Heliospectra: Rebound in the Duch market boosts strong growth potential  

Research Update



Redeye has revised its estimates in light of Heliospectra’s Q4 2023 report, which was slightly softer than expected regarding sales and order intake. Yet, we expect a rebound in the Dutch market during 2024 and expect Heliospect to capitalise on it with its new product platform. However, due to softer-than-expected order intake in Q4 2023 and seasonal effects, we foresee a softer first half followed by a stronger second half in 2024. Our Base case remains intact at SEK1.4 per share.



Jessica Grunewald

Henrik Alveskog


Q4 2023 Review

Financial Q4 2023: Sales and order book

Financial Q4 2023: Profitability and Cost Base


Forecast and forecast adjustments


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

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Weaker sales and order intake

Heliospectra reported a flat growth rate y/y, resulting in net sales of SEK9.9m, below our expectations of SEK12.2m, resulting in a -19 % deviation. Order intake was SEK9.4m, 15% below our forecast of SEK11m. The gross margin of 28% is 16pp below our forecast of 44%. OPEX amounted to SEK9.m, a decrease of SEK4m y/y and on par with our estimate. The lower-than-expected gross margin led to a higher operating loss (EBIT) of SEK7.6 million compared to our estimated SEK3.8m.

37% y/y growth in 2023, expected to rise further in 2024

In 2023, despite severe market challenges, net sales experienced a 37% year-over-year growth. Factors such as inflation, higher interest rates, reduced energy prices, and a delayed subsidy program in the Netherlands led to a significant drop of 40-50% in the market for cultivation lighting, according to the report. Consequently, many commercial growers and customers deferred their investments to 2024 or chose smaller initial test installations. Meanwhile, Heliospectra expanded its industry network in 2023, allowing it to pursue larger projects and bolster the pipeline for 2024. As a result, Heliospectra anticipates a shift in its portfolio towards larger commercial greenhouses in 2024. We expect that Heliospectra will capitalise on the rebound in the Duch market with its new product platform throughout 2024. However, due to softer-than-expected order intake in Q4 2023 and seasonal effects, we foresee a softer first half followed by a stronger second half in 2024. For 2024e, we factor in a c61% y/y sales growth, equal to cSEK57m.

Intact Base case at SEK1.4 per share

On the back of the Q4 2023 report, we have adjusted our estimates, primarily impacting H1 2024e by trimming our sales and cost base estimates. Additionally, we foresee a high likelihood of the bridge loan, obtained in November 2023, being settled through a directed share issuance rather than a cash repayment. Consequently, we have adjusted our valuation for the anticipated dilution. Our adjustments leave our Base and bear case intact at SEK1.4 and SEK0.4 per share, respectively, while the Bull case comes down by 10%. Our fair value range is adjusted to SEK0.4-SEK3.6 per share (previously: SEK0.4-SEK4.0). Heliospectra is trading at an EV/Sales multiple of 1x based on our 2024e.

Key financials

Revenue Growth11.5%57.4%46.7%
EBIT Margin-67.1%-8.1%1.7%
Net Income-22.7-4.61.4

Q4 2023 Review

The Q4 2023 report sales and order intake figures were slightly softer than expected. OPEX was in line with our SEK9.2 forecast. However, a large charge of SEK4.1m resulting from discontinuing the MITRA Classic production line at the company’s Swedish partner and the write-off of stock and components impacted OPEX. The lower-than-expected gross margin led to a higher operating loss (EBIT) of SEK7.6m compared to our estimated loss of SEK3.8m.

Heliospectra: Actual vs estimates
Net sales10.09.912.2-19%
Growth y/y-20%-1%22%-23pp
Gross margin14%28%44%-16pp
Order intake12.89.411.0-15%
Source: Heliospectra, Redeye Research

Financial Q4 2023: Sales and order book

Heliospectra reported a flat year-on-year growth rate, resulting in net sales of SEK9.9m, which fell below our expectations of SEK12.2m. The gross margin of 28% is 16pp below our forecast of 44%. Despite severe market challenges in 2023, net sales experienced a robust 37% year-over-year growth. Although the report did not disclose the product mix between Agtech and the greenhouse segment, the company stated it was a stable mix. Looking ahead to 2024, Heliospectra anticipates a significant shift towards the greenhouse segment as it fills the pipeline with larger greenhouse projects.

Net sales, light

The order intake of SEK9.4m is 15% below our forecast of SEK11m. However, we believe Heliospectra has substantial pending contracts outside the Dutch market that might convert into confirmed orders in H1 2024

Order, light

Financial Q4 2023: Profitability and Cost Base

OPEX amounted to SEK9.0m, a decrease of c45% y/y and on par with our estimate. Heliospectra launched a cost-reduction program last year, consistently delivering favourable outcomes over the past six quarters, significantly optimising the company’s cost structure. In Q1 2024, Heliospectra concluded the final phase of the cost-cutting program by relocating the office in Gothenburg, resulting in a 50% reduction in rent costs. Due to the negative gross margin, the operating loss (EBIT) was higher than expected at SEK7.6 vs our -SEK3.8m estimate.
Operating cash flow for FY 2023 was -SEK25.1m; by the end of the quarter, cash and cash equivalents amounted to cSEK8.6m. In November 2023, Heliospectra announced a secured bridge loan of SEK10m from the main owners Weland Stål AB, Agartha AB, and Corespring New Technology AB. According to the company, the bridge loan enables the company to accelerate the commercial plan for 2024 and drive growth in strategic markets.


The Dutch market presented challenges for Heliospectra during 2023, with factors such as the absence of reference projects, a postponed subsidy program, and a market decline of 40-50% this year creating significant headwinds. Nevertheless, the subsidy program in the Netherlands is now open for applications, but growers have up to two years after approval to reimburse the 20% discount on energy-saving investments. As a result, we do not anticipate seeing any effects from the program until mid-2024, when growers typically place their orders.
Research and development efforts remain robust, with multiple product and platform enhancements in the pipeline. HelioCORE 2.0 was released commercially in Q4 2023. New features include the implementation of real weather forecasts in the DLI controller, a new graphical interface of the installation with a drag-and-drop feature for creating zones, and an improved data overview of the environment. During Q4, the development team advanced the next-generation ELIXIA and DYNA products, incorporating additional functionality set to launch in April/May 2024.
Heliospectra expanded its industry network in 2023, allowing it to pursue larger projects and bolster the pipeline for 2024. As a result, Heliospectra anticipates a shift in its portfolio towards larger commercial greenhouses in 2024. Due to the softer-than-expected order intake in Q4 2023 and seasonal effects, we foresee a softer first half followed by a stronger second half in 2024.

Forecast and forecast adjustments

Our forecast still implies that Heliospectra will reach breakeven in 2025. Considering the seasonality of the business, with a weaker H1 followed by a substantially stronger H2, we expect to see quarterly breakeven results prior to 2025. Nevertheless, we estimate Heliospectra will achieve full-year breakeven in 2025. Following the Q4 2023 report, we have adjusted our estimates, primarily impacting  H1 2024e by trimming our sales estimates and lowering the cost base.

Heliospectra: Estimate change
Net sales
% change-15%-8%-2%
Source: Redeye Research
Heliospectra: Estimate (mSEK)
Net Sales3581217205785128
Gross Profit134579243756
Sales Growth (%)37%20%20%100%100%61%50%50%
Gross margin38%43%43%43%43%43%43%44%
EBITDA margin (%)-91%-17%-4%7%9%2%10%14%
EBIT margin (%)-67%-27%-14%-3%-1%-8%2%9%
Net income margin (%)-64%-27%-14%-3%-1%-8%2%9%
Source: Redeye Research


Our adjustments leave our Base and bear case intact at SEK1.4 and SEK0.4 per share, respectively, while the Bull case comes down by 10%. Our fair value range is adjusted to SEK0.4-SEK3.6 per share (previously: SEK0.4-SEK4.0). Heliospectra is trading at an EV/EBIT multiple of 8x based on our 2025e. Currently, Heliospectra is trading at an EV/Revenue multiple of 1x based on our 2024e. Our Base case valuation is based on the long-term assumptions in the table below.

Heliospectra: Base case scenario
CAGR Sales15%WACC13.5%
EBIT margin (avg)14%PV FCF 2024-2038112
2034-38ePV of Terminal Value83
CAGR Sales4%Sum PV195
EBIT margin (avg)16%Net cash 2023e6
Net sales, 2037, SEKm462Fair value per share (diluted)1.4
Growth FCF, 2038 =>2%Share price today0.5
EBIT margin, 2038 =>15%Potential:200%
Source: Redeye Research

Investment thesis


Unique offering in expanding market

Heliospectra is in the process of repositioning itself from being mainly a supplier of LED lights to greenhouses to a system supplier within data-driven smart farming. 2022 was a transitional year for Heliospectra, dedicated to product development, cost-savings initiatives, and restructuring to become more robust in 2023 with best-in-class product offerings for Smart Farming. With their new product offering consisting of SMART lighting and MITRA LED lights, Heliospectra claims that they both can save up to 30% energy compared to regular LED lights and, in addition, optimize photosynthesis leading to better crops. We believe this implies an opportunity to go from a competitive cost-plus business to a very attractive value proposition that can enable high profitability if successful. As Heliospectra will be the first actor on the market to supply a smart LED solution, we expect they can target and gain larger volume orders than previously. Heliospectra’s new offering includes unique features that allow growers to monitor and control crops down to the square meter, offering the unique potential to improve yields and reduce waste. The relevant market segment is valued to cUSD7b, expected to show double-digit annual growth over the next few years. We believe Heliospectra is in a favorable position to leverage on these strong market trends.


First Smart LED Light Solution Order

This first commercial order for the smart LED solution came in November 2022 from an undisclosed customer in the Northeast of the US. The customer provides farmers with innovative solutions for crop growth, pests, and disease protection. We believe this is an order from the new distribution/partner network recently announced by Heliospectra. The order value of USD795,000 is quite significant for Heliospectra, which was delivered in H1'23 2023. We anticipate several orders being announced over the next year, validating that the company is on the right track.


Limited commercial progress so far and instability in the European AgHort market

Historically, Heliospectra has been rather optimistic about market conditions and business opportunities, but commercial progress has overall been disappointing. Admittedly, it now has new management, which could turn things around. The company has a strong heritage in plant research and is renowned for its innovations. But the commercial track record needs to be more convincing. In addition, the current energy crisis negatively affects the European AgHort market as many companies are struggling financially and postponing investments.


Instability in the European AgHort market

The current energy crisis negatively affects the European AgHort market as many companies struggle financially and might postpone investments. However, the same scenario can prove beneficial for Heliospectra. Thus, growers will likely switch directly to 100% LED lights instead of choosing a more traditional hybrid solution.


Wide range

Our fair value range is quite wide: SEK0.5-4.0 per share, with a base case at SEK1.4 per share. However, this wide range is quite common for companies similar to Heliospectra. That is to say, high future growth expectations, a need for additional growth capital until Break-even, and a difficult-to-assess sustainable profitability level. Our Base case scenario assumes break-even in 2025, 21% CAGR 2026-31, and sustainable EBIT margin around 15%.

Quality Rating

People: 2

The management team has been subject to a reorganization in 2022 under the leadership of the interim CEO, Bonny Heeren. As management history is limited, it holds back the overall People score. However, Bonny Heeren has an excellent background with deep market insights and connections, adding to the score. The degree of innovation and the proactive mindset are also positive factors in the score.

Business: 3

Heliospectra has expanded into new geographies with an asset-light business model that includes embedded optionality. Long-term tailwinds support the company's operations, and its offering meets a genuine customer need. Exemplifications of why the score is held back; lack of pricing power, market share, a low-margin business, and the absence of a significant portion of recurring revenues.

Financials: 1

Redeye’s financial rating model is determined using historical figures and requires consistent positive earnings. Heliospectra is yet to become profitable, substantially affecting its financial rating. On the optimistic side, we are more than likely to revisit the rating and expect this score to increase as more historical data builds up and the company turns losses into profits.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue22.032.448.7
Operating Expenses33.223.428.4
Shares in Associates0.000.000.00
Interest Expenses0.000.000.00
Net Financial Items0.990.000.00
Income Tax Expenses0.000.000.00
Net Income-22.7-4.61.4
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-25.11.710.3
Investing Cash Flow-1.1-4.0-6.0
Financing Cash Flow21.50.000.00

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Q4 2023 Review

Financial Q4 2023: Sales and order book

Financial Q4 2023: Profitability and Cost Base


Forecast and forecast adjustments


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

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