Sozap: Undramatic quarter

Research Update



Redeye updates its estimates following Sozap’s Q1 report. The Q1 came in roughly in line in with our expectations in terms of sales while profitability was lower than expected due to higher UA investments.


Anton Hoof

Q1 results – UA investments pressure margins

Overall, we believe the report was roughly in line with our expectations, with somewhat lower sales and higher UA investments. Questopia continues to be the primary growth driver, while Armed Heist is holding up compared to last year. Although a growth of 42% is solid, sales must increase further for the company to reach profitability. To achieve this, we believe the launch of Fishing Tour must be successful.

Rights issue

After the quarter, Sozap announced a rights issue of SEK11.4m (secured to ~45%). The proceeds from the rights issue will be used to complete and launch the Fishing Tour and to reach positive operating cash flow. Although the rights issue aligns with our estimates (SEK10m), the subscription price of SEK0.75 per share represents a larger discount than we had initially anticipated. The rights issue is expected to be completed in Q2, and we will adjust our valuation based on the final outcome.


Following the Q1 figures, we made limited revisions to our sales estimates, taking down 2024e sales by 9% while leaving 2025e-2026e unchanged. In terms of cost, we have increased D&A as the company has started to amortize more of its game in the quarter. We leave our valuation unchanged. Our base case stands at SEK3.5, and the fair value range is SEK0.5-8.

Key financials

Net Sales16.615.019.929.535.4
Sales Growth-5.2%-9.8%32.9%48.4%20.0%
EBIT Margin-86.0%-60.0%-55.6%-3.5%7.0%
Net Income-14.3-8.9-10.0-0.826.0

First Quarter – Lower profitability than expected

Q1 was in line with Q4 in terms of net sales, which amounted to SEK4.7m, an increase of 42% y/y and 41% in constant currency. This is 6% lower than our expectations of SEK5.0m. The deviation is attributed to lower ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user), while DAU (Daily Active Users) came in line with expectations. The growth in the quarter primarily stems from Questopia, while revenues from Armed Heist were in line with Q1 last year.

Looking at the profitability, Sozap reported an EBITDA of SEK-1.2m and EBIT of SEK-3.9m, which is lower than our estimates of SEK0.6m and SEK-0.9m, respectively. Higher UA mainly and higher D&A explain the deviation, while personnel costs aligned with our estimates. Cash flow from operation amounted to SEK-1.8m, negatively affected by changes in working capital of SEK-0.6m. The cash position at the end of the quarter was SEK1.8m.

Sozap: Forecast deviations
SEKmQ4 22Q1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23Q1 24Q1 24EDiff (%)
Net sales3.
Growth YoY (%)-3%-29%-16%-20%34%42%52%-9pp
EBITDA (%)-26%-19%-18%-5%-33%-26%12%-37pp
EBIT (%)-141%-58%-54%-51%-72%-83%-18%-65pp
Net finance0.
Net income-5.0-1.9-2.1-1.6-3.4-3.9-0.9-332%
Source: Redeye Research

ARPDAU (average revenue by daily active users) was USD0.083, 7% lower than our estimate of USD0.089, and DAU (daily active users) was 61,000, in line with our estimates of 60,000.

Sozap KPIs: Forecast deviations
SEKmQ4 22Q1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23Q1 24Q1 24EDiff
ARPDAU (USD)0.0600.0530.0590.0750.0890.0830.089-7%
DAU ('000)60,00061,00053,00051,00058,00061,00060,0002%
MAU ('000)995,000995,000995,000995,000885,000929,000
DAU/MAU (%)6.0%6.1%5.3%5.1%6.6%6.6%
Source: Redeye Research

Sozap continued its new phase of delivering y/y growth, thanks to increased revenues from Questopia. However, this growth comes with higher costs, and UA investments in the quarter (SEK2m) were roughly SEK1m higher than our estimates, explaining the deviation in EBIT. The company has also started to amortize Fishing Tour and Questopia, with D&A expenses increasing from SEK1.8m in Q4 to SEK2.7m, which explains the even larger deviation in EBITDA. In terms of underlying costs, we believe the company continues to have solid cost control. The management states that it is still a tough user acquisition market, which has also impacted Voodoo’s launch of Questopia in China, where the increased UA investments have resulted in lower returns than expected. To improve returns going forward, Sozap made a comprehensive update to the game in April. Moreover, the company maintains its goal of fully launching Fishing Tour in Q3 and reaching positive cash flow (excluding UA investments for the Fishing Tour) in Q4.

Sales - Q Dark
Sales - R12m Dark


Looking at ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active users) and MAU (monthly active users), we can see an uptick in both, especially in ARPDAU, which grew 48%y/y, in line with the previous quarter. While it is common for MAU to lag when a new game is introduced, ARPDAU serves as a more reliable leading indicator. Therefore, in the forthcoming quarters, we will closely monitor the ARPDAU metric as it will provide valuable insights into the performance of the new titles.

MAU - Dark

Game portfolio

Since our initiation report, Sozap has streamlined its game portfolio from seven games to three. We believe the reduced portfolio is a positive development as it enables Sozap to focus its resources and attention on its most promising game titles. Given the importance of achieving a healthy return on investment for the new games, we believe that it is essential to concentrate resources on the company's best ideas, rather than spreading them across multiple titles.

Fishing Tour

As mentioned in our earlier research updates, we are especially excited about Fishing Tour, and the game was globally soft-launched in Q4 2023. According to the company, both retention rates and conversion to paying customers surpass Questopia and Armed Heist, which is highly encouraging. Sozap intends to continue developing the game before scaling up user acquisition, and in conjunction with the announcement of the rights issue, Sozap released a roadmap for 2024, indicating that Fishing Tour is expected to be ready for a global launch in the second half of 2024, something that was reiterated in the Q1 report.

In terms of the game’s development, the company continues to develop the game by creating content that enhances the game's retention rate. For instance, METAFISH serves as a good example, generating an unlimited variety of fish and consequently offering an endless amount of gaming sessions. Moreover, it enhances the social interaction within the game, an important factor in player retention. Retaining players is increasingly vital in the mobile gaming market as acquiring new players becomes more expensive. Anticipating upcoming changes in Google Play in 2025 (like Apple’s IDFA changes in 2021), user acquisition (UA) is expected to become even more challenging. Thus, developing deep games capable of retaining players for extended periods will be vital moving forward.

In our initiation report, we demonstrated the potential outcome of the game by looking at Fishing Clash, a similar fishing game from Ten Square Games. Fishing Clash has 50+ million downloads on Google Play Store.

Assuming Fishing Tour achieves 5% of Fishing Clash’s MAU in 2024 (130,000) and 10% of its ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) (SEK0.1), the game will generate revenues of SEK3.7m in 2024. Looking at 2027 and assuming Fishing Tour reaches 20% of Fishing Clash’s current MAU (520,000) and 50% of its ARPU (SEK0.4), there is a potential for the game to generate revenues of SEK75m in 2027. An ARPDAU of SEK0.4 does not appear unrealistic, as this is relatively low compared to similar games. Although the assumptions in the table below can look conservative, the game is not even in global launch yet, so there is considerable uncertainty about the outcome. This implies a high-risk premium. We are thus more conservative in our estimates. It is also worth highlighting that since we started to track Fishing Clash, the game has had a tough period with lower MAU and ARPU.

Fishing Tour Potential
MAU (1000)130260390520
% of Ten Square (MAU) per Q4 235%10%15%20%
ARPU (Monthly, SEK)
% of Ten Square (ARPU) per Q4 2310%25%35%50%
Revenue per Month (SEK)312,5411,562,7043,281,6786,250,816
Revenue per Year (SEK)3,750,49018,752,44839,380,14175,009,792


The launch of Questopia has been the highlight of recent quarters and continued to be the primary growth driver in the quarter. According to data from Appmagic, the game appears to have maintained its position across various gross charting lists. It also has a high score of 4.5/5.0 on Google Play and 4.6/5.0 on the App Store. Looking at reviews, it seems that players are enjoying the game, yet there is a continuous demand for further development to meet players’ expectations for more playable content. In late February, Sozap announced that Voodoo had initiated the launch of Questopia in China and decided to fully release the game on platforms such as WeChat, Douyin, Android, and iOS.

In the Q1 report, the management states that the launch in China has been impacted by the more challenging user acquisition climate, and the increased UA investments have resulted in lower returns than expected. To improve returns going forward, Sozap made a comprehensive update to the game in April. We maintain our view that Voodoo’s China launch holds the potential to serve as a positive catalyst if the game gains traction, although we do not expect any material contribution in the short term.

Rights issue

After the quarter, Sozap announced a rights issue. The capital injection is similar to the previous one (conducted in Q2 last year), which, upon full subscription, will bring SEK11.4m before issuing costs. Once again, we are encouraged to note that several representatives from the Company's board of directors and management have entered subscription commitments corresponding to approximately 35.5% of the rights issue where the company’s CEO, Rade Prokopovic, has committed to subscribe for shares for approximately SEK2.7m. The company mentioned already in the Q4 report that it could require another capital injection to support the development and launch of the Fishing Tour. Consequently, we had already factored in a rights issue of SEK10m. However, the subscription price of SEK0.75 per share represented a larger discount than we had initially anticipated. The rights issue is expected to be completed in Q2, and we will adjust our valuation based on the final outcome.

Estimate Changes

Following the Q1 figures, we made limited revisions to our sales estimates, taking down 2024e sales by 9% while leaving 2025e-2026e unchanged. In terms of cost, we have increased D&A as the company has started to amortize more of its game in the quarter. We leave other opex roughly unchanged.

Estimate revisions
New estimatesOld estimatesDifference %
Net Sales19.929.535.421.829.535.4-9%0%0%
Work for own use10.712.615.211.412.615.2-6%0%0%
Other income0.
Total revenues31.543.050.634.043.050.6-8%0%0%
Other services-2.0-2.7-3.2-2.1-2.7-3.2-5%0%0%
Personnel costs-9.2-13.1-14.2-9.1-13.1-14.21%0%0%
Other external costs-20.3-17.3-19.5-17.5-17.3-19.516%0%0%
Other operating costs-
Total Operating Expenses-42.5-44.0-48.2-34.5-39.9-45.023%10%7%
EBIT margin-56%-3%7%-2%10%16%-53pp-14pp-9pp
Net income-10.0-0.82.0-
Source: Redeye Research

Financial Forecast

Income Statement
SEKm20222023Q1 2024Q2 2024EQ3 2024EQ4 2024E2024E2025E2026E
Net Sales16.614.
Work for own use12.
Other income0.
Total Operating Income29.428.
Other services-0.4-1.5-0.5-0.4-0.5-0.6-2.0-2.7-3.2
Personnel costs-15.3-13.3-2.4-2.3-2.2-2.3-9.2-13.1-14.2
Other external costs-15.5-16.7-5.8-4.0-5.0-5.5-20.3-17.3-19.5
Other operating costs-0.9-0.7-0.1-0.1-0.2-0.2-
Total Operating Expenses-43.6-38.2-11.5-9.3-10.5-11.3-42.5-44.0-48.2
Operating Profit-14.3-9.4-3.9-2.3-2.6-2.3-11.0-1.02.5
Net Profit-14.3-9.4-3.9-2.3-2.0-1.8-10.0-0.82.0
Source: Redeye Research


We apply a WACC of 13% in all DCF scenarios, derived from Redeye’s Rating model, and we use a tax rate of 20.6%. The discount analysis extends to 2036E. We take a cautious approach and estimate a capital injection of SEK10m in our scenarios. Below, we summarize the key financial assumptions for the scenarios.

Assumptions, fair value range
Bear CaseBase caseBull Case
Value per share, SEK0.53.58.0
Sales CAGR 2024-202813%14%16%
Total Sales 2028, SEKm315997
Avg EBIT margin 2024-20380%13%14%
Terminal EBIT Margin15%25%30%
Terminal growth2%2%2%
Source: Redeye Research

Investment thesis


An agile gaming studio with significant potential

Sozap’s strategy of developing high-potential, free-to-play mobile games with limited resources creates an enticing case with significant potential. By focusing on proven game mechanics and adopting an MVP (minimum viable product) strategy, the company reduces its development risk while allowing itself to have several game projects alive simultaneously.


Armed Heist demonstrates Sozap’s capabilities

Armed Heist, the company’s first game, has showcased Sozap’s ability to develop good games on limited resources. The game was developed by 11 people and has racked up 25+ million downloads. If Sozap manages to develop a new hit and can prove Armed Heist was not a one-off, we believe the perception of the company will change, supporting the share price.


The success of Armed Heist has not been replicated yet

So far, Sozap has not managed to replicate its success with Armed Heist. To change the perception of the company, we believe Sozap must develop further successful games. Until then, the company is dependent on Armed Heist alone, which increases the risk in the case. If none of the games in its pipeline meets management’s expectations, confidence among the developers will probably take a hit, harming the company.


Limited financial muscle

Sozap is still an immature company with limited financial headroom. This restricts it in both UA (user acquisitions) and how long the company can operate without additional capital. There is a clear risk of a further capital injection need, which would dilute outstanding shares.


We see a healthy upside at current levels

Based on our DCF valuation, we see a fair value of SEK3.5 for Sozap. Our fair value range of SEK0.5-8 reflects the uncertainty in the case, which depends on upcoming game releases and increased ARPDAU. To justify our Base Case, Sozap must accelerate its growth rate and succeed with some of its game releases. We also believe Sozap will achieve a higher valuation if it broadens its game portfolio and diversifies its revenue stream across more games.

Quality Rating

People: 3

The company’s founder, Rade Prokopovic, has been CEO since 2019 and owns approximately 25% of the outstanding shares. This is encouraging as it means his interests should be aligned with those of shareholders. He also shows a long-term visionary view that should encourage the company to focus on developing good games for the long term. The company has only been listed since 2021, and to score higher in this rating, we need more history to see how the management team executes its strategy.

Business: 2

Sozap operates in a highly competitive market where acquiring players and becoming profitable are not easy tasks. The company is also currently dependent on a few games, the largest of which (Armed Heist) corresponds to a vast majority of total net sales. To score higher in this rating, the company must prove it can develop more profitable games. 

Financials: 1

The company suffers from losses and lacks a history for its financials, making its financial characteristics hard to assess. Sozap needs to report more quarters to prove its financial capabilities before scoring higher in Redeye’s model.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue-12.4-12.8-9.6-10.8-12.0
Operating Expenses31.730.830.130.433.6
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses0.
Net Financial Items0.
Income Tax Expenses0.070.04-1.0-0.210.49
Net Income-14.3-8.9-10.0-0.826.0

Rating definitions

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