Thunderful Group: A challenging quarter, but likely the bottom

Research Update



Redeye provides an update on Thunderful Group following its Q1 2024 report, showing weak numbers as expected. Given the ongoing restructuring program coupled with upcoming game launches and the divestment of NGS, we believe Q1 is as bad as it gets, and we anticipate financial improvements already in Q2. As the share price illustrates, the cash position remains challenging. The timing of the release of Nintendo Switch 2 and the commercial results from new titles are two very important events that could decide whether a capital injection is needed or not.



Anton Hoof

Tomas Otterbeck

Q1 – In line with preliminary figures

Thunderful Group’s Q1 figures was aligned with preliminary numbers, and net sales came in at SEK392m, a decline of 28% y/y and 22% below our expectations of SEK505m. Games performed somewhat softer in terms of sales, while margins came in significantly lower than expected. The distribution came in 24% below our estimates, and Bergsala was the biggest disappointment, with a y/y decline of 33%. On a positive note, Amo Toys was better than expected and grew 14% y/y with strong margins. In total, adjusted EBITDA for the group amounted to SEK-29m, negatively affected by Games.

Important quarters ahead

Recent quarters have come in much lower than our expectations, with NGS, Bergsala, and Games reporting significantly lower sales and margins compared to our estimates. However, we believe that management is taking the right steps by divesting NGS, reducing the workforce, and streamlining the Games pipeline, actions that should become visible in the coming quarters, especially in H2 and 2025. With that said, given the company’s financial position, upcoming game launches are becoming increasingly important, and we do not rule out a capital injection in the current year.

Estimate changes and valuation

Following the Q1 report, we have revised our estimates downwards, anticipating lower sales from Bergsala and lower margins for Games. We have also included a capital injection of SEK100m in our bear case, resulting in a dilution of 46%. Our new valuation range is SEK1-7 (3-18), with a base case of SEK4(7). Our base case of SEK4 corresponds to an EV/Adj EBITA multiple of 5.7x (25e).

Key financials

Net Sales3,030.72,850.01,837.52,142.92,336.3
Sales Growth-3.5%-6.0%231%200%273%
EBIT Margin6.5%-21.4%-13.7%3.2%3.4%
Net Income126.6-620.2-328.081.7135.2

Q1 2024 review

Thunderful Group’s Q1 figures was aligned with preliminary numbers, and net sales came in 22% below our expectations. The deviation in sales is primarily explained by lower sales in Bergsala and NGS, which both declined 33% and 50%, respectively. Although we had expected a weaker quarter for Bergsala due to the age of Nintendo Switch, the sharp decline in Q1 was much larger than expected. Due to the tough comparables in Q2, where Bergsala was boosted by The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and The Super Mario Bros Movie, we expect the y/y decline to accelerate in the coming quarter.

Adj EBITDA for the group was significantly lower than our estimates, amounting to SEK-29m compared to our estimate of SEK27m; the deviation is primarily explained by Games, which had an adj EBITDA of SEK-20m compared to our estimate of SEK27m.

Estimate vs outome
SEKmQ4 22Q1 23Q2 23Q3 23Q4 23Q1 24Q1 24Diff %Diff abs
Net sales1,201555715626953392505-22%-113
O/W Bergsala599205409260418129185-30%-55
O/W NGS2351309810117764123-48%-59
O/W AMO Toys1671141011751891291198%10
Adj. EBITDA185.272.783.283.22.9-2927-208%-56
O/W Bergsala60.710.034.528.840.2-39-133%-12
O/W NGS-4.20.3-5.3-6.1-54.0-14-1214%-2
O/W Amo Toys0.59.0-1.930.619.7151055%5
Adj. EBITA165.751.750.148.9-143.8-1417n.m.-148
Adj. EBITDA margin15.4%13.1%11.6%13.3%0.3%-7.4%5.3%
O/W Bergsala10%5%8%11%10%-2%5%
O/W NGS-2%0%-5%-6%-30%-22%-10%
O/W Amo Toys0%8%-2%17%10%11%8%
Adj. EBITA margin13.8%9.3%7.0%7.8%-15.1%-36.0%1.3%
Source: Redeye research

As anticipated, the Q1 figures were weak, with both segments performing significantly below expectations. We maintain our view that the Games segment is the most disappointing, with a negative adjusted EBITDA of SEK-20m. In light of the preliminary Q1 figures, we sought further clarity regarding the lower profitability in the quarter. On that note, we see somewhat lower capitalized costs of approximately SEK7m compared to Q1 2023. Meanwhile, the company states that the reduced workforce has not yet taken effect in the quarter. Hence, the lower profitability seems to stem from higher personnel costs coupled with lower capitalized costs, an effect that should be lower in the coming quarters. Regarding distribution, we believe nothing stood out compared to the preliminary figures.


Net sales for Games came in at SEK69m (107), 11% below our estimates of SEK77m. There were no major game releases in the quarter, and Steamworld Build has continued to deliver below management’s expectations in Q1 (the game was released in December 2023). Compared to Q1 2023, Games had a lower contribution from co-development and the Partner business, whereas both Coatsink and Robot Teddy had higher one-time revenues last year.

Although sales were only somewhat lower than expected, we were surprised by the lower margin in the quarter. Adj EBITDA came in at SEK-20m (58), with a margin of -28% (54%). As described above, the lower margin seems to stem from higher personnel costs coupled with lower capitalized costs.

In terms of the pipeline, the company made some significant changes in the quarter and divested/closed down 12 game projects, whereas 3 are internal developments. The majority of the games in the pipeline are undisclosed titles, but among those disclosed, we are most excited about Aska, Steamworld Heist 2, and Replaced, all expected to launch in 2024. The company wrote down approximately SEK72m related to games in the quarter.

Games Sales & EBITA
Games EBITA Inv


Net sales for Distribution reached SEK323m (448) and decreased -26% y/y, 24% below our estimates of SEK427m. Looking at profitability, Adj EBITDA in Distribution amounted to SEK-2m (19), with a margin of -1% (4%), lower than our estimate of SEK6m. The negative deviation stems primarily from lower sales and profitability in Bergsala, while Amo Toys delivered better than expected in terms of sales and profitability. The company has decided to divest NGS after the quarter for approximately SEK76m, an expected move that is expected to have a positive cash flow effect in Q2 and onwards.

Distribution Sales & EBITA
Distribution sales-uni

Inventory, in relation to distribution sales, decreased from 26% in Q4 to 22% in Q1. This does not align with the historical seasonality pattern, where inventory is usually higher in Q1 compared to Q4. We expect the inventory build-up that typically occurs in Q2 to be offset somewhat by the divestment of NGS, which had roughly SEK100m in inventory at the date of the transaction signing.

Distribution Sales & Inventory

By incorporating receivables and accounts payables into inventory, we get a core net working capital metric (assuming that the majority of receivables and accounts payables are associated with the distribution segment). The EBITA/Core NWC ratio peaked at 45%. Since then, a positive trend has emerged, until this quarter, when it reached 9%. We deem this level too low for the segment to achieve robust cash generation, and we see potential for further improvements.


Financial situation

Cash flow from operations for the quarter was SEK-155m (64), negatively affected by the lower profitability and working capital changes. Free cash flow amounted to SEK-200m, and Thunderful Group ended the period with a Net debt of SEK647m (up from SEK402m in the previous quarter), which equals a Net debt / Adj EBITDA ratio of 4.6x on an LTM basis. The cash balance, including unutilized credit facilities, amounted to SEK131m at the end of the quarter.

Typically, Q2-Q3 is weak cash flow quarters due to a build-up in working capital. However, we observe that the company significantly reduced its accounts payables in Q1 (down from SEK574m at the end of Q4 to SEK72m). This reduction can also be compared to accounts payables of SEK343m in Q1 2023 and SEK275m in Q1 2022. Therefore, assuming no changes in payment terms, we anticipate a positive impact on cash flow in the coming quarters from higher accounts payables in Q2-Q3, offsetting the negative effect from inventory build-up. Additionally, the cash flow will benefit from the divestment of NGS. On the negative side, the company has short-term earn-outs of SEK83m expected to be paid out in H2 2024.

The company has received a waiver from its bank, which is conditional upon the divestment of certain assets. Given the management's responses during the Q1 presentation, we do not rule out further divestments in addition to Headup and NGS.

Although we can see a scenario where the current cash position, coupled with the divestment of NGS, reduced negative working capital impact, and strong game launches in the upcoming quarters (especially Steamworld Heist 2), might be sufficient for the company to achieve positive cash flow, we maintain our view that there still exists a significant risk for a capital injection. We include a capital injection of SEK100m in our bear case, resulting in a dilution of 46%.

Estimate changes


We are revising our estimates downward for 2025e-2026e following the report, anticipating that the reduced games pipeline will have a greater impact on Games’ sales from 2025 onwards. However, we are raising our estimates for 2024e as we adjust our assumptions somewhat for Aska and Steamworld Heist 2. The most significant disappointment in the quarter was profitability, and the company provided mid-term guidance of 35% in adjusted EBITDA margins. Consequently, we are adjusting our margin assumptions downward for both the short and medium terms.

• Sales increased by 7% for 2024e and lowered by 4-7% 2025e-2026e
• Adjusted EBITDA lowered by 64% for 2024e and 29% 2025e-2026e


Following the significant sales decline in Bergsala, we are lowering our sales estimates for this segment quite significantly while making slight upward adjustments for Amo Toys, which outperformed our expectations. Furthermore, in light of the divestment of NGS, we have revised our estimates, with the transaction expected to close in Q2.

• Sales lowered by 34% for 2024e and 25-18% 2025e-2026e.
• Adjusted EBITDA lowered by 24% for 2024e and 17-2% 2025e-2026e

Estimate revisions
New EstimatesOld EstimatesDiff (%)
Net sales1,8372,1432,3362,5732,7462,790-29%-22%-16%
O/W Bergsala7471,1571,3311,1631,3371,351-36%-13%-1%
O/W NGS7900454440440-83%-100%-100%
O/W AMO Toys6226346475926036155%5%5%
Adj. EBITDA117250278253337344-54%-26%-19%
O/W Bergsala3781968110797-54%-24%-1%
O/W NGS-1400-1744-17%-100%-100%
O/W Amo Toys59515243484935%5%5%
Adj. EBITA-123153173117214218-205%-28%-21%
Source: Redeye research

Financial estimates

SEK m20222023Q1'24Q2'24eQ3'24eQ4'24e2024e2025e2026e
Net sales3,0312,8503913664885921,8372,1432,336
O/W Bergsala1,2931,2921291431822927471,1571,331
O/W NGS6995066415007900
O/W AMO Toys524579129120181193622634647
Adj. EBITDA376242-29146172117250278
O/W Bergsala99114-361123378196
O/W NGS-2-65-14000-1400
O/W Amo Toys1571581817595152
Adj. EBITA284.86.9-141.1-12.011.918.7-123.2153.2172.8
Adj. EBITDA margin12.4%8.5%-7.4%3.7%12.4%12.2%6.4%11.7%11.9%
O/W Bergsala7.7%8.8%-2.2%4.0%6.2%8.0%5.0%7.0%7.2%
O/W NGS-0.3%-12.9%-21.9%-3.0%#DIV/0!#DIV/0!-18.4%#DIV/0!#DIV/0!
O/W Amo Toys0.1%9.9%11.5%7.0%10.0%9.0%9.4%8.0%8.0%
Adj. EBITA margin9.4%0.2%-36.1%-3.3%2.4%3.2%-6.7%7.2%7.4%
Source: Redeye research


DCF valuation

Following the Q1 2024 report and our revised estimates, we update our valuation range. Our new valuation range is SEK1-7 (3-18), with a base case of SEK4(8). Our base case of SEK4 corresponds to an EV/Adj EBITA multiple of 5.7x(25e). We apply a WACC of 12% in all scenarios.

Valuation scenarios
SEKBear case Base caseBull case
Valuation per share147
Revenue CAGR 2023-2028-4%-3%-2%
Revenue CAGR 2029-20381%1%3%
Avg EBITDA-margin 2024-203811%12%13%
Terminal growth 2%2%2%
Terminal EBITDA %13%14%15%
Source: Redeye research

Investment thesis


Solid base in distribution with upside potential in games

Thunderful Group is a dynamic and diversified entertainment company positioned at the intersection of gaming, media, and toys. With a robust portfolio of successful game franchises, strategic partnerships, and a growing presence in the toy industry, Thunderful presents an appealing investment opportunity


Long history of game development and distribution

Thunderful’s internal development studios have long experience in creating successful games. Its high-quality development capacity has enabled platform deals with Meta, EA, and Microsoft. This reduces the game segment's risk as it provides stable cash flow at high margins. Bergsala has had a relationship with Nintendo since 1981 and has been one of Nintendo’s best-performing markets across Europe.


Limited M&A experience and poor reception from latest game releases

Thunderful’s latest internal game releases have received a poor reception from users and have not lived up to expectations. While this is clearly negative for the investment case, we still believe the key upcoming internal games deserved a chance as the other ones were developed and financed by external publishers. Thunderful made three acquisitions last year, and it still remains to be seen how good the capital allocation is.


Multiple expansion expected

We derive our base case on the back of a DCF model. Our base case of SEK4 corresponds to an EV/Adj EBITA multiple of 5.7x(25e). All in all, the multiple should increase going forward as games become larger in terms of the entire group.

Quality Rating

People: 3

The management team has solid experience in the industry and has been active in the markets for more than 20 years. Furthermore, the Board of Directors owns 25% of the shares. Although the management team brings significant expertise within the sector, both the CEO and CFO have recently joined the company, and thus, we need more time to evaluate their performance. 

Business: 3

The Distribution offers lower growth but contributes with solid cash flow, which could be deployed into the fastgrowing and high-margin segment, games. Games operate four different revenue pillars, diversifying its revenue mix between its own game releases, external publishing, and co-development deals, mitigating project risks while enabling high margins with good cash flow visibility

Financials: 2

Cash flows have historically been very stable, and the company has grown a lot in the past. However, the biggest transformation is yet to come as margins are set to expand due to the investment into the much more profitable Games segment. The mix shift is expected to drive significant cash-flows in the future. 


Income statement
Cost of Revenue1,928.21,751.11,011.41,316.61,457.7
Operating Expenses732.4869.2736.5576.7600.6
Shares in Associates0.
Interest Expenses60.532.2109.615.010.0
Net Financial Items-37.74.0-84.235.991.8
Income Tax Expenses37.114.9-8.321.735.9
Net Income126.6-620.2-328.081.7135.2

Rating definitions

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