Ngenic: Enters the next phase

Research Update



Redeye updates its estimates following Ngenic’s Q4 report, which presented record net sales but slightly higher costs than expected. We were positively surprised to see recurring revenues growing 24% in the quarter. We increase our expectations for this revenue stream going forward, as record-high price increases for district heating throughout Sweden have made Ngenic’s value proposition even more attractive. With rampant sales growth in 2023 and an increased focus on efficiency and profitability in 2024, we argue that Ngenic enters the next phase in the business cycle.


Mattias Ehrenborg


Q4 Wrap-up

Cash balance and financing

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Estimate changes and valuation

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Higher sales and higher costs

Ngenic reported record-high net sales in Q4 2023 of SEK23.0m (SEK8.3m), which included a non-result-affecting revenue of SEK4.9m. Even without this one-time revenue, the SEK18.1m net sales was the highest ever in a single quarter for Ngenic, which clearly beat our estimate of SEK14.1m. The gross margin (adjusted for the one-offs) amounted to 57% (45%), which is also a very solid figure and largely in line with our estimate of 59%. We believe this margin could persist going forward, as high-margin recurring revenues have good grounds for growing at a double-digit pace going forward, increasing its share of total sales. Despite the sales beat, EBITDA amounted to SEK-2.9m (SEK-7.5m) and fell short relative to our estimate of SEK1.5m on the back of higher OPEX than we expected.

Supportive market fundamentals

The high sales figure was primarily driven by Ngenic Tune (B2C). However, recurring revenue managed to grow 24% in the quarter, which is primarily driven by Tune Highrise (B2B), where we see very solid market fundamentals for the segment going forward on the back of district heating prices seeing record high price increases, which has caused much despair among customers. We argue that this market development is very positive for Ngenic’s offering and will support recurring revenue growth going forward.

Increased focus on profitability

Following the extreme growth in 2022 and 2023, Ngenic has increased its focus on efficiency and profitability. We understand the organization is more streamlined now and that many internal processes have been improved, which should leave a mark on the P&L and cash flow going forward. On the back of this, we have reduced our cost assumptions somewhat, and we believe that Ngenic will reach positive EBITDA in H2 2024. Our fair value range is slightly reduced to SEK8(10)- SEK40(41) with a base case of SEK18(19) per share on the back of us updating our assumptions for a potential capital raise.

Key financials

Revenue Growth40.3%158%7.4%29.1%22.8%
EBIT Margin-90.1%-26.4%-20.7%-2.5%4.5%
Net Income-26.0-20.0-17.1-2.55.5

Q4 Wrap-up

Ngenic reported impressive net sales of SEK23.0m (SEK8.3m), representing a 177% y-o-y sales growth. However, of these SEK23m, SEK4.9m are one-time revenues bearing the equivalent COGS (which we also saw in Q3 2023). As such, investors should focus on the adjusted sales figure of SEK18.1m, which still represents a very impressive y-o-y sales growth of 118%. This significantly beat our estimate of SEK14.1m, and we are pleased to see that the growth journey has continued despite the somewhat turbulent macroeconomic environment.

We also note that recurring revenues grew 24% in Q4 2023, which is better than 15% in Q3 2023. However, the vast majority of growth is related to hardware (Ngenic Tune).

The gross profit (Net sales-COGS) came in at SEK10.4m (SEK3.8m) vs our estimate of SEK8.3m. This implies an adj. gross margin of 57% (45%) vs our expected 59%.

OPEX came in at SEK-16.5m (SEK-14.3m) vs our estimate of SEK-12.0m. This is higher than our estimate but something we consider fair given the sales growth and expansion of the company. We know that the company is focusing on spending its costs wisely, so we are not too worried about this.

All in all, EBITDA came in at SEK-2.9m (SEK-7.5m) vs our estimate of SEK-1.5m. Given the significant topline beat and solid gross margin, we had expected EBITDA to reach a higher level. However, it is still a very solid improvement y-o-y, and the company is clearly on the verge of reaching EBITDA-positive territory, which we expect to happen in H2 2024.

Cash balance and financing

We note that the cash balance by the end of Q4 was SEK0.8m (plus SEK3.6m in an unutilized credit facility), and raising funds to finance Ngenic’s future growth journey is necessary. Ngenic highlights that the board is working actively with a number of different financing alternatives and that it deems the conditions to be good for finding a solution. We have highlighted this matter before and would not be too surprised if we get additional news regarding this in the coming months.

The financial markets have been turbulent in the past two years. However, we argue that Ngenic’s offering is attractively positioned in the electricity- and energy market, which is seeing increasing input costs (such as bio- and fossil fuels ), which in the end transfers to the end customers who might start looking for solutions to handle this. We, therefore, believe that Ngenic’s growth journey will continue, and given that the company is close to EBITDA-breakeven, we believe that there should be a relatively good opportunity to raise cash at fair conditions – relative to other companies that struggle in the cleantech space (who are far from positive cash flow).

Ahead of the Q4 report, we anticipated a SEK15m share issue at a price of SEK9 per share (30% discount to SEK13 per share). We have now updated our assumptions regarding the share price, given where Ngenic’s shares are currently trading. We still expect a SEK15m share issue but at an updated price of SEK8 per share (20% discount to SEK10 per share).

Market development

As previously mentioned, the high Q4 sales figure was primarily driven by Ngenic Tune (B2C). However, recurring revenue managed to grow 24% in the quarter, which is primarily driven by Tune Highrise (B2B), where we see very solid market fundamentals for the segment going forward on the back of district heating prices seeing record high price increases, which has caused much despair among customers. We argue that this is very positive for Ngenic’s offering and will support recurring revenue growth going forward.

We note that the number of protest applications for the mediation in the district heating board throughout Sweden saw 925 applications in 2023, from 237 in 2022 and 4 in 2021 – clearly illustrating that the price increases (on avg. 12% in Sweden 2023 to 2024) are hurting district heating consumers (households). This is driven by increasing bio- and fossil fuel prices, which we believe could continue in the coming years.

We believe that Ngenic’s software solution is a perfect fit for many of the existing apartment buildings in Sweden, where new and more advanced solutions from for instance Siemens and Schneider cannot provide an attractive payback time for the customer since they typically demand bigger areas of space (the total building) to provide an attractive ROI. This type of customer is, therefore, not prioritized by these companies. As such, we believe that Ngenic provides an easy-to-implement solution that starts saving money from day one, which should appeal in today’s market environment.

As seen in the chart below, electricity prices are still at elevated levels (especially compared to pre-2021 figures), which supports the Tune sales (B2C). We also note that grid fees are increasing, which further increases the incentives to reduce electricity consumption.

We also understand that the partnership with Rexel is progressing according to plan, which we find positive and believe could bear fruit in the coming years. Furthermore, we also understand that as Ngenic has increased its presence in its markets, digital marketing spending has increased on behalf of physical marketing, which we find positive (as we believe it is more efficient).

Estimate changes and valuation

Estimate changes

Due to seasonality effects, Q3 and Q4 are typically the strongest quarters for Ngenic. This seems to be driven by customers purchasing Ngenic’s energy-saving solutions ahead of the winter when energy consumption and electricity prices are high. As such, we take a conservative approach going into H1 and estimate a gradual ramp-up in sales throughout 2024, with the majority of sales coming in Q3 and Q4. One should also bear in mind that Q3 2023 sales and Q4 2023 sales were boosted by around SEK5m per quarter (which did not affect the result). As such, the estimated sales drop between H2 2023 and H1 2024 is not as severe as it might look.

Given the rapid growth in recent years, this seasonality effect might have been blurred, but it is still there underneath it all. As Ngenic is focusing more on its Tune Highrise solution (typically for apartment buildings), which often relies on district heating where the price is constant, as opposed to the spot market for electricity, we believe the seasonality effect will diminish because the incentives look the same throughout the year.

Furthermore, lead times are longer than B2C, as the board of an apartment building often needs to vote for this type of question. This is also why Ngenic is targeting private landlords who own several buildings, as it will grow the rate of installations, which in turn will grow high-margin recurring revenue.

On the back of all this, we reduce the B2C sales somewhat and increase the recurring revenues somewhat (which positively affects the gross margin). As there is a lagging effect on the recurring revenue, as opposed to time B2C sales (which has no recurring element but has a higher selling price), this has a negative effect on our near-term estimates but a positive effect on our long-term estimates, as the margin profile is also more favourable.

We also adjust our cost assumptions going forward on the back of Ngenic’s increased cost, efficiency, and profitability focus. Furthermore, due to changes in accounting principles regarding D&A related to activated work (the D&A of the assets starts earlier than before, which increases the pace), the D&A level has increased by approx. SEK1.3m pa.

Our estimate changes are concluded in the table below.


Taking our updated estimates into account, we derive an updated fair value range of SEK8(10)-SEK40(41) with a base case of SEK18(19) per share. We expect Ngenic to reach EBITDA-positive territory in H2 2024. We also wish to highlight the uncertainty regarding the financing situation, where an equity raise could negatively impact our fair value range if the terms differ from what we expect.

Investment thesis


Riding the trend of electrification

Ngenic saw the issues in the energy market more than ten years ago, but developments have been slow. In 2021 we are nearing a potential breakpoint with pressure to force out fossil fuels, improved economics, new regulations, and congestion in the grid all happening at the same time. The energy grid in the Nordics is under severe pressure. Many companies that offer solutions to these challenges have a clear opportunity. The size of the market when only focusing on the Nordics is enormous. Re-build or adding to the current electricity grid is very costly, so complements such as those Ngenic provides through optimization and energy flexibility are necessary to solve the situation. Ngenic has confirmed its value-add in several projects, such as with E.on, Upplands Energi and Jämtkraft.


Hard to grasp at first glance

Ngenic has a broad range of products and services directed against property owners and energy companies. The unique selling point stems from how they use insights from consumers, the price of electricity, and the congestion in the energy grid to sell a packaged subscription solution to both consumers and energy companies. It’s been difficult for data-driven companies such as Ngenic to capitalize on the opportunity so far, but things are coming together.

Supportive Analysis

First of all, it has shown their value in various projects. Secondly, a market is being formed where their role as an intermediary between producers and consumers, called aggregator, will become clear. Thirdly, regulations force customers to switch to connected (smart) solutions offered by Ngenic and others.


Still a few years left

The company has ramped up growth in recent quarters especially driven by its hardware sales. We still think there is a few years until the company will be able to capitalize more on its main packaged subscription solution to consumers and energy companies.


Wide fair value range

After reviewing Ngenic’s Q4 2023 report and considering the current state of the company’s cash reserves, external funding is likely necessary to support its ongoing operations and growth trajectory. Furthermore, based on insights from the report, we have made minor adjustments to our forecast projections. However, our fair value range remains largely intact. We derive our fair value range from a fundamental DCF framework for three scenarios: base case (most likely), bear case (pessimistic), and bull case (optimistic), using a WACC of 13% across all scenarios. Our updated fair value range is SEK8 – SEK40, and our base case is SEK18. The fair value range is wide, owing to the unpredictable nature of Ngenic’s long-term growth and profitability.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Ngenic is run by an owner-operator at the helm, creating incentives in line with the shareholders. Two of the founders are still part of the operations, which is seen as a positive for the company's innovative capacity. The board consists of a mix of people with expertise within the energy market as well as software. Most of the management team has been in place since 2010. We find the largest owner Polar Structure as a good fit for the company as they own various companies in the sector that could find business opportunities between each other. Due to its short history as a public company, it’s still too early to judge the company in a few aspects, but from what we can see, the company is in the right hands.

Business: 3

Ngenic has a business model that caters to a wide range of customers from energy companies to real estate companies and households. While the focus customers are the energy companies, that segment only consists of a small share of total revenues. The company does not have a clear competitive advantage within its IMD or hardware offering. However, it may be able to create a moat in their total offering, including energy companies but it’s still too early to tell. Ngenic operates in the energy market, which is non-cyclical and is not overly dependent on either partners or suppliers as there are many.

Financials: 2

Ngenic is still unprofitable on an overall level even though their unit economics are healthy. The company invests significant amounts in R&D and has an overall cost level higher than the current revenue. We expect the company to grow at a fast rate in the coming years and that the operating leverage will lead to profitability during 2025.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue9.235.133.341.246.6
Operating Expenses36.946.950.553.160.6
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses0.661.10.800.000.00
Net Financial Items-0.64-0.92-0.800.000.00
Income Tax Expenses-0.15-
Net Income-26.0-20.0-17.1-2.55.5
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)0.290.320.320.320.32
Intangible Assets19.822.824.226.428.6
Right-of-Use Assets3.
Other Non-Current Assets2.
Total Non-Current Assets46.547.346.546.546.5
Current assets
Accounts Receivable7.710.511.97.59.2
Other Current Assets4.
Cash Equivalents10.85.0-12.6-7.38.2
Total Current Assets29.628.
Total Assets76.075.458.562.784.6
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity38.631.614.512.017.6
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt4.220.920.920.920.9
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities0.640.640.640.640.64
Total Non-Current Liabilities4.921.521.521.521.5
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt3.43.4-7.8-7.8-7.8
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable6.43.58.911.313.8
Other Current Liabilities22.715.421.225.639.5
Total Current Liabilities32.622.322.429.145.5
Total Liabilities and Equity76.075.458.462.784.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow-6.8-24.43.614.727.0
Investing Cash Flow-10.2-11.1-10.0-9.4-11.5
Financing Cash Flow16.129.7-

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Q4 Wrap-up

Cash balance and financing

Market development

Estimate changes and valuation

Estimate changes


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


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