Nepa: All set for profitable growth

Research Update



Analyst Q&A


Jesper von Koch answered 2 questions.

Redeye updates on Nepa following the Q1 results which showed continued hesitation from clients hurting the growth, but surprisingly strong cost control. The company is set to scale nicely when top-line growth returns. With completion of the cost saving program, full focus forwards is on profitable growth. Redeye makes a minor downward adjustment to its fair value range.



Jesper Von Koch

Fredrik Reuterhäll


Review of Q1

Subscriptions: Customers still holding off

Soft Ad-hoc revenues

Cost-savings program even more effective than anticipated

Solid cash flows in 2024 - and highly profitable when the market turns

Estimate changes


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

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Soft topline but impressive cost control and good cash flow

Total revenue was SEK68m, -7.1% Y/Y, and -6% below our estimates of SEK72m. The decline was partly due to the communicated shutdown of Nepa APAC. Net sales from Recurring clients were SEK42m, slightly below our estimate of SEK45m. ARR grew +2% Q/Q, which bodes well for stronger quarters ahead. EBITDAC adjusted for restructuring costs was SEK1.3 m, compared to our estimate of SEK1.6m. Due to considerably less capitalized expenses than last year, we strongly argue that EBITDAC is the preferred metric to follow the company's underlying profitability.

When growth returns, profitability will scale

Nepa enters 2024 with a slim organization focusing on organic profitable growth, with the possibility of smaller acquisitions. The underlying market is still under pressure due to geopolitical uncertainty and interest rate cuts pushed into the future. Nepa expects demand to pick up sometime in H2, but adds that it could just as well wait until Q1'25. When that happens, we argue that Nepa is in a strong position with its slim cost base and ability to deliver on much higher revenues. Moreover, focusing on go-to-market activities should improve sales growth, especially toward year-end.

5x FCF in 2025e - Base Case at SEK45

Due to soft quarterly growth and increased uncertainty, we are trimming our growth forecast by 4% for 2024 and 5% in the following years. We also raise the gross margin by 1-2p.p and lower OPEX by c2%-5%. All in all, this results in estimating an EBITDAC (EBITDA-CAPEX) margin of 6% in 2024E to then gradually improve towards 11% 2027E. Redeye estimates Nepa to be trading at EV/EBITDAC 9x and 4x for 2024e and 2025e, respectively incl. cash build-up. Following our changes, we lower our fair value range to SEK22 to SEK75 (previously SEK24-80) with Base Case at SEK45 (SEK50).

Key financials

Revenue Growth10.7%-7.2%-6.4%10.3%6.4%
EBIT Margin6.3%-5.0%3.6%7.0%8.3%
Net Income17.5-14.49.418.122.1

Review of Q1

Total revenue was SEK68m, -7.1% y/y, and -6% below our estimates of SEK72m. The decline was partly due to the communicated shutdown of Nepa APAC. ARR grew 2% Q/Q to SEK167.3m, but was down -0.7% Y/Y.

Net sales from Recurring clients were SEK42m, slightly below our estimate of SEK45m. Nepa had high churn during Q4 - but still received revenue during Q4. In Q1, however, there was a loss of revenue from the customers during Q4. As such, we should have foreseen the Q/Q decline. In contrast, ARR grew +2% Q/Q, which was strong and bodes well for stronger quarters ahead.

The gross margin of 75% came in better than our estimate of 74%. The beat partly originated from a favourable product mix (higher share of ad-hoc). However, Nepa has also renegotiated some contracts with its data suppliers. Hence, we believe the improvement is lasting.

EBITDAC adjusted for SEK1.3m restructuring costs was SEK1.3 m, compared to our estimate of SEK1.6m. Due to considerably less capitalized expenses than last year, we strongly argue that EBITDAC is considerably better than EBIT in showing the underlying profitability.

Nepa: Outcome vs estimates

SEKmQ1'24AQ1'24ELast yearBeat/ missY/Y
Net sales687273-6%-7%
- of which Recurring424543-7%-2%
- of which Ad-hoc252630-4%-15%
Gross margin75%74%73%1pp2pp
EBIT margin-2%5%-5%-7pp3pp
Adj. EBIT-0.23.4-3.9-106%-95%
Adj. EBIT margin0%5%-5%-5pp5pp
EBITDA-CAPEX (EBITDAC)0.01.6-7.4-103%-99%

Subscriptions: Customers still holding off

Subscription revenues were down 1.6% y/y to SEK44.8 m compared to our estimate of SEK45.4m and accounted for 63% (57%) of sales in the quarter. Nepa had high churn during Q4 (6% q/q) - but still received revenue during Q4. In Q1, the churned clients did not generate revenue. As such, we should have foreseen the q/q decline.

Apart from that, a weaker consumer causing cautious spending and longer sales cycles also explain the general soft growth. According to management, there might be a gradual improvement at the end of the year, but there is still a lot of uncertainty about when and at what pace clients will start to invest again. Nevertheless, churn was once again at healthy levels and amounted to only 0.2% q/q.

Nepa: Recurring vs ad-hoc revenues, SEKm

Revs per product, LIGHT

Source: Nepa

Soft Ad-hoc revenues

Ad-hoc revenues amounted to SEK25.4m (-15% y/y) and accounted for 37% (43%) of sales in the quarter. Ad-hoc from clients amounted to SEK13.9m, -18% y/y, in line with our estimates. Ad-hoc sales to non-subscription clients amounted to SEK11.5m, -11% y/y and 7% below our estimates. As mentioned before, clients are still cautious. The main reason is that internal cost savings programs and reorganizations are pushing forward new investments for the time being. That said, Nepa APAC (closed down in Q4) explains the whole decline of ad-hoc from non-clients.

Churn down to 0.2% q/q

During Q4, Nepa experienced an uplift in churn and reached an alarming 6% q/q. The trend was reversed in this quarter, and the churn was 0.2% - also lower than the historical average of around 1.1%. Anders Dahl, the new CEO, believed the churn would continue to post large swings between quarters as some clients tend to quit and start new projects more frequently. The ARR increased 2% sequentially in the quarter, reaching SEK167.2m.

Cost-savings program even more effective than anticipated

The total cost base amounted to SEK50.7m (SEK49.4m excl. restructuring costs), of which OPEX SEK48.2m and CAPEX SEK2.5m. This should be compared to a total cost base of SEK63.8m in Q4 2022.

The average number of employees decreased sequentially from 273 to 242, a 22% y/y decrease. The personnel cost was SEK40.9m in the quarter, -19% y/y decline. Despite these reductions, management emphasized its commitment to maintaining the quality of product delivery going forward. In Q4 2022, Nepa had 325 FTE, so in five quarters, it reduced its workforce by 83 people, or -26%. As highlighted by management, resource allocation will be agnostic and dynamic depending on the projects, tailored to fit each project accordingly. Nepa is now finding more effective ways of working and improving its ability to move internal resources between markets to enhance the utilization rate of its consultants. This will be crucial in being able to scale profitably when growth returns.

Nepa: Cost base, SEKm

Cost base per Q, LIGHT

Source: Nepa

Solid cash flows in 2024 - and highly profitable when the market turns

Nepa enters 2024 with a slim organization focusing on organic profitable growth, with the possibility of smaller acquisitions and focusing on go-to-market activities. According to the CEO, acquisitions are in an early stage as the new board of directors has only been in place for a few weeks. However, the new board has deep knowledge of acquisitions and will support management in a number of ways going forward. In the conf call, Anders Dahl did not want to pinpoint any particular business or what geographies Nepa is looking for. The focus in the near term is to populate the new sales organization with the new Chief Revenue Officer, Sara Davidsson Nyman, who will start the new role mid-May.

The underlying market is still under pressure due to geopolitical uncertainty and interest rate cuts pushed into the future - naturally dampening demand. If the rate cuts start in H2, advertising demand should pick up at the end of the year. We believe Nepa is in a very good position with its cost base well under control, so it should, even in a slower market, generate a decent operating margin of c10% in the future. However, due to the soft quarterly growth and increased uncertainty, we are trimming our growth forecast by 4% for 2024 and 5% in the following years.

We also adjust the capitalization downward, affecting the operating profit by 50% in 2024 and 10% to 30% in subsequent years. A better cost structure lowers OPEX by c2%-5%, which will mitigate some of the operating margin effects. It should be noted that our EBITDAC estimates are actually raised in the same period.

With CAPEX now considerably lower than amortization, EBITDA-CAPEX, or EBITDAC is more aligned with the underlying cash generation of the company. We estimate the EBITDAC margin will sit at 6% in 2024e and improve gradually towards 11% 2027e.

Estimate changes

  • Subscription revenues: Lowering growth rate between 2024e to 2027e by 4%
  • Gross margin: Increase from 74-75% to 76%
  • EBIT: Lowered by 50% in the short term, and 30% 2025e to 2027e
  • Cost base: SEK190m for 2024e
  • EBITDA - CAPEX (EBITDAC): Up from SEK16m to SEK17m for 2024e

Nepa: Estimate changes

SEKm20222023Q1 24Q2 24EQ3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E2027E
Total net sales31229368
Gross margin76%75%75%

Nepa: Financial estimates

SEKm20222023Q1 24Q2 24EQ3 24EQ4 24E2024E2025E2026E2027E
Net sales31229368716878285316337361
- Subscriptions17017742434345173190207227
- Ad hoc from subs67691418151763757780
- Ad hoc from others75501210111749515354
Gross Profit23622051545160216240255274
EPS (SEK)2.2-1.8-
Recurring as % of total54%60%62%61%63%57%61%60%61%63%
Sales growth (%)11%-7%-11%-9%-6%0%-6%10%6%7%
- Recurring sales growth15%4%-2%3%0%3%-2%9%9%10%
- Ad hoc sales growth, subs-12%3%-18%-12%-5%0%-9%20%3%3%
- Ad hoc sales growth, others5%-33%-12%0%0%0%-3%5%3%3%
EPS growth (%)-55%-182%-80%-119%-515%-2081%-165%93%22%26%
Gross margin76%75%75%75%75%78%76%76%76%76%
EBITDAC margin (%)1%-8%0%5%8%11%6%9%10%11%
EBIT margin (%)6%-5%-2%2%5%9%4%7%8%10%
Net income margin (%)6%-5%-1%2%4%7%3%6%7%-25%


Assumptions, fair value range
Bear CaseBase caseBull case
Value per share, SEK224575
Sales CAGR 4%8%10%
Total sales 2027283361385
Avg EBIT margin 3%8%11%
EBIT margin 20285%10%16%
EPS CAGR n/a39%43%
Sales CAGR 2%7%8%
Average EBIT margin 5%11%17%
EPS CAGR 8%16%12%
Terminal EBIT margin8%13%18%

Investment thesis


Sticky, recurring software revenues with pending margin expansion

Having completed its turnaround in 2020, closing unprofitable business units and migrating customers to its new software platform, Nepa stands on a solid foundation. Its recurring revenue base (60% of the total) is very sticky and has close to no churn – even in difficult times. After poor cost control in 2022, profitability has come down and investors' confidence in Nepa is currently at bottom lows. We think a turnaround has practically already taken place, but is yet to be shown in the financials, providing a good foundation for an interesting opportunity. Nepa is targeting a minimum 20% EBIT margin by growing recurring software revenues without expanding its workforce meaningfully. While we expect 2023 growth and profitability to be poor in 2023, and that Nepa will bounce back to solid profitability and growth from 2024. We estimate sales growth of 2023e–2027e CAGR of 8%. At the same time, we expect earnings per share to grow even faster (2024e–2027e CAGR of 13%) thanks to the company’s scalable business model and high operating leverage.


Cost-savings program underway

The company has introduced a cost-savings program to reach a total annualized cost base of SEK220m, which started in Q1'23 and is set to be reached by Q4. In the Q3 report, Nepa reported that it will manage to reach below SEK220m cost base in 2024 - setting the scene for yet another margin expansion. The company has a new board with the right type of profiles that are now taking action. A new COO, Anders Dahl, was appointed in August 2023. Being specialized in change management and efficiency improvement, we think he will be crucial to the ongoing cost-savings initiative. The company also aims to increase its staff utilization by using its resources that are free in other countries in the countries where they are needed. We believe this will be key for enabling Nepa to continue growing while reaching a higher baseline profitability.


Historically weak cost control

Nepa has historically had poor cost control, and has always tended to invest for the future. However, with the recent acceleration into a recession, entering with a way-too-high cost base, it appears that the company has learnt its lesson. The company's firm action towards cutting its cost base, and better utilizing existing resources, are promising.


Scalable software priced as a poorly run consultancy

In our Base Case, we estimate a 2023e–2027e sales CAGR of 8%, with the EBIT margin expanding from 6% in 2022 to 9% by 2027e. Using a DCF model, we value Nepa at a Base Case of SEK50, corresponding to a P/E ratio of 14x for 2025e. Our Bear Case is SEK24, and our Bull Case is SEK80. We believe the stock market’s perception of Nepa is far from ours. We see Nepa as a reasonably fast-growing (except for 2023), scalable software company on the verge of a long and strong margin expansion. In our view, the stock market prices Nepa as a poorly run consultancy.

Quality Rating

People: 3

Nepa currently appointed Anders Dahl as the new CEO of Nepa. Anders was the Chief Operative Officer (COO) before taking on the CEO.

In mid-march 2024, Ulrich Boyer presented a new group of board members. The new board members include Fredrik Lundqvist and Ashkan Senobari representing Hanover Investors - a UK based private equity firm which is now Nepas largest share holder with 19.3%. Eric Gustavsson was also appointed. Board member, and previous CEO, Ulrich Boyer, still owns 18% of the company. The third largest owner is Elementa Fonder – a hedge fund with 17% of the shares. Elementa is quite active as an owner. In terms of institutional ownership, several well-known Swedish funds are found among owners.

Business: 4

Around 60% of Nepa’s revenues are recurring, and the remaining 40% are ad-hoc. However, customers with ongoing subscriptions occasionally order ad-hoc projects. Thus, revenues from customers with ongoing subscriptions constitute more than 80% of total revenues.

Historically, Nepa has had a very low and almost non-existent client churn. In the spring of 2020, during the outbreak of the pandemic, a few tourism-related customers paused their subscriptions. However, these customers quite quickly returned to normal subscriptions – even though their respective industries (and the companies themselves) were still severely hurt. We think this is a strong indication of the high stickiness of Nepa’s revenues.

Nepa enjoys market leadership in its core market, Sweden, where it has a ~50% market share for its core offering, i.e., its brand-tracking software. When it comes to procurements where Nepa is up against competitors, Nepa usually wins a very large percentage of these (as much as 90%, we have heard).

Nepa can grow with its customer in several dimensions – new markets, new modules, new customer groups, and new brands. The company aims to grow geographically along with its customers.

Financials: 2

Since its foundation in 2006, Nepa has had a long history of strong and consistent growth – except for 2009 and 2020, in which sales declined by 1% and 2%, respectively. 2009 was impacted by the financial crisis, whereas 2020 included Nepa completed a big restructuring program to improve profitability. Nepa has a solid sales CAGR of around 10% independent of which time period of the last ten years we measure.

Gross margin is high at almost 80% and has been slowly but steadily increasing for the last five years.

Before Nepa’s IPO in 2016, the company operated with a slightly positive EBIT margin. After the IPO, the company expanded unsuccessfully into the USA, which made Nepa unprofitable. In 2019, Nepa initiated a cost-cutting program and completed its turnaround in 2020. In 2021, profitability further improved – but mainly because Nepa didn’t invest in anything. The only focus was cutting costs and becoming a leaner organization.

In 2022, investments and sales efforts increased, ending up with a too-big cost base. This resulted in poor profitability which is now taken care of by cost savings. While the future profitability looks bright, the company needs to prove its profitability for several years in order to gain a higher score.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue73.669.075.882.686.6
Operating Expenses220.1189.9202.1210.8223.3
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses3.
Net Financial Items-
Income Tax Expenses-
Net Income-14.49.418.122.127.8
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)0.580.490.380.260.14
Intangible Assets54.948.342.035.729.7
Right-of-Use Assets0.
Other Non-Current Assets1.
Total Non-Current Assets56.649.943.537.030.9
Current assets
Accounts Receivable59.962.769.574.279.4
Other Current Assets24.417.
Cash Equivalents38.481.9106.7135.5169.7
Total Current Assets122.6161.7195.2229.9270.7
Total Assets179.2211.6238.7267.0301.6
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity86.595.9114.0136.1163.9
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities0.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities0.
Total Non-Current Liabilities0.
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities0.
Accounts Payable24.025.728.430.432.5
Other Current Liabilities68.790.196.2100.5105.2
Total Current Liabilities92.7115.7124.7130.9137.7
Total Liabilities and Equity179.2211.6238.7267.0301.6
Cash flow
Operating Cash Flow6.152.834.438.344.0
Investing Cash Flow-21.7-9.3-9.5-9.5-9.8
Financing Cash Flow-

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Review of Q1

Subscriptions: Customers still holding off

Soft Ad-hoc revenues

Cost-savings program even more effective than anticipated

Solid cash flows in 2024 - and highly profitable when the market turns

Estimate changes


Investment thesis

Quality Rating


Rating definitions

The team

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