Truecaller: Momentum turns positive

Research Update



Redeye updates its estimates after reviewing Truecaller's Q1 report, which showed higher sales and profitability than expected. Redeye believes that Truecaller continues to improve its various product offerings while awaiting a rebound in the overall ad market. This positions the company towards achieving higher ARPU, both by expanding into new markets and by adopting more valuable ad formats. Redeye raises its valuation.



Jesper Von Koch

Anton Hoof

Stronger Q1'24 than expected

Total revenue was SEK427m, up 10% y/y and 5% above our expectations. Adload remained the primary growth driver for ads ARPU in the quarter and offset the lower ad prices - in line with historical patterns. Subscriptions had a stable quarter, with revenues growing by 26% y/y, driven by increased conversion to paid plans. Truecaller for Business had lower sequential growth (as expected) due to weaker seasonality in Q1 compared to Q4. Adjusted EBITDA came in strong, amounting to SEK151m, which was 24% above our estimates, due to higher sales and gross margin than expected.

Increased user engagement opens door to high-value ad formats

We believe Truecaller has made progress beneath the surface and continues to enhance the product to boost user engagement, which has increased by 50%. Although this progress may not be immediately visible in a market with lower ad prices, we anticipate it will become more evident in the long term. The increased engagement should lead to more ad impressions and allow for new ad formats (such as video) that yield more than 10x higher CPM levels than traditional banner ads.

P/E 18 for 2025e - we raise Base Case to SEK55

We have made minor estimate revisions based on the report, increasing Adj EBITDA by 6% for 2024e while leaving the top line roughly unchanged. The upward adjustment is primarily due to increased gross margin, which came in 2pp stronger than expected in the quarter. For 2025e-2026e, we have taken down adj EBITDA by 5-6% due to minor cost adjustments. Following our estimate revisions, we increase our Base Case to SEK55 (50), Bear Case to SEK25 (23), and Bull Case to SEK90 (85). On our updated estimates, Truecaller is trading at P/E ~18 for 2025e.

Key financials

Revenue Growth57.6%-2.5%7.8%29.2%22.0%
EBIT Margin38.8%38.0%34.5%38.8%40.0%
Net Income535.2536.4531.1752.7937.0

Review of Q1 2024: Stronger than expected

We think the Q1 report was strong, especially in ads, which came in 9% above our expectations and managed to grow 5% y/y despite a 20% decrease in CPM levels compared to Q1 last year. We believe the company continues to do the right things while waiting for the advertising market to truly rebound by investing in its ad tech platform and initiating new growth initiatives in markets such as Africa, South America, and the US. On top of that, the company managed to increase users engagement, which is visible both in DAU/MAU and ad load figures, and the company revealed that the daily engagement numbers have increased by 50% y/y. This is crucial in Truecaller's pursuit of adding new high-value ad formats, including video ads with more than 10x the CPM of a normal banner ad.

Total revenue was SEK427m, an increase of 10% y/y. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SEK151m, corresponding to a margin of 35%, 27% above our expectations.

Truecaller: Results outcome
OutcomeRedeye estimatesConsensus estimates
SEKmQ1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23Q1 24Q1 24Q1 24vs Redeyevs ConsensusY/Y
Growth YoY-3%8%-11%-4%10%4%5%7pp5pp
Growth QoQ-13%34%-23%7%1%0%-4%1pp5pp
Gross profit2913952983233232963079%5%11%
Gross margin75%76%75%76%76%74%75%2pp0pp
EBITDA adjusted15023914616915111913327%14%1%
EBITDA adj margin39%46%37%40%35%30%33%6pp3pp
EBIT margin36%44%34%37%32%27%30%5pp2pp
Net finance73214135148160%344%393%
Net income108206105116133939843%35%23%
Ads revenue breAMdown
DAU, million2782892983053143133110%1%13%
CPM, SEK0.941.280.960.830.750.79na-5%-20%
Source: Company data (historical), Redeye (estimates)

In terms of the outlook, we did not get any pivotal view from the company regarding the underlying ad market; hence, we do not expect any material changes in ad prices throughout 2024 (except for seasonality patterns). From a short-term perspective, the company expects materially lower revenues from IPL compared to last year (SEK60m vs SEK120m last year). Also, considering IPL started in Q2 last year and Q1 this year, the IPL-related revenues in Q2 are expected to decrease some SEK80m this year compared to last year.

Top line: Back to y/y growth

Advertising revenue: Solid numbers

Ads revenues amounted to SEK318m, 5% y/y, and 9% above our expectations. A higher ad load explains the whole deviation.

Truecaller: Ads ARPU - Quarterly DAUs & ARPU


Source: Truecaller

Ads revenues are the product of daily active users (DAUs), CPM (cost per 1000 ad impressions), and daily ad impressions per DAU (DAIDAU). Below we walk through each of these. Note that CPM and DAIDAU together make up average revenue per user (ARPU). These are also interdependent, but nevertheless, we think it is worthwhile commenting on each of these separately as they indicate future potential.

User growth: Stable as usual - and accelerating

Truecaller reached 383m monthly active users (MAUs) in the quarter. Of these, 71% come from India, 20% from Africa and the Middle East, and 9% from the Rest of the World (RoW). Sequential growth from all the regions was in line with Q4 and amounted to 2-3%. However, management states that the growth accelerated towards the end of the quarter. In total, MAU grew 11% y/y and 2.5% q/q. Truecaller reached 314m DAUs - 75% from India, 19% from Africa and the Middle East, and 7% from RoW. Nigeria, Colombia, and Chile stood out in terms of user growth and grew 30-50% compared to Q1 last year.

The DAU/MAU ratio provides color on the share of MAUs that use the Truecaller app daily. This ratio was 81.9% in the quarter, another all-time high.

Truecaller: MAUs per region (millions)

Truecaller: DAUs per region (millions)

MAU/Region, DARK

Source: Truecaller

DAU/Region, DARK

Source: Truecaller

For quite a while, MAUs have grown linearly by c8-10m per quarter. Also, the DAU/MAU ratio has been slowly expanding from c75% to more than 81% in recent years, see below.

Truecaller: DAU/MAU ratio per region


Source: Truecaller

CPM: Still muted levels

CPM amounted to SEK0.75, -20% y/y, and -10% q/q, and missing our expectations by 5%. Typically when CPM is lower than we estimate, the ad load (DAIDAU) is higher, which was also the case in this quarter.

At first sight, a decline of 20% may seem surprisingly weak, considering that large advertising companies have witnessed strength in the ad market in recent quarters. However, this is especially true in the US, while the rest of the market is still relatively muted. In the downturn of the market, western markets led the market downwards, whereas eastern markets lagged. We suspect the same will be true as the market turns positive again. Hence, given Truecaller's exposure to India, the decline is rather in line with our expectations.

With that said, we had expected the IPL to have a more positive impact on ad prices as the league started already in Q1 compared to Q2 last year. Management commented that while the 2023 IPL season attracted a lot of new demand, the 2024 IPL season has in general seen a reduction in spend due to e.g. GST changes for gaming companies.

Truecaller: CPM per region (SEK)


Source: Truecaller

Long-term, CPM is likely to grow structurally from the move from physical to digital advertising, particularly in India. Additionally, should Truecaller increase penetration in more high-income markets, CPM would be very positively impacted. Besides, it is becoming increasingly clear that being a technology company with substantial ad revenues brings significant operational leverage when ad prices rise. Also, higher engagement should allow for more high-value ad formats. Therefore, should ad prices rebound in the Indian market, we expect Truecaller to experience high incremental margins, supporting earnings growth.

DAIDAU: All-time-high

The main driver of the strong ARPU development between 2020 to 2023 was the increase in ad load, measured as daily ad impressions per DAU (DAIDAU).

DAIDAU landed at 14.8, implying an increase of 16% y/y and 15% above our estimates. Truecaller thinks it is not fair to look at CPM and DAIDAU separately since these are very dependent on each other and to instead look at average revenue per user (ARPU) as a whole. We agree on this for the short term but view them as important separate units in the long term. The increased DAIDAU indicates that user engagement has improved, which the company also stated in the report.

Truecaller: Daily ad impressions per monetized DAU (DAIDAU)


Source: Truecaller

Our long-term view of the DAIDAU development is that this will be on par with the daily interactions with the app per DAU.

Ads ARPU: Holding up due to increased ad load

Putting together CPM and DAIDAU, we reach ARPU for the ads business. As we have seen in previous quarters (except for Q3 2023), DAIDAU tends to increase when CPM declines which also was the case in Q1.

Truecaller: Ads ARPU and its constituents


Source: Truecaller

Looking from today to 2026, we expect CPM and DAIDAU to drive Ads ARPU by similar magnitudes.

Subscriptions: Increased conversion to paid plans - and more expensive ones

Revenues from Premium Subscriptions amounted to SEK58m, growing +26% y/y and +5% q/q. The underlying strength is caused by an increasing share of users opting for paid plans and users starting to choose more expensive versions. Truecaller states that the positive development comes from new AI features/cloud telephony features in premium plans. During the quarter, Truecaller launched Call Recording in India, and the company continues to see higher conversion and ARPU going forward. It has also maintained its investment in the US, which grew subscription revenues by +60% y/y in the quarter. US subscription users are typically worth 100x compared to a typical non-paying user for Truecaller. This equates cSEK100 per quarter and user, which speaks a clear language about the potential in gaining traction in this market.

Truecaller had 2.15m premium subscribers, equating to 0.69% of its DAUs. The number of premium subscribers increased by 15% compared to Q1 last year. The subscription ARPU (monthly) was SEK9.04, up from SEK5.75 in Q1 last year and SEK8.79 in the previous quarter.

Truecaller: Premium subscriptions

Premium subs, LIGHT

Source: Truecaller

Looking ahead, we see continued positive development from increased willingness to pay for new premium features. Long-term we believe a higher penetration of the Truecaller app in high-income markets can render a higher share of DAUs also being premium users.

Truecaller for Business: Flat sequential development

The Truecaller for Business (TfB) segment reported revenues of SEK50m in the quarter, growing 44% y/y but 0% q/q. Q1 is typically a weaker season for TfB, and the flat sequential development was in line with expectations. In the quarter, the new offering in risk and fraud prevention has onboarded its first customer and started to generate revenues in late Q1.

Truecaller: Revenues, Truecaller for Business (SEKm)


Source: Truecaller

Costs and margins: Continued strong margins despite higher investments

Gross margin: Better than expected

The gross margin was 2pp better than our expectations, landing at 76%. The high number is partly caused by a significant share of COGS being fixed, so when revenues surprise positively, gross margin tend to do so too.

Truecaller: Gross margin

Gross margin, LIGHT

Source: Truecaller

Operating expenses: Increased UA investments

OPEX was SEK176m, +8% q/q and +24% y/y. This was SEK1m below our estimates. The increase was primarily due to higher growth investments which was communicated in conjunction with the Q4 report. Considering the acceleration in user growth towards the end of the quarter, and that most growth is coming in the markets in which the investments are made, we think it is clear that the investments are starting to bear fruit.

Truecaller: OPEX (SEKm)


Source: Truecaller

As long as the ads market remains weak, we expect OPEX to remain at low levels. However, given the new growth initiatives, we expect a small sequential uptick in the coming quarters. Last quarter, the company shared that it has started implementing an AI chatbot, which has reduced the workload related to supporting issues by 50%. This implementation should strengthen the business's scalability going forward.

Strong profitability considering a higher cost base

Due to the non-cash-flow affecting costs, we argue that it’s better always to use underlying OPEX, which results in the adjusted EBITDA. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SEK151m in the quarter, +1% y/y, equating to a 35% adjusted EBITDA margin.

Truecaller: EBITDA margin


Source: Truecaller

Cashflow: Solid despite higher working capital

Net cash flow from operating activities was SEK56m, down from SEK80m in Q1 last year. The decline is explained by a higher working capital build-up compared to last year. Q1 is usually a weaker cash-flow quarter for Truecaller due to negative working capital changes. This equates to a cash conversion (measured as operating cash flow divided by adjusted EBITDA) of 37%, down from 46% in Q1 2023.

Net cash flow was SEK-49m, mainly caused by Truecaller buying back shares totaling SEK75m in Q1.

Financial position: Introducing dividend policy

Truecaller ends the quarter with net cash, incl. short-term interest-rate placements of SEK1,546m. Additionally, Truecaller has a loan facility of SEK500m to use for an eventual acquisition. Ahead of the AGM, Truecaller announced a new dividend policy, where approximately 25% of earnings should be distributed to shareholders, coupled with an extra one-time dividend. The total payout amounts to approximately SEK590m, which can be compared to the net income of SEK536m for the full year of 2023. In addition to the proposed dividend, the Board also proposes to cancel all repurchased B shares and request a new mandate to have the ability to buy back more shares after the AGM.

As we wrote in our recent research note, we view the new dividend policy positively, as we believe Truecaller currently holds excess cash. We are also aware that some investors prefer dividends over share buybacks, as evidenced by the share price surge following the announcement. However, we do not believe that the new dividend policy changes the overall strategy of the company, as a payout ratio of 25% still allows ample room for larger investments. This is especially true considering that we believe Truecaller could operate with a moderate net debt given its high cash conversion. With that said, the new proposal could also signal that the management sees limited opportunities for larger acquisitions, which aligns with our view. In that case, we believe the dividend also reduces risk while still allowing for smaller acquisitions, as we have seen in the past (such as Trustcheckr for TfB, etc.). Hence, although the management has demonstrated prudence in terms of M&A, we understand that the new dividend policy may change investors’ perception of the company.

Changes to financial estimates

Sales estimates

  • Ads revenues for 2024e, increased by 3% and 2025e-2026e increased by 2-5%
  • Subscription revenues for 2024e, lowered by 2% and 2025e-2026e, increased by 3%
  • Truecaller for Business revenues for 2024-2026e lowered by 5%

Cost and margin estimates

  • Gross margin roughly unchanged
  • OPEX for 2024e unchanged and increased by 7-14% 2025e-2026e.


  • Adjusted EBITDA for 2024e increased by 6% and 2025e-2026e lowered by 5-6%
  • EPS for 2024e increased by 4% and 2025e-2026e reduced by 5-6%

Truecaller: Estimate changes

Truecaller: Estimate changes
Growth YoY8%7%1pp29%30%0pp22%20%2pp
Gross profit1,4091,3703%1,8241,8091%2,2422,1803%
Gross margin76%74%1pp76%76%0pp76%76%0pp
EBITDA adjusted6966556%9791,032-5%1,2221,297-6%
EBITDA adj margin37%35%2pp41%43%-3pp41%45%-4pp
EBIT margin35%33%1pp39%41%-3pp40%44%-4pp
Net finance55550%55550%55550%
Net income5315094%753793-5%937995-6%
EPS, diluted1.51.55%2.22.3-5%2.72.8-6%
Rev growth + EBITDA margin45%42%3pp70%73%-4%64%65%-2%
Ad revenue breAMdown
Source: Redeye (estimates)

Truecaller: Financial estimates

Truecaller: Income statement
Growth YoY57%-2%10%-14%19%22%8%29%22%
Other external costs-350-255-81-78-78-89-326-398-471
Personnel costs-301-361-95-100-102-104-401-458-560
Gross profit1,3551,3083233353583921,4091,8242,242
Gross margin76%76%76%76%76%76%76%76%76%
EBITDA adjusted7347031511581782096969791,222
EBITDA adj margin41%41%35%36%38%40%37%41%41%
EBITDA margin40%41%35%36%38%40%37%41%41%
EBIT margin39%38%32%33%35%38%35%39%40%
Net finance05535141414555555
Net income535536133122137161531753937
EPS, diluted1.431.410.380.350.390.461.522.152.68
Source: Company data (historical), Redeye (estimates)
Truecaller: Group KPIs
Subscription ARPU8.
Subscribers, millions1.
Rev growth + EBITDA margin97%38%46%21%57%63%45%70%64%
Source: Company data (historical), Redeye (estimates)

Investment thesis


Strong moats and high scalability set the scene for continued market dominance in a fast-growing and fragmented market

We argue that Truecaller is set to lever its more than 350m monthly active users. As the undisputed leader with strong moats in the rapidly growing spam-blocking market, Truecaller is poised for rapid growth for many years to come, we believe. The company has a proven playbook, having penetrated more than 50% of the Indian market and is now accelerating its efforts to build the same market dominance elsewhere. In recent years, Truecaller has demonstrated phenomenal growth (three-year sales CAGR of >80%) while simultaneously achieving high profitability (>40% EBITDA from Q4 2021), proving it is a rare asset. Looking ahead, we believe Truecaller will be able to achieve swift growth in revenues (2022-2026 CAGR of 25%) and EBIT (2022-2026 CAGR of 32%) thanks to an attractive mix of user growth, increasing ARPU, and high operating leverage.


Under-estimated moat and under-monetized user base

Extensive dataset constitutes major moat A high caller-identification rate is crucial for a good user experience, making a good enough dataset essential for market dominance. Due to data regulations such as GDPR, consented data is required from users, constituting an important barrier for new entrants. Truecaller enjoys network effects that strengthens its moats the more users it gets.

Supportive Analysis

Truecaller introduced its first form of monetization (ads) in 2016 and has since introduced premium subscriptions (2018) and an enterprise solution (2020). While this has generated impressive growth over time, we argue the user base is still greatly under-monetized. We expect increased monetization from: 1) increased ad load and improved CPM rates for the Ads business, and 2) adoption of Truecaller for Business in the markets where Truecaller has already gained good penetration amongst consumers.


Watch out for the giants: Apple, Meta, and Alphabet

Truecaller is dependent on the giant tech players in several ways, including direct competition, as ad exchanges, and as the platforms on which Truecaller exists.


Regulatory risks: Over-emphasized or real threats?

Truecaller is, to some extent, in the hands of the Indian government as well as other governing entities, such as the EU. New data protection legislations such as GDPR could pose a threat to Truecaller by limiting the company’s ability to display the names of people who have not given their consent. While some of the effect would be managed by users having consented to leave their data, we do not believe this would prevent the damage.


Significant upside potential

In our Base Case, we estimate a 2022–2026 sales CAGR of 14% and an average EBIT margin of 38% between 2023–2026. Using a DCF, we value Truecaller to a Base Case of SEK55, corresponding to a P/E ratio of 25 for 2025e. Our Bear Case is SEK25, and Bull Case is SEK90.

Quality Rating

People: 5

Truecaller, established in 2009, is still run by its two founders – Alan Mamedi as CEO and Nami Zarringhalam as CSO – who own ~15% of the capital but ~60% of the votes. The founders are, in our opinion, very passionate, have a visionary attitude towards the business’s opportunities, and have strong market insights. We assess that the management team is experienced and has good educational backgrounds and professional experience. The management team has, in our opinion, demonstrated significant execution capabilities, evidenced by the fast revenue growth and operating leverage in recent years (especially since 2020). Truecaller has a well-known owner base, consisting of several Venture Capital funds and Swedish institutional capital.

Business: 4

The business is asset-light and able to scale without expensive reinvestments. This scalability is further strengthened by strategic alliances (e.g., Alphabet/Android and CPaaS companies), which help drive new sales and a history of successful expansions into new markets. We think Truecaller operates in a highly profitable market environment (leading ad-platform businesses report 40%+ operating margins) and faces limited direct competition. Another positive, in our opinion, is that Truecaller has a strong value proposition and solves genuine customer needs. We think the company will remain competitive for a long time thanks to its significant, reinforcing network effects, which create high barriers to competing in core markets. However, we recognize a couple of important risks that could hamper future growth. This concerns the geographic concentration of revenues and users to India and a dependency on the Android platform.

Financials: 4

Truecaller has a strong cash position and very stable cash flows, which enables opportunistic M&A activities. The company has an impressive return on equity and invested capital and enjoys robust profit margins. We forecast meaningful revenue and EPS growth in the years to come. However, the company does not receive full marks as it lacks a long-enough track record of positive cash flows.


Income statement
Cost of Revenue417.7421.2456.7588.5704.0
Operating Expenses641.0613.7721.2853.81,028.4
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses22.4-39.4-39.4-39.4-39.4
Net Financial Items-0.3854.654.654.654.6
Income Tax Expenses152.9176.0167.7237.7295.9
Net Income535.2536.4531.1752.7937.0
Balance sheet
Non-current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (Net)0.0018.413.512.112.2
Intangible Assets15.225.03.1-10.8-22.5
Right-of-Use Assets139.8118.8108.499.790.9
Other Non-Current Assets64.494.
Total Non-Current Assets253.9301.7264.6240.7220.2
Current assets
Accounts Receivable362.2286.0298.4361.9441.9
Other Current Assets0.
Cash Equivalents1,728.31,572.62,128.42,841.73,719.1
Total Current Assets2,090.51,858.62,426.93,203.64,161.0
Total Assets2,344.42,160.32,691.53,444.24,381.2
Equity and Liabilities
Non Controlling Interest0.
Shareholder's Equity1,804.11,743.72,274.83,027.63,964.6
Non-current liabilities
Long Term Debt0.
Long Term Lease Liabilities118.
Other Non-Current Lease Liabilities50.654.554.554.554.5
Total Non-Current Liabilities168.8152.7152.7152.7152.7
Current liabilities
Short Term Debt0.
Short Term Lease Liabilities23.322.822.822.822.8
Accounts Payable0.
Other Current Liabilities348.2241.2241.2241.2241.2
Total Current Liabilities371.5264.0264.0264.0264.0
Total Liabilities and Equity2,344.42,160.32,691.53,444.24,381.2

Rating definitions

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