Amniotics Q4 2023: Investigator-sponsored trial in lung transplantation needs funding

Research Update



Redeye comments on Amniotics’ Q4 report. The company will need funding before it can start an investigator-sponsored clinical trial in lung transplantation with PulmoStem, its lead stem-cell candidate. However, the company is in a problematic financial situation.


Richard Ramanius


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Amniotics has presented more details about the clinical study in lung transplantation which is planned for H2 2024. It will be an investigator-sponsored study in Sweden, which has two centres for lung transplantation (Malmö and Gothenburg), with six patients recruited and results available soon after (likely H1 2025). It will be similar to the preclinical experiment on pigs, but the lungs will not be circulated with PulmoStem before the transplantation. The patients will receive two injections. The study primarily investigates safety, as these are immunosuppressed and very fragile individuals. But other parameters, such as the grade of primary graft dysfunction, will also be measured. This will be a cost-effective study, as Amniotics only has to provide the drug material, which has already been produced in a sufficient quantity and is cryopreserved. Positive results would lead to a phase IIb in 2025. However, the trial initiation relies on additional funding to prolong the company’s runway.


Amniotic’s NK-cells program will develop both CAR-NK and non-CAR cells targeting cancer. CAR-T is a hot area with many big pharma deals, and no one wants to miss out on the opportunities in this sector. For example, AstraZeneca acquired Gracell for cUSD1bn in December to gain control of its clinical-stage CART-T program. NK-cell therapy might be the next big cell therapy area in cancer, but this likely lies some years in the future. The HyperTargIPS-NK aims to find a lead candidate ready for pre-clinical development.

Base Case under review

Our previously stated base case was SEK0.04, including dilution from TO3. However, Amniotics is in a problematic financial situation as it depends on TO3 to fund this year’s activities into H1 2025, but the share trades below the strike price, meaning another source of funding needs to be found. The cash position of cSEK8m is expected to last until the end of March, with some still outstanding loans due by then. There is a clear risk that the company will not be able to continue its operations, represented by our bear case of 0. We judge it is not meaningful to show a base case before the funding issue is resolved.

Key financials

Revenue Growth1006%1075%-100%nm.nm.
EBIT Marginnm.nm.nm.nm.75.9%
Net Income-48.0-29.4-23.7-23.681.9

Investment thesis


Stem cells for lung transplantation

A successful investment in Amniotics depends on a successful outcome of the phase IIa study in lung transplantation (PGD) with PulmoStem (stem cells) to prevent primary graft dysfunction planned to start in H1 2024, and additional funding. Amniotics also focuses its internal resources on natural killer cells for cancer that can be easily produced without donated material. The project, organised through a consortium, has EUR3.8m in funding over three years from the European Innovation Council.


Minimal side effects and proof-of-principle in lung transplantation

Amniotics completed the phase Ib trial in serious virus-induced lung infections (similar to ARDS), showing that PulmoStem is safe. Up to 2 million cells per kg were tolerated. MSC therapies are generally safe since MSCs do not elicit an immune response. In a pre-clinical study in pigs (N=12) with PulmoStem, all six treated individuals had PGD (a transplantation injury) grade 0 while one individual had grade two and five grade three (the worst) in the placebo group. This is a convincing result since pig lungs are similar to human lungs and bodes well for the clinical trial. A second MSC product, CogniStem, has demonstrated protective effects against chemotherapy-induced nerve pain and hearing loss in a pre-clinical model.

Supportive Analysis

Amniotics has an integrated facility that produces mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) to be used as drugs, which means no delays because of contract manufacturers. These are donated, off-the-shelf, and commercially scalable at moderate COGS. The company’s platform is based on neonatal cells that are tissue-specific. This is a double advantage, as the cells are younger and more potent and reside in the tissue they are supposed to treat. This suggests they could be more efficacious than existing and competing stem cell therapies (most stem cell companies use adult bone marrow cells).


Clinical results

Amniotics depends on positive results in the planned phase IIa trial with six patients in lung transplantation to either find a partner or obtain funding for further development. Although only six lung patients will be recruited, their outcome can be compare to other patients, who often have poor outcomes, so we should be able to see an efficacy signal if there is one. The previous phase I trial in lung infections was finished early, so the number of patients recruited was only six, which is small to analyse efficacy, but it helped pave the way for the phase IIa.


More funds needed

With a cash position lasting only through March and a burn-rate of around SEK25m per year, the company needs additional funding. The perhaps main weakness of the company since 2023 has been the lack of strong owners to support it in funding rounds.


Lung transplantation is a promising indication

We value lung transplantation as the main indication (with a deal value of USD200m) while we add respiratory diseases (ARDS) to the bull case. Our base case is currently under review.

Quality Rating

People: 2

Senior executive and board members have extensive experience within drug development and business development. The company has an entrepreneurial background. Its short history on the market and recent organisational changes preclude a higher rating. 

Business: 3

Cell therapy treatments have great potential to treat diseases and conditions that cannot otherwise easily be treated. The sector is in its infancy and a high growth rate is expected. Amniotics has a unique platform that should be more potent and productive than that of the competition. The company recently is in the clinical stage of development. 

Financials: 0

Amniotics is a pre-revenue biotech company that will need to raise more cash before it can potentially reach a licensing agreement, after which it will most likely need to raise further cash to advance its pipeline before it can become cash-flow neutral.


In Q4, Amniotics received an orphan drug designation from the EMA for PulmoStem as a treatment for primary graft dysfunction in lung transplantation, which we commented in a note. This will aid further clinical development and give ten years of market exclusivity in Europe, which is an extra layer of protection over the patents Amniotics already possesses protecting the production of stem cells (the cells themselves cannot be patented).

Financial results

Operating costs decreased to less than SEK8m in Q4. The cash position was SEK8m as of Q4, which should last until the end of March. An outstanding loan to Buntel AB will have to be paid on 31 March 2024. This means Amniotics will need to secure funding before this date, in the amount of around SEK25m to fund another year of operations.

Chart 1


We have made some changes to costs, decreasing the projected costs for the clinical study in lung transplantation as the first study will be investigator-sponsored while increasing the general and administrative costs. Amniotics depends on TO3 for further funding. However, as the share trades below the strike price, there is a high risk it will fall out of the money. This could mean that Amniotics will have to cease operations and sell its assets. For this reason, we have set our valuation as under review. For transparency, we show our valuation of Amniotics assuming TO3 would be fully subscribed below.

AssetIndicationLoARoyaltiesPeak sales (USDm)Est. launchDeal size (USDm)rNPV (SEKm)
PulmoStem, InfectionsARDS12%0%0203200
PulmoStem, TransplantationLung Transplantation22%13%2202031200227
NK Cell TherapyCancer2%12%700203450044
Project value (SEKm)271
Net cash8
Shared costs incl. tax (SEKm)-93
Fair value (SEKm)186
Shares outstanding (2022)2711
Value per share (SEK)0.07
Value per share (SEK), fully diluted0.04


Income statement
Cost of Revenue-0.55-
Operating Expenses45.533.923.723.626.0
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses1.
Net Financial Items-
Income Tax Expenses0.
Net Income-48.0-29.4-23.7-23.681.9
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)
Intangible Assets6.
Right-of-Use Assets0.
Other Non-Current Assets0.
Total Non-Current Assets13.413.713.713.713.7
Current assets
Accounts Receivable0.
Other Current Assets6.
Cash Equivalents9.18.27.9-15.712.2
Total Current Assets15.612.47.9-15.7112.4
Total Assets28.926.121.6-2.0126.1
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity1.515.515.2-8.473.5
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities0.
Total Non-Current Liabilities0.
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt19.
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable0.
Other Current Liabilities8.410.56.46.417.2
Total Current Liabilities27.410.56.46.452.7
Total Liabilities and Equity28.926.121.6-2.0126.2
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-42.8-29.1-23.7-23.627.9
Investing Cash Flow-1.4-
Financing Cash Flow14.530.923.40.000.00

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