalents4.316.914.514.92.4
Total Current Assets18.130.633.739.531.9
Total Assets69.882.576.987.788.6
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity28.4-14.944.826.619.4
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities0.
Total Non-Current Liabilities0.
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt20.071.70.0020.020.0
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable5.
Other Current Liabilities15.421.226.233.640.2
Total Current Liabilities41.397.332.061.169.1
Total Liabilities and Equity69.882.576.987.788.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-34.0-30.6-12.70.1810.3
Investing Cash Flow-16.6-8.4-6.6-19.8-22.8
Financing Cash Flow50.051.616.920.00.00

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Review of Q3 2023: Estimates versus outcome

ARR development: Continued improvements - Solid possibility to grow with existing customers

ARR split: Construction drives ARR-SaaS

Sales: In line with expectations

Gross margin: Slight decrease y/y with a clear uptick q/q

OPEX: Continued stabilisation

Profitability and financial position

Estimate Revisions: Slightly increased ARR forecast


Investment thesis

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