Northbaze: Heading into 2024 with excitement

Research Update



Redeye updates on Northbaze following Q4 results, which were weaker than expected on the topline but in line with our EBITDA forecasts. With the acquisition of Skalhuset last December, Redeye anticipates an exciting 2024 for Northbaze. The company's outlook remains uncertain due to persistent challenges in the market, leading to adjustments in our estimates and a downward revision of the valuation range



Fredrik Reuterhäll

Oskar Vilhelmsson


Q4 2023

Sales per business segment

Cost level and margins

Cash flows

Financial forecast 2024E to 2026E


Investment thesis

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Soft sales with EBITDA margin inline

Northbaze reached net sales of SEK35m, a y/y growth/decline of -27%. It came in lower than our estimates of SEK42m. Gross margin came in at 35%, vs our est of 40%. Ebitda was SEK-2,7m, vs. our estimate of SEK-2,9m, which aligns with our estimate.

Exciting 2024

With the acquisition of Skalhuset last December, Redeye anticipates an exciting year for Northbaze in 2024. Following the acquisition, our initial estimate projected Skalhuset to contribute approximately SEK98m to the top line. However, in the latest Q4 report, the CEO said the acquisition would add SEK90m. Consequently, we adjusted our sales estimate downward and made minor modifications to the margins. Despite recognizing the challenging nature of the underlying market, Northbaze is now in a much-improved position due to streamlined organizational structures and implemented cost-cutting programs. We anticipate the NetDebt/EBITDA ratio to range between 1.1 and 1.3x by the end of 2024.


We are adjusting our valuation range downward to SEK0.10 - SEK 1.57 (SEK0.22 - SEK2.20) with a Base case at SEK0.71 (0.8). As of closing on 22nd of February 2024, Northbaze’s market capitalisation stood at SEK61m, resulting in an Enterprise Value (EV) of SEK76m. This corresponds to an LTM EV/Sales multiple of 0.7x.

Key financials

Revenue Growth24.8%-29.1%85.5%7.7%8.8%
EBITDA Margin-0.5%-5.5%5.7%7.0%8.0%
EBIT Margin-9.6%-28.9%-0.5%0.8%1.8%
Net Income-15.9-41.1-3.7-1.40.80

Q4 2023

Northbaze reached net sales of SEK35m, a y/y decline of -27%. It came in lower than our estimates of SEK42m. Gross profit came in at SEK12m, vs our est of SEK17m. Ebitda was SEK-2,7m, vs our estimate of SEK-2,9m, inline with our estimate.

Northbaze: Actual vs Estimate (MSEK)
Q4'23AQ4'23EDiff vs Est.Y/Y Growth
Net sales3542-15%-27%
Audio & Sound770%-40%
Gross Profit12170-11%
Total opex-15-200-32%
Gross Profit Margin (%)35%40%-5pp21%
EBITDA Margin (%)-8%-7%-1pp-55%
EBIT Margin (%)-29%-15%-14pp5%
Basic EPS-0.08-0.20.5-5%
Source: Redeye Research

All segments lost between -12% and -40% y/y.

Adiantes reached SEK18,4m in sales (SEK21m), with a y/y decline of -12%. Audio & Sound had sales of SEK6,6m (11m), y/y decline -40%. Mobility had sales of SEK10.4m (16.4m), y/y decline of -37%.

EBIT for the quarter was SEK-10m, resulting in an EBIT margin of -29% (-27% last year). Cashflow from operations amounted to SEK2,8m, resulting in a cash position of SEK11m at the end of the period.

Northbaze Group: Revenue mix LTM

Sales per business segment

Adiantes reached SEK18.4m in sales, y/y decline of 12%. Particular weak summer month hit sales in the quarter. However, according to the CEO, there was a strong inflow of orders from external customers at the end of the quarter.

Audio & Sound had sales of SEK6.6m, y/y decline of 40%. The Audio & Sound business segment is experiencing a decline due to a repositioning of its operations. The focus now primarily revolves around long-term contracts, where Northbaze designs and distributes private-label products for customers. The repositioning took longer than anticipated, and sales only commenced towards the end of the year. The segment was significantly impacted by weaker sales to Teknikmagasinet experienced during the fall. The recent declaration of bankruptcy by Teknikmagasinet on January 4, 2024, results in direct losses in inventory and accounts receivable, as well as a decrease in sales for the business segment

Mobility had sales of SEK10.4m, y/y decline of 37%. Demand from retail and B2B is still weak. The success of the launch of the iPhone 15 is essential for this category. However, higher inflation and an overall increase in living expenses continue to dampen the demand for new smartphones and accessories globally.

Cost level and margins

Northbaze reported COGS of SEK-23m, resulting in a gross margin of 36%, 5ppt lower than our estimate. Gross margin in the quarter was 35%, lower than our estimate of 40%, and the reason was increasing part of private label products and inventory clearance sale. As always, the margin will fluctuate over the quarters depending on the revenue growth, currency effect and transportation costs. It is also important to note that Northbaze’s product mix highly influences the gross margin.

OPEX came in better than our estimate, so management is doing a good job trimming costs.

Northbaze: Cost base (SEKm)

For the quarter EBITDA was -8% and -6% for the full year 2023. With Skalhuset in combination with the lower cost base, we should expect a more stable and positive EBITDA margin during 2024. We estimate 4% in Q1 2024 and an improvement during the year to end at 6% for the full year.

Northbaze: EBITDA margin

Cash flows

Cashflow from operations amounted to SEK2.8m in the quarter, resulting in a cash position of SEK11m at the end of the period. According to our cash flow estimate, cash levels at the end of the year after the payout of the Copter earn-out and Skalhuset acquisition should be around SEK14m.

Financial forecast 2024E to 2026E

With the acquisition of Skalhuset last December, Redeye argues that 2024 will be an exciting year for Northbaze. In our note after the acquisition, we estimated Skalhuset to add sales of about SEK98m to the topline. In the latest Q4 report, the CEO says the acquisition will add SEK90m. We, therefore, trimmed down our sales estimate downward and made minor adjustments to the margins. We still believe the underlying market is tough, but Nortbaze is in much better shape regarding the slimed organization and cost-cutting programs in the bag. We estimate the NetDebt/EBITDA will be around 1.1 to 1.3x at the end of 2024.

Northbaze has set financial targets, including an annual growth rate of over 20%, and EBITDA of 10%, with solvency ratio exceeding 30%. We are not that optimistic. We trimmed our revenue growth down on lower sales from Skalhuset and cut the EBITDA margin with 1pp as we anticipate integration costs and higher input prices.

Northbaze: Changes vs previous estimates (MSEK)
Net sales118
Gross Profit Margin (%)49%
Margin (%)-6%4%3%5%10%6%7%8%
Margin (%)7%7%7%7%7%8%9%
Source: Redeye Research
Northbaze: Financial Forecast (MSEK)
Net sales11857485261218235256
Gross Profit57232021259096105
Basic EPS-
Revenue Growth-29%78%50%86%72%85%8%9%
Gross Profit Margin (%)49%41%41%41%41%41%41%41%
EBITDA Margin (%)-6%4%3%5%10%6%7%8%
EBIT Margin (%)-29%-2%-3%-1%4%0%1%2%
Net Income Margin (%)-35%-3%-4%-2%2%-2%-1%0%
Source: Redeye Research


As of closing on 22nd of February 2024, Northbaze’s market capitalisation stood at SEK61m, resulting in an Enterprise Value (EV) of SEK76m. This corresponds to an LTM EV/Sales multiple of 0.7x.

In 2024E, we project Northbaze will reach sales of SEK218m, with an EBITDA of SEK12m. Based on these estimates, the implied EV/Sales multiple for 2024 is 0.3x, while the EV/EBITDA multiple is 6.1x. Both adjusted for the SEK10m earn-out and for the Skalhuset acquisition.

Northbaze Group: Peer comparison

Northbaze: Peer valuation
CompaniesEV (MSEK)20222023E2024E20222023E2024E20222023E2024E
DistIT AB4390.
Cellularline SpA12530.
STRAX AB4510.41.41.2-9.7-3-40-6.8-2.9-18.4
Northbaze Group AB800.50.60.640276.6-6.1-4.0-26.6
Source: Factset & Redeye Research

We believe the primary catalysts for Northbaze’s share performance are announcements of large customer contracts and margin expansion following the establishment of productivity and cost-saving measures.

We derive our fair value range from a fundamental DCF framework for three scenarios: base case (most likely), bear case (pessimistic), and bull case (optimistic), using a WACC of 13.5%.

As mentioned, we are adjusting our valuation range downward to SEK0.10 - SEK 1.57 (SEK0.22 to SEK2.20) with a Base case at SEK0.71 (0.8).

Northbaze: Fair value range
SEKBear CaseBase CaseBull CaseDCF split per period, Base CaseWACC13.5%
Value per share0.100.711.572025-202815%20
Revenue CAGR 2025-20393%6%10%Terminal24%31
Revenue CAGR 2025-20294%9%14%Sum100%131
Growth Terminal3%3%3%Net debt 2024E14
Equity value117
EBITDA-margin 2025-20395%8%11%Shares outstanding166
EBIT-margin 2025-20393%6%9%Value per share, SEK0.7
Source: Redeye ResearchCurrent share price0.4

Investment thesis


Transformation from brand dependent consumer-elctronics into a stable company with higher margins

Since 2016, Northbaze has evolved from a one-brand consumer-electronics company into a much more stable company with less brand- and product risk and a much higher margin profile. The company has built a strong product portfolio and a more attractive customer mix. After the latest acquisition of, Northbaze will be one of the major players in Sweden, with the potential to increase sales in Finland, Norway and Denmark. Northbaze has transformed in recent years through streamlining and cost-reduction efforts to enable profitable growth in the coming years. After Northbaze acquired Lowwi AB ( in December 2023, its revenue increased by 71%.


Adiantes and Copter constitute stability and higher margins

We think Adiantes is the most solid and highest-quality business of Northbaze Group. With Adiantes, the brand risk is reduced and almost eliminated as revenues are split between a wide range of brands and products within each brand. With a high-quality offering and a rather low-cost personnel base in Thailand, we think Adiantes can deliver solid margins over time, surpassing the group target of 10% EBITDA.

Supportive Analysis

Out of the whole company, Copter has the highest gross margins by far. Also, with a highly automated and scalable factory, this part has vast potential to strengthen group profit margins if this part gains additional volume. The lowest hanging fruits lie in cross-selling Copter products to existing partners. Here, the most attractive partners to get into are Kjell & Company, and Clas Ohlson.


Fragmented market, fragile position in brands

The markets for both Audio & Sound and Smart Mobility are highly fragmented with some established brands and many smaller companies operating locally or globally. Easy access to OEMs makes entry barriers low - both in terms of capital requirements and technology challenges. The lack of moat pressures Northbaze for constant innovation. However, we believe Adiantes and Copter are much more resilient to brand risk as those customer bases consist of a wide range of companies and brands.


Base Case at SEK0.71

Our valuation range spans between SEK 0.10 and SEK1.6, with Base Case at SEK0.71.The key drivers behind Northbaze’s stock performance are the announcements of large customer contracts and accelerated growth coupled with a margin expansion following the establishment of productivity and cost-saving measures.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Overall, Northbaze scores a 3 out of five points in the people section. On the positive side, we see management with relevant and extensive industry experience. It further shows a good understanding of the market and has a clear and sound strategy in place. However, due to their short history with the company, we require additional time to raise the rating as they showcase their ability. The board of directors holds a significant portion of the shares and has a dedicated interest in the future of the company. We would, however, have wished for higher management holdings in relation to its remuneration.

Business: 3

The company scores a 3 out of five points in this section. The score is derived from operating in a highly competitive and low margin industry where the company does not hold a leading market position. The business model is scalable, utilizing external capacity with OEM producers within the Audio & Sound segment. The newly acquired companies within Smart Mobility including the most recent acquisition of Copter widen the revenue base, diversify the business risk, and open up for additional operational improvements and a long runway for growth.

Financials: 2

The company scores a 2 out of five points in this section. It is currently losing money and has in the past been struggling to reach profitability. On the positive side, it is operating from a relatively low capital base, with tight cost control and improved gross margins around 50%. To reach a higher score within this section, the company has to materialize the turnaround and enter into profitability, which will have a significant impact on the score.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue90.160.4128.9138.8151.0
Operating Expenses76.763.977.180.084.5
Shares in Associates1.10.860.860.860.86
Interest Expenses0.
Net Financial Items0.00-3.3-3.6-3.6-3.6
Income Tax Expenses0.003.7-0.96-0.350.21
Net Income-15.9-41.1-3.7-1.40.80
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)10.221.624.828.432.2
Intangible Assets14.40.98-12.6-27.2-43.0
Right-of-Use Assets0.
Other Non-Current Assets9.
Total Non-Current Assets112.2102.792.481.469.4
Current assets
Accounts Receivable29.522.040.844.047.8
Other Current Assets0.006.211.612.513.5
Cash Equivalents19.611.014.325.840.8
Total Current Assets70.066.0116.2135.5160.2
Total Assets182.2168.7208.6216.9229.6
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity95.463.059.357.958.7
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.931.
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.367.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities20.30.410.410.410.41
Total Non-Current Liabilities21.
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt36.326.826.826.826.8
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable13.713.424.826.729.0
Other Current Liabilities15.054.1100.4108.1117.6
Total Current Liabilities65.396.4154.0163.7175.5
Total Liabilities and Equity182.2168.7222.6230.9243.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-22.520.720.615.018.9
Investing Cash Flow-3.4-1.8-17.3-3.5-3.8
Financing Cash Flow0.

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Q4 2023

Sales per business segment

Cost level and margins

Cash flows

Financial forecast 2024E to 2026E


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

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